Ace Evolution

v2 Chapter 12: (One thousand, one hundred and twenty ..

Calmness and Madness, Chapter 12 of Fang Lin VS Iori

This is the unique skill of the dry ground Qixian Society's unremitting power and offense and defense!

Frustrate the earth!

This dragonfly gently touched the water, but it was the end of the S-level skills that Hu Huahao had launched!

The mastery of this Qiyanshe replica has reached an extremely scary level in terms of grasping the use of skills!

S-level skills are terminated by students, but the points they activate will not be refunded! Hu Huahao's feeling of frustration at this moment is really indescribable! But the matter is not over yet. The hit of the copy of the Qiyanshe is called an offense and defense, and the defense is successful, then the counterattack is coming!

Qixiansha copied a decent expressionless kick and kicked Hu Huahao's back, then reached out with both hands, grabbed Lao Hu's shoulders, and the paralysis power was instantly derived to his whole body, and one knee pressed against his waist , Hu Huohao throws himself forward obliquely with one hand!

Nirvana! Hardened Earth

"Nothing" novel Ww.uld

With a smash of earth and stones, Hu Huahao's burly body was rolled and thrown out, knocking down a half of the pillar. He just felt a faint in front of his eyes and blood bleed into his eyes, blurring the world into a dangling blood color!

"Huh, huh ...." Hu Huahao stood up shakingly, he just felt that the bones all over his body were broken, if there were not enough drugs and food left in the KOF contract space, under this blow Already unable to climb again. Hu Huahao has experienced countless times of failure. However, failures like this one that are not met by an opponent can be a shame and shame like never before!

The replica of Laohu Jianqi Temple stands far away. With a cross in my heart, I suddenly raised my hands and yelled at the ground! A mine quake was issued, but the intangible energy of the mine quake spread when it was about to reach the replica of the Qisongsha, but he jumped up swiftly and volleyed side by side. Hu Huahao was still in the air just after launching his skills. stage. He didn't even have the ability to parry, and his burly body was suddenly flying. Blood spurted from his mouth, and he slammed into the back wall!

However, after hitting the blow, although Hu Huahao's bones seemed to be rusty and painful, and his right leg was numb and hard to move, his heart vaguely captured the vital !! Just separated by a layer of window paper, it broke in a moment!

Seeing the strong and indifferent copy of the Qiyanshe approaching slowly, Hu Huahao gasped twice. The other party was a habitual temptation to kick lightly, but Lao Hu really had a stubborn suffocation. He is buried here today, and I want to let you draw the lottery! Therefore, he actually did not defend the counterattack, because the punching relationship was slow, he simply slammed his right leg kicked to the Qiyansha replica!

Theoretically, if this copy of Qisongshe is the chest of Xunzheng Laohu, it won't be counted as a pat. But he took a step back in the air. I would rather not kick Lao Hu than I would be shot by Lao Hu's lethal slap!

Suddenly, Lao Hu's heart thundered and flashed past a thought he didn't have:

"Is he less powerful than me? That's why he is so scared of me?"

As the copy of Qisongshe tapped again, Lao Hu continued leaning against the wall, whispered, and quickly patted it with no power. The copy of the Qibei Club really rushed to stop. After falling into such a temporary stalemate, Hu Huahao couldn't restrain himself from recalling the attack of the replica of the Qiyan Society in front of him, and he was surprised to find that his fighting style was completely different!

It is directly rushed to catch people by virtue of its strength advantage. This kind of fighting method has not felt any disadvantages before, but now it encounters strong enemies and it seems to be bound by hands and feet and completely suppressed!

Although this Qiyansha replica is also good at throwing, but most of the offense uses basic fighting methods such as punches and feet, slowly consuming the physical strength, once it catches the flaw. Only with continuous hand and foot attacks will the advantages be expanded. Finally, the rigidity caused by the physical pain was used to perform the investment techniques, so even though the two had a disparity in strength. Hu Huahao, who is accustomed to using direct throwing techniques to bombard his opponent, was actually suppressed.

"Interesting ....." Hu Huahao said with some understanding then, let's compete! "

Although his leg was injured and his mobility decreased at this time, his back was steadily beaten against the wall, his defense was very tight, and he gradually stabilized his position. Although the copy of the Qibei Club acted more quickly and relied on his height, The attack distance should also be a little longer, but Lao Hu has the bottom of the drug that keeps recovering. He puts his stance for injury and injury, and slowly starts to shift from full defense to tentative attack.

At this time, the copy of Qisongshe appeared a little anxious, suddenly took a step forward, slipping forward and kicking forward, it was Qishousha's proud special skills and slipping (front light foot). This kick from kicking to kicking was launched very quickly and suddenly, but closed slightly slower, Hu Huahao avoided it, or did not intend to avoid it at all, and once again stiffly suffered the kick, the physical strength immediately fell to Less than 1/3, a red warning color appeared.

At this time, the copy of Qisongshe leaned forward and still maintained a slippery posture. He had already entered Hu Huahao's grasping range. Hu Huahao had previously given a hard kick. Presumably waiting was this great opportunity. It seemed as if the tiger roared. Wrestling was launched again, and the detective grabbed a copy of Qisongshe!

This catch was outraged, but unfortunately, the copy of the Qiyan Society seemed to have calculated Hu Huahao's last move. A quick jump, one-handed detection, but once again exhibited the "defeat the earth" offense and defense. Tricks.

This trick can successfully crack even the S-level skills, not to mention the * -level skills world return?

But Lao Hu's eyes suddenly showed a cruel and crazy look, and the gloves on his hands suddenly emitted a strong green light!

"Dickon's brutal level --- 3, launch!"

"You launched Deakin's Cruelty: Strength value, agility value increased by 20%, movement speed increased by 30% within 30 seconds. After use, it will forcibly consume 50% of the current maximum physical value, and consume a little potential points. Cooldown: 18 hour."

Hu Huahao, whose overall body attributes and movement speed have been comprehensively enhanced, suddenly accepted the move! The "Heaven and Earth Return" issued by him is just a sharp and imaginary trick. Slamming the ground and leaping back, kicked in the air and kicked in the right hand probing out of the copy of Qisongshe!

The power contained on this foot is extremely great, kicking the copy of the Qiyanshe in the air and losing his balance! Tumbled and flew out! As soon as Lao Hu landed, the anger in his heart had accumulated to the highest point, and he bent over and kicked his legs, and rushed towards the Qiyansha replica like a beast of prey!

With a bang, Lao Hu's all-out boxing went empty, hitting the wall, hitting the hard wall with a deep ditch, the gray stone filled the room, the copy of the Qilian Society turned back cleverly, and his body was also a blue light. Flashing, the outline of the body is blurred during the journey, it looks very gray and difficult to identify, it is almost dissolved in the dark, and the speed of movement is also significantly accelerated!

"!" Lao Hu was still confessing that he should be fully fired as soon as he came up, relying on the advantage that his movement speed can be increased by nearly doubled, this guy would be killed in one go. UU reading But now it seems that these seven Replicas also have the ability to increase movement speed in a short time. And according to its speed of travel, it is definitely faster than the speed of full skills!

Hu Huahao looked at the copy of the Qisongshe who was walking around, and found that the injury caused to the guy by the only foot was really not low, that is, he was a kind of low-strength man with agility and strength as his supplement. . If you can seize the opportunity, it is really a great opportunity!

The two tentatively attacked again, and both returned without success. When Lao Hu habitually entered the contract space to retrieve restorative food, he found that there was nothing left. His heart was cold, he took a few steps backwards, leaned against the wall, and put on a stance with a static brake!

Quickly passed, the effect of the two's self-strengthening skills gradually disappeared. The copy of the Qisongshe re-evaluated the distance between the two, and began to use a long-distance tap to conduct a tentative attack. This method caused a lot of headaches for Lao Hu, especially when the copy of the Qisongshe found that his light fist countered. In fact, there is no lethality, but it has a taste of being an inch.

But just after the copy of Qisongshe tapped his foot again, Lao Hu Qiang resisted the pain in the heart of his foot, suddenly bent over and rushed forward, and dragged several long phantoms behind him!

Equipment comes with skills: afterimage, start!

This time the raid was unexpectedly out of the replica of the Hachimansha! He never expected that the opponent in front of him would not only have a terrible amount of recovery medicines and food, but even the vital acceleration skills could be performed twice in a row!

Calmness and Madness, Chapter 12 of Fang Lin VS Iori

Calmness and madness, the 12th chapter of Fang Lin VS Eight Gods Volume is played by [no * wrong] [small-speaking-net] members. For more chapters, please visit the website: