Ace Evolution

v2 Chapter 14: (1,180 ...

Calmness and Madness, Chapter 14 of Fang Lin VS Iori

In the face of this monster that was several times his size, Iori showed a cruel sneer on the corner of his mouth. Instead, he accelerated quickly. At the moment of the collision, a blazing purple flame suddenly burned on his left hand, and he pressed it against his head. The sprinting fat man's chest drank softly and jumped up, but he pushed the fat man's huge body into the hard concrete ground. A splendid purple flame rose, and there was a sudden scorching smell in the air!

* Level Skills: Eight God ancient martial arts flow, two hundred and two styles. Qin Yueyin!

The huge and plump body of the elite fat man was burned into a large purple torch in an instant! It turned into bones before falling to the ground, but it was ashes that finally scattered on the ground!

So powerful!

Fang Lin stood still at this moment, turned around, and looked coldly at this crazy and lonely man thirty meters away. Immediately after the Eight Gods rushed forward, the oblique stab suddenly rushed out from behind Fang Lin a Zhang Yawu--fiction .. the horrifying figure of dancing claws! It is the scary monster left in the cultivation tank. Its tail suddenly swells and shrinks, it seems like a few light greens like a machine gun! This is a transformation of the dinosaur gene fragments from the cell-mixed elite fat man of Yamazaki Ryuji. Even the Eight Gods frowned slightly, then jumped a step away, hitting the ground and making a loud noise, and the ground was corroded. Deep hole!

Fang Lin pressed the remote control on his hands while the Eight Gods hesitated.

This is a Yamada view, controlled by a powerful magic charm, sitting in a wheelchair.

A violent explosion occurred immediately.

Accurately calculated explosives blasted the stone soil above the tunnel and quickly dropped. The 50-meter-long channel collapsed in an instant, blocking the path to the terrible pursuit of Yashen, even though mighty like Yashen, he did not dare to run forward with the danger of being buried alive. The red-haired man in black was angry. Pole, screaming loudly in the sky when the earth and rocks collapsed madly! Echoing in this dark and gloomy space. Extraordinarily weird!

Fang Lin sighed, like a normal whisper:

"This ... is just the beginning."

Fortunately, the battle upstairs was not over at this time. From time to time, huge roars came out, shaking the entire towering building weak and trembling. As the person in charge of this underground research institute, Yamada King naturally could control the action of the mutant replica and let it follow to protect him. Moving forward, Fang Linshun drew some important information from the Gies Group into his arms and hurried forward. He ran into Hu Huahao, who was looking for him, and was bathing in blood.

To be honest, Lao Hu looked very embarrassed at this time, his clothes and trousers were ripped through a lot of holes, his face was bluish and purple, the corners of his mouth were swollen, his nose was turned up, his nose There were also two dried bloodstains at the bottom. Walking is limping.

Fang Linxuan looked and was surprised:

"Lao Hu, are you okay! Ah! Did the land use up all the food during the battle?"

Hu Huahao touched the cold air and waved his hands in pain, straightened his waist, and tried to make a look of calmness and contempt:

"How can the waste take me? I just wanted to play with him, and it was so long."

Fang Lin, the father-in-law, had the face to die. Although he was secretly funny in his heart, he turned his head to look for alcohol, and he was roughly dealt with the injury medicine. Fortunately, Hu Huahao except the leg injuries were more serious, the rest were all skin injuries. It will be restored soon.

At this time, a small red light on the side of the instrument suddenly flashed, and Yamada's voice machine next to it said:

"The self-explosive device in this building has been activated and will explode in ten minutes. Lord Guis is about to leave by helicopter."

Fang Lin gently rubbed his fingers in his eyebrows, and after thinking for dozens of seconds, he looked up and said categorically:

"Lao Hu. Go and change to the clothes of the special police officer who died next."

Hu Huahao yelled:

"How about you?"

Fang Lin took a deep breath:

"I'm afraid I can't leave. If I go out now, it will be the same! Don't say more. I. After you, let Katsuo Xiong check the detailed information of Japan's garrison near Tokyo."

Hu Huahao nodded silently, patted his shoulder and walked out. The two are in the same mind, so many things don't need to say a lot, they already know.

After watching Lao Hu leave, Fang Lin rushed to an emergency elevator next to the emergency power source according to the clues in Yamada's memory, and quickly moved to the top of the building by pressing the switch. After getting out of the elevator, there was a strong **** smell on the face. The corpses of seven or eight mutant clones fell here, and almost all the Japanese police were buried here as Mary attacked. Fang Lin was really shocked by the blurry scene.

Three huge black and deep black pits on the ground indicate the direction of the battle group transfer. This is the trace left by Terry ’s super nirvana. The entire wall of this floor was gasified by instant high temperature. Traces of lava flowing through the ruptured edges of the walls left a dazzling red light in the darkness, showing the terrible lethality of Terry's high-track fountain.

Fang Lin hurriedly changed into the clothes of a dead special police team member and disguised himself. At this time, the helicopter on the platform on the top of the building had “zaza” launched and left the ground. But Billy on the plane waved his stick and hit the fly lightly. The remaining clones of the mutant Qiyanshe were snarling and entangled with Mary and the others, so that they could not be distracted.

At this time Fang Lin noticed that the five plot fighting characters on Mary's side were also all wounded. Among them, Andy and Dongzhang had lost their fighting power, and they spit blood beside them. There were signs of being burned by the flames. I wanted to come because of being hit by Billy's blaze stick, and Yamazaki Ryuji on the plane was completely pale and completely unconscious, whether it was life or death.

Fang Lin calculated silently, and suddenly rushed out when there were still more than two minutes, shouting in surprise:

"Gith launched a bomb! Run away! It will explode soon!"

He yelled out, and the crowd was suddenly stunned. Mary was the most thoughtful and immediately rushed:


Fang Lin coughed deliberately, biting his tongue to prevent blood from flowing out. It looked rather miserable. He just grabbed Mary's hand by force and looked like he couldn't say it. Mary was quite decisive and immediately stood up to help Dongzhang shout:

"Everyone retreat!"

With that said, he was the first to go straight downstairs. Five powerful dramas drew away, and the remaining Interpol were at best close to the level of Hu Huahao and others. They immediately ran into danger, fled and fled. Fang Lin, who was directly abandoned by the object, cursed two words in his heart, ruthless drama, meaningless, and patted the dust toward the edge of the roof.

"Thirty seconds ..."

"Twenty seconds ..."

Fang Lin leaned on the railing on the top of the building, and the wind rolled up his hair, coupled with the blood on his face, the indifferent expression, there really was a desolation at the end.

A ghostly figure flickered out of the stairs, red hair, long clothes, with arrogance and indifference at random ~ ~ He looked up and looked indifferently.

Fang Lin looked at him uncompromisingly, and although his face still remained basically calm, Idol's two ghostly eyes made his breathing quick. In the face of the huge pressure of fear on this horrible man, it seems to be going to bury all naive, irresponsible, rebellious, violent and hypocritical, leaving a layer of hysteria!

Fang Lin involuntarily pinched his knuckles and turned white. With a smile on his face:

"You came?"

Iori came coldly, the tall, thin and slightly skewed figure had a secret pride under the moon, and the purple flame in his hand had been violently generated in the air. He was quite lonely, like a terrible wolf standing under the new moon. Fang Lin leaned against the railing and sighed deeply. Just as Ziyan in the hands of the Eight Gods was about to toss out his hand, Fang Lin's railing leaning on it broke suddenly! He just stayed in a reclining position and fell down calmly!

This is the top floor of the building!

The height from here to the ground! It's 139 meters! Enough to smash people into flesh!

Fang Lin, who was falling rapidly in the air, looked at the rooftop that was quickly away, looking at the indifferent face of Iori, smiling suddenly, and gently waving his hand:

"Three, two, one, goodbye."

Seventeen time bombs installed in various vital parts of this building show that they suddenly stopped at 00000 at the same time!

The entire building burst into flames all at once, unwillingly shaking and collapsing, ashes filled with smoke, and the eight gods quickly disappeared into Fang Lin's sight in the unwilling scream.

Calmness and Madness, Chapter 14 of Fang Lin VS Iori

Calmness and madness, Chapter 14 of Fang Lin VS Eight Divine Scrolls is played by [No * Wrong] [Small-Speak-Net] members, please visit the website for more chapters: