Ace Evolution

v3 Chapter 43: Flicker

Fang Lin was stunned, and paid a careful examination to the craftsman. However, he found that the blood on the sly guy was all others, and he was not hurt at all, but was scared. He relieved two words, suddenly I feel that there is something very wrong. When I think about it carefully, I immediately find the source:

"Wait ... what did you call me, lord?"

The face of the craftsman suddenly turned red, and he was thinking for a while, and in the distance there was a laughter of Lao Hu's unique style:

"I knew your kid would do."

Fang Lin's eyes suddenly filled with a warm smile:

"I forget that you can feel the position of Zhao Lang in this mission target, otherwise I really plan to surprise you."

Zhao Langzhong's injuries were very serious, and both legs were completely worn out. I'm afraid I can't stand up and walk anymore in this life. But Fang Lin and Lao Hu didn't bother about this at all, as long as the man didn't take a breath before seeing that old man, everything was safe.

Of course, given the rich rewards that Dingjiazhuang had saved after the rescue, Fang Lin had no plans to save the dead, but the rescue also had to be timed, even if the expensive medicines purchased from the nightmare space were wasted, that would have to be Used on the blade-the key to that task is not to be a healthy Zhao Lang, but to the old man to bear his affection!

Green and Huang Zhong also came to meet one after another, and they all looked quite embarrassed. As Fang Lin expected, after the surprise attack, Cao Junying sent staff to the riverside camp for help.

Green and Hu Huahao, after they intercepted four or five rushing messengers for help, they were exhausted and finally missed two missing fish. The next thing is to follow Fang Lin's plan closely, in order to maximize the degree It can be said that Cao Jun's offensive of the lagging river bank bridge has done his best, and even the craftsmen paid such logistical personnel to go deep behind the enemy to perform the dangerous work of setting fire.

"You are doing well," Fang Lin smiled. "But I did a good job."

He said he took the fourteen ordinary keys and a golden key and brought them out to the front. Because Huang Zhong and other plot characters couldn't see this, Fang Lin didn't have to avoid anything.

In the face of these precious wealth full of gambling chances, Green only glanced a little, but Hu Huahao on the side had already unknowingly took a cool breath and cursed excitedly:

"I rely, where are you going to Cao Jun Barracks or the bank? Is there a key store?"

Fang Lin smiled slightly and said casually:

"This is the good reward task I mentioned before! Otherwise, with the abnormal difficulty of the main line gold task, why did you specifically explain the 48 hours left to us after killing Li Dian? That is clearly left to us It's worth it. "

"Let's go. The keys can be opened slowly afterwards," Fang Lin sighed lazily: "It's just me and Lao Lei. You can rest in peace. Still, in order to avoid night long dreams, we have to go early Those who send this hot potato early can be truly at ease. "

The hot potato in Fang Linkou was naturally Zhao Langzhong, who was unconscious and dying. As for the low and dilapidated city walls, I am afraid that even ordinary people can't stop them, let alone a monster-like old Hu-even if Lao Hu still carries a person on his shoulder.


The fire in the barracks outside the city turned red for half the night, and the sound of shouting and killing was faintly heard. The county captain only came when the Shu army attacked, and he was shocked to escape from the gap in the city wall overnight. The ordinary people who are feeling are even more panic-stricken. The entire county was in a terrible death, Fang Lin and a half-dead were walking in the street with a big swing, but they didn't meet half a living!

Old man He ’s original shop floor has been embezzled by the annihilating merchants, so he can only go back to the dilapidated old house to live in. He can really be described by the walls of his family. Of course, the place is very remote. Fortunately, Fang Lin visited once during the day. At this time, although in the dark night, his abnormal memory can easily be found.

After arriving at the doorway, Lin took Zhao Langzhong, who was still unconscious, and reminded him:

"If you wait for a while, you can't keep talking."

Then he motioned to Hu to knock on the door. Hu Huahao just said that in front of him was the double-layer thick-plate iron security door in the real world. With a light pat, the two poor decaying wooden doors flew straight and broke out. Lao Hu's eyes widened, and he kept knocking at the door, turning his head to Lin's unusually innocent pathetic:

"I ... I really didn't mean it."

Fang Lin sighed:

"I know. If you did it on purpose, this house should have collapsed."

At this time some noise came from the darkness, and an old voice weakened:

"There are still seven pennies on the table and half a meter of rice in the tank. Take them and leave."

Fang Lin, Lao Hu: "......... well, we are not thieves ..."

Fang Lin said quite eagerly:

"Doctor Ho, come and save people."

Speaking of the word “helping”, the old man coughed twice and immediately got up and lit the oil lamp. When he saw Fang Lin, he just stunned slightly, then looked at the blood-stained Zhao Langzhong in Lao Hu Huai and slowly shook his head:

"He was hurt too much, and his lips were dead white, afraid he wasn't saved."

I do n’t know if the lights are too dim or the old man is dim. The old man apparently did n’t recognize the injured person as his disciple. Even though he said so, he let them put people on the temporary bunk piled up next to the straw and hit them. Wash him with a basin of water. Medical ethics are really noble.

Fang Lin remained calm, pretending to be a helper beside him, but sighed and complained:

"This man was a prisoner in Cao Jun's barracks. We also rescued him. I didn't care about this gossip. I didn't expect my brother to be kind-hearted and best at heart. Creating a seven-level floating slaughter, this kind of kindness, almost did not lose both of our lives here. "

Lao Hu stood beside him and smiled, Ren Fanglin was slowly flickering, and Old Man He took a while and shook his head with a sigh:

"It wasn't saved. You don't have to waste time, at most you can reach dawn."

Fang Lin was using a wet wipe to remove the dirt and blood on Zhao Langzhong's face, and when he heard that, he immediately shook his hand and looked at Lao Hu angrily:

"Hey, I know it's a waste of effort. It's all you idiots, good intentions! Save someone for nothing, so that we didn't even take those few hundred and two gold! We even carried the half-dead into the city in the flat. Right now, I have to carry this dead man back! What a shame! "

The innocent scolded Lao Hu opened his eyes with eyes wide, shocked and angry, and was about to scold him, but immediately remembered Fang Lin's previous instructions, he had to swallow his head and kept his head silent, a really good "beloved baby" appearance!

When Fang Lin said, he backed up the half-dead Zhao Langzhong, dropped ten large sums of money, said to the old man, arched his hands, and said that he was bothersome, and then scolded him and went out.

The two took less than ten steps, and Lao Hu had caught up and whispered:

"You stupid you?"

Fang Lin whispered with a strange smile:

"I have dropped a tattered prescription on Zhao Langzhong's body, and the old man will chase it out right away."

Sure enough, the two walked a few more steps, and they heard the sound of footsteps behind them. It was the old man who stumbled and chased them out, climbing to Fang Lin, begging with excitement:

"Son walk slowly, come into my room and let me look again."

Although the outside was dark, Lao Hu saw half a torn piece of paper in Old Man's hand at a glance. He wanted to recognize the apprentice's handwriting. For Old Man Ho, a wifeless and old man, Zhao Langzhong accepted part of him. The disciples are almost identical to their sons, of course, they are extremely concerned.

Fang Lin said suddenly:

"This man can't live anyway ~ ~ Just take it out and bury it at night, isn't it a big trouble for people to see it at dawn?"

The old man rushed out, panting tightly, his throat snoring for a while, and phlegm asthma attacked, and he couldn't speak for a while. He was so anxious that he just dragged Fang Lin to death. I didn't notice. Only when I saw the handwriting on the half of the prescription that Fang Lin intentionally left on the ground seemed to know each other, did I realize that the half-dead patient was very similar to the only apprentice regardless of his physical appearance and hurried out. Lao Hu quietly kicked Fang Lin's kick, lest he play the old guy to his own task, then he will not get involved, and said loudly:

"Maybe there is something important for the elderly. Will you lose a little meat when you move back? If I die, even if I die, it will be me!"

Said to take the Zhao Langzhong from Fang Lin, back to the house.

(To be continued)

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