Ace Evolution

v4 Chapter 66: The Truth of the Top 10

Fang Lin frowned and thought carefully:

"This stranger called him a strong brother. His skills and weapons are mainly agile, and he is carrying a servant like me, but he is a woman seduced from the world of whirlwind. Visually speaking, it should be There is a passive skill: a permanent hazy effect makes the enemy unable to see your exact location, and the hit rate drops significantly. "

"It really is him," said Shana with some concern. "It is said that he is a candidate."

"A candidate?" Fang Lin heard a new term from her mouth again. Suddenly I felt that I was afraid of some important key. I looked at her word by word: "Sana, even in the face of the Thunderer, I didn't ask you to do cannon fodder, and sacrifice you. "

Sana nodded her grateful acknowledgement, and sincerely thought it!

Fang Lin then sincerely said:

"I'm not saying nothing, but right now I'm afraid that there will be a fierce conflict with third-party forces. I hope you can tell what you know in advance. Don't wait until the end to tell us that I can The deposit you paid will be returned immediately. After the battle of the Thunderer, I was really afraid of an unexpected small probability event, so I have to be careful-believe me. "

Xana thought for a while, then pointed at Delong cheerfully:

"Okay, although you are too deep in the city, at present it seems that all the words that have been said have been fulfilled so far. I will say everything I know, but the deron guy must also know some insider information. Let him first say that I can add that it can play a more complementary role in intelligence. I will be there to supervise and confirm, and I am not afraid that he will not tell the truth. "

Delong was a little ecstatic. After listening to Sana's words, her expression immediately cried, but she was looked at by the fierce eyes of Lao Hu and the butcher. The cold sweat on her forehead immediately fell down, knowing that today is a duck catch Can't run on the shelves, especially the artisans over there, it seems to be looking at the obscene face of a cash machine, and said to myself, hurry up! Besides, he is still quite stable on Fang Lin's boat now, and he doesn't want Fang Lin to be unlucky, he can only do nothing:

"Okay. Let me talk first."

So under the description of these two people, some deeper secrets of the nightmare space were slowly analyzed.

After each person enters the nightmare space, they will be classified into the four categories of power elders, agile elders, mental power elders, and physical elders according to their surnames. Among them, the power elders and the agile elders are the most common, followed by the mental power elders and the rarest are the physical elders.

At regular intervals in the Nightmare space, there will be some special activities. The specific content is to participate in the battle for the top ten titles. Those invited to the battle must meet two conditions. One is to pass at least one gold. The main task, the second is that Nightmare Space determines that your strength has reached a certain level.

Among the titles of the top ten, only the physical elders are the only titles, called the mountain men. The remaining three elders have three different titles. The Thunderer is one of the three titles that elders of mental strength can compete for. Power elders, agile elders cannot participate in the title battle for mental power elders. Similarly, mental power elders cannot compete for the title of other elders. Each person can only compete for the three titles of his own family name.

That is to say, in the title battle, in theory, you can only meet people with the same special characteristics as your subject's surname.

Before the title battle began, all the titles that had been issued were all withdrawn, and the terrain was randomly selected in the form of 1V1. During the battle, the recovery drugs and food could not be used, and the attack power was reduced to 1/3. In the title battle, even if the loser dies, the loser will not really die. Instead, he will enter the loser's group and fight again. In the end, the winners and losers won the top ten titles.

A reincarnation can only participate in a battle for the top ten title.

When the top ten titles were attributed, the three people who ranked second, third, and fourth in the title battle for the top ten were called candidates. They have the right to challenge the strong title holder in their nightmare space. No matter whether the challenge is successful or not, they will lose a lot of points and potential. If they succeed, they will win the title. If they fail, they will not die, but themselves The basic surname points will drop across the board, and the points will be added to the challenged person.

If there is a battle between the top ten and the winner is divided, then the winner can perfectly kill the opponent and can choose the title between the current title and the opponent. The abandoned title temporarily disappeared and will not appear until the next top ten title battle.

For example, if the Thunderer kills the Traveler, he will kill the Traveler perfectly, and he can choose to give up the Thunderer to become the Traveler. The abandoned thunder title will not reappear until the next battle for the title of strong.

* After hearing these secrets, Fang Lin suddenly understood why the Thunderer was about to die before he was willing to exhibit the Thundercloud Storm ability. After his return, it is impossible to immediately enter the next nightmare world. During this period, if the candidate who is closely watching him knows that he temporarily lost the title of Thunderer and the weapon in hand, then the next challenge is only to order He was overwhelmed and fierce!

In addition, Delong also added a very important information, that is, the purpose of the group of people of Thunder, in fact, has long passed the gold main task of World II, the reason why they are still stranded here, in fact, to complete the Thunder For those who transfer jobs, the nightmare world they experience under normal circumstances should be the difficulty of World III.

When Fang Lin heard this news, he suddenly remembered where he seemed to have heard similar information, and hurriedly inquired about the Nightmare Mark, and got the following reply:

"You have already passed the first gold mainline mission and are qualified to enter the Nightmare Ⅱ world. If you still want to enter the Nightmare Ⅰ world for training, then each time you enter, you need to pay an additional 10,000 points and 10 potential points. . "

"If it is because of a transfer task or other tasks that need to enter the Nightmare Ⅰ world, you do not need to pay extra points for potential points, but you also need to complete the main task of this world and you cannot get rewards and surname points rewards. , Branching missions, killing plot characters outside of the missions will not receive prestige rewards and drop keys that may exist. "

"So it was ..." Fang Lin exhaled and smiled. "So, the enemy we are about to face is actually a candidate?"

"Yes," Sana affirmed, "The top ten who usually get the title finds a candidate in the nightmare world, and then they will hunt hard-whether or not he may pose a threat to himself- Because the top ten kills the candidate, it is a perfect killing. The top ten who got the title and the candidate are said to have a very delicate connection. They can be clearly sensed in the far place where they meet. The presence of the other party. "

Fang Lin then thoughtfully:

"So, in addition to the title of the Thunderer in the spiritual department, the title of the traveler in the agile department, and the title of the mountain in the physical department, do you know any other top ten titles?"

Delong opened his mouth, and the temporal canal:

"I seem to have heard that ... the other title of Elder Mental Power is ..... Fool."

"Fool?" Fang Lin frowned. The titles of the previous top ten can roughly infer its role from the name, but the feeling of this title is vague and general, and he can't help but make him interested. .

"Then the candidate has some relatively strong bonuses?" Fang Lin asked again.

Sanna nodded and said:

"Yes, but the range of reward bonuses is not so great. I heard that it may at most improve the combat power of a pseudo .S skill."

Note: Pseudo S-level skills, UU reading www.uukanshu. All the S-level skills of com must be taught through the relevant specific plot strongman, or kill the scroll that he dropped to learn. Only by realizing the S-level skills learned through other channels, it is called pseudo-S-level skills. The power of pseudo-S-level skills is above some A-level skills, but it must not be as good as real S-level skills. powerful.

They talked and walked without realizing that they had reached the end of this rotten and sticky swamp. They felt really down to earth. At this time, the physical value of the wild man (BLUDGE) was restored under the nourishment paid by the artisan Most of the time, I sent this man to look around for clean and clean water. The harsh, rotten, rotten breath on my body would be a little bad if I didn't wash it off.

At this time, the rain was gradually weakening, but it was still dripping. It seemed that it could not stop for a while. The entire original rain forest seemed to be covered with a layer of white mist, and the visibility was lower, only ten meters. Here.

(To be continued)

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