Ace Evolution

v5 Chapter 46: Surprise

Ainu gathering place.

The village of the gods.

This is a small and peaceful village, just like a baby sleeping in the valley. The forests are lush and dense, and many small animals are playing quietly and peacefully nearby. They are not worried about the beasts coming to attack them. The valley is surrounded by lush green trees, and they are full of lush shrubs. They are at the flowering stage, surrounded by small bell-shaped yellow flowers on all sides. Although the flowers are small, they are clusters. Stirring together like a band of laughing yellow silk decorating this beautiful place.

This is a peace-loving Ainu village. There are not many people in the village, but each one is quite fierce. In the communication with nature, they have learned more ways to protect themselves and various Bizarre abilities.

Here is also the hero of the plot of Justice Party, where Nako Lulu lives--

Ezo Valley.

Everything in the village is good, when you drink water, you need to pick it out of the springs two miles away. Therefore, a path was stepped around Quan's eyes. Two villagers, a man and a woman of the Ainu tribe, soon came with a jug.

As the woman walked, her face was a bit frowning, while the man tried to tell a joke to comfort her, but the woman still did not appreciate it, rubbing her temples anxiously:

"Since the witch left, I always had nightmares and dreamed that our village was attacked by outsiders ..."

The man accompanied and laughed comfortingly:

"You're worried about the safety of the witch."

Suddenly the woman's face turned pale, and she was horrified:


The man suddenly drew a short knife from his waist, blocked it in front of her, and watched vigilantly. The sound of birds around was silent, and the forest was empty all around, there was only a spring eye on the left, and the clear spring water was crippled. Where is the suspicious trace? The man held the woman in his arms, comforted softly:

"Where do you see someone?"

The woman's pale lips were pursed twice, but she still didn't say anything. The man urged two words. She rubbed her eyes, sighed, and squatted next to the pool of water pooled by Koizumi to fetch water.

The spring water is clear, the light can be seen, and the peaceful water surface reflects the quiet reflection of the surrounding jungle.

A rustic wooden pot protrudes into the water, breaking the tranquility like a mirror.

The lotus flower pours down from the edge of the jar, so that the water surface is constantly rippling, broken and flashing.

The sight of this man and woman staying in the water suddenly felt a fall.

Falls in the water.

I was as if shaking on a suspension bridge.

They just felt dizzy.

Intense dizziness.

Two stout black hairy claws came out like lightning, pinched the throats of these two people and pulled them hard!

"Wow!" The tranquil little pool of water stirred up two splashes of sky!

Then the surrounding trees emerged from the forest, and several appearances of 狰狞, sturdy black shadows appeared. The smell of stench rushed towards me. Shatter this peaceful and harmonious atmosphere.

In fact, the Ainu people's defense is not lax. On the big tree outside the village, there are three agile young men on duty at any time, and the flying birds are their eyes.

The ones who are on duty in the tallest and largest tree are the most powerful and tough guys in the Ainu tribe. Sasuke. He can cut ten leaves falling from the tree in a row. I have once personally killed a beast.

But Sasuke suddenly realized that there had been no birds flying for a while, and then he found out that something seemed to be ringing sharply and quickly! Then he immediately realized that it was the sound of his heartbeat! ——

为什么 Why does my heart beat so fast?

When he realized that, his subconscious reaction was to open his mouth! He wants to warn!

"A strong enemy is coming! Everyone be careful!"

Unfortunately, this idea was forever imprisoned in his consciousness!

As soon as he opened his mouth, a chain of sharp screams seemed to go beyond the speed limit! A "slap" wrapped around his neck! He was directly knocked into the bushes more than 30 meters away from the tree. Then a huge hard fist struck hard, and a large ball of blood with a puff came out of the completely thin back of the brain!

Suddenly, the two remaining guards were attracted by the howling of the iron chain! They turned around and looked at each other!

Then they all had incredible looks on their faces, and fell down from the tree with their necks covered! Large swaths of blood spray spurted out, staining the surrounding air into a large red mist, and the throats of the two were cut open by a deep incision more than an inch long and red meat rolled!

The monsters like the two monkeys slowly emerged from the air, grinning evilly, and greedily licked the blood on their sharp claws.

Under the big tree, the two villagers who opened their mouths were brutally attacked at the same time. They were inserted into the body by the barbed cones projected by the two monsters and barely escaped a few meters. Their bodies suddenly expanded like balloons , And finally exploded into the blood of the sky!

Only in an instant, this small village like a paradise became a flesh and blood slaughterhouse!

Fang Lin opened his eyes and searched with his mental power detection, not to mention people, even a mouse could not escape his palm. Seeing that the dark pile outside the village was cleaned up, Fang Lin waved his hand gently, huge The butcher retreated behind him, standing up respectfully, at this time Fang Lin wore a bucket hat on his head, apparently afraid of being recognized by accident.

"Don't kill all the people in the village, and leave the women and children who have no resistance to report to Nacolulu. These fifteen monsters are also considered high-powerful monsters. Unfortunately, they cannot be used to attack The reincarnation, otherwise these seven assassination ghost lilies and magic sickle Luohan alone have killed your competitors on the reputation list. "

Lao Hu next to his uncle nodded and said:

"At the time when we received this one-time surname reward from Luo Jiangshen and reputation of the evil bronze shards, to be honest, we were very satisfied. Although we only had three hours of control after summoning them, we swept the village. It's enough. "

Then he said with some anxiety:

"I'm a bit worried about Green. According to the investigation you started, Nako Lulu's sister, Lim Lulu, is also in the village. She should also be one of the story heroes of the justice side. You can't shoot, our current strength I am afraid that it is impossible to challenge the hero of the plot! "

Fang Lin said lightly:

"Lime Lulu is a character who only officially appeared in the Fourth Soul Sister. At this time, she can be said to have failed to cultivate, at best, it can only be regarded as half a strong storyline, not to mention I have already arranged, you can rest assured."

At this time, the vigilance outside the village had been completely wiped out, fifteen monsters divided into two lanes, and they entered the village one after the other. The few magic sickles rushing in front of them were like bears, and they stood up and said there were three. The rice is high, covered with black hair all over the body, and covered with shiny body fluid condensed armor. It is really difficult to enter with swords and guns, and the villagers are killed and wounded in an instant. However, most of the people in this village are brave and brave, and their combat experience is extremely rich. In an instant, they lined up to block the monster's assault!

Suddenly a faint frost and snow flower floated in the air at this time, hexagonal phantoms emerged, and Fang Lin watching the battle in the back said secretly:


I saw a little girl in a light green turban and wearing a white and yellow witch costume came out of a house that looked extraordinarily tall and solemn, apparently a shrine in the village. The little girl suddenly squatted and pressed her hand to the ground! I saw a crystal sharp ice flower that emerged directly from the ground, with a diameter of more than two meters. The sharp and long ice spike of half a meter on the ice flower was like a needle. It pierced the current one and sneaked straight. The body of the ghost Lily quickly floated into the air to hang it with blood dripping, and then it exploded with a smash!

Crystal snow and bright red flesh mixed, falling like snow!

This is Li Lulu's A-level skill,

The frosty and cruel ice flower!

The monster's offensive was one of suffocation, but Fang Lin stared at Li Lulu's chest-he breathed a sigh of relief after seeing a violent ups and downs (want to crook the wall, 11 or 12 years old What can the little girl see? Her sister is estimated to be entangled and tangled in the airport). If this little girl sends an A-level skill understatement and doesn't change her face and heartbeat ~ ~, then the self who is determined to win today will have to expose her identity and shoot.

Zhe Lin Yin sleeve came out lightly at this moment, the silver long axe made a few brilliant circles in the air, pointing straight at Li Lulu. Her provocations were already obvious.

Li Lulu looked at her, suddenly angrily:

"Why did you come to attack our village! We have never hurt friendly lives!"

Ms. Lin Lin sneered:

"What you call friendly lives are rabbits, sheep and fawns? The value of their survival is eaten by beasts. You only pity them not to be eaten, but have you ever thought about hunger and wolf and tiger? Do they just Isn't it life? "

Li Lulu was speechless for a while, Ms. Lin continued:

"You are of the opinion that there are living things in nature, then those plants eaten by deer, rabbits, and sheep, have you heard the cry of plants! What evil do they have, and they should be eaten wantonly!"

Li Lulu hurriedly said:

"But rabbits are born to eat grass! They did nothing wrong!"

Ms. Lin Lin sneered:

那么 "So wolves are born to eat sheep, too. What did they do wrong? Your **** family is just a group of innocent hypocrites!"

(To be continued)
