Ace Evolution

v6 Chapter 52: sly

After hearing Fang Lin's words, the angry Lan team was in a state of confusion. When they wanted to find their own backbone, they found that he did not know when they had stayed in the darkness in the distance. It looked like It was like four cold statues, at the same time, stretched out their hands forward, and made a tearing action in the void in front of them!

This action actually pulled out a white light flashing oval portal in the air! It was extremely deep inside, and there seemed to be infinite stars flickering, and then his body and three avatars flew in! It stirred up a wave of water in it, and then disappeared!

The captain of this angry Lan team even used the power of eight cameras to escape!

Seeing the action of the mountain ghost, a strange feeling emerged in Fang Lin's heart. This situation now seems to be like the mountain ghost actively sent most members of his team into his trap!

"Why did he do this? Why did he dare to do this?"

But at this time he didn't have much time to think about this problem, just as the arrow was on the string, he had to send it!

When the members of the Nulan team were in a mess, the surrounding buildings began to sound dull explosions, and then began to collapse, but the direction of the collapse of these buildings, the number of bricks and stones, and even tilt The tilted angle was carefully deduced by Fang Lin beforehand! In the billowing smoke and dust, this seemingly accessible flat land was immediately blocked by the crooked and collapsed building stacks surrounding it, forming a huge cage!

This huge cage is not sealed, and it seems that due to calculation errors, a long and crooked road to the outside world has been left. Vaguely, you can see the dimly dim street lights flickering in the distance, just like a slight hope for survival!

If you don't follow this path, you will have to cross over the walls of the ruins of more than ten meters high and risk being attacked by volleys! I saw more than thirty American Hongmen members carrying rockets on their shoulders and carrying m4s!

In this world. The power of firearms is magnified. For the reincarnation, once the shield is volleyed. Then no matter how strong it is, it can't persist for too long without cover. The bullets and rockets flew together, and it was not long before they were blasted into meat dregs! Therefore, it is not impossible to make a breakthrough from the surroundings, but it will definitely pay an extremely heavy price!

Therefore, their best choice at present is to take the path that seems to lead to the outside world!

But there is only one way!

Of course, this road was not formed due to calculation errors before the explosion. Fang Lin only considered the reason for the beasts fighting, so he intentionally set aside such a dead end! As for who can go through this elaborate path of death, it depends not only on individual strength. s must consider his own luck!

In order to survive, the members of the angry Lan team have madly killed the path, the American Hongmen thugs who were stationed there flew suddenly and flickered, and Fang Lin's lip angle was forced downward and calmed down. I pressed the switch of the igniter that was tightly held in my hand.

Without any sound or flash, the members of the Nulan team did not notice this at all, and still frantically creating blood and death. But deep underground. Under the voltage of tens of thousands of volts, the ignition electrode burst into a terrible high-temperature arc in the dark! The high-pressure air pump was roaring wildly, and the combustion-supporting fuel was placed in a huge container in the sewer at high speed, and slowly entered the pre-set pipe!

Suddenly, a huge pillar of fire blasted out from an obscure remaining drilled hole on that road! Extending directly to the altitude of tens of meters, the pillar of fire immediately after the bottom of the spout was completely transparent, and quickly turned upward into a dazzling blue, and then gradually turned red upward. It makes a deep, sharp howling, shaking the eardrums and palpitations of all people, even those who are farthest away. You can also feel the violent heat.

The two members of the Nulan team near it didn't even have time to call out, half of their body was quickly charred, and turned into fiery bone dust! Immediately after that, a second pillar of fire whistled out on the ground, then the third, the fourth ... ………….

The flames roared angrily in the ruins, and the darkness was divided by more than a dozen terrible blasting fire dragons, and the glare became daylight. Dozens of tall trees in flames opened in the middle of the road of survival in turn, and the earth seemed to shake slightly because of this heat.

And then. A loud noise came suddenly!

When the earth and rocks were flying, a piece of concrete weighing more than ten tons was shattered into three pieces and flew out. A turbulent current hissed hardly from the ground to lift another boulder. The color of the water stream gradually faded, and finally it blew into the sky with white boiling! The groundwater was vaporized into terrible hot steam by high temperature, and it was searching for all the holes that could be drilled. The two reincarnations who came into contact with it screamed in the air with screams. The tenacious vitality of the reincarnation keeps them alive. But --- the place exposed to the steam has been cooked instantly, and even the nearby American Hongmen thugs have been blown by the steam. His limbs burst immediately and he died on the spot!

There was an unpleasant smell in the air. This heat wave caused the surrounding air to constantly be visually refracted, so that the scenery around them seemed to be shaking in a vain and distorted posture, as if the entire world was placed on a coal stove. Through the wreckage and bricks, the ground of the ruins shot a dazzling red light in the dark black. Through this horrible and secret light, you can see that dense thick or fine cracks have appeared underground.

Fang Lin looked at the scene in **** with a cold look. And the surviving members of the Nulan team shivered in the heat. Their morale has fallen to the bottom of the valley --- the captain betrayed them and escaped alone, and the only way of life was directly blocked and no one was killed. Know if there will be such a terrible pillar of flame suddenly under your feet! Everyone is running away fleeing, even if there are those who calmly want to organize their companions to survive, those Hongmen thugs are pouring out fire at them under the direction of the heart, must not give this group of people time to calm down!

At this time, Fang Lin launched the most terrible killer in the plan!

A new type of poison gas developed by Hongmen.

It is invisible and tasteless, hard to discern, and heavier than air, so it is easy to deposit in low-lying areas. The process of poisonous gas eroding the brain is not fast and there are no signs. But its conditions of use are also very harsh.

First, the requirements on the terrain are quite strict. It must be a rugged terrain. In order to ensure that the gas will not dissipate.

Second, the enemy must be trapped for a certain period of time.

Third, the deadly process may last for a long time. If a powerful enemy, they will often realize this and launch a strong counterattack!

Gradually, the remaining members of the Nulan team began to calm down and try to rely on cover to use the terrain to counterattack, but they also began to feel some slight abnormalities in their bodies. However, this anomaly was easily overlooked in the fierce battle. In the process of spreading bullets and trying to climb over the surrounding ruins, they began to feel dizzy, dizzy, and weak. But at this time, some of the brain's senses felt a very extraordinary and peaceful pleasure, and the spiritual world seemed to be clearer and clearer. This is because of the beastly nature remaining in our brain. .

Human's subconsciousness retains some animal protection features, namely, the law of happiness, and processes information in a protective fixed mode at the most critical time.

Such as extreme pain and fainting in joy.

Such as the conditioned reflex when the body in fire.

There is life and death.

When the brain is harmed invisibly ~ ~ when lack of oxygen approaches death, it will instinctively produce a peculiar thrill. That's why some people choose to hang themselves.

All creatures on the ground have to give way to latecomers. Death is a threshold that is difficult for all creatures to escape. In the evolution process of hundreds of millions of years, our ancestors chose to cross this death route easily and happily. This habit is left to us. So that some decadent perverts, in pursuit of the thrill of suffocation, suffocated themselves and their sexual partners in the process of drug abuse, and died!

Fang Lin stood high, and the lines of his face were stained with a mighty and powerful underground fire! He looked coldly at the battlefield where the silent death was roaming below, and those members of the angry Lan team who were still fighting in vain, but his expression was even more condensed.

"The way the mountain ghost ... has done a bit of separation! What exactly does he want to do? I prepared to ambush, but it didn't help at all! He couldn't have noticed it! Things are weird! "

Er, because the update time this week is not fixed, I originally wanted to do this inventory on Sunday. As a result, someone in the book review area suggested that I updated less, so I will summarize it.