Ace Evolution

v7 Chapter 46: break

Despite having the last sentence as a warning, Fang Lin did not hesitate to take over the task.

This principle can't be simpler. Unless it is a special situation or a reward, it is definitely difficult to complete a task without penalty. The difficulty of non-optional tasks will definitely be much less than that of optional tasks-it's like everybody spends 100 yuan to buy a lottery ticket, even if he doesn't hit his wife, he just takes it for granted. And if you buy half a catty of Chinese cabbage for 100 yuan, you will most likely be punished by kneeling on the washboard and sleeping on the sofa. The difficulty of winning the lottery is obviously much more difficult than buying Chinese cabbage.

"What will happen if we kill Sun Ji now?" Lin Yin sleeve also went crazy through the call function branch of the KOF contract! Chapter 46, Jiujiang Jiudou, rested and asked.

Fang Lin had already considered this tempting idea when he came, glanced at Sun Shangxiang, who was not alert to himself and others, and shook his head slowly:

"No, if you kill Sun Shangxiang at this time, it will be difficult to conceal the eyes of the Shu Army first. Although Zhang Fei has no respect for Sun Shangxiang's grandmother, it is impossible to watch her killed."

"Second is that even if we can kill Sun Shangxiang, our benefits are not much. The gold branch mission has been canceled so there is no mission reward. The reward brought by killing her is invisible and thinned."

"The main issue is the main line of the world. The three countries advocate loyalty. Even if we have just played against Sun Shangxiang, she can completely abandon you and run away after you control Lao Hu. But she did not do this, but at the expense of the use of blood. This is a very rare * -level prop of Zhao Anzhuang. Sun Shangxiang, a woman who is still so heavy, can see that the consequences of violating the word loyalty are very serious. She saved your life in disguise. If you hit her right away, it may cause Very serious consequences! "

Lin Yinshou nodded silently, Fang Lin saw that she was not emotional, and she was crazy to take the branch line! Chapter 46 of Jiedue Jiu Adou rested and hugged her in the past. Gently kissed her forehead, Lin Yin sleeve resisted instinctively first. Then he weakly laid his head on Fang Lin's shoulders, closed his eyes tiredly, and his whole body relaxed. No matter how strong and independent she is, she is just a woman. You also need to find a port and a reliable arm to call when it is critical.

Fang Lin originally wanted to take advantage of the troubled waters when Cao Jun's defeat, but he did not forget that Zhang Liao had one thing that was important to him: the pages of historical records!

However, he immediately considered that since entering the world of this golden branch mission. It can be said that in addition to the golden beasts being defeated by their own team, the beast-controlling division was defeated by the accidental manuscript, and the elite iron armor captain Wu Rui happened to be met. The attributes of the electrical system are relatively good. As for Sun Shangxiang ... only at the beginning, obviously if his party cannot kill one of them, he will probably die by his end!

So Fang Lin thought for a moment, and felt that with his current injury and fatigue, even if he wanted to touch Cao Jun's muddy water after being impacted by Zhang Fei. It is still fierce and fierce. After all, the terrain here is too complicated, and the hills and mountains are, so I decided to find a place to rest. After all, the rescue of Changshan Zhao Gun King is the top priority. If the business is delayed for the sake of possible benefits, it is because of slander.

Since entering this world, Lao Hu is okay. Fang Lin, in order to weaken his own strength, entered the world as a weary body. He fought fiercely on the ship for hundreds of miles, not only soaking in the cold river water, but also the Second Army of Wu and Shu. It's really time to go to the ditch, and the 10 hours given by the Nightmare Space at this time are indeed considered to be charcoal in the snow. Therefore, after the three people found a relatively safe place, Fang Lin fell down on the grass and fell asleep. Lao Hu ordered the Red Pants Lux to be vigilant around, and they were exhausted and fell to the ground to rest.

Only after a person wakes up. The environment here is quite good. A creek crescent crisscrossed in front of it, although the front was winter. It still has soft hay, which has been drenched by the sun, and is very comfortable to sit on.

The water in the creek is extremely slow. Many aquatic plants with white flowers and large green leaves are growing in it. Although the flowers are small and few, the plant has a faint fragrance, which is faint and straight. People's internal organs are encouraging. And on one of the largest stems of each plant, most of the flowers have already been dropped, and a few small red and bright berries have emerged, lined with the bright green thick leaves that radiate the life-glowing underneath, and appear vibrant. It is very vibrant.

At this time, a person is about to take out their own cans, milk and other things from the space to eat. Bobby hummed and ran over from a distance. Both heads were not idle. On the left head was a large bowl-thin snake. On the right head was a struggling kick. badger. Show off directly to the ground.

Lao Hu was holding a bottle of red star Erguotou beef jerky. He had been trained in field survival. After seeing Babi's wild objects on the ground and convulsing, he immediately exulted:

"Let's not cook instant noodles today. This game is pure and natural, but we can eat it."

The head of the big snake from Bobby was triangular. Obviously, it was extremely toxic. Lao Hu directly chopped his head, chopped the skin, digged off the internal organs, and drank the snake's gallbladder for the wine reward.

The winter cricket is hibernating, very fat, and hastily rectified, and then tore off the four fat legs to make skin food. When doing all of this, Lao Hu's sleeves were smoky and stubborn. He was very numb, and seemed to be very carefree, but there was no trace of blood on these animals.

After finishing it, throw these cooked things into the boiling water pot one by one, and add a small zigzag leaf picked from the side ------- This leaf can remove fishy smell and neutralize toxins .

Bobby's mouth dripped and stood at the door and watched Lao Hu wash the pot, replaced it with clean water, and plucked the tender meat from the already cooked snake into the pot. The four lame legs were worn with branches and grilled on another fire. After the run, before the run, Tiaochai flicked his tail, very busy.

Soon, the marching pot began to murmur, and the lame legs grilled from the original snow white turned yellow, emitting bursts of fragrance. Bobby smelled the aroma, seemed to stretch out a hand in his eyes, walked back and forth with excitement, his tail knocked high. Fang Lin was awakened by the aroma when a man started, and when he saw the insignificant Fu butchers rushing up, he immediately rushed to grab food.

The white snake meat soup scooped out of the marching pot is very delicious. Tear the cold bread into pieces and soak in it. Do not have a flavor. Fang Lin poured half of the snake meat in his bowl into the beef jerky packaging bag on the ground. Calling Barbie to eat, the little dinosaur's attention was immediately attracted by the fragrant and thick soup that was steaming ------- this guy began to bear hungry, almost tossed away The whole cricket has been halted almost halfway and needs something to moisturize its throat ----- Le Zizi ran to the side and carefully licked his tongue

After sprinkled with salt and allspice on the grilled lame leg, Fang Lin handed it to Babi again, and Babi held the browned lame leg with two front paws. Already salivating, the host's words just fell, and he took a big bite ------- it also endured the aroma of food *, almost to the verge of collapse ------ no For a long time, only a few bones were left on a fat hind leg, still refused to pick it up, sucked and licked it, and crunched the bone.

Lin Yinshou saw Fang Lin was also eating hot and cheerful, sitting next to him gently wiped his mouth and touched Fang Lin's forehead:

"Did you sleep well?"

Fang Lin nodded with a smile:

"Sleeping well. Thank you for your legs."

It turned out that Lin Yinshou was distressed that he was afraid that he would be pinched by a stone on the ground, so he sat beside Fang Lin and let his head rest on his thigh. Lin Da * saw Fang Lin's eyes staring at his **** and plump thighs, and soon he stroked them with his hands ~ ~ A flushed face and screwed him down, but the so-called female To please one's content, but my heart is still happy.

Lao Hu ate a bite of meat, soup, and wine, and saw two ambiguous men and women lying next to each other lying flat on the grass, but he was very happy. He was anxious that Lin Yinshou had **** Fang Lin earlier, lest the kid would come to harm his daughter. The two of them had better get married early, and his Jia Jia had always been obsessed with each other.

Lin Yinxiu nestled in Fang Lin's arms with watery eyes, very blurred, her two long legs stretched straight, very sensual, and she felt pleasing at first sight. From time to time they chuckled slightly, and Lin Da * whispered softly and whispered anger, giving people the beauty of being incomprehensible.

When the mission was started and Zhao Yun's position was still two hours away, Fang Lin sat up, took a branch and drew a few times on the ground, and nodded:

"We should start."! !! !!


