Ace Evolution

v7 Chapter 5: Tuk shui

Apologies first, the weapon of the beautiful lady Zhang Zhang is +10, not +9, typo.

Lin Yinxiu's skill variation is different from others. Her variation is not a combat skill, but is based on the advancement of that basic skill: c-level skill long handle weapon mastery level-7-in holding long When the weapon is handled, passively increases 5% lethality, 10% accuracy, 5% attack power, and 15% attack range.

In fact, the mutation of this skill is not a mutation, but it has long been a sign. In the true soul-serving world, Lin Yinshou learned the skill of Liu Sheng ten soldiers after he learned the magic power of his skills at some time. In fact, Of her three skills, the flame is normally used to cast with a stick, the crazy assault should be with a hammer, and the eight breaks are actually swordsmanship. She uses a strange weapon such as a silver long axe to carry out this difference. Although the power is definitely weakened, but for a long time, there must be a special understanding of their various skills.

Lin Yinxian has always been a very deliberate person, so this speculation has never been mentioned to others. She also heard that Fang Lin's real cutting operation is actually inspired by chopping ribs and @ 黄 小说 来, So, she is also doing silent hard work on surnames. Until this time, she returned to the real world. Because of the relationship between her failure in reality and her mission, she went to play golf in order to send her depressed mood. After the hole, my heart finally flashed, and I got an advanced variant of this basic skill.

Basic skill variation advanced: Skilled long-handled weapon mastery level——7:

This skill is a mutation skill that skillfully combines the use of various weapons. Passive effect: When holding a long-handed weapon, passively increases 8% lethality, 15% accuracy, 15% attack power, and 25% attack range.

Active effects, skilful: no prerequisites are required to activate this effect, and the cooldown is 6 hours. After activating this effect, if you use a long-handled weapon with its own skills, the skill level is +1.

This mutant skill can only be advanced through the accumulation of proficiency, and cannot be improved using potential points. "

Do not underestimate the surname of this skill level plus one. Schoen's angry active skills: If crystal tears are to be raised to level——4, then the weapon level +10 is needed. If you want to rise to level——5 ... then you must raise the weapon level to +13! What is this concept?

Therefore, the power of Lin Yinshou's hit can only kill the Pu Dao shield of this golden branch task! This terrible blow directly killed most of the enemies in the field! Even the foot of the wooden beast next to it was chopped off by debris!

Lin Yinshuo, who issued this blow, was obviously back-snapped by the powerful action of this skill, covering his mouth and coughing violently, and the remaining Park Sword Shield and Blue Archer immediately concentrated all their firepower on her On me!

Just one hit-killed nearly twenty companions! This kind of power, I am afraid that even General Sun Ji is less than! The most threatening person, of course, is to kill first!

But the butcher threw a long hook into the oblique stab, and dragged Lin Yin sleeve back directly! With five or six knives, seven or eight arrows chopped / shot at her previous position, and chopped the board and sawdust across the plane. Unfortunately, the people they were trying to kill have been pulled away from the air and protected firmly!

Fang Lin tightened the wound on Lin Yin's sleeve with a tourniquet, Shen said:


Lao Hu and the Butcher rushed straight out one after another, Lao Hu dragged a long afterimage, and also started the cruelty of Deakin, almost in an instant to bully the enemy, but the butcher Use the slowness of the rotting skills to block him from behind and around. The only purpose is to kill the blue archers by this raid!

Fang Lin has roughly estimated at this time. The long-range attacking blue bowman in this scene has higher attack power than the red turban bowman in the first scene, but because of its relatively large number, The maximum physical value and defense are under the red turban archer. The current enemies on the deck can naturally be easily dismissed, but it is difficult to tell whether there will be backups and how many reinforcements, so Lao Hu rushed forward and killed the long-range threats one by one with his high attack power!

After the blue archer was approached, in the face of Lao Hu, who started Dicken's brutality, it really fell down if it was destroyed. Under the suppression of absolute strength, the power of simple fists and feet was also easy to produce the attack. Effect, not to mention the bleeding effect of that dark gold weapon "Flying Hammer" when attacking the enemy, not only has a 50% chance to cause a level —— 3 bleeding effect, and continuously reduces 50 physical strength for 10 seconds . And the superimposed effect caused several blue archers to escape, but were bled and killed!

Lao Hu previously made a meat shield that can only be passively beaten for a while, and his heart was already suffocated for a long time. At this time, the butcher was side by side, laughing loudly, chasing and killing, very happy. But at this time the door opposite the building boat suddenly opened, and nearly 50 Pu Dao Dun hand mixed six blue bowmen rushed out! Surrounded Hu directly with the butcher!

What's more terrible is that after the new gushing enemies poured some liquid into the nearby machine wood beast, the machine wood beast that had been chopped off by the great beauty Lin left foot also stood up and raised his head. The appearance of this wooden animal is very fractal-like. It looks like a lion with a head like a lion and a cheetah with a body. Although the obvious wood grain interface can be seen on the body, it looks very robust and sturdy. The army rushed straight up.

Fang Lin took a deep breath, the muzzle of white light flashed, and the cold light spewed out. The ship's board next to Lao Hu was frozen into a smooth ice surface instantly. The dry sword shield soldiers couldn't stand, many people slipped to the ground. . The butcher took the opportunity to pull out thousands of people and decorate the novel, and directly cut off a blood path, but Lao Hu didn't leave at this time. He suddenly looked at the hand and pinched the wooden animal that was the size of a giant wolf dog. Two front legs!

The strength, agility, physical strength, and mental strength of this wooden beast are already elite-level monsters, all surnames are quite close to each other, all above 90, and action is windy. After observing the law of its movements, he took out his double grabs in one fell swoop. At this time, his strength was over a hundred, and he immediately launched the dry land of level 7 at once. The world returns!

When this wooden beast groaned and was dropped by Lao Hu's shoulder over the hard deck, it suddenly landed and generated a white scattered wave of shock waves, all those Pu Daodong soldiers who wanted to rush up all around The impact was crooked!

Dry ground. Heaven and earth return level-7 special effects successfully launched! ——

At the moment when the enemy was caught and dropped, the center point of the novel is displayed, reducing the attack speed and movement speed of all enemies by 15% and 15%, and generating 75 points of damage ignoring defense capabilities. The abnormal state lasts 8 seconds.

Immediately after that, the wooden beast was thrown into the sky. Before falling, Lao Hu stomped his feet, and the purple and black energy rushed into the sky, hitting it with a long, twisted grimace, and then there was an explosion. effect! The enemies within 10 meters of the surrounding area were directly shocked, and some of the weapons of the Park Sword Shield were even hit directly!

And the purple-black vigor was perfused from the wound of the stump of the machine wood beast that was cut off by Ms. Lin. After the machine wood beast was blown up from a distance, the body twitched and seemed to want to open her mouth to spit out flames. However, after a few movements of the machine, the sound of tightness and rupture of the machine was heard in the body, and finally fell stiffly to the ground!

Fang Lin also saw Lao Hu's dry land for the first time. The special effect of Heaven and Earth is unexpectedly so amazing! Not only can it cause large-area damage to the surrounding enemies, but the last hit is actually the same destructive effect as its own purple flame.

In fact, this is strictly a coincidence. This is because Hu Huahao's move is actually equivalent to relying on the power of Diablo Qixian Society, one of the eight heroes of the Kingdom of Gods. It is the family name of Tu, and the operating force in the wooden beast of this organ is not all mechanical. It is rumored that it is a rune water created by Zuo Ci-according to the ancient five-element alternation theory in China, Tu Ke water, and that energy is directly Breaking into the interior is naturally more powerful.

After successfully killing this machine beast, Lao Hushun picked up the key it dropped, and quickly withdrew from the ship's side and Fang Lin's round while the surrounding enemies were still slowing down. Started a promising career in the meat shield.

Although there were several blue-Archers at this time, their attack was slightly worse than before. It seemed that the destruction of a beast of the animal had reduced their morale. Fang Lin seized the time to seduce a Park Sword Shield soldier with a powerful magic charm, let it arrive in front, and concentrate on blocking with a shield. With the support of the awkward recovery halo, and the cooperation of six blue robes, this guy can also last for two or three minutes.

Lao Hu shook the blood off his hands, and suddenly surprised:

"Hey, there really is a reward space here, killing can increase points."

(To be continued)