Ace Evolution

v8 Chapter 64: Choose A or B?

When the Thunderer returned, it was exactly half an hour after Fang Lin had ordered stealth to leave. \\\\\\ www \\\\ Lei Zhe happened to meet Marshal Moriden's government army who came to search! This battle is really fierce, and the Thunderer is not like Fang Lin who lacks long-range attack methods. How powerful is his destiny, Lei Ya, with the weapons on the submarine to destroy two aircraft and one warship!

However, the submarine on which the Thunderer was riding was also destroyed, so after Marshal Moriden's rebels retreated, the three separated from the Mad Dog team got out of the sea and opened the inflatable lifeboat drifting all the way. But when he saw that Fang Lin was going to be rescued, he was leisurely and leisurely, and the scenery was so beautiful that he had a cocktail party on the sea ... but his party became the one to be rescued!

Such a huge contrast, when it really makes the Thunderer full of anger, there is nowhere to vent. As soon as I took a bath on the submarine, and the mental energy was excessively exhausted, I went back to the cabin and slept with a black face. The boulder did not matter. When he saw vodka, his eyes were brightened, and he pried open five canned beef cans and sat with Lao Hu to fight wine.

However, it can't be said that the judgment of the Thunderer is inaccurate. In fact, the reason why Fang Lin was willing to board the submarine was the B-level props obtained after killing Gan Ning in the Three Kingdoms II world: the refined secret medicine X3.

This thing can continue to breathe under water after use. Hold time is 30 minutes. Swimming speed + 50%.

Therefore, as long as the submarine floated to the surface, Fang Lin was completely afraid. Even when the submarine exploded, he was drowned.

After the reception, Fang Lin was still thinking about a lot of things, such as whether Lin Yinshou's delay in the transfer job could not be related to the inheritance left by Zhao Yun. Insignificant payment has not yet identified himself to his historical records ... and some details of breaking the octopus self-propelled artillery and so on.

At this time, someone suddenly opened the door directly outside. Fang Lin was facing away from the door. He was very surprised. The only people qualified to enter in front of him without knocking on the door were Lin Yinshou and Lao Hu. Drinking and drinking happily, Ms. Lin was trained by aristocratic etiquette in Europe since she was a child. At this time, it is peace time, and she will definitely knock on the door before entering. So who is it?

Short footsteps were heard. He ran to his bed, but it turned out to be insignificant, and Y land seemed to encounter Yan Yu. His face flushed with excitement and stuttered:

"Lord, Lord ... Master ..."

Fang Lin gave him a white look. It's both angry and funny:

"Why? Emerson invited you to play with babes? Are they blond cows or black African horses?"

Insignificant and indignant:

"This guy is also willing? I just touched his female serviceman ..."


... three minutes later, rubbing his face and downcast, the insignificant Fu, holding down the pocket-sized washboard and crying, said:

"Master, I've been hurt by you. WWw how did you tell me to go out and meet people! I'm handsome and handsome, and all my romantic images are ruined by you!"

Fang Lin said silently:

"Hurry up and say something. Lei"

Mention this. Insignificant Fu's spirits lifted, lowering his voice:

"There is a secret on this submarine! Emerson said that the submarine was sent out not to simply pick him up, but to carry two powerful secret weapons for testing!"

Fang Lin frowned:

"No, I took the memory of the colonel. There is nothing about it. Of course, when the mental shock absorbs the memory, the memory may be fragmented and lost, but if there is a major secret, it should be in his memory It ’s very deep! "

Wu Suofu knows that Fang Lin has always been in the same phrase, and the leather fairway that seems to be out of breath suddenly:

"That's why this shameless guy is lying drunk."

Emerson can be regarded as "shameless" by the insignificant person. Emerson can be regarded as unprecedentedly glorious, but Fang Lin waved his hand:

"No rush. You tell me the specific process. How did Emerson tell you this news, and the original words were spoken one by one."

Insignificantly annoyed:

"After I was drunk. I went up and tried to dig him ... oh no, I wanted to help him on the bed, and suddenly I heard this guy talking about secret weapons, transportation and the like, hey, very It is ambiguous. "

Fang Lin bent his index finger of his left hand and tapped gently on the table, thoughtfully:

"This time I can say that I saved this government army's giant high-tech submarine from the rebels with my own power, and at the same time it saved Emerson once more, but did not get any benefit. Even the reincarnation did not drop the key because I was a weapon on a remotely-operated submarine ... according to the rules of the nightmare space, it is unlikely that this incident will return anything. `` WWw ''

Fang Lin groaned for a while, stood up, and said decisively to the insignificant:

"Go, take me to see that guy."

After arriving in Emerson's room, the lascivious old man was beginning to sleep in a "big" character, with a dude resting behind his head, a big bubble blowing in front of his nose, and his right hand resting tightly on his chest. The clenched fist is a bit like the taste of a rice man who put his right hand in his fist and put it on his chest when playing the national anthem ... Of course, the premise is that the black lace bra that was not pinched in his palm.

It is worth mentioning that Emerson's several pockets were pulled out of the sky, and even the inner bag was turned out. It can be seen how the insignificant Fu started to "help" him to bed.

Fang Lin thought for a while, and suddenly asked Wu Fu:

"What was the first thing you did when you learned that the submarine was attacked during the day?"

According to the insignificant payment of money as life:

"Certainly bring my wallet / passbook / property certificate / land title / marriage certificate and escape!"

Fang Lin smiled:

"So Emerson would bring his most cherished things at that time ------- this room where he has always lived since he got on the submarine. Look for it, there will be traces left."

After being worn by Fang Lin. Insignificantly boosted spirit! Immediately, as if the upper body of a mouse had been invited, he dug into the ground and searched. It's almost like a bulldozer driving! This Emerson guy lives in a high-level ward, and also special-grade solid wood flooring. Xiao Fu crawled on the floor and took a careful inch-by-inch search with a magnifying glass. It didn't take long for him to pry under a loose floor A slender diamond-shaped metal block was dug out, with a strange black light shining on it!

Fang Lin stared at this thing in his palm, muttering:

"Is this ... is the world rewarding me?"

In terms of causality. If Fang Lin does not rescue the submarine, the submarine will sink or be captured, so there will be no reception at all. Emerson would not be drunk and be found out by the insignificant Fu ... So this thing would not fall into Fang Lin's hands.

Probably because of the enthusiasm of the insignificant payment treasure hunt. So there was a lot of noise. Emerson was awakened, and when he saw the thing on Fang Lin's hand, he was shocked:

"What are you doing ...... ah!"

Fang Lin originally thought that Y Land would yell loudly for robbery. Who knew the first thing Emerson did was swoop up and shut his bedroom door! Leaning back against the door, I breathed a few breaths and touched my chest:

"Scared me. Hey, this one can't just take it out to play."

Fang Lin smiled and raised his palm tentatively:

"You seem scared that others will see this thing?"

Emerson's righteous anger suddenly said:

"Nonsense! Hey, hey, don't open the door ... we have something to say."

Insignificantly, he saw his changing face, and pinched the orchid with a shameless twist and sighed:

"You're shameless, I'm ashamed to know someone like you ..."

After finishing the inconvenience, Fu Shunli took the **** who Emerson used as a pillow, pulled it out, clamped it to his armpit, and put it in his pocket ... Fang Lin was very speechless when he saw it. Emerson knew that Fang Lin couldn't hide anything today, and said with a sad face:

"Okay, sir, in fact, you saved me today. I was going to tell you in return ... this thing is a key. There was a problem with the secret weapon they transported the day before yesterday. Please ask me to help check it out. I I used the equipment and the remaining materials inside. I made this one-time spare key. I wanted to find a chance to sneak in again to get some extra money ... hey. If you are interested, this will be my gift to you. Give me a gift. "

Emerson said. Looking at Fang Lin secretly, hoping to find some signs of no interest in this matter from the boss's face, Fang Lin smiled:

"Thank you for the gift. I'm very interested. Take me to the place where the secret weapon is placed, right away."

Obviously Fang Lin's answer disappointed Emerson ......... but he had to lead the two to the submarine's transport depot with the excitement of the insignificant payment. Which of the soldiers on duty was patrolled on occasion? Dare to stop?

Fang Lin patted Xiao Fu's shoulder with applause, knowing that the "wife's strict management" was so poor that he gave him 20,000 points generously. This servant is indeed capable, Xiao Fu is extremely happy, his mouth is almost rotten, and the supervisor is more capable.

Emerson explained bitterly:

"This weapon is a new type of weapon developed by the government and is about to be sent to the battlefield to check the actual effect. Therefore, it is highly confidential, so only Captain Varov has the authority to know. This guy seems to be poor when he makes political contributions. Now, taking advantage of the captain's right to use this secret room, he teamed up with several confidants to sell arms in the back. The clumsy guy made a point when carrying the arms through the precise warehouse door, and he really repaired it. No, I ’m afraid that after returning to the berth and docking back to the dock, the inspector of the Military and Law Department will find the leaks. Therefore, I had to pay a lot of money to help him repair the secret door of the chamber, so I knew it. ”

After a person enters three password electronic gates in succession, the last gate is the pupil pattern gate. Emerson put his eyes up. After the door opened, the electronic gate slowly rose to reveal the room where the letter B was written. In the gap under the door of the room, there was a faint golden light! Room B was dark. Wu Zaofu saw Jin Guangxing, her eyes intoxicated, and she drooled greedily ~ ~ Lying on the ground and trying to look in from under the door slit, but unfortunately she couldn't see anything.

Emerson shrugged to Fang Lin:

"The key to unlock the crystal lock here is in the hands of Warov. The crystal key I configured is one-time. That means you can only choose one door to open. If it is forcibly opened, the alarm here is A nuclear reactor is connected ... "

Has taken out a wrench, a knife, a screwdriver, a screwdriver, is looking at where to start from the insignificant payment immediately jumped like an electric shock, obediently stood aside like a schoolboy ...

Fang Lin said lightly:

"First tell me what's inside the two doors."

Emerson shrugged:

"Does the gate contain the terrible weapons that are currently the highest technology in the government army, and does the gate B carry the top level in another field?" Absolutely powerful and special DD with alloy warhead, thank you to the four groups of "heart" students, and other enthusiastic book friends. Provided me with a lot of information about alloy warheads!