Ace Evolution

v8 Chapter 85: Re-entry (Six ...

World of Iron and Blood! Collision of the Top Ten Chapter 85 Reentry

Not only did the selected person fail to think of it, he would accidentally run into such a fierce rival and return, and Fang Lin never expected that he would meet such a powerful opponent head-on in this place. And the other party is also selected!

The battle between the two was only a few minutes, but the risk of variables in it was unexpected by anyone! It can be said that without the appearance of great Lin beauty, Fang Lin is already in an absolute disadvantage. Before the sirens sounded in the distance, E.S Group's response staff had swarmed. From the land, two large numbers of people came in from the river. They were divided into four as soon as they reached the fork, and divided into eight when they reached the fork. Turning it to zero means that someone is really following it and it is difficult to track down.

Fang Lin and Lin Yin sleeves are the waterways of choice. He stared at the flowing water in the yacht and watched the white foam emerging from the back of the boat for a long time.

~ None ~~ Small ~ say ~ ww. ~ L ~ com "Now it seems that the space is deliberately controlled to avoid conflicts between the selected."

Lin Yinxiu elegantly wiped off the blood on her hand with a white hot towel, and took off her long skirt generously, exposing an infinitely beautiful plump top. She frowned when she heard Fang Lin's words:

"Intentionally suppressed?"

"Yes." Fang Lin exhaled slowly, and as soon as I fought against him, both sides were silent for a full fifteen minutes, no skills could be used, and even the equipment skills were completely blocked! The silence of the Taliban is also weakened by resistance, and the fifteen minutes of punishment are absolutely fifteen minutes. Without any discount. And I felt that if the fight lasted more than fifteen minutes. It is likely that both parties will be subject to more severe penalties at the same time. "

"Then your previous inference is likely to be true. The ultimate purpose of the existence of Nightmare Space is to select. The selected person is obviously a character he values ​​like a seed player. I do n’t want you to interact with each other before you reach a certain ability Kill. "

Fang Lin nodded silently:

"I also feel that this lama is not a mentally strong elder ..."

This sentence made Lin Yin sleeves all of a sudden while wearing a coat. At this time, she could say that the coat was half-covered, and the peaks and mountains were fascinating. But amazingly said:


Fang Lin took a deep breath and squinted slowly, saying:

"Although the Lama is mainly based on the cultivation of spiritual power, the feeling given to us is to meditate. However, the training behavior of some hard-working Lamas is incredible!"

"According to data records, they only drink a small amount of water every day, eating rough and thin food, but they worship on the road one step at a time, kneeling and crawling! That kind of fanaticism is beyond our imagination. On the ground, a deep dent was also rubbed out by the flesh and blood! During the process of hard work, their bodies were also trained like steel! Therefore, I now only feel that the Lama ’s mental strength is not as good I am indeed true, but according to his shooting methods and rules, this person should be a physical elder! The strength is even above me! "

Lin Yinshou thought of the long-stabbed stab, if the lightning flashed. Even an elephant has to be penetrated. Note: it is penetration! Not punctured! But the lama blocked it with only one piece of cricket. Although the defensive force of cricket is very horrible, but the individual's own defensive power must not be ignored. What's more, what Lin Damei stabbed was his back. These are not the parts of the chest that can be frequently exercised. This lama's physical strength is evident!

When Fang Lin and Lin Yinshuo stepped off the yacht, the two of them had already dressed up again. Although they still looked like the high-level white-collar workers, they became different from head to toe. Fang Lin looked gentle and elegant, while Lin Yinshou changed from tender and charming to a glamorous white-collar beauty, attracting many men's greedy eyes.

On the way to the airport, the two received two more news, one bad and one good.

"The bad news is: According to Lin Yinshou's video information, he could not find out the true identity of the young lama! There is no suspicious person who can sit in the right seat! Now the search target has been expanded to Tibet. But Because of the special nature of the religion there. It is estimated that the possibility of achieving the goal is not high. There may be only two of this happening. One is that the lama has also greatly changed his face. The other may be that he usually stays simple , Hidden too deep. "

"The good news is that the killer who chased his heart and his fourth child suddenly disappeared, as if evaporating in the air."

Fang Lin listened to this series of information collection, nodded slightly, and realized.


Six hours later.


One of the three headquarters of the E.S Group.

The fourth child and the heart edge crossed the long rich corridor, stepped on the elevator, and walked to the door of the half-floor where the chairman lived alone. Even in the middle of the night, there were sixteen security guards at the door. Although the group executives behind them were absolute, they were blocked outside.

After the two walked in, the entire floor of the building covering an area of ​​nearly 1,000 square meters was completely remodeled, and people were led to walk left and right, and Rao walked in. There really was a sense of being in a magnificent maze. .

At the end of the corridor is an unusually spacious living room.

Once in this space, the oldest four and people who have seen the big picture have a shocking feeling. This is not because of how luxurious and spacious the living room decoration is, but because of the left and right walls in the hall. They were hollowed out, inlaid with transparent plexiglass, and on the left was a fierce white-headed gold carving. This fierce bird was beautiful in appearance and fierce in temperament. Seemingly lazily lying on their stomachs, but the two approached slightly, immediately spreading their wings more than one meter wide, and the tiger rushed forward, hitting the glass wall with a "pond". Obviously the wildness is not removed!

But the right side is full of water, a gray-white fish like a dolphin swims meekly in it. Occasionally, when a tail is swung, a small fish swallows it.

The white-headed golden eagle is worth mentioning, but the gray-white dolphin-like big fish is not a trivial matter. Obviously, this is the precious animal commonly known as the "jiang pig", which has almost disappeared in China. !!

Place a fish tank in the living room. That is the financial resources of working families,

Build a fish pond in the living room. But it is the taste of the household.

And Lin Yin sleeve in the living room with such an aquarium / bird museum as the background, this really needs some strength and courage!

The young man sitting on the middle sofa is smiling. Although he is just sitting, he smiles plainly and plainly, but it gives people a sense of looking up. The outline of the five senses is like using a knife to remove the extra The place was chiseled generally strong.

"Are you here? Sit?"

This is the first time that the fourth and Xin Yuan have met Fang Lin in the real world. After the meeting, I didn't talk much. But soon, several big things happened!

The troubled E.S consortium has appointed a new chairman. It is reported that the chairman was originally a celebrity in the stock market. After entering the E.S consortium, with a strong position, the first sentence said in the board meeting and executive memories held was:

"I'm not here to ask for your opinion. What I say is not a requirement, it's an order!"

On that day, the E.S consortium made a wide range of personal adjustments, but its stocks have been volatile since the last group turmoil. Rarely has it increased significantly since the re-acquisition. Analysts believe that the new chairman's superior has received strong support, and his drastic reforms seem to be painful. In fact, the group's manpower and material resources have been optimized to a considerable extent. The mysterious female CEO has stronger control over the entire group, and the previous turmoil may almost completely disappear.

The new chairman is, of course, the heart. And that plan was mostly made by Fang Lin.


At the same time, in the oil world in North Africa, the change of throne has turned for the better. The assassinated 17th prince Emiri Isa ※ # 8226; Ben ※ # 8226; Suleiman ※ # 8226; Khalifa received strong foreign military assistance, and the four European countries issued a joint reputation in support of his succession to the throne.

The ensuing beheading was also carried out decisively and powerfully. As the two most powerful princes were assassinated by the confidants around them, the opposition suddenly appeared infighting, and the prince Khalifa secretly ran into a warehouse, successfully rushing to the old Before the king gasped, he came to his bed, against a background of fierce fighting. Personally accepted the king's scepter handed by the old king. Completed the new and old land successfully overlap!

Subsequently, the E.S consortium quickly reached a number of agreements with the country and imported a large amount of advanced technology into its country. At the same time, the country represented 24% of the country's oil exports, forming a terrible monster alliance. However, this time observers have issued statements, all claiming that they are not optimistic about the cooperation between the two sides, because the alliance between the two is based on a very fragile foundation ------- only relying on integrity to maintain mutual cooperation-- ------ It seems as if two wealthy wealthy men are holding each other's lifeline at the same time. As long as they gently pull, the other person will instantly die but can inherit his wealth.

Observer critics claim that no one can stand such a big deal. Because even some countries whose original interests have been damaged are scorning and watching, without intervening. Even international casinos opened bets that the alliance broke within 24 hours, the alliance broke within three days, and the alliance broke within a week.

But three weeks later, all kinds of cooperation have entered the right track. At this time, some countries realized that this incredible alliance was really established! I want to start interfering, but the general trend has entered a formal, strong and powerful union, and the new network of relationships has been ingrained, ingrained and helpless!

"After all, the ability of the reincarnation in the real world is limited, let alone being restricted by the inability to use skills?" There is no need to worry about revealing flaws. Bill Gates has many people with ideas. Isn't he living well? There are more than 10 million people who want to kill Bin Laden. But isn't this old man more and more moisturized? The greater our influence, the more secure we are, cheers ... "

Four cups of fresh red wine bumped into each other crisply. Fang Lin then smiled at the fourth and the heart:

"The prop cooling that we entered the world of alloy warheads again has arrived. I found that the way to enter is in the form of a portal. Isn't the two of you interested?"

It is worth mentioning here that Fang Lin actually has the idea of ​​pushing his heart and his fourth son to the front desk to lead the snake out of the hole. The two of them have shown more strength than ordinary people in the process of being hunted down. It may be very large to be spotted by some greedy reincarnation, in this case. Rather than make them targets for hunting by others, let them be turned into protected bait! Even though there are risks. But the income is also multiplied!

………… ..

"10, 9, 8, 7 ........."

Five people were facing the watch above their wrists at the stairways around the world. Because they had to wait for the fate of the heart and the fourth child to go in line, the three Fang Lin still waited for two more days in the real world. And the fate of the heart and the fourth child can follow the boss of Fang mixed to take advantage, naturally it is highly desirable.

After walking down the stairs, I quickly entered the nightmare space. Fang Lin, who was guilty of thieves, did not dare to return to the private space, lest the angry cursing messages of the thunder would be drowned drastically. Of course, it is also daunting to pay home. Don't look at him wearing a dog-like suit and leather shoes, wearing a bowler hat and pestering a civilization stick, but he also put a full linen The plastic woven bag, of course, is the cigarette **** he picked up, the flattened can ... ... Easy to change nature of Jiangshan!

Xiao Fu winced and hid behind Fang Lindi, begging his host to intercede. The bottom line of negotiations is to kneel for half an hour ------- or even kneeling for a few hours without washing the clothesboard. Fang Lin coughed, thinking of Meimei's hot and spicy spirit, especially the proposal to cook raw rice for mature rice --- No, Guoba -----, also felt a little guilty.

Fortunately, at this time, the smart and capable Lin Yinxu stood up and quickly spent more than 1,000 points in the space supermarket to buy a skirt. Put in the space and walked with a gentle smile and knocked on the door. Xiao Fu tugging Fang Lin's shirt nervously in the distance, revealing a small half of his face, watching with frightened eyes, it seemed that he would run away at any time.

Lin Yinshou knocked on the door for a long time and no one agreed. The insignificant trembling shook even more, pulling Fang Lin's clothes like a sieve. Lin Yinshou pushed the door tentatively, but the door was hidden. She walked in and looked at it, and called out after a few minutes:

"Xiao Fu, you have been on a hunger strike for several days if you don't want to open it. If something goes wrong, you can't pull it!"

Insignificant payment immediately hit the lightning strike! Suddenly the waist straightened, hands did not shake, and people did not shiver. He rushed in with a scream. When Fang Lin and others walked into the ground, Wu Zaofu was already on the bed and started crying. Meimei lay motionless in bed, her face pale.

"It's all my damsel! I shouldn't run away!" Crying with a snot and a tearful cry! "I should kneel down the eighteen hours you punished ..."

"Eighteen hours ... 36 hours in total ..." Fang Lin listened to Lao Hu and his fourth son, and looked at each other with a chill on their backs. "Kneeling on the washboard for thirty-six hours, this torture is really worth it."

Xiao Fu cried, while twitching:

"Hey, I shouldn't prescribe medicine to you. I wouldn't force you if you left like this. Hey, I'll buy you a good camphor wood later ... No, it's still a Nanmu coffin, it's also I have done one last thing. "

Nanmu coffins are much better than camphor coffins, and of course they spend more money. It is not easy for Xiaofu, who likes money, to say such things. Wu Suofu cried on the bed, suddenly screaming, his face twisted:


A hand was stretched out in the oblique stab, and the ears of the trivial ears were raised high, but it was the beauty of "dead" on the bed!

"I just fell asleep! Come here to mourn! You wish I was dead, didn't you?"

Misty Fu resisted the pain and broke his tears and laughed:

"You don't have to die, lady. I ’m not running. I was forced to go by the master's call. You see, I also brought you a gift outside."

It seems that Xiao Fu has a tail that has shaken quickly, and said that she was touching it in that plastic hemp pocket, but where can I get anything other than waste wine bottles and pinched cans? Take out the skirt you bought earlier and chuckled:

"Xiao Fu, aren't you afraid that your hands are too dirty and soiled your skirt, and put it with me? I want to hear that your lady is in a hurry."

Xiao Fu chicken nodded like a rice. Meimei snorted, and saw that he had really expressed his feelings before, and felt that he had done a little too much, so he forgave him, and he was gentle and considerate.


When Fang Lin returned to his private space, he found that the Thunderer did not leave a message. He wondered in his mind: Did the Thunderer really reach a deal with Moreiden to get the red energy block? If the Thunder person completes the transfer task, then it will be better to meet him in the future.

At this point, a lot of people have accumulated a lot, and started to train crazy in the nightmare space. During this period, the three burned nearly 100,000 points. Lao Hu finally promoted the mountain of Lan to LEVEL ----- 2. The levels of Lin's Mighty Demon Spell and Real Cleavage have also been increased. After turning back to the job, the beauty of Shu Lin's beauty has a clue after returning to the nightmare space. Originally, the heart of Shura in the scroll was just a black mist. After entering the space this time, it condensed into a black smooth stone ~ ~ Quest props: The heart of Shura: Shura is one of the Six It is a non-god, non-ghost, non-human, a monster between god, ghost, and human. Its heart is currently dead because it has been left on the earth for too long, and it must absorb a large number of souls to recover.

Mission Objective: Collect two hundred dead souls dead in your hands to revive Shura's heart.

The mission that was originally stuck turned up, and Fang Lin and Lin Damei were also relieved. Seeing that the stay in the nightmare space is about to be exhausted, the three Fang Lin lead the heart and the fourth child, and then came to the space portal in the world of II, and took out the special item presented by Emerson:

Time node.

This prop was dim before three weeks, but now it looks like it is wrapped in a layer of stainless steel. It looks bright and clean, and the light is looming from the inside. From a distance, it looks like a light stick with a faint glow.

Fang Lin held it and walked to the portal of World II, and a prompt appeared:

"Do you want to use the time node? After using it, you will be positioned by the high-tech machines of World III."

Fang Lin ordered "yes." Suddenly a blue and white light door appeared in front of the portal, which was hazy and fuzzy. Fang Lin yelled when he walked in! The original Nightmare Mark actually gave a hint:

"Dr. Emerson, who controls the machine, will charge you a toll of 10,000 points per person. If you need to pass, you must pay 30,000 points, otherwise you will refuse to open the transmission function.

World of Iron and Blood! Collision of the Top Ten Chapter 85 Reentry

World of Iron and Blood! The 85th chapter of the collision of the top ten is re-entered by [no * wrong] [small-speak-net] members to play by hand. For more chapters, please visit the website: