Ace Evolution

v9 Chapter 106: Return (five thousand words)

[Book Title: Ace Evolution Round Table Samurai! Samurai Round Table! Article six chapters go back genuine war (5000 words) of the fool: soil volume]

The latest chapter of "Ace Evolution" Pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "君子 聚义 堂 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: smuggling into the holy doomsday new world infinite heroes sacred nowhere evolution movie world knight god-level hex beauty beautiful fantasy fantasy fast-wearing revenge office Dylan fortress see you, immediately ask Lin went in, Fang Lin smiled and resigned. Baidu: Not long after reading the latest novels, the Duke of Allen led Riley, Marce and other major characters currently stationed in the rapids.

But Fang Lin also noticed that Riley had been squeezed far away five meters behind Duke Allen. It looks like it should slide down from the position of the first cronies and return to the edge of the original right core. Just looking at his peaceful look, it seemed as if he was willing to accept it.

The Duke Allen on the wall was still majestic and solemn, giving the impression that darkness was worshipping him. Next to the Duke of Allen, Riley was replaced by a seemingly ordinary mask slave, but the mask slave was tied with a light blue cloak, and the edge of the cloak was inlaid with a wide finger. .

As mentioned earlier, the huge number of armies of the Masked Servant is the cornerstone of the evil ruled by Garibaldi. Then the guy who can be the leader of all mask slaves is likely to be quite powerful. The single-man combat power of the masked slave is the weakest among the armies of the evil archduke Garibaldi. However, if we talk about the leader's individual combat effectiveness, I'm afraid to count it backwards. It is likely that the leaders of other armies' single-person combat capabilities are even under the masked slave leaders. Of course, the mask slave has a huge base. Therefore, under its direct leader, there will be multiple deputy leaders, but even the ability of the deputy leader is not inferior to the leaders of the other arms.

Behind the Mask Slave Leader are two savage dwarf men wearing gold armor. These two guys have surpassed the elite's ability and entered the category of small bosses. In the light of the fire, the precious token in Fang Lin's hand glowed brilliantly, staggering and shining, and the base gilded with silk was holding the magnificent pearl, giving people a way to look Absorb the feeling of the past alive. In the whole rapids castle, the people on the city walls just saw the gilt as the base and the pearl as the main token, almost everyone's eyes showed greed. Even though the pressure of this greed forced the Duke of Allen to pass away, it was clearly captured by Fang Lin.

Seeing the item in Fang Lin's hand, the Duke Allen apparently let out a long sigh of relief. Although a rescue operation he had previously organized was stopped by Arthur's pre-arranged manpower due to the small number of people, scouts sent a lot. So he knows the outside world well.

According to the latest information, Whitewater Fort has been engulfed by magma due to the collapse of underground rock formations. There is no statistics on how much resources are left in the rapids, and I don't know at all. However, the claim that Gu Ruo Jin Tang's defense is impossible to exist anymore, although this matter can never be calculated on the Duke of Allen's head. But Duke Allen was like a mirror in his heart. Regardless of whether the rapids are destroyed or existed, it is not a problem to whom the responsibility is important. As long as the strength is particularly strong, its status is as solid as a mountain. The key to unlocking most of his strength is the token in Fang Lin's hands! Although there is extremely strong magic reinforcement around the secret room where this token is kept, there is little chance that the things inside will be damaged. But if it is buried under the rubble, it will be extremely troublesome to find it again.

Even though Duke Allen was ecstatic, there was still a touch of indifferent words on his face:

"Now that you have fulfilled my request, go to the city and return it to me."

Fang Lin's position at this time was quite ingenious, even if the two savage dwarf boys BOSS shot the flame javelin with all their strength, they could only be inserted into the soil in front of him. From this precise sense of distance alone, Fang Lin has already demonstrated his impressive strength. In the face of Duke Allen's question, Fang Lin smiled slightly:

"I've found something for the adults, but I don't know if they have prepared what I promised?"

The Duke of Allen suffocated slightly, and his heart was a little cold. It is a majestic question:

"What in the treasure did you take?"

Fang Lin suddenly turned his face coldly:

"I was born to death for you. I took the risk and ran out and took out the token you wanted! You didn't even ask me about my life and death. Second, don't mention my reward! What the **** cares about is that I take it What is it! Everything I deserve is what I deserve. It was Lao Tzu's life. Give me a clear answer. From now on I will ask you to answer, otherwise ... "



For a time, the fortress was filled with fierce yelling and swearing for loyalty, but these people shut up immediately, Fang Lin supported the token with his left hand, but picked up a short axe scattered on the battlefield with his right hand. In a flash, a blue flame appeared and wrapped the short axe, and it burned like a candle, and then turned into molten iron little by little!

Fang Lin didn't speak, but there was no sound everywhere. The wall under Duke Allen had been trampled out of dozens of deep cracks. The anger in his heart can be imagined, but he couldn't bear it, he had to bear it! Finally, Duke Allen took a deep breath and closed his eyes indifferently:

"go ahead."

Fang Lin smiled:

"Very well, if adults always cooperate this way, maybe what you want is already in your hands. I don't have much use of this treasure token for you. In the final analysis, I still want to get benefits from you. For the two benefits, I saved the adult's life first, and risked this precious thing for you. I also took the lives of several companions. If the adult didn't take out even a little sincerity, It's too chilling. "

In these words, Fang Lin said that what happened next was that Duke Allen seemed quite cooperative. Although his face was not very good-looking, he not only offered the reward of the task. Magic seal. And gave the magic seal to Fang Lin first. However, because the mission was not completed, the token was not delivered to Duke Ellen, and the ownership of the magic seal still does not belong to Fang Lin.

However, the act of Duke Allen's pretending to be generous will undoubtedly make Fang Lin feel cold. Duke Allen is definitely not a broad-minded man. He suffered such a big loss at this time, and he was willing to give the magic seal to himself In his hand, then it means that he has enough control to catch up and kill himself after getting the things he wants!

But Fang Lin didn't care about this at all. He threw the token into the city of Dylan Fortress. After Duke Allen took it over, he was considered to have fulfilled the requirements of the mission, and the Nightmare Mark also sent a prompt:

"Hide the mission and retrieve the token that the Duke Allen left in the rapids. It has been completed. The Duke Allen has obtained his token. The mission conditions are met."

"You get a magic seal, and if you put the seal on an item in this world, you can touch the original soul stamp on it. Get ownership of the item."

Next, Fang Lin took the scepter's golden treasure chest out of the storage space of the KOF contract. He immediately saw that the muscles on Duke Allen's face were twisted. The gnashing of his teeth seemed to be someone who stabbed him seventeen or eighty alive on his earth's heart at the same time. Even many of the servants who had followed the Duke of Allen for nearly ten years had never seen him so morbid! The Duke of Allen instinctively reached out. It seems that he wants to grab the golden treasure chest of the scepter from the air, but Fang Lin has pressed the magic seal on the treasure chest at a high speed!

A flash of light flashed past! The shape of that golden scepter chest changed instantly. The lid is cast into a gold-colored metal hawk and spreads its wings, and the box is a giant round emerald bird egg, shining brightly on it. It turned out that this treasure chest was cast with magic, unless it was Its owner. Otherwise, its specific shape cannot be identified!

Just a few seconds after Fang Lin covered the magic seal on the golden scepter chest, a spring of more than ten meters high spurted from his feet, and then quickly frozen in the air, sharp like a needle-like blade! Crystal clear, eye-catching!

Even more frightening is that within 30 meters of Fang Lin as the center, a large number of spray springs appeared, and then all condensed on the ground one by one, giving the impression that it was a transparent sharp spike Lin Li. A lot of cricket sharp ice cones. If someone is on it, your body will be punctured with holes!

But Fang Lin kept his hand to caress the golden treasure chest. Then with a mysterious smile on his face, the whole person faded little by little, disappeared, and disappeared in the air as if evaporated.

You have your thousand meter, I have my wall ladder! Since Fang Lin saw what Duke Allen was like, he would naturally leave himself behind!

In the void space, a huge screen appeared in front of Fang Lin, who stood side by side with Lin Yinshou, the fourth child, the old Hu, and his heart. The scenes of his killing of powerful enemies flashed one by one, followed by the freeze-frame picture of them killing Merlin. It seems that in the three heroes camp, except Arthur's words, the most noble identity is the great magician Merlin. However, from the traditional point of view, the status of Prime Minister / Military Division / Prime Minister, regardless of the size of the team, should be the second most stable person, which is indeed an irrefutable fact.

Then the following message appears on the screen:

Scene: 1021, Yorkshire, Europe, Round Table Samurai 1-2, difficulty: difficult (level). The degree of pain was reduced by 20%, and personal attributes were not strengthened. This scene is a killing scene: killing characters from the nightmare space will drop items. When the reincarnations attack each other, all the attack power is reduced to 1/5 of the original, and the killer's kill value is increased. Those involved in killing the reincarnations will also take on their tasks at the same time.

Mission completion: In the evaluation ... Because your adventures have exceeded the maximum completion of this scenario by 100%, the evaluation process will be extended to 13 minutes and 44 seconds.

Although I had already guessed that this would happen, a lot of people looked in surprise. Strictly speaking, this still touched the light of the black duke, one of the fools who had died before. This guy's ability to dig into the branch plot alone is not even as good as Fang Lin. If the Black Duke used powerful gold props to increase Arthur's ability as much as possible, he would not be able to stimulate Arthur to rule Maizhi. The plot of the Plains recruiting the Farmer Volunteer Army, not to mention the attack on the Dylan Fortress, captured the rapids.

Fang Lin, of course, they won't stay here for 13 minutes. At this time, there was no interference around them, and everyone couldn't wait to see if the uniquely shaped golden treasure chest could come out of the wand. Fang Lin took it out and applied real cutting to it.

The light of the Xie Niudao flashed from the surface of the golden treasure chest very leisurely, and it felt as if it was blowing through the wind and clouds, and there was no way to relax leisurely. The previous cutting operation also brought a bit of violent splitting. But now this knife gives people the feeling of flowing clouds, really speaking like Ding Jieniu, cut along the natural texture.

The true shape of the golden treasure chest is a golden raptor holding an emerald giant egg. After cutting, his body gave out a dazzling golden light, and the fiery red color was moving. Then Peng burst into a white smoke. The smoke was strong like a mushroom cloud, with colorful flashes in the meantime, and then the smoke slowly dispersed. Everyone took a breath. Appearing in front of them was a wand with a layer of fiery red all over the body!

A closer look at this wand reveals that the wand is made of gold and platinum reel. It looks bling and luxurious. On the battlefield, there are two red and green orbs inlaid. Among the red orbs, there is a thick and thick fiery red lava flowing in the pimple, and the green orbs are full of life. Seeing it gives people the feeling of spring back to the earth.

The first effect of this magic wand on people is the fire red, because more than ten centimeters around the body of the wand are wrapped in a large group of 氤氲 Hongxia. As the wand moved and flowed, Fang Lin's hand touched the wand and got the hint of the Nightmare Mark:

You got the battle of chaos.

C-level gold prop: Chaos Staff. This wand is an experimental product made by the Duke of Allen after sacrificing three life-green emerald wands, after being tempered in lava. Represents the highest level of core secrets in the world of Round Table Samurai.

After using this item, you can heal all the injuries on the reincarnation and replenish your energy. At the same time, you can increase the combat skills of all friendly members (including users) within ten meters for two levels! Add 2 points to all attributes, and the magic wand is effective for up to twelve people. If there are pets or servants within ten meters. It will also be counted together.

After using this prop. Can make all friendly members (including users) within 10 meters range gain physical and magical attack power for 15% permanently. And the flame resistance is permanently increased by 9%.

This item can be used for 200,000 points and 100 potential points.

This battle of chaos is so far. It is one of the most powerful props that Fang Lin has ever contacted. Before that, the golden props that he had contacted with the equivalent status were the ones who entered the Three Kingdoms world last time. But if we talk about it in detail, the purpose of this staff of chaos is much greater than that of man's books. Fang Lin's current big team has a total of five people. Even with the butcher, the insignificant payment, Bobby, Nana, there are only nine places. In other words, the three vacancies will definitely not be wasted ~ ~ This is where there is much room for appreciation of strange goods.

It was too late to think carefully when excited, and the Nightmare Mark gave another hint:

The mission completion is evaluated. Your mission completion is: 109%!

Evaluation of mission completion: SSS!

Mission rewards: 27 points for self-strengthening, 1 reward for the team's gold potential. Already allocated into the public space of the KOF contract.

The character's current remaining attribute strengthening points are: 27 points, please manually assign your own attribute strengthening points. After Fang Lin got his hands, he was still fully mental. While Lao Hu continued to invest all his power, Lin Yinshuo thought about it, and it was still evenly distributed.

Then a reminder appeared in the nightmare space: Because your pass evaluation is SSS level, you can use 10,000 points to gamble once and get three types of rewards: high-value items, skill scrolls or double points. The odds are 80%. Do you want to gamble? (whether).

With a 0% chance, Fang Lin naturally wanted to fight, and he clicked yes without hesitation. It turned out to be a stealth cloak that was previously obtained in the Three Kingdoms World. And Lao Hu was so bad that he actually hit a 20% probability ... Lin Yinxiu got a Chinese and Western currency that can be used to revive the plot characters.

When I opened my eyes again, I was back in the exclusive room of the Nightmare Space. Fang Lin was in a state of excitement at this time. I didn't want to rest for a while. I was going to find the key to let the fool drop completely The method of opening suddenly reminded me of the dam's glove, and of course, the agreement with Emerson, so I let the insignificant pay to find Emerson. There was also a golden key in his hand, which was dropped by the axe man when attacking the rapids. Gentleman Juyitang Novel Reading Network