Ace Evolution

v9 Chapter 74: Plan A

"Your pet's venom caused 37 damage to number 7322."

"You killed number 7322."

"Your kill value has increased."

"Your Nightmare Mark gains 120 experience."

"Because the kill value on him is more than 40, the value of the booty obtained will be greatly increased."

"Because the number 7322 is the identity of a physical elder candidate, you will be eligible to inherit the candidate's title. Data entry ..."

"Your current status is the form of the fool ii of the top ten in Nightmare Space. Your personal attributes tend to be mentally strong. Both of the main conditions do not meet the conditions of succession candidate titles, so you cannot obtain inheritance."

"You get an additional 30,000 points and 30 potential points, and you get a scroll corresponding to the title skill that comes with the candidate title."

Note: The power of skills on the scroll will be worse than the power of title skills. The corresponding scrolls obtained by the reincarnation will be level 1 after learning, occupying the skill bar, and will cost a corresponding price when used.

The title skill attached to the candidate title is the default level -10. = And does not consume any mental energy, points, potential points. Does not occupy the skill bar.

Please wait while scrolling ...

Fang Lin waited for a few minutes, seeing that the scroll had not been synthesized, so he took the light golden key that Bobby had brought over. This thing fell from the dam, and the prompt appeared again:

"Please choose: First, get the remaining 100% of the potential points and points before the death of the deceased. Second, there is a 100% chance of obtaining a piece of equipment worn by the character before death. Note: The equipment is randomly selected, and three: Random Ten props in the storage space before the character died. "

Seeing this key, Fang Lin immediately thought of the silver plot equipment!

--------- Cao Family's Sun Gloves (left).

As soon as he thought about it, Fang Lin immediately came up with the idea that he wanted to get it. Although he does not have the skills of Caojing, in theory, it is already possible to play the cottage version of Caojing flames. As far as the current situation is concerned, after the combination of the three fires, one should be able to show the ss skills of some characters in the plot ------- Super Kill!

It seems that the difference between s-level skills and ss skills of Diablo Chris is not too big, but the s-level skills and ss skills of Iori are completely two grades, especially the ban on the 211-style eight virgins. After Iori's rage (explosion), the attack and power are completely different!

After the key that fell after the dam died. Fang Lin hesitated whether to open it, but immediately analyzed it. The dam's body was afraid that the most valuable thing was the sun gloves. The rest of the items and equipment should be street goods, otherwise the color of the key will never be the key. Pale golden. Therefore, if you open it directly, it is quite a loss. Once you can't gamble on the sun gloves, you will get garbage. So Fang Lin thought about it and put away the key. At this time, a scroll was also added to the Nightmare Mark, which is the original candidate ability of the dam.

Free shield!

a + level skill free shield. Use mental power to create a flexible and transparent air shield in front of you. This shield can walk freely within five meters around your body according to your will. The free shield shares defense and resistance with the caster. Has 300 Stamina.

Casting this skill will cost 5000 points and 3 potential points. 3 points of mental strength. Cooling time is 20 minutes.

You can only cast Free Shield 3 times in a 24 hour period.

Lin Lin killed four people in this war. The Elder Elder with Scarface and Blue Cloak did not even exert his own strength and died under his hands. The next "cut" is typically Li Zhizhi's death. The most miserable death is naturally the dam. His tenacious vitality caused the death process to be infinitely delayed, so that he was killed by bit by bit.

Of the four people, the key with the highest value on the scar face is the dark gold key. The value of the key on the blue cloak mental power elder is the bright gold key. Both the dam and the "cut" are the worst quality pale golden keys among the golden keys.

Fang Lin, the scroll of the Scattered Shield, thought about it and handed it to the fourth child. After the previous fourth's death, Fang Lin's trust in him also skyrocketed. And these four keys, Fang Lin, packed up, because it was not the time to sit down and clean up the loot. Fang Lin played very **** this side, but how could the pressure on Lao Hu and Lin Yinshou be lighter? The top priority is to quickly bury the bomb on the road that must be passed, and then rush over to support!

The reason why Fang Lin wanted to come and help the fourth son by himself was that Hu Huahao and Lin Yinshou tried hard to delay. \\ Staged the rebels' siege operations. If you want to complete the task of defending Dylan Fortress. Then the large number of siege equipment transported by this batch will never allow them to reach the city smoothly. For the time being, Lao Hu's blocking seems to be quite successful.

After leaving combat. The three's physical strength and mental strength are rapidly recovering, even though their hearts are suffocating, but after taking a few bites of food, they have been restored and bandaged, and then they continue to return to the predetermined path to bury the bomb. Fang Lin has glimpsed the contradiction among the teams that transported siege weapons. There is also considerable friction and disagreement between the Farmers' Volunteers and the rebels in Whitewater Fortress. Although the coexistence of peace can be maintained under strict orders, once The situation became chaotic and got into a scuffle, then the conflicts that already existed between the two armies would probably intensify ...

So the first step, which is the most critical step, is to create an emergency to make the situation confusing!

This is the task that the fate wants to complete!

It began to rain in the sky, beginning to be rusty, almost making people think that the leaves of the trees were crowded and fell because of the wind. Later, I learned that it was the rain that decided to fall from the sky. After experiencing a long process, finally Stumbled on the leaves of the woods, and then gathered into a pearl and a pearl drop to the ground. At the same time, weaved into a hazy net in the air.

Fang Lin's eyes were a little excited, but now in the dark medieval era, traffic was quite inconvenient. When the rain fell, the road suddenly became clear with a knife, and it rained. Obviously, transporting siege equipment that weighs hundreds of tons will be more difficult, which means that you have more time to prepare.

At this time, Lin Yinxiu and Lao Hu had merged with them. In addition to his pale face, Lin Yinxiu was relatively neat and tidy, and there were already seven or eight wounds on the upper part of Lao Hu, all of which were deeply cut It was very long, and the wounds were all pale with heavy rain. As the baby ’s lips rolled, it looked very human. Lao Hu was also severely stabbed on the left face, the bone was deeply visible from the wound, and the left cheek reached the lip The horns looked very emaciated, blinding one eye.

Five people stood on the post and looked into the valley more than ten miles away. Although the terrain there was short, the elevated scorpion cannon was shaking at the tip of the valley, and sparse torches can be seen in the rain. The light shone, and it was extremely dim. Only these were made of pure turpentine into a magic blessing torch and barely burned. Needless to say, this was obviously a high-grade goods brought by the rebels in the rapids.

Ten minutes later, under the control of his heart, he began to detonate the bomb. A dull sound rang out in the distance because of the poor geological conditions and the natural disaster of landslides. This was beyond Fang Lin's imagination. From time to time, the constantly exploding mental power bomb makes a dull sound in the rain and fog with poor visibility, but its role cannot be described by dullness. This made Zhang Huang, the whole coalition, panicking and terrified, lest his feet suddenly become a huge soft explosion crater!

At this moment, Fang Lin suddenly felt that he was one kilometer to the left, that is, at the position behind them, suddenly a loud and low-pitched horn sounded! This voice was dumb and confused, so that the hearer had a A heartbreaking feeling!

Fang Lin looked back in surprise, and saw that on the hillside behind the sound of the horn, there were actually two heavy shield sergeants Zema, one was commanding the soldier, the other was blowing the horn, and then led seventeen Eight cavalry rushed out in the dark! The tide-like attack rolled over, and the arrow turned out to be a siege weapon protected by the Nakamiya Army! . !!

These people are the foreshadowing of the Duke Allen pre-installed in the plain of wheat, and it is important to receive the call of the lord and start to act on their own ~ ~ It is important that there are not many available soldiers in the hands of this forest The juncture! It can be said that it is in the snow!

Those cavalry are like ghosts, cold and quiet. Even in such a gallop, even his horses only make a dull sound of horseshoes touching the ground. This sound shocked everyone in the battlefield like a thunder. At heart.

Fang Lin apparently didn't expect such a release, and did not take into account that he just shouted after a brief whistle:

"Execute plan a"

The four men immediately deftly circumvented an arc and rushed to the battlefield. They wore clothing cut off from the rebel body. Such clothes and pants were not a problem for deceiving ordinary farmers' volunteers and masks. Therefore, Walk through the rebels.

Half an hour later, a siege device was escorted by fire.

The flaming fire is like a fierce beast, and Zhangya dance claws engulf everything that can be reached! The blazing light emitted is clearly visible in the night, even hundreds of miles away!

Today, I added 4 chapters. It was a small outbreak. Hey, ask for a monthly ticket.