Acting Spoiled In His Indifferent Arms

Chapter 86: Big Dream Life (4)

In the evening, Xie took the little girl into the children's clothing store in the business district and bought some new clothes for her. She was so dirty that she couldn't bear to look straight at her now, walking down the street like a little beggar.

"Dad, is this good?"


"What about this one?"


The little girl didn't know what to do, she carried a few small floral dresses, and said hesitantly: "Then...then you can choose for me."

It was the first time for Xie Sui to accompany a girl to go shopping in children's clothing. Looking at these colorful and beautiful little skirts, he thought of Xiao Bai and the situation of shopping with her.

Xiaobai also likes to talk endlessly for his opinions. He said it looks good, so she will try it, and then check the price after the trial, hesitating and entangled.

But as long as she likes it, no matter how expensive it is, Xie Sui will buy it for her.

After being with her, Xie Sui rekindled his desire to make money desperately. He did his best to create a better life for Xiaobai.

She was his support and belief in living, so after she left, Xie Sui had no more nostalgia for this world...

The appearance of Xie Yingtao interrupted all his plans, making him so busy that he didn't have time to end his life.

This spoiled little girl also made Xie Sui feel for the first time in his life...It turns out that living is such a trivial and delicate thing.

Xie Yingtao had changed into a beautiful pink skirt, and she came out of the fitting room and held the skirt in front of him in circles: "Dad, do you look good?"

The little girl has red lips and white teeth. She smiles very cutely. She is wearing a loose pink gauze dress, just like a little lady of the upper class.

She and Xiao Bai are really alike, and the two dimples are exactly the same when they laugh.

"Just this one, dress and go."

Xie Sui asked the salesperson, "How much is it?"

"This dress is a new style in our shop, one thousand and five."

Xie Sui touched his pocket a little to see if he had a card.

Xie Yingtao is very smart. This detail made her see that the young father is not as rich as the big boss father.

Xie Yingtao smiled and said to the salesperson: "It's so expensive. Call you beautiful sister. Can you give me a discount?"

The salesperson also smiled helplessly: "This is a new style, no discount."

"Then I don't like this one." After Xie Yingtao finished speaking, she picked up her dirty clothes and returned to the dressing room. Xie entourage grabbed her collar from behind: "Just this one, get the ticket."

"Hey, I don't want this one."

"Stop talking nonsense."

The salesperson hurriedly issued the ticket, and Xie swiped the card to pay.

After buying clothes, he took Xie Yingtao to eat a meal of charcoal grilled fish.

Xie Yingtao was puzzled: "Dad, if I'm not your daughter, would you still buy me such an expensive dress?"

Xie Sui drank a cold beer: "You are not."

"Then you should be taken advantage of?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, those deposits can't be taken away..."

That was the money he saved for marrying Xiaobai. Now it can be used. He has no other relatives in this world.

Xie Yingtao lowered her head to eat the fish, and while eating, the teardrops suddenly rolled out, and she quickly wiped it off.

Xie Sui frowned: "What's wrong with you?"

"Dad doesn't want to live anymore!"

She put down her chopsticks, tears fell down her eyes, and asked hoarsely: "Dad is going to commit suicide!"

Many guests around gave them strange glances, and some even silently took out their mobile phones to call the police.

Xie Sui felt so embarrassed, and put his hand to cover her mouth: "May I call you ancestor, please keep your voice down."

The girl looked at her with tears in her eyes, so sad.

Xie then pulled the tissue and wiped her wet little face: "Don't cry, eat well."

The girl asked, "Daddy... why didn't you want to live anymore?"

"Because the person I love the most has left this world."

Xie Sui didn't know if she could understand, but he still said to himself: "She is afraid of the dark, cold, and lonely, I want to be with her."

Xie Yingtao put down his chopsticks, looked at Xie Sui with dim tears, and solemnly assured him: "From now on, Cherry will no longer be wayward, obediently listen to father's words, sleep on time, study hard, and memorize the nine-nine multiplication table... this way, Can Dad... Don't die?"

Xie looked to Xie Yingtao, frowning her eyebrows, her eyes were dotted with crystal tears, her expression worried and scared, she twitched and "learned how to cry".

After all, he is not the father of this stupid kid, and I don't know what she is worrying about.

Xie Sui stretched out his slender fingertips, poked Xie Yingtao's full eyebrows, and lightly said, "It's just a dream, don't worry."

Xie Yingtao lowered his head, twitched his thin shoulders, and said intermittently: "What a terrible dream, hurry up and wake up, I want my parents to be well, and be by Cherry's side..."

Xie Sui put fish in a small bowl for her: "Hurry up."

Xie Yingtao picked up the small bowl obediently and was no longer picky eaters. She would eat whatever Xie picked up for her, so behaved.

Xie Sui leaned on the chair and looked at the little girl with his elbows. The girl's brows and eyes were clever, her features were well-behaved, and her slightly fat face was childish. She was really good.

If Xie Yingtao is really his and Xiaobai's daughter, then they should have a very happy life in a certain world.

"Tell me about the life outside of your dreams." Xie Sui suddenly said, "Do you have any other brothers and sisters?"

Xie Yingtao shook her head: "No, when Xiaobai gave birth to me, he gave birth for more than 30 hours. I heard from my uncles. At that time, my father was outside the delivery room and didn't close his eyes for two days. He said never again. If he doesn’t give birth, he doesn’t want Xiaobai to suffer,’s me."

"Then he loves mom very much."

"Of course, my parents are high school classmates, real childhood sweethearts!"

When Xie Yingtao recalled her parents, her face was filled with happiness: "Dad said that when his mother was at his worst, he had accompany him to survive the trough of life, so father treated his mother super well."

"Better than to you?"

Xie Yingtao said angrily: "Huh, my father is more gentle to my mother... than to me! Peel her pine nuts, crayfish, crab feet... and pull me together to peel it to my mother."

Xie Sui's mouth couldn't help but smile, if Xiaobai was with her, he would be willing to do all this for her.

This is the first time Xie Yingtao saw this fierce dad smile and smile so softly.

She smirked with tears in her eyes.

In the evening, Xie Sui took Xie Yingtao home for a walk. Xie Yingtao told Xie Sui listen everything she knew about her parents, including many things that happened in their high school, as well as his father's failure and injury for the college entrance examination, and then made a comeback. Things.

Xie Sui silently listened to Xie Yingtao’s narration of Dongyi and Xiyi. These stories, he only felt vaguely familiar, but somewhat strange.

Thinking of last night’s dream, he was a little unsure. Is this little girl really his daughter in another world with Jibai?

This is too far-fetched, and Xie Sui couldn't convince himself.

Maybe... it's just that he missed Xiaobai too much and was too lonely, so he would have such a dream.

When the police investigate clearly and find her parents, everything will come to light.

In the early morning a few days later, Xiaocheng, the policeman, contacted Xie Sui, asking him to come to the police station now and take the little girl with him in a hurry.

Xie Sui thought it was Xie Yingtao’s parents, and did not delay. Early in the morning, he pulled up the little girl who was still Meng Zhougong, washed her face indiscriminately with a kerchief, put on a new skirt, and put on a new skirt. , Put on a brand new Doraemon schoolbag, hurried to the police station.

The car stopped by the gate of the police station, Xie Sui supported the steering wheel with one hand, and tilted his head to look at Xie Yingtao.

The little girl opened her mouth wide and yawned long, listlessly as if she was not awake.

Are you going to send her back...

Xie Sui lowered his eyes, there must be some reluctance.

Except for Xiao Bai, he has no relatives in this world.

Although the little girl is eccentric, she is very sensible. She yelled affectionately with one dad, making Xie Sui really treat the silly girl as a damsel, and bought her many beautiful little girls. Skirts, and also learned to tie croissants...

Xie Yingtao was stunned when she saw Xie Sui, so she stretched out his finger and nodded his hand holding the steering wheel: "Dad, shall we still make money today?"

Xie Sui shook his head, opened the door of the car, took the little girl out, and walked into the police station.

"Stop calling me dad, your real dad will be unhappy to hear that."

Xie Yingtao frowned suspiciously.

Xiaocheng, the policeman, was checking the files in his office, and when he saw Xie Sui coming in, he quickly waved to him: "Mr. Xie, come in."

Xie Sui looked around and didn't see the emotional parents he had imagined. There were no other people in the office except a few police officers.

Xie Sui led the little girl to the desk and asked, "Officer Cheng, did you find her parents?"

Xiaocheng, the policeman, glanced down at Xie Yingtao, with a look of confusion on his face: "Families that have reported missing children in the past six months have been investigated one by one. There is no family that matches this girl."


"I applied to access the national resident database, and this girl...not in it either."

"How is it possible, you can check it carefully, are there any names with the same name."

Officer Cheng shook his head: "I use the face matching system. This girl... is not in the resident database."

Xie Sui knew why Officer Cheng looked serious. If Xie Yingtao was not in the police's resident database, it means that...she is a black household and has no identity at all.

Xie Sui was suddenly a little angry. What kind of parents would not register their children? Now that the children are lost, they don't look for it. This is a desertion.

Officer Cheng was also very embarrassed, but he really tried various methods in the past few days, but there was no way to find out the true identity of Xie Yingtao, and he was really powerless.

"Mr. Xie, I have already contacted the orphanage, and they said they would take this girl in."

Xie Yingtao hurriedly hid behind Xie's, and looked at the police in fear.

"I...I don't go to the orphanage, where there are children without homes, but I...I still have a father."

Xie Sui's hand fell on the girl's shoulder and said to Officer Cheng: "I can raise her for a few more days. You can look for it. As long as her parents are still in this world, there is nothing you can find in the police."

"Mr. Xie, I will try my best, but it seems that the investigation is not a matter of overnight, so I suggest sending the little girl to the orphanage first."

Xie Sui looked at the little girl next to her. She hugged his leg tightly, raised her head, and looked at him in panic.

Being sent to an orphanage is probably a nightmare that every child will be afraid of.

Xie Sui pressed her gentle palm on the top of her forehead, and said in a deep voice, "I will not send her to the orphanage. You should look for it as soon as possible. I will raise this girl before I find it."

Xie Yingtao breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that although the young father was fierce, he must still love her.

Xiaocheng, the policeman, looked at Xie Sui, then at Xie Yingtao, which was almost carved out of a mold with him, and suddenly proposed: "Mr. Cheng, do you want to go for a blood test?"

"What blood test?"

"Just compare the DNA, look at this girl..."

"What are you kidding?"

Xie Sui thought it was ridiculous: "I told you, I have no children."

"Mr. Xie, don't get excited. You look at the girl so much like you, and she keeps saying that you are her father. Let's think about the possibility that you will be the one you talked about when you were young... Stay Child, but you don’t know, the girl gave birth to the child and brought it back to you."

Xie Sui glanced at Officer Cheng speechlessly: "You have such a rich imagination. What kind of police are you doing? You can write novels."

"I just put forward a guess." Officer Cheng rubbed the back of his head and smiled: "This is indeed a bit weird."


Xie Sui led Xie Yingtao out of the gate of the police station, looking at each other in a rustling wind.

Xie Sui knew that Officer Cheng’s guess was absolutely impossible. He had never talked about a girlfriend before the accident. For so many years after the accident, he only had a good time with Xiao Bai, and even if he was good with Xiao Bai, the most was rubbing. Touch, and did nothing else.

But Xie Sui really didn't believe in this evil anymore. He went to Police Officer Cheng again, and the two took Xie Yingtao to the hospital for DNA identification.

Xie Sui’s original intention was to dispel Officer Cheng’s doubts and focus all his energy on finding parents for Xie Yingtao, and stop suspicion of him.

But unexpectedly, a week later, the DNA identification results came out, and Xie Sui was scared into a cold sweat.

DNA results show that Xie Yingtao is his biological daughter.