Addicted to Boundlessly Pampering You

Chapter 16: punishment

Take out the alcohol and gently wipe it on the sleek and small shoulders, but it will provoke the other person to breathe a sigh of relief. Snow curled up his eyebrows month by month, his eyes were anxious and distressed, and he sighed softly, and gently persuaded: "Oh, one does not hurt, brother blows you."

It is as fine as a gelatin, and the skin is as clean as a ceramic. It is covered with a neat tooth print and goes deep into the flesh. It shows how much force the people who come to the mouth use. The bottom of my eyes was distressed, and there was a hint of hidden haze. Washed the affected area, and the snow took out a white jade bottle and opened it. It was a fragrant smell. Smudged around the circle of teeth, Gu only inhaled, but resisted and did not continue to cry. It was too shameful to cry too much, but she was bitten, but she burst into tears like a child who had been wronged.

Gently printed a kiss on the injured shoulder, and the snow held her to comfort her month: "Don't worry, you won't leave scars. Brother's medical skills you don't believe, then you can always believe it." This medicine, but you did it yourself!"

"Brother, in fact, I am not worried about whether I will stay." Some sobbing, Gu only said a word, it will **** a nose, the expression, but it is very cute. Snow can not help but smile, and suffer aggrieved one, how can it be so flattering and distressed? Kissing her little red nose and asking her along her words.

"What are you worried about?"

However, he did not answer his question. Gu only seemed to think of something. He said: "Big brother? Brother, what would you not do with Xiaojiu? Actually, he is not intentional, I am annoyed by myself." It was her own annoyance of Xiao Jiu, who would let Xiao Ji rebel, but she could not think of it. Xiao Jiu actually countered this way. After a chill, Gu decided that he must be cautious about Xiao Jiu's teeth in the future. When necessary, he still ordered his acupuncture points.

Seeing her black eyeballs, the snow immediately knows her thoughts at the moment, gently tapping her brain, petting and helpless: "Don't repent!"

With a smile, Gu only quickly forgot the pain of his wounds. Greasy in the snow cloud song, spoiled: "Brother, I remember that Xiaojiu was thrown out by you, please, don't blame him. He is so small, still a child! Children are not obedient, that is Very natural. And, this time it is actually my fault."

If it is not for him to be strong and kiss him, there will be no such end. Everything is her own self-confidence, and Xiaojiu has little to do with it.

"Is it? But I only saw the kid, and I will not let you bite!" Picking up the eyes, the snow slammed the corners of the moon with dangerous arcs.

"That, that, brother, in fact, I have to kiss him, he only resisted." Going out, the only blushing face, and my heart is a little embarrassed. She went to steal a little nine, and her brother must be angry.

"Have you kissed him?" The cold voice, the sinister sounds, and the only one shrinks the neck, and the hand that rubs the snow from the moon is also somewhat relaxed. The second brother who launched the fire is terrible, she is afraid! Big Brother, where are you? Come and save one by one!

"Where did you kiss him?"

"Face, cheek." Shrinked openly, but a big hand touched her face and swung back and forth.

"What do you use to kiss him?"

"Ah!?" Gu is only a little embarrassed, relatives, in addition to the mouth, what kind of pro can you use? Under the unsightly eye attack of the second brother, Gu only stuttered: "Mouth, mouth!"

The big hand was changed to put on her pink lips, some itchy. Gu only did not respond, and was blocked by a strong and intense kiss. The ear was a low-pitched voice.

"In this case, my brother has to disinfect one by one."

The fierce and overbearing kiss wandered happily on her lips. Gentle and powerful, she opened her mouth and plunged into the mouth full of fragrance, leading her smooth tongue and dancing with him. Gu’s only weak resistance gradually became obedience and response, licking the neck of the snow, closing his eyes, and his ears, the two people’s rushing and lingering low gasps, leaving a room to linger.

In the dark room, there is a smell of rot in the air, which seems to be a place to pile up waste. When I opened my tired eyes, Xiaojiu saw the state in front of me. The dim room, without a trace of light, even the windows, is also closed. The moist atmosphere made Xiao Jiu could not help but wrinkle a beautiful eyebrow, and his hand was a rough touch, slowly groping, it should be a pile of dry weeds. Vaguely, you can see some long or short wood. Here, it should be a firewood house. The clothes on the body are still wet, and the sticky is very uncomfortable. I remembered the two angry men, laughing at myself, not letting him drown in the pond; not sending him to the dungeon, but in this dark wood house, they have been merciful to him.

It has been warned many times that he knows that he should not provoke the woman. However, at that moment, he was so strong and wanted to leave a mark on her. Dead woman, even if I change the current end, I will not regret it. Are you suffering now, will you never forget such pain? However, only pain can make you feel so clearly and still feel alive in this world.

It’s been more than ten days, it’s going to be fast, and he just has to insist on it for a few more days. Dead woman, this mouth, just as a "gift" before leaving, returning you for so many days, how to treat me!

The little child, lying on the pile of dry straw, thought about it. Ignoring the coldness that the body gradually invaded, the weather in the snowy area was originally extremely cold. At this moment, he was just a four-year-old child, not to mention the clothes on his body were still wet. However, this is the punishment they gave him, he will not ask for mercy, absolutely not!

I don't know how long it took, the dark door was suddenly pushed open, and the sudden light made Xiao Jiu have to reach out and block the forehead. Behind the sun, there is a black robe, a beautiful and enchanting tall man, in the hidden darkness, like the demon of the night.

Behind him, followed by a tall and charming woman, but it was the embarrassment that had been taking care of him for those days. Vaguely remember what the dead woman called her, but this is what shuts him.

Slightly glanced at the child with a stubborn look, Xue Yun song no expression. When Fu Hanqi came forward, he lit a candlelight, and the whole room suddenly appeared, and it printed out some confusion in the firewood room. Xue Yunge indicated that Fu Hanxi put the clean clothes on the side of a firewood. He didn't want to have any situation when the guy came out, causing doubts and blame.

"You go ahead."

Fu Hanyu looked at Xiao Jiuyi with concern and left the room respectfully and closed the door. Suddenly, only two of them were left in the room.

"I don't want to treat you as a child. Moreover, every performance of you is like an adult. Xiaojiu, open the skylight and say something, who are you?"

I looked at Xue Yunge with hate, but Xiao Jiu was silent. He never concealed his behavior, naturally not like a child. However, to know his identity, it is impossible! He also saw clearly, with the interest of the dead woman in him, this man will not be like him now, at most, it is a little bit of flesh and blood, he can stand it.

"You don't think that we didn't do anything to you these days. We thought we believed in your nephew. Don't say yes, now I don't force you. But," looked coldly at Xiaojiu, snow. The cloud song seems to open inadvertently.

"You are afraid to spend it here in the past few days. It is a small punishment for you. In order to prepare for the snow **** festival to celebrate the whole country, we are going to take it one by one and leave it here tomorrow. And you, sorry, just one. People are here."

Did not ignore the inexplicable expression that he had crossed the bottom of his eyes when he spoke of the Snow God Festival. Xue Yunge suddenly smiled a little, but in the dark, no one could see it.

"So, you can enjoy it, rest assured, someone will send you a meal every day."

It seems to be a mocking discourse. Xue Yunge looked at Xiaoyiyiyi, turned and left the room. The damp wood house restored the darkness of the room.

Will they leave tomorrow? Is this good or bad for him? If they didn't find it, it would be good. In a few days, he can sneak away from it. This time, even if it has never been done, it has never happened. But if, in the end, he still can't escape? It seems that the two men are definitely not as simple as ordinary businessmen, at least for him, it is still a guarantee. In these few days, you should be able to escape.

Now, he is not willing to think of everything to the bad, let alone, he is locked in this wood house, or this is the present. What is he worried about?

Stinky man, huh, I can't think of it, your punishment, but helped me! If you know that the result will become like this, what kind of expression will it be? I am really looking forward to it!

A small, beautiful child suddenly showed a malicious smile. The beautiful face of the angel, as if it had been poisonous in an instant, was ruined.

Snowy, royal palace.

Snow is away, snow is not leaving, twins, suddenly appeared in Linyi three months ago, currently operating a brocade silk, the brothers have a business to do, is a dark horse in Linyi business suddenly rises. Heyuan, now living in the heavens and the earth, has a rental period of one year. The brothers have a sister in the lotus garden, and the name is unknown.

"What is this detailed information! Shadow guard, the most powerful dark power of the imperial dynasty, I still can't find the true identity of a person? What are you doing, a pile of waste!"

Fei Fei’s thick book was brushed on the shadow of the ground, but he did not move, and he was alone with the anger from the emperor.

"Your Majesty, they have only recently appeared in the snow, they are suspected, they are businessmen from other countries. Otherwise, we can not find their identity."

"Are you sure that the spirit of the soul is scented in the lotus garden?"

"The genius dares to guarantee by life."

"Continue to send people, you must find the gods back. As for the two brothers, if they resist, what should be done, don't you have to teach you?"

"I understand it."

Gorgeous room, a sweet and welcoming atmosphere. The snow rose from month to month, and the petite woman who was sleeping in the extreme tiredness, gently fell a kiss. Open the door and tell Fu Hanyu outside Hou’s door: "After waking up, serve her well, and, about Xiaoji, don't tell her first."

The tall, flattering woman bowed her head down smoothly: "The slave knows."

Above the tall tower, the snow leans lazily on the gorgeous chair, slender fingers stroking the shape of the chin, watching the snow cloud song next to the desk, lightly red lips: "Brother is doubtful Is Xiaoji the **** offering?"

"Yes," the charming eyes are scornful. "Since the appearance of Xiaojiu, the two groups of people began to appear more and more frequently. What's more, don't forget where Xiaojiu was discovered one by one. There, distance The nearest courtyard of the bath is the elegy, and the mysterious person is just the renter of the other house."

"But Xiaoji is just a four-year-old child. It doesn't fit the appearance of the **** offering. What should I explain?" Pointing out the biggest question, the snow frowned.

"This is also a place I have been unable to understand. However, perhaps there is a certain kind of medicine in the world that can change a person's body and make it change. It is not necessarily the case. In any case, the identity of Xiaojiu is the most suspicious. After all, after all, In addition to us, he is also a frequent contact with one person!"

"Brother, do you think that it is Xiao Jiu, who planted that strange fragrance?"

"Besides him, I really can't find other suspicious people. I have already locked him in the firewood room, and revealed the news that we are leaving, and the things about the snowy **** offering. This time, I fell. To see, he can still pretend that he will not show a trace of it?"

The corner of the mouth evokes a strange smile, and the snow cloud song is beautiful and enchanting, and it is even more enchanting. Snow is still a cold face, and then asks: "How to explain it one by one? She likes that child."

"Don't worry about this, one is very sensible. Even if she likes Xiaoji again, she won't see him more important than us. Isn't it? Let's tell her first, maybe, one by one. There will be better ideas!"

The footsteps sounded in the doorway, and in a short while, Xiaoran, who was in Tsing Yi, appeared in front of the two.

"The Lord has already found out about the **** offering. However, it may not be complete."

"No problem, let's talk."

"The **** sacrifice, no one knows its face. It is said that the **** sacrifice is only staying in a confined shrine all year round. Except for the national star's picking star pavilion, there is no trace of freedom of entry and exit. Therefore, we cannot know what the **** offering is. There is also a secret identity that is unknown to the gods, that is, he is the illegitimate son of the Emperor Xuezhao of today."

illegitimate child? Is it a royal scandal? However, this matter has nothing to do with them. They only need to know who the **** sacrifice is, and lift the strange fragrance of one body.

"Xiao Ran, then do you think that Xiao Jiu may be the mysterious **** sacrifice?" Looking at the young boy in front of him, Xue Yunge asked.

"Small nine sons are indeed suspicious. As for whether it is a **** offering, the subordinates do not dare to break."

"Forget it, you rarely touch Xiaojiu. It is really impossible to judge. Even us, aren't they just doubts? The people at the palace have concluded that the **** offering is in the lotus garden, even if the person who smells that night is one by one. In this case, we will leave temporarily and put the little nine people in the lotus garden. If they come again next time, they can easily determine that the identity of the gods of Xiaojiu is up. Acting tonight, Xiaoran, you will first substitute When you are ready, you can't let the people in the palace find it."

"As for Xiao Jiu, send someone to look at him and not allow him to step out of the wood house!"

Standing up, the beautiful face of Xueyun song flashed over the look of the optimistic drama. "If it is determined to be Xiaojiu, immediately grab him, and you must not let the people of the palace succeed first."

"I will arrange it immediately."

Looking at the figure that Xiao Ran left, the snow faintly said: "This child is getting more and more my heart."

"Yeah, it is worthy of our carefully selected confidants. However, the merits of one by one are also great!" The corners of the mouth were replaced with gentle smiles, and Xue Yunge responded, remembering the little people who were in the heart of their hearts. Can't help but be warm.

Linyi, gorgeous snow white castle.

The dark dimly lit room, a man of about forty vests, the shadow of the eyes across the shadows. Unexpectedly, there will still be a group of people in the heavens and the earth, and there is also a strange force that has intercepted his people. In addition to the emperor, who else will it pay attention to the **** offering? Oh, no matter who it is, it hinders his path, it is a dead end!

This time the **** sacrifice, he will never let it be held as usual!

"Come on!"


"A repair book, immediately sent to Haoyue."

Leaving the emperor, this time, I see you let the snow, how to raise your head in front of Haoyue and Chiyu! That gorgeous grand occasion, I, but I am looking forward to it!

The man with a dark complexion has an eagle-like sharp light in his eyes.

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!