Addicted to Boundlessly Pampering You

Chapter 17: Plan

In the dark room, a small figure curled up on the hay of the corner, and a low-pitched cough came from the air. If you walk in and observe it carefully, you will find that his body is hot and his cheeks are red.

A beautiful little child, with his hands on his knees, seems to be in a heavy nightmare. It was a long passage, long and long, and could not see the end. He ran hard and kept running. Even if his body was weak, he didn't want to stop. The passage was dark, he was scared, and his life seemed to run in this passage. He wants to escape, he doesn't want to be surrounded by darkness forever. Running non-stop, there was light gradually in front, and at that moment, he almost wilted, and suddenly raised a hope. With light, there is a way out, there is a end, where is the light, will it be a vast sky, a vast freedom? The heart is filled with a strong desire for the future. At that moment, even death can not stop his longing for light.

He finally came into contact with the light, warm, radiant, and his heart trembled with excitement. With a cheer, he shouted, jumping, dancing, and spinning in the light. Almost immersed in a new joy. Finally, when he stopped and began to look around, he discovered a fact that made him fear. All around him, it was white, and the whiteness was infinite, just as he was black at the beginning. Jumping excited heart, cooling in an instant, cold, and even silence. At this moment, he suddenly understood that pure light is like pure darkness, but what he is chasing is an illusion.

Sadness, overwhelming grief and despair, he felt that he was going to die in pain. The heavy and oppressive air almost prevented him from breathing.

Why, why is this?

The small body began to tremble with violent uneasiness, and the beautiful face of the red, the sorrow of deep bones, the struggle, the suppression, the desperation of wanting to be free. This fragile look, any stone-hearted person, will also feel bad for such a beautiful child.

A slight but heavy sigh screamed. In the darkness, a thin and slender figure appeared in looming, and the little man who was curled up on the ground entered the arms. The warm hand is covered with a small nine-hot abnormal forehead. On that day, he was thrown into the pond, and he did not change his clothes in time. He was cold and had a fever. He just thought it would be so serious. There is a bit of distress in the big glass-like eyes. For this child, whether it is true or false, there is no way to deny that he is not willing to make him feel so uncomfortable at the moment. Only, for that plan, she must not have to. Pull out the pill hidden in his arms, open his mouth and feed it, and gently pat the smooth little face. The slender hand began to undress for the little child. After a few days of sleep, his clothes were dirty and stinky, his body was not clean, and his naturalness was not fast. Wipe the towel with warm water, carefully wipe it on the clean body, and then slowly put on clean clothing. In the final step, attach a belt with a bow. The figure in the darkness slowly stood up, and placed him on the side of the clean, paved quilt floor, and sighed and left the room.

Xiao Jiu in the coma, vaguely felt the warmth, but only blinked for a moment, but the final impression was just a slender back.

In the dark night, the darkness covered all the chaos and prosperity, and there was only one silence left. However, how much dirty and dull turbulence will lurk. The truth after the prosperous life is often cruel, irresistible but irresistible.

On the top of the white giant tower, the two slender and beautiful figures stand in the wind, overlooking the darkness, as if they are the gods of this world. Perhaps, as long as you have tasted the feeling of being in a high position and above all else, it is as addictive as eating opium. Power, strength, and these are often things that people are eager to hold in their palms. Unfortunately, they are nothing but a piece of chess that has been played with power.

"Lord, they are coming."

A black guard suddenly appeared, slyly reporting everything that happened in the dark night. The beautiful and enchanting man, looking at the infinite dark night, charming and dangerously picking up the confusing eyes, the red lips lightly said: "Wait for so many days, finally come? Hey, according to the plan, take them Let's go."


The two men in black were trained to appear in the Lotus Garden. The last lesson made them dare not move easily. The people who were dispatched this time were carefully selected and first-class masters. Just for the task that must be done tonight.

Ignite the spirit of the soul in the hands, and twenty black men began to wait for the command of the first person. It was not until the scent of the soul began to produce slender white smoke that the person around him was followed. The rest of the people are divided into two wings, carefully watching the possible warnings of the Lotus.

Entering the Lotus Court without any hindrance, the look of the surprised man on the face of the black man, whispered: "Slow, be careful."

The last time the guard was so strict, he saw that no other brothers were alive. At this moment, they even entered the hospital so easily. It really doesn't make sense. Unless, the two men had already prepared everything, waiting for them to catch up. The bottom of the eye crossed the light of the alert, and the man waved and said: "Some of you, keep it outside; the rest of you, come with me."

Above the giant tower in the distance, the beautiful man smiled very strangely. "It's not an idiot, but does he think that would be useful?"

The man who is cold and cold, his eyes are full of vicious meaning. "Brother, what should I do?"

"What do you say?" The smiling smile of the twin brothers, two identical beauty, such as the death of the world, the bloodthirsty fairy, evil and beautiful, people can not breathe.

Following the guidance of the Souls, several black men appeared in the backyard of the Lotus Garden. Gradually strong fragrance, let them cover the face of the black towel, a surprise smile.

However, all of this was seen carefully by the eyes behind it. Too happy, they did not find that the companion who was behind them had disappeared. Not far from the wall, it was covered with broken limbs and **** ground. More than a dozen black men, lying on the ground, have long lost their breath.

"Lord, they went to the backyard."

The bottom of the eye passed through the vicious light and went to the backyard. Then, Xiaojiu is the possibility of a **** offering, and they can already be half determined! Even though they have deliberately, in the square near the backyard, there has long been a taste, a taste that can be confused and deliberately brought to the backyard. However, if Xiao Jiu is not a **** offering, once they arrive in the backyard, they will immediately understand their own plans, and it will not be too late to kill them. And if Xiao Jiu is a **** sacrifice, the taste will be really stronger and stronger.

Xiao Jiu Xiao Jiu, you are no longer able to escape this evening. It’s strange to blame, you are moving, you shouldn’t move, you are looking for a dead end!

Uneasy to wake up from the nightmare, Xiaojiu wiped the fine sweat of the forehead, but the mood was extremely heavy. Taking a deep breath, I found that the clothes on my body were actually replaced. The pink women's dress, the big bow on the waist, the small blue ribs of the forehead jumped a few times, and the small nine points were unclear at this moment.

The dead woman,,,,,,,,

Should he thank her? However, if it is not because of him, how can he fall to this end? Dead woman, the two men do not care about her, actually dare not resist! As long as she said a word for him, the two men will definitely let him go. However, faint smile, what do you want, what about the woman?

The cold is already good, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a warm current in my chest. At this moment, he was so ecstatic, is it going to be there? From now on, is he just him? Can you not have to bear everything that is imposed on yourself?

The little child, suddenly at this moment, burst into tears. After a long time, it calmed down.

Gradually, I feel that I am not quite right. There is a strange smell in the air, but it is very familiar. Even if there is no martial arts, Xiao Jiu’s alertness is first-class, but that taste, why is it so familiar, familiar with him, wants to vomit!

His face changed awkwardly, damn, how did he forget that there was that thing! Then he satirically smiled, and now he is still afraid of anything, even if he has that thing, it is useless. Hehe, covered with his own heartbeat, the beautiful child, a malicious smile on his face.

Above the tall tower, a spurt of footsteps sounded slowly, and the guard appeared in front of two beautiful men. "The Lord, they went to the backyard and observed for a while and retreated!"

"What!" One palm shot on the desk next to it, the solid jade table, so suddenly smashed. Snow cloud song is somewhat frustrated, is he guessing wrong?

"Brother, isn't Xiao Jiu a **** offering?" Snow is also full of doubts. They actually left, then it means there is no one in the room. How could this be, except for Xiao Jiu, who else would have such a suspicion! I thought that they could catch the **** offering this time and lift the abnormality of one body. I don’t think it would be empty in the end!

"Lord, Lord, how do they solve it?" Some timid openings, the guards had awe and uneasiness on their faces. Glanced at him with a glance, Xue Yunge angered: "I want to tell you how to do this kind of thing? Kill all, one does not stay!"

"Yes, yes, let's go!"

"Slow!" Called the guard, but it was the snow on the side.

"Brother, your reaction today is too radical."

Depressing his anger, Xue Yunge knows that he is angering, but what about it! He wants to kill when he kills, and who can stop it! It’s all about how he can easily accept the fact that there is no result.

"Brother, okay. Don't worry, although Xiaojiu is not a **** offering that makes us unexpected, but those people can't kill it. If they don't find a **** offering, they will not stop. Just send someone to follow them, it's best to be able to Into the palace. This way, can help us!"

Wen Yan analyzed the most favorable side, and the snow told the guards to follow the instructions. It’s rare for a brother to get out of control once, even more impulsive than himself. Even if the heart is anxious, he carefully examines the body one by one, and can be sure that there is nothing wrong with it. Perhaps, the mysterious **** offering, only to confuse the audience of the palace, but did not think about hurting one. However, these days, their troubles are likely to come one after another.

"Brother, we can't be impatient. In the future, there is still a hard battle to fight! You have always been calmer than me, and you will not understand this truth."

"I know." I screamed tiredly, and Xueyun screamed fiercely: "Xiaojiu has no doubts, and he will like him more. The last time the kid bitten one by one, the dirty hands were actually put one." On one chest. You don't know how much I want to cut his hands!"

"What, that guy actually touched the chest!"

The face of the snow has become gloomy, and it’s no wonder that the brother is so angry. This time the **** sacrifice is not a small nine, brother has no excuse to let one away from the kid, and can not even drive him away! Will they continue to endure a pair of relatives in the future? Just thinking of it, the two felt that the chest was sulking and screaming, hoping to murder to vent!

Their love, the hegemony and possession that comes, no matter who they are, are not allowed to be close to the only one in their hearts; which is the old and the other, male or female! As long as she is in her heart, there is no other existence besides them.

"That kid, let's release it for a few more days!"

After planning for a few days, it was actually an empty one, but it cleared the doubts of Xiaojiu. This is completely contrary to what they originally thought, the unwilling look, and the beautiful face. Even so, give the kid a little bit of trouble! Otherwise, how do they swallow this breath!

Gorgeous room, Gu only lying in bed, flipping over and over. My brothers for the plan these days, it seems that there is an urgent matter to go out to deal with every night, so she sneaked to the place of Guan Xiaojiu, and now she came back under the cover of her. Fortunately, my brother has not returned yet. She will not find out what she has done, but she is unable to sleep at the moment. In fact, pity Xiao Jiu, but also doubt him. Regardless of what the final result will be, she doesn't matter. Just like agreeing with my brother's plan this time, the person she cares most is theirs! Seeing that they are jealous because of Xiaojiu, her heart is like the sweetness of honey. In fact, Xiao Jiu is just a child. They care about it. Although it is incredible, but my brothers have a strong desire for her, she is not so clear from an early age! Even the greens, they are not allowed to be too close. And hey, if it’s not because of her loyalty and her need to have a jealousy, I’m afraid that I’ve been rushed to where I’ve been.

This is the overbearing brother, she likes it so much!

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!