Admiral, Hello

v2 Chapter 635: Come in?

The same black waist-length hair as Akagi, the black base red is a short kimono with the side hem open to the thighs, a pair of deceptive Saixue's long legs are curled together, and the wine-red eyes are filled with grievance, fear, and horror. , Fear, surrender, resignation, helplessness, estrus, desire, hunger and thirst are intertwined with emotions.

The gift in the box is the deep sea Akagi!

However, it is not the deep sea Akagi itself that amazed everyone, but the dress of the deep sea Akagi at this time.

You must have seen the V-shaped three-point swimsuit. If you haven't seen it, you can do it yourself or Taobao. Generally speaking, there are one or two beautiful women wearing this kind of swimsuit on the beach, which will cause large-scale look back and attention, but the deep sea Akagi's dress is bolder than this kind of swimsuit. The style is still that style, but the swimsuit becomes a red string with the thickness of a finger.

(Ahem, I won’t describe it in detail to avoid dimensionality reduction.)

At the same time Akagi's hands are also tied by the same red rope. As long as she wants to struggle hard or try to break free from the rope, some strange noises will be made under the action of friction.

An apple was stuffed into Akagi's mouth. Poor, she couldn't even speak, so she could only whimper.

Xiao Yuhang rubbed his eyes and closed the lid with a ‘click’ after looking at the large white patches in the box.

"Damn it, I haven't indulged in this period of time? Why is it dazzling? It must be an illusion, how come there is an illusion in broad daylight? The way the box is opened must be wrong!" He said to himself.

Then he opened the lid of the box again.

Well, the deep sea Akagi is still so white, and the long legs are still so attractive.

So he closed the lid of the box again, took a paper towel and wiped his face, then opened the box.

Well, the picture remains the same.

"I'm special~! @#¥%……&*()) (*&……%¥#@!~! (Because the words are too intense, so I won’t do translation.) The Governor does not let you play with me like this Ah! Although the Deep Sea Yamato are very cute, they are boldly dressed, and they look like worms, but this does not mean that I really want to throw in the enemy! I give up my mature forest for a few trees, and my math is not good. I also know how to choose!" Xiao Yuhang looked at the deep-sea Akagi in the box, shouting to the sky with grief and anger.

"Commander, here is a letter left by the Governor." Missouri saw the white envelope sandwiched between the two basic points of Akagi with sharp eyes, and quickly took it out and handed it to his commander.

Xiao Yuhang reluctantly accepted the envelope with a faint fragrance, and opened it to read the message left by the governor.

'Oh! Dear Admiral Xiao Yuhang, I wish you a Merry Christmas! Have you received the Christmas gift I specially prepared for you? How about this Christmas gift? Ok? It took me great effort to make such a Christmas present. There is no problem with security. Deep-sea resentment has been eliminated. You can use it with confidence. Regarding her question, let me just say a few words to you. Deep-sea ship women are also ship women, but due to the influence of deep-sea resentment, they will be so aggressive towards ship women and humans. But these are only a few, most of them hold an attitude that you don't come to mess with me and I don't mess with you. Of course, who made the bond between our admiral and the ship's wife so deep that we accidentally exceeded the deep sea? Hahaha, to make a long story short, Akagi, I have already explained that she will recognize you as her admiral and become your navy like other navy girls. She is part of Yamato's plan, so I can be regarded as allies, and you can use her with confidence. As for this plan? Sorry, it's better not to explore it now, because I will have a good talk with you when I have time.

——————By Governor Raleigh’

After reading the letter left to him by Governor Raleigh, Xiao Yuhang's originally confused head has now become a mass of paste.

You have so many cute players, why do you become the only admiral? What is the Governor planning? What is the plan of Deep Sea Yamato? What is going on with the Deep Sea Ship Mother?

A series of unanswered questions flashed through his mind quickly, making him want to find Governor Raleigh immediately to ask.

It’s a pity that Governor Raleigh only left him with this letter and disappeared without a trace. Perhaps he may have returned to the world of the ship girl, but Governor Raleigh has this ability and he does not have it, so he has to temporarily solve all the problems. Forget it, wait until Governor Raleigh has time to talk about it.

"My dear, what did the Governor-General say in the letter?" Richelieu could not help stepping up to him as he saw his general's face change, and his face was sore at last.

Xiao Yuhang felt that even asking Richelieu and the others could not get answers to this kind of question, so he shook his head and said to her: "There is nothing special. The Governor said that Akgai was given to me as a gift, so I can use it with peace of mind. She, because she has no harm."

"Huh? Commander, that means there will be a deep sea in the port area in the future? What do you mean by the Governor? Although fortress Ji and others will come to the port area to play sometimes, is it really good to be so blatant?" The company was surprised. Asked his commander.

"Yes, commander, although the governor said that the deep sea is okay, but if she snatches you away... don't look at me like that. It's not that you have not robbed a man in the deep sea. Go without a commander. Find it! What do you mean by coming to grab the commander with us?" Hood stared at Akagi, turning away from the image of a lady in the past.

"Uh... wait a minute! Have you forgotten the aunts? This is not your world sea or something, since the governor has signed the ticket, then we will listen to the governor What! As for what took me away... Are you sure that she, a deep-sea ship mother, can **** me away under the eyes of so many ship mothers at home, under the personal protection of Akagi? You are against yourself Don't you trust your ability?" Xiao Yuhang looked at the surrounding ship empress after Hood's words and looked at Akagi with a faint look in his eyes, and quickly explained to them.

The ship ladies exchanged glances, and temporarily agreed with their admiral.

"Then Commander, how do you arrange this guy?" Missouri asked his commander.

"Let's untie someone first and change to a new outfit. This outfit... er... Forget it, I won't say it." Xiao Yuhang glanced at Akagi, who was full of temptations in the box, and quickly turned his head and said.

"The sun and the moon alternate on the sea level, like the years are playing. The traces hidden in the waves are called memories..."

"Hello? Who?" Xiao Yuhang took out his mobile phone and asked.

"Xiao Yuhang, come to me right away, your girl has come in!" Tian Ye said to his cousin in a hurry.