Admiral, Hello

v2 Chapter 822: Long time preparation exercise 7

Observation point in the exercise sea area on the deck of the U.S. Observer Group cruise ship

A dozen US military chefs are busy brushing pieces of marinated steaks with sauce, and then putting them on the grill.

"Tsk... The food for the first class is as good as ever! I want all of these." The company said with a dinner plate in his hand and drew a circle at the steak on the grill.

"I want it all? Can you eat it?" A chef looked at the company almost drew a circle on the grill, and looked at the beautiful blond girl in front of him with some doubts.

"give her."

Lieutenant Colonel Kolo, who was accompanying him, hurriedly said to the chef.

The chefs who accompanied the ship did not know about the ship’s mother, they were only in charge of the food for the first class on the ship. Even if they are grilling ingredients on the deck now, they have arranged a place where they can't see the outside at all.

"Okay, sir." Although the chef thought this was a wayward move by a rich lady, he still obeyed Colonel Kolo's words.

The enterprise took the oversized dinner plate full of stacked steaks from the chef, turned and walked to the rest place specially provided for her on the deck.

That's right, the company is now on the cruise ship of the US Army Observer Group, and let them prepare themselves a best position to watch Richelieu and the others exercise.

It's not in the world of ship mothers, and it's not the sisters who just have their own port area. Since there are cruise ships of the US Army Observer Group, and there are barbecues on the cruise ships, why do you want to stand on the sea waiting foolishly?

So after arriving at the observation point, the company jumped up and appeared in front of a group of US military officers who were peering through the telescope.

At that time, they were very scared.

It wasn't until Lieutenant Colonel Colo, the leader of the observation group, hurriedly rushed from the bridge to the deck, and a group of officers who thought they had offended the ship's mother in some way were relieved.

Anyway, something happened and the lieutenant colonel was pushing the tank, right?

When Lieutenant Colonel Kolo first talked to the company, he was also nervous. He also thought it was an officer on his side who accidentally made the ship's taboo. However, after communicating with the company for a while, they discovered that this was completely frightening themselves. People and companies just thought it was boring to stand on the surface of the sea, so they used their cruise ships to take a break and act as judges in the exercise.

So Lieutenant Colonel Kolo immediately offered the enterprise with the attitude of offering to his ancestors.

"Miss Enterprise, do you still need exercises?" Lieutenant Colonel Kolo waited for the company to sit down and asked.

"Why don't you practice? How can we fight if we don't practice?" The company put down the steak in his hand and asked Lieutenant Colonel Kolo inexplicably.

Hearing what the company said, Lieutenant Colonel Kolo felt instantly that he understood something. He carefully probed the company: "Fighting? Miss Enterprise, isn't the combat experience of your ship's mother born? Do you want to fight?"

He made a look of interest, but in his heart he was thinking about how to get some information about the ship's mother from the mouth of the company.

"Who told you that our combat experience is innate? Also, the battle I said refers to the battle against the deep sea. Unless we catch the enemy, we won't fight each other. At most, that's the case. That’s all, just one exercise. The winner takes all, the loser kneels and licks, the reason is as simple as that.” The company waved to Lieutenant Colonel Kolo.

While talking, the company raised its hands and threw a team of dive bombers from the ship’s installation space, and facing Washington, which had apparently ran out of the border of the exercise, was a heavenly justice.

"Washington! Although I can understand what you are, but you are too much! Where did this go?" The company angrily picked up the radio and said to Washington.

"Uh... Enterprise, I can't help it... Overweight bombs are like this. The farther the distance, the greater the storage speed, and the higher the penetration depth. If I don't stretch the distance, I will attack Richelieu and Lion. Isn't this tickling!" Washington explained to the company with a slight embarrassment.

"But you can't do this! You are cheating in violation of the rules! This violates the previously agreed exercise rules." The company remembered the exercise rules that everyone had discussed before the exercise, and shook his head and said to Washington.

"Okay, okay, I'll just go back. But corporate, don't you use this formation's carrier-based aircraft to scare me next time, can't you? You almost scared to death just now..." Washington nodded helplessly , And then complained to the company.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it. Next time I will send a carrier-based aircraft to remind you, it won't be like this. I was shocked by you just now, and thought you wanted What should I do outside of the exercise!" The company patted its chest and quickly apologized to Washington.

"Then first, Hindenburg seems to be unable to hold it anymore. As an ally in the exercise, I have to help her. I'm hanging up here!" Washington hurriedly said to the company and hung up the radio communication.

After the company had finished talking with Washington Lieutenant Colonel Kolo, who consciously stayed away from the two, walked to the company and sat down again. He looked for a topic again and asked the company: "Miss Enterprise, these steaks are cold, should I let the chef take it and redo some for you?"

"No, the commander educates us not to waste food. The steak is only warm but not cold. Although the taste may not be good, it is not uneatable." The company said while cutting a piece of beef into his mouth. Chewing.

. . . I'm the dividing line to destroy the steak. . .

After quickly eating the steak in front of him, the company looked at Lieutenant Colonel Kolo, who was stunned by his side, and couldn't help reaching out and shaking in front of him.

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel? Mr. Lieutenant Colonel?"

"Oh? Ah? Ah! Miss Enterprise, are you calling me something?" Lieutenant Colonel Koruo was still immersed in the thrilling scene of the company eating more than 20 thick steaks in five minutes, and finally returned after being shaken by the company. God asked.

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, weren't you curious about us just now? Where did we go?" The company asked him with his hand back.

"Just now... Just now... Oh yes, it's about combat experience and drills. Miss Enterprise, since your combat experience comes through drills, then you..." Lieutenant Colonel Kolo recalled the previous one slightly. The topic, then I was about to ask them if they would not adapt to the battlefield if they practiced more, but I remembered that they were a little cross-line. After asking them, the company knew their true purpose and it was not easy to ask later, so they insisted. The topic was cut off raw.

On the contrary, the company saw something from his hesitant expression. She smiled and asked Lieutenant Colonel Kolo: "Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, you just wanted to ask us if there will be problems when we have more exercises and battles in the deep sea. Right?"


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