Admiral, Hello

v2 Chapter 894: Why hasn't the ship mother come recently


Xiao Yuhang took the envelope, opened the seal and took out the letter paper and took a look. All of a sudden, he felt a puff of blood rushing to the top of his head.

"Mi! Sue! Li!"

He gritted his teeth and looked at the letter paper, with only one sentence written on it.

‘Like the gift we gave you? Commander? ’

The signature is Missouri who loves you.

Although the blood rushed over his head with anger at the moment, Missouri was not by his side in the box now, Xiao Yuhang could only keep her in the notebook in his heart, and waited for him to talk to Missouri about this surprise.

Akagi looked at his black admiral's face like the bottom of a pot, and knew in his heart that they might be playing big this time. She cautiously whispered to Xiao Yuhang: "Anata?"

"What are you doing?"

Xiao Yuhang looked at her angrily.

He understood it, and the girls around him made such a show today, and the girl next to him definitely has a share!

If Akagi hadn't participated in it, he would curse himself for not shipping for the next ten consecutive years!

But now you have to know what they want to do with this?

Thinking of this, Xiao Yuhang got up and made an excuse to go out for a while, and took Chicheng along and left the box.

When the two of them left, Xiao Yuhang's relatives immediately began to gossip about Xiao Yuhang's mother.

. . . I am the dividing line of gossip. . .

Xiao Yuhang pulled Akagi all the way to the stairwell. He was angry and funny and asked Akagi, "Let's say, is the inner ghost we came out of you?"

Akagi turned his head and said nothing, but the red on his face had already betrayed her.

‘This is my ship’s mother, I chose it myself! Choose by yourself! Xiao Yuhang looked at Akagi's blushing face and kept repeating a few words in his heart.

He helplessly straightened Akagi's head, looked straight into her big eyes and asked, "Honey, tell me the truth, did you participate in this ‘surprise’ today?"

"Yes." Chicheng blushed and nodded to his admiral.

"Okay, then can you tell me what I did wrong? So that you are going to give me such a big ‘surprise’?" Xiao Yuhang sighed and continued to ask Akagi.

"This..." Akagi looked around hesitantly, then looked at his admiral.

Xiao Yuhang understood what Chicheng meant, and he thought about it and pulled Chicheng to the safe passage.

"There are almost no people here, can you talk now?" He asked Akagi.

"Well, the source is actually in Anata." Akagi nodded, leaving Xiao Yuhang unclear at the first sentence.

Without waiting for him to ask further, Akagi continued: "Anata, you have to know, you are not my admiral alone, and I am not the only one in the port area. Although I know that your admiral’s ability has increased recently You have to keep a distance from us in order to prevent accidentally hurting us. But you can't alienate us directly! Isn't Anata the only kind of intimate relationship with us in your heart? Hood and the others opened Tea party, when you invite you, you always promised, but the last few days? Massachusetts goes clubbing and sometimes invites you, but you recently rejected her. There are other sisters, I just cite two typical examples .

Anata, your abilities are growing, which is a good thing. Instead of being afraid, we will be happy. Because this means that the port area is stronger and more sisters come to this world. "

"Wait Chicheng, what does this have to do with other people coming to this world?" Xiao Yuhang couldn't help but interrupt her and asked.

"Did you not find Anata? It has been several months since no new sisters have come to the port area. You must know that although our port area is salted in our world, it is also a very powerful port area. A powerful one. In the port area, is it just our capital ship mothers who support the facade? Where is the expulsion? Where is the light cruiser? Where is the heavy cruiser? Now Anata is obviously not our powerful port area." Akagi asked his admiral back. .

"Yes, why is this?" Xiao Yuhang asked Akagi.

"Of course it’s because Anata has an upper limit on your spirit. Not everyone can be an admiral. This is not an alarmist. To be an admiral, you must be mentally tough and at the same time kind. Not only that, after becoming an admiral, You also need to take modification potions to continue to expand your spirit. Our ship’s wife’s contract is pressured on the spirit, even if this pressure is small, it still exists. Otherwise, why should the Governor give you the potion? Just let the potion expand slowly Your spirit allows you to accept more ship-wives contracts." Akagi explained to his admiral earnestly.

"So it's like this... Huh? Wait, why doesn't the Governor-General tell me this?" Xiao Yuhang asked Akagi strangely.

Hearing that Akagi's face was red again, she embarrassedly said to her admiral: "Uh... this... I'm really sorry because the days with Anata are so happy, we are not careful. Forgot I'm really sorry Anata. These should be taught to you after we came here, but who knows that we are so happy to be with you and forget it all at once. ..." Akagi flushed even more when he saw his admiral's speechless expression.

"Okay, next time you told me about this kind of thing! Oh, yes, you almost passed it! What is the situation today you haven't told me yet!" Xiao Yuhang nodded, just about to turn back and return In the box, he suddenly slapped his head and asked Akagi.

"Uh... the woman's mouth. In fact, it's like this today. Because of your alienation from Anata, everyone is afraid that you no longer like them, so they spoil me alone. It happened to hear Anata about you. The elders today are going to urge you to determine who you want to marry in the future, so everyone plans to..." Akagi explained to his admiral in a low voice why the ship ladies would give Xiao Yuhang a big shock today.

"...You guys tell me about this in person! My God! Originally used the script that you are the eldest family eldest, but who knows that your silence has caused a big deal... What shall I do!" Xiao Yuhang couldn't help complaining to Akagi with his hand on his forehead.

"Actually... I don't think you, Anata, have been hiding your relatives." Akagi said softly to his admiral.

"No, no, it's not a question of concealment. There are some things, the more you know, the worse it will be for them. Ignorance is a blessing! For their safety, they must not know!" Xiao Yuhang said firmly.

"This... Okay. No matter what Anata decides, I will follow it." Akagi couldn't think of a good way for a while, so he had to express his attitude to his admiral.