Admiral, Hello

v2 Chapter 939: New Year

February 11, New Year's Eve.

"Mom, don't work! There are everyone here, so just rest!" Xiao Yuhang looked at the busy mother in the living room and said helplessly next to her.

"Hey! I'm used to the New Year every year, and this stop always feels like something is missing." Xiao Yuhang's mother raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her head and said to Xiao Yuhang.

"Oh, mom, just take a break! After so many years of hard work, you should enjoy the blessing!" Xiao Yuhang couldn't help but pulled his mother onto the sofa, and took the mop in her hand and handed it to the reputation next door.

"Thank you very much, master." Ren Yi took the mop to thank him, and immediately disappeared into the living room.

Xiao Yuhang sat on the sofa and complained to his mother: "Mom, it's really not what I said about you. As soon as you came here in the morning, you snatched away the mop and rag, and then started cleaning, and then began to cry for backache. My legs hurt... I said, Mom, do you have the physical fitness of someone? Prestige can clean the entire villa in half a day, and it can be clean and spotless. Can you do it? So, you just have a good rest Now, let them do it!"

Seeing his mother want to talk, he quickly said: "Don't talk about me. I wanted to help them clean before, but I was persuaded by them. Later, I found out that they did not clean and quickly. do not care."

"What the son said! Son, let me tell you, don’t your girls go back to me and your mother to clean up every day? Then your mother will clean it again after you go back, and call me after cleaning. Saying that the back hurts, the legs hurt, and the arms hurt...Look, it's not because you are trying to suffer!" Xiao Yuhang's father took a sip from his teacup and said to his son.

"Just do you talk a lot?" Xiao Yuhang's mother glared at him, and after sitting for a while, she stood up and said to Xiao Yuhang: "I'll go to the kitchen and have a look."

Ten minutes later, Akagi ran out of the kitchen with his sleeves in arms and said grievously to his admiral: "Anata, your mother said that he would cook the New Year's Eve dinner for everyone. I'm afraid she will be tired and persuade her. He refuses to do it..."


Xiao Yuhang and his father looked at each other and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Forget it, Akagi tell everyone to leave my mother alone. If she is busy, let her be busy, and wait until she gets tired." He said to Akagi.


Seeing the helpless look of his admiral, Akagi nodded and went back and told the other navy girls what Xiao Yuhang had said.

After thinking for a while, he took out his cell phone and dialed the indescribable department location next door.

"Hello? Who?"

A crisp female voice came from inside.

"You are... Lin Yuhan, right?" Xiao Yuhang asked uncertainly, recalling the name of Yu Siqing's new partner.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao, do you have anything to do?" Lin Yuhan asked Xiao Yuhang.

"Isn’t it just the New Year’s Eve! Yu Siqing went back to accompany her old man to celebrate the New Year, I think you are alone there, so I plan to call you to have a New Year’s Eve dinner together later. Don’t worry, we have someone. Be warned, it would be nice for everyone to get together on New Year's Eve." He said to Lin Yuhan.

"Huh? Would you like me to celebrate the Chinese New Year? I need to send it to Team Leader Yu Siqing..."

Before Lin Yuhan hesitated, Xiao Yuhang interrupted her and said, "I will tell her later, and she will definitely agree."

"Ah...Is that so? Okay..." Lin Yuhan hesitated, and still agreed to his invitation.

Xiao Yuhang then dialed Yu Siqing's phone, and after exchanging good wishes, he told him about Lin Yuhan, who had invited her new partner.

Although Yu Siqing also wanted to come to Xiao Yuhang's house for a New Year's Eve dinner with the superb craftsmanship of the ship ladies, but now she needs to accompany her father, so she can only vaguely express her dissatisfaction with Xiao Yuhang.

Of course, Xiao Yuhang knew what Yu Siqing meant. After making a few jokes at her, he told Yu Siqing that he would prepare a portion for her when he came to dinner.

Hanging up, he put down the phone and asked his father, "Dad, go out to set off fireworks later?"

"Fireworks? Didn't you say that fireworks are not set off now?" Xiao Yuhang's father asked his son in confusion.

"Well... this is not the kind of ordinary fireworks." Xiao Yuhang smiled mysteriously at his father and sold it off.

"Okay, I'll accompany you to set off fireworks after the New Year's Eve dinner." Xiao Yuhang's father didn't care about his son's pass, and continued to look at the phone after smiling.

"Missouri!" Xiao Yuhang shouted, standing up from the sofa.

"What's the commander? You're busy!" Missouri asked half of her face out of the kitchen to her commander.

"...Forget it, you're busy, I'll go to the Beizhai!" Xiao Yuhang thought for a while, still felt that he shouldn't disturb his girls now, and it would be better to find Tirbitz, an idler.

All the way up the second floor to Tirbitz's room, knocked on the door and found no response.

Pushing in, he found that Tirbitz was shaking his head in front of the computer screen with headphones.


no response.

Continue to poke.

Still no response.

Xiao Yuhang was suddenly strange, even if she was addicted to the game, she wouldn't be able to call her without responding?

He walked around in front of the computer and saw that Tirbitz was on this chair! It is clearly a large doll in Tirbitz clothes!

"Huh? That's weird, where is the Beizhai?" He thought about it and took out his cell phone and dialed Tirbitz.

"Hello? Beizhai, where have you been?" he asked Tirbitz.

"Ah, sir? How did you find that I'm not at home?" Tirbitz asked the official in surprise.

"...What do you mean? You can really hide it! Where did you go? I'm going to have the New Year's Eve dinner soon, why are you still outside?" Xiao Yuhang asked Tirbitz.

"Isn’t the magic city holding a manga show before? I just went to the manga show and wobbled around ~ by the way. I have to tell you, sir, now. The dead house is really rich! There are only seventy or eighty books that seem to me very ordinary, and my price is 800 for each of them sold out!" Tirbitz said happily to the official.

"So you are in the magic city now?" Xiao Yuhang asked helplessly.

"No, I'm getting home soon. I was already on my way back. The main reason was that the ticket was not easy to buy. I still took a taxi." Tirbitz looked at the scenery outside the car and said to the official.

"Well, wait for you."

. . . I am waiting for your dividing line. . .

At seven o'clock in the evening, the New Year’s Eve dinner was ready, Xiao Yuhang, his parents and the ship’s wife sat on the enlarged table in the restaurant.

"Another year has passed. The number of people in the port area is constantly increasing, and everyone is getting more and more integrated here. I won't say more if there are more, I wish all the girls a happy new year!" Xiao Yuhang raised his glass , And sent New Year greetings to my ship ladies.

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