Adorable Baby from the Sky: Mysterious Husband

Chapter 107: Found out that Yan Haocheng was lying (3

Chapter 107 Discovering Yan Haocheng's Deception 3

Yan Haocheng's expression was sluggish, he frowned and glanced at his son.

He thought that if the child was not his own, he might slap the child to death.

If Lin Yiheng was by his side at this moment, he would probably die of laughter.

Standard shit

The real strength sucks

I will definitely give a thumbs up to Gu Baobao and say: child, you are bold enough to kill your relatives righteously.

Gu Beibei stuck out her tongue, lowered her head and dared not speak. She peeked at Yan Haocheng and then at Gu Qiqi.

If the two children were not there, Yan Haocheng might still be able to tell Gu Qiqi that he was injured without blushing, but he really couldn't open his eyes and talk nonsense to the two children.

Seeing Yan Haocheng's appearance, Gu Qiqi almost didn't come up, pointed at him in disbelief and said, "Yan Haocheng, you are so shameless"

Said to lead the two children away.

When Gu Baobao was dragged away, he said to Yan Haocheng very seriously: "So don't try to deceive my mother in this way in the future."

Yan Haocheng stared at his own son with twitching corners of his mouth.

He took a few deep breaths and told himself in his heart, biological, biological, biological

Yan Haocheng squinted slightly as he watched Gu Qiqi lead the two children into Leng Yihan's car, his eyes tightened, his lips pursed slightly, and the light in his eyes was cold.

At this time, Zhang Guodong had already come over.

Yan Haocheng kept his eyes fixed on the passing car. After a long time, he turned his head and said lightly, "My grandma asked you to follow."

Zhang Guodong responded respectfully. He peeked at the expression on Yan Haocheng's face, and followed his gaze at Yuanqi's car.

Yan Haocheng's voice was cold, and he asked indifferently, "When was the contract with Leng Yihan originally scheduled to be signed?"

Zhang Guodong turned over the records of his mobile phone and replied respectfully: "If you didn't go to France, the contract with him should have been signed, but you decided to go to France temporarily, and this cooperation was temporarily put on hold."

Before Yan Haocheng could speak, Zhang Guodong spoke again: "The old lady asked me to check about Leng Yihan. He and Miss Gu did grow up together. His parents and Miss Gu's parents were still colleagues. He is also Miss Gu's father's best student. At the beginning, he and Miss Gu were supposed to go abroad together, but for some reason he went abroad alone. Later, Miss Gu was with Geng Jiale. Miss Gu and Geng Jiale He originally planned to come back to attend the wedding, but he encountered a car accident on the way. Later, that happened to Miss Gu. After Miss Gu was pregnant, she seldom contacted people before. Leng Yihan's car accident is said to be quite serious , almost caused a high paraplegia. He lay in bed for three months before he got up again. I also checked that he also went to France a few days ago, and he must have met Miss Gu on the plane. After Miss Gu cut ties with her parents, he often visited Miss Gu's parents, and he has been helping Miss Gu take care of her parents for the past five years."

Zhang Guodong told about Leng Yihan's situation.

This Leng Yihan is actually very good. When he checked Leng Yihan, he was a little surprised by this man's excellence. He was also surprised by Gu Qiqi's excellent results.

Because Gu Qiqi always felt stupid to him, but when he checked her early school grades, he realized that he really underestimated Miss Gu before.

When he saw Gu Qiqi's impressive achievements, he thought in the bottom of his heart that some people who are too good will deprive her of some of her other talents.

Yan Haocheng listened to Zhang Guodong's words quietly, for a long time, his tone was indifferent.

"Let's go, let's go see Geng Jiale, and by the way, go to the hospital to see Gu Qiqi's parents."

Zhang Guodong was stunned for a while, with a surprised look on his face. He didn't know why his husband wanted to see Geng Jiale.

Geng Jiale was sentenced to three years for the last assault and attempted rape.

"I think Gu Qiqi didn't tell her parents about Geng Jiale's homosexuality. In the past five years, she has taken on too much." Yan Haocheng said lightly.

He looked up and asked again: "Tong Lingling's affairs, please arrange it. Since she is not willing to divorce like this, then I will give her some more gifts."

Zhang Guodong looked at the coldness in Yan Haocheng's eyes, and sighed softly, he shook his head, thinking, why does Miss Tong want to let you go, but you don't know it.

In the car, the two children sat next to Gu Qiqi.

Beibei peeks at Gu Qiqi's face from time to time.

Gu Baobao's face was calm.

He didn't think he had done anything wrong, Yan Haocheng lied, of course he wanted to expose it.

Leng Yihan glanced at the rearview mirror and said with a light smile, "Qiqi, I went to see Yan Haocheng, why is your face so bad?"

Gu Qiqi thought that Yan Haocheng was not injured but was played by him all night, his whole person was not well, and his face became even darker.

She never imagined that Yan Haocheng would do such a thing.

"Mom, in fact, uncle didn't do it on purpose. Don't be angry with uncle. He just wants to be with you" Gu Beibei said carefully.

Gu Qiqi glared at his daughter, very angry.

She really raised this child in vain, what has her elbows turned into?

"Beibei likes Uncle Yan so much, that mother will give you to Uncle Yan." Gu Qiqi gnashed his teeth and threatened his daughter.

As a result, as soon as she finished speaking, the little girl Gu Beibei cried out with a wow: "Mom doesn't want Beibei anymore, mom used to like my brother more, but now I really don't want Beibei anymore."

Gu Baobao, who was lying on the gun inexplicably, squinted at his sister.

She is so good, why doesn't she act.

Although Gu Qiqi knew that Gu Beibei was the best at pretending to be pitiful, but when she saw her crying so much, her heart softened, and she knew that her angry words could not be said nonsense, so she quickly hugged the child and kissed her tender little boy. face, and said in a low voice: "Beibei don't cry, mom is wrong, mom shouldn't talk like that."

As soon as Gu Beibei heard this, she immediately turned her eyes and looked at Gu Qiqi: "Will my mother ignore Uncle Yan in the future?"

Gu Qiqi's originally gentle face heard Gu Beibei's words, not to mention how ugly it was, she gritted her teeth and said to Gu Beibei: "Gu Beibei, Yan Haocheng only accompanied you to watch Peppa Pig a few times, so you helped him like this. Mom. After watching cartoons with you for so many years, how can you betray so easily?"

Gu Beibei said righteously: "It's different. Uncle Yan doesn't like watching Peppa Pig. He watches with Beibei because he loves Beibei. Mom watches with Beibei because she also likes watching cartoons."

The corners of Gu Qiqi's mouth twitched, and there was an inexplicable embarrassment of being told the truth.

Leng Yihan, who was driving in the front seat, listened to the scene of Gu Qiqi talking to the two children, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Qiqi, here we are," he casually interjected.

Only then did Gu Qiqi look up from the argument with her daughter.

"Brother Yihan, go with your two children, I won't go" Gu Qiqi's eyes flashed with sadness, she said to Leng Yihan.