Adorable Baby from the Sky: Mysterious Husband

Chapter 506: bad guy's world (6)

Chapter 506 The Bad Guy's World 6

When Mu Xu returned to the ward, Gu Qiqi's ward was actually crowded with reporters.

Yang Xiao was driving away the reporters with a gloomy expression, while Gu Qiqi looked at the group of reporters who suddenly rushed in with indifference.

The group of reporters were obviously all targeting Gu Qiqi.

They ignored Yang Xiao's drive away and kept asking her embarrassing and insulting questions.

"Gu Qiqi, have you seen the comments made by Shu Yi's readers on the Internet? They said that after you became famous with Shu Yi, they kicked him away. Don't the police accuse him of murder. It's all about you and your support. The big boss planned it behind the scenes. Is this true?"

"Gu Qiqi this time, you are playing the heroine again. It is rumored that you are relying on your own body to take the top position. Do you admit it?"

"Gu Qiqi, did you really rob Cao Yixuan's fiancé and put her in jail again?"

"Gu Qiqi, there have been rumors before that your relationship with Director Zhang is not easy. Don't you already have two children? The children belong to Director Zhang, or the financial master who took care of you, or the Yanshi Group that had a car accident before. Yan Haocheng's, or maybe there is a behind-the-scenes boss we don't know."


Reporters' questions are getting harder to hear.

Yang Xiao and Mu Xu had the same temper. By this time, they couldn't listen anymore, and shouted at the group of reporters, "If you don't get out, don't blame me for being rude."

After all, it was Yang Xiao who was more hostile. As soon as her words came out, the reporters stopped talking.

Immediately, they each looked at each other, exchanged glances, and left with a tacit understanding.

After the people left, Yang Xiao went out, probably to deal with the group of reporters.

Mu Xu's face was extremely ugly, and he asked in a deep voice, "Why did Cao Yixuan suddenly come out and become a star?"

Gu Qiqi shook his head lightly and said that he didn't know.

When Yang Xiao came back, his face was ugly.

Seeing that his face was not good, Mu Xu frowned and asked, "The reporter was not handled well."

Yang Xiao glanced at Gu Qiqi and said with a sullen face, "A lot of reporters have come to the door of the hospital."

Gu Qiqi frowned and was about to speak when she received a call from Yu Shanshan.

As soon as the call was connected, before Gu Qiqi could speak, Yu Shanshan asked her anxiously, "Qiqi, if a reporter asks you, don't answer anything, I'll take care of the rest."

When Gu Qiqi heard Yu Shanshan say this, she knew that this matter must not be so simple: "Sister Shanshan, what happened. Cao Yixuan came to my ward just now."

On the other end of the phone, Yu Shanshan was silent for a while before opening her mouth: "This morning there was a topic on the Internet saying that you were hospitalized because of an abortion.

It happened that Cao Yixuan came to the hospital to see you today. Did the two of you have some quarrel? She was interviewed by reporters when she left, and Shu Yi's fans said that you crossed the river and demolished the bridge. Shang Shu Yi's child, now Shu Yi is suspected of murder, you must kill the child.

There is still a rhythm behind this incident, and in half a day, there have been many versions of this incident. You are not in good health now, so don't worry about these things. "

Hearing what Yu Shanshan said, Gu Qiqi felt unbelievable: "I am still pregnant with Shu Yi's child."

Gu Qiqi entered the entertainment industry by chance, and did not know some of the showy operations in the entertainment industry. When I first heard what Yu Shanshan said, I felt both dumbfounded and unbelievable.

"Qiqi, there are still some actors in your new drama that have not yet been decided. You can just take this opportunity to rest for a while. You have a good rest recently, and I will handle this matter. Next, I will not arrange your work. Now, reduce your exposure." Yu Shanshan said softly

He told her on the phone that even though he knew in his heart that this matter was not easy to handle, he still comforted Gu Qiqi and had a good rest.

In exchange for the former Yu Shanshan, I am afraid that she will hold a press conference and declare that Gu Qiqi's case will be directly exposed.

But this time, she probably understood that Gu Qiqi would be the last artist she brought, and she was much more low-key, and she did everything she could to help Gu Qiqi.

"Okay" Gu Qiqi replied.

By the time she and Yu Shanshan finished the phone call, Mu Xu and Yang Xiao had already left.

Gu Qiqi knew that the two of them should be dealing with reporters again.

Anyway, she hung up the phone, and the two were no longer in the room.

Gu Qiqi stroked his forehead tiredly, and sleepiness slowly hit her again.

Just when Gu Qiqi was in a daze, a familiar voice sounded from the door of the ward.

"Gu Qiqi, you win, everything is ruined for me."

Hearing this voice, Gu Qiqi opened his eyes tiredly and looked towards the door of the ward.

The person standing at the door of the ward is Yu Yuanyuan.

She was wearing a large hospital gown, her face was pale, and her expression was angry and hideous: "Gu Qiqi, if you don't make me feel better, I won't make you feel better."

As soon as her voice fell, before Gu Qiqi could react, she rushed towards Gu Qiqi like a madman, and then directly grabbed Gu Qiqi's neck.

Gu Qiqi was suddenly strangled by the neck, and she reacted instinctively.

As a result, before she struggled hard, Yu Yuanyuan was pushed away.

After being pushed to the ground by Gu Qiqi, Yu Yuanyuan's complexion became even paler, she sat on the ground gasping for breath, her eyes fixed on Gu Qiqi, and excitedly shouted at her: "You are satisfied with what I have become now. "

Gu Qiqi reached out and touched his neck, coldly looking at the woman with weak face on the ground who didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"Yu Yuanyuan, what you are now has nothing to do with me, everything is your own fault." Gu Qiqi said coldly.

In the past, Gu Qiqi might have pity her, but now, she has no sympathy for Yuanyuan.

All along, since she appeared, she has always looked down on herself, she has never fought against her, but she has framed and humiliated herself again and again.

"No, Gu Qiqi, it's all because of you, I became like this because of you. I can't have a child anymore, I can't have that child anymore, what should I do with that child?" Yu Yuan Yuan used all her strength to shout at Gu Qiqi, with tears on her face.

She doesn't want that child, she doesn't want a child born by rape.

But doctors told her that if she didn't give birth to that child, she would never have another child. In the end, she could only give birth to this child.

Her life was ruined.

everything is ruined

"If it wasn't for you and Yan Haocheng, I wouldn't have given birth to this child at all. You designed me and you caused me to have to give birth to this child. You did everything." She looked madly at Gu Gu. Qiqi cried: "What should I do in the future, my life is ruined, ruined"

Gu Qiqi looked at the embarrassed woman on the ground and said in a deep voice, "Yu Yuanyuan, everything is your own choice, and it has nothing to do with others. It is your choice to give birth to a child, and you have many opportunities to choose not to have one. Get this child. What's more, this child is not Haocheng's child, why would you want someone else to give birth to a child for you. "

"No, if you don't show up, Haocheng will be with me sooner or later. You ruined everything, but it doesn't matter now, my life is ruined, and you won't live much longer. You're dying too." Yu After Yuanyuan vented, she suddenly laughed strangely at Gu Qiqi.

"Yu Yuanyuan, what do you mean by that?"