Adorable Baby from the Sky: Mysterious Husband

Chapter 691: who am i (5)

Chapter 691 Who am I (5)

The expression on Leng Yihan's face froze, and he was silent for a while.

Leng Tingting stared at him, waiting for her to answer.

Leng Yihan just stood there silently, looking at her quietly.

At this moment, Xu Shi thought hard again, she hugged her head in pain and struggled.

Whenever she thinks hard about something, she will have a headache, so now she is more and more afraid to think about the past because her head hurts.

Leng Yihan reached out to hold her, and said in a low voice, "Don't think about it, I'll tell you everything you want to know."

She slowly looked up at Leng Yihan.

"Who am I?" She only asked Leng Yihan.

Leng Yihan looked at her and said, "You are my favorite woman."

The two looked at each other. In the end, she avoided Leng Yihan's gaze and looked into the distance: "Brother Yihan, I always feel that I have forgotten a lot of important things, a lot. Obviously, I know that I love you, But I don't feel like I love you. I have so many memories in my head, about us, I don't know which ones are true and which ones are false. Since I have memories, you are the only one who The person I trust, if even you lie to me, I really don't know who I should trust!"

When Leng Yihan heard her words, her heart froze for a moment, she clenched her fists tightly, and reached out to hug her, but her hand hung in the air, and finally fell down: "Tingting, you still believe my mother?"

Leng Tingting slowly raised her head: "Then do you love Sister Mu?"

Leng Yihan heard her words and shook his head: "I don't love it!" He answered without hesitation.

Then he explained to her in a low voice: "I married Mumu because there was a blood clot in my brain, and I haven't had surgery for a long time. In order to leave a memory for my parents, I married Mumu. Mumu The person I love is not me. She married me because my brother died and she wanted to leave a child with my brother's blood, so we got married. Later, after my surgery, we divorced. "

Listening to Leng Yihan's words, some of the forgotten memories in her mind came over and over again.

The memories in her mind overlapped with what Leng Yihan said.

"Brother Yihan, what will you and Mumu do in the future?" Leng Tingting finally asked what she wanted to ask the most.

Leng Yihan's eyes dimmed slightly, and then whispered: "I am the father of the child, she is the mother of the child, and we will raise the child together."

Leng Tingting heard his words and was silent for a while: "Will you be together? Will you be together again for the sake of the child?"

Leng Yihan said with a wry smile: "If we can be reluctantly together, we won't get divorced! The person she loves is my brother. I thought he was dead, but later found out that he is not dead! And my brain surgery is barely considered. successful."

When Leng Tingting heard his words, her face relaxed slightly, and then the topic changed: "Sister Mu Mu said that your brain surgery has sequelae, and her brother can help you."

When Leng Yihan heard this, her expression froze slightly: "What did Mumu say to you?"

Leng Tingting looked at his suddenly restrained smile and said in a low voice, "Sister Mumu said that her brother has found a way to help you. Even if it can't help you eradicate it, it can delay your sequelae."

Leng Yihan's expression moved, and she didn't speak for a long time.

Leng Tingting reached out and held him: "Brother Yihan, try it for me. Now, I only have you in my world, and I only know you."

Leng Yihan softened because of her words.


Not long after Yan Haocheng returned to the study, he received a call from Yang Xiao.

After Yang Xiao went back to check, he quickly found the corner of his mouth where Leng Yihan had been staying recently.

Then, he immediately called Yan Haocheng.

"Boss, I have already found out where Leng Yihan lives! He lives in a small fishing village by the seaside of Beicheng. The Leng Tingting you asked to check appeared three months ago. It is said that he doesn't remember what happened before. That name was also given to her by Leng Yihan. I didn't find anything in common between her and Qiqi, not only in appearance but also in many habits." On the phone, Yang Xiao truthfully and Yan Haocheng Say what you found.

Yan Haocheng was silent for a moment, and then replied lightly: "Okay, I see!"

Hearing that Yan Haocheng didn't have much emotion, Yang Xiao said worriedly: "Boss, all of us hope that Qiqi will be well, but she really has nothing in common with Qiqi, she and Qiqi are long. different, and…”

Before Yang Xiao finished speaking, Yan Haocheng hung up the phone directly.

Yang Xiao helplessly listened to the busy tone of the phone beeping, and hung up the phone helplessly.

Mu Xu on the side looked at Yang Xiao and knew that he was probably

got hung up.

"What did Yan Haocheng say?" Mu Xu stared at Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao hesitated, then shook his head gently: "The boss said he knew!"

Saying that, he clicked a photo from his mobile phone: "This is the woman the boss said, do you see her and Gu Qiqi like?"

Mu Xu glanced at Yang Xiao's phone and stared at the person in the photo for a long time: "Maybe Yan Haocheng is right!"

The person in the photo is Leng Tingting.

Her appearance had nothing to do with Gu Qiqi, but Mu Xu felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when he saw the person in the photo.

Different looks and different feelings, but she just felt that the person in the photo had a lot of similarities with Qiqi.

"She doesn't look like Gu Qiqi at all!" Yang Xiao glanced at the photo in disbelief.

Mu Xu looked at the photo: "Let's go and see!"

When Yang Xiao heard this, his face changed slightly, and then he said with a somewhat ugly expression: "Xu Xu, are you going to find Gu Qiqi or to meet your first love!"

Mu Xu didn't care about the man at all and walked out.

Yang Xiao immediately went up: "Xu Xu, wait for me!"

Mu Xu got into the car directly.

Yang Xiao quickly followed along.

"Where does Leng Yihan live now?" Mu Xu asked Yang Xiao, his tone obviously anxious.

Yang Xiao handed down the address to Mu Xu.

Along the way, Yang Xiao was beeping and talking.

Until Mu Xu roared at him impatiently: "Yang Xiao, you are not shutting up for me, I am poisonous to you."

Yang Xiao looked at Mu Xu aggrievedly, and said in a low voice, "Xu Xu, are you willing?

Mu Xu glared at him coldly, and then said with gritted teeth: "Yang Xiao, if you don't shut up, I'll just throw you out of here, it's annoying!"

Yang Xiao didn't speak anymore.

His own wife, he doesn't know yet.

Mu Xu said he did it.

If she doesn't shut up again, she will really throw herself down.

Mu Xu's car stopped in front of a hut.

After arriving, Mu Xu said to him directly: "Yang Xiao, wait for me in the car, I'll find Leng Yihan."

When Yang Xiao heard this, he immediately gave up and said excitedly, "Xu Xu, why don't you let me go with you."

Mu Xu ignored him and said blankly, "Yang Xiao, Leng Yihan is not familiar with you. I asked him a lot of things, but he won't say it in front of you!"

"Xu Xu, you're talking like you two are very familiar! You are my wife, even if I don't go, it doesn't mean I don't know!" Yang Xiao insisted that he must go together this time.

In Yang Xiao's heart, as long as Mu Xu and Leng Yihan meet, he feels that the two have a chance to rekindle their old love at any time.

Mu Xu glanced at him coldly, a little dumbfounded.

Because she had seen the ruthless appearance of Yang Xiao's opponent with her own eyes, and now she looked at her cautious appearance and wanted to laugh.

"Let's go!" Mu Xu said helplessly.

Hearing her words, Yang Xiao grabbed Mu Xu's hand excitedly: "Xu Xu, did you let me go with you? Did you really let me go with you?"

Mu Xu looked at him with a neurotic look: "Let's go together! Then you stand aside and don't talk!"

Yang Xiao couldn't help nodding: "Well, I must not talk nonsense! As long as Leng Yihan doesn't use your hands and feet, I'm dumb!"

Mu Xu sometimes despises Yang Xiao, but his heart is warm.

This man is sometimes disgusting and disgusting, but her heart is warm when she hears it.

When the two got off the bus, they saw Leng Yihan and Leng Tingting coming out of the hut.

The moment Leng Tingting saw Mu Xu, she instinctively called out, "Xu Xu!"

Hearing this, Mu Xu still had some doubts in his heart, but now it has been completely confirmed.

The person in front of him is Qiqi, her Qiqi.

"...Who are you and why do you call me Xuxu!" Mu Xu stared at Leng Tingting and asked.

Leng Tingting shook her head dazedly: "I don't know either." Then she looked at Leng Yihan subconsciously and looked at him for help.

Leng Yihan looked at Mu Xu and whispered, "Xu Xu, why are you here!"

Mu Xu stared at Leng Yihan: "I'm here to find Qiqi!"