Adored Koi in the 70s

Chapter 132

When Qiao Hongxia received the call, she was dumbfounded.

She has been married to Wang Yansheng for almost ten years. Although she has been to Qili Village several times in these years, no one has ever mentioned Zhao Jiefang's ex-husband in front of her.

This is the importance of power. If the person she remarries is just an ordinary man, those in the village will definitely not let her go so easily.

As for the Zhao family, at first they thought about sending Yiming back, especially after they knew that Yiming was not stupid, but they were shocked by Wang Yansheng.

Over the years, their family has been in the army, even if the Zhao family wanted to trouble them, she did not dare to come over, so that she almost forgot that there was such a person!

After hanging up the phone, she walked towards the family courtyard.

Halfway through, they bumped into Dong Lili who was oncoming.

The two said hello, and then passed by.

Qiao Hongxia restrained the urge to look back and told herself to keep moving forward.

As early as the first month of joining the army, a "kind person" came to tell her Dong Lili's existence.

However, she didn't listen to the other party's words, and ran to tear Dong Lili on the spot, and did not fall out with Wang Yansheng because of this.

Afterwards, she asked Wang Yansheng about Dong Lili, and Wang Yansheng told her without reservation.

After knowing that Dong Lili had confessed to him, she felt a little bit sour in her heart.

Later, knowing that the other party already had a partner, and did not pester Wang Yansheng, she also let go, but it was obviously impossible for the two of them to be good friends.

Dong Lili who walked over actually had the urge to look back at Qiao Hongxia.

At first, she was rejected by Wang Yansheng. When she heard that he liked a divorced woman, she was very curious about the other party. Later, she didn't expect them to get married.

When she first saw Qiao Hongxia, she was still a little unconvinced.

Obviously she is younger and prettier than the other party, and more importantly, she has never been married!

Why did Wang Yansheng look down on her? This kind of dissatisfaction almost made her do stupid things.

Fortunately, there was someone by her side at the time, and fortunately, she reined in the precipice, so she didn't do anything stupid.

Qiao Hongxia returned home and put down Dong Lili's affairs. What she is more entangled now is whether to take Yiming back.

Zhao Jiefang is dead, which means that this is the last of their father and son. If you don't take Yiming back, everyone will definitely think they are very cold.

Especially the kid Yiming will definitely be condemned by everyone, and maybe it will affect his job search in the future.

But go back, think with your toes and know that you will encounter a lot of bad things.

The thought of dealing with the Zhao family makes her feel sick!

Wang Yansheng pushed the door in and saw her sitting on a chair with frowning brows.

He walked up with long legs, bent over and bit on her lips and said, "What happened? Why are you frowning?"

Qiao Hongxia came back to her senses and blushed at him and said: "Yiming's father is dead, I don't know whether to take him back to see the other party for the last time."

General Wang Yansheng put his cap on, and then came back to sit next to her, holding her hand and saying, "Go, I'll go ask for a leave, and I will go back with you!"

Qiao Hongxia was startled for a moment: "Didn't you say that the task is very tight recently? Will the above give you leave?"

Wang Yansheng squeezed her chin and leaned over, bit her lips and said: "You make me comfortable tonight, I will tell you!"

Qiao Hongxia's face turned redder, and she raised her hand to push him open. At this moment, the door was pushed open with a creak.

The three of them stood at the door, each with their eyes wide open, and their jaws fell to the ground in shock.

Her face turned red with a "boom", she quickly pushed Wang Yansheng away, turned and ran into the room.

Yiming recovered, squinting his small eyes and said: "Ah, why is it suddenly dark? I can't see anything!"

Saying that he stretched out his hands and fumbled forward like a blind man, turned and left.

The two younger brothers in the back looked like this, and they all learned a lot. They all pretended to be blind and said, "I can't see anything..."

Wang Yansheng couldn't help laughing or crying when he saw this.

He stood up and said to Qiao Hongxia, and then went to ask for leave at the chief's house.


In the Jinghua dormitory.

After an afternoon of getting along, everyone in the dormitory is relatively familiar.

Da Qiao lay in bed early, feeling a little sour in his heart.

She missed home, missed her mother and father.

It was the first time that she had left home when she grew up. Although she had spent several summer vacations at Huo’s house, the Huo’s family was someone she knew, and she didn’t feel sad at all.

But now the roommates don't know each other, and there are one or two talking yin and yang, she really wants to go home immediately.

Cai Runan originally wanted to come and talk to Da Qiao, but she stood up and suddenly saw a balloon flying up from the window.

She immediately called out: "Hey, look at it, there is a balloon in the window!"

The other people in the dormitory turned their heads to look, and they saw a balloon floating beside the window where Wang Xianxian was sleeping, the tail of the balloon seemed to be tied with a note.

Here I want to say that the person who slept in the lower bunk under the window was Song Yulian, but later she and Wang Xianxian changed.

In other words, the person sleeping under Da Qiao is not Song Yulian, but Wang Xianxian.

Song Yulian came over, glanced down from the window, and then cried out: "There is a boy below! Xianxian, shouldn't the boy come to you?"

Because it was late, Song Yulian did not see the appearance of the boy below clearly, and only knew from the outline that the other party was a tall boy.

Wang Xianxian was taken aback, pretending to walk over unintentionally, and glanced down from the window: "It shouldn't be, but who knows, some boys are really annoying. I just want to study hard now, but they are Can not understand!"

Song Yulian continued to ask face-to-face: "Xianxian, you are so beautiful and your grades are so good. There must be many boys chasing you, right?"

Wang Xianxian hit her with his hand, and said with a shy look: "Don't talk nonsense, there are so many!"

Cai Ruan couldn't see the two of them like this, and walked over and said: "Give me a favor, I will bring the balloon in."

Song Yulian was pushed a bit by her, and she was very upset: "Why are you so rude? Also, you should have asked Xianxian's opinion about the balloon beforehand? You rashly put things in, and then the boy will pay. I thought it was Xianxian who accepted her pursuit!"

Wang Xianxian didn't speak, but he held his arms around his arms, obviously agreeing with Song Yulian's words.

Cai Ruan sneered: "Your faces are so big, why are you so sure that the balloon is for Wang Xianxian, and the boy is here to pursue her?"

Wang Xianxian's face flushed red.

Song Yulian wanted to please Wang Xianxian, raising her brows and cursing: "Why do you talk so stinky? The balloons are not for Xianxian, are they for you?"

Don't take a mirror to look at yourself, like the whole man, which boy will blindly look at you!

Cai Ruan was angry with the look in her eyes, and fisted to her and said: "I don't have some shameless people. Of course, I think the balloon is my own. The most beautiful one in this dormitory is Da Qiao. I think the balloon should be for him. her!"

Da Qiao was named suddenly, but she didn't plan to join the battlefield.

In her opinion, their quarrel was boring.

Song Yulian felt even more proud that Da Qiao hadn't helped Cai Runan: "Some people are just nasty, and they always like to use their hot faces and stick to other people's cold ass!"

"With each other, I am willing to bow down to each other than to make a mistake!"

Cai Runan is not angry with Da Qiao. In her opinion, what a beautiful person does is right.

Besides, with her force, it is more than enough to fight a **** like Song Yulian, she doesn't need Da Qiao to help her at all!

"You!!" Song Yulian did not expect that Cai Runan, a man-in-law, would have such a sharp mouth when arguing, and his face flushed with anger.

Seeing Song Yulian so angry, Cai Ruan felt relieved. She stretched out her hand and pulled in the balloon floating in the air.

Seeing that the balloon was taken away, the boy below turned around and ran away.

Because that place was very close to the place where Aunt Su Guan lived, he did not dare to speak out, and was worried that Aunt Su Guan would find it, so he did not dare to delay seeing the balloons taken away.

Cai Runan brought the balloon in, and everyone's eyes immediately gathered in her hand.

Although Wang Xianxian pretended not to care, she actually cared more than anyone in her heart.

This is about her face, she has to save a game anyway!

Seeing Wang Xianxian and Song Yulian so nervous, Cai Ruan deliberately slowed down, causing Song Yulian to almost slap her!

In the end, Cai Runan untied the note on the balloon, and saw a letter tied to it and a big lollipop under the letter.

She picked up the letter and looked at it. Long Feifengwu had four words written on it: Qiao Niannian (received).

"Hahaha, slapped your face, right? I said this letter is for Da Qiao!"

Cai Runan shook the envelope in his hand, winking at Song Yulian and Wang Xianxian.

Wang Xianxian's face turned even more red, and he gave Song Yulian a fierce look, turned and lay on the bed, put the sheet on his head, and said nothing.

Song Yulian watched Wang Xianxian get angry with herself, and she thought to explain it, but looking at the other person's appearance, if she dared to go up, she would definitely be scolded bloody.

She had no choice but to send her anger to Cai Runan: "What are you sorely? It's not for you!"

Cai Ruan grinned with white teeth and said, "Then what did you cry before, it wasn't for you!"

Song Yulian flushed with anger.

A lot of pimples rose on her face, and her acne flushed with this anger, and she looked very scary.

Cai Ruan won the victory and leaned on the railing in a good mood: "Da Qiao, your letter!"

Da Qiao stretched out his hand to take the letter and the lollipop, and when he read the words on it, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Brother Huo Chi gave it to her!

"Where is the person below? Are they still there?" she asked softly.

Cai Runan shook his head: "Go, he left after seeing the balloon being taken in by me, who is the other party, is it someone you know?"

Da Qiao nodded, but did not intend to tell the other party in detail.

Cai Runan looked at her fair and smooth face, her whole bones were crunching. As for Da Qiao, she didn't care at all.

Da Qiao put the lollipop next to the pillow and unfolded the letter. Only one line was written on it: I am waiting for you in the grove below.

Da Qiao understood in a second, his face turned red with a "boom".

Brother Huo Chi is really bad and bad.

In the middle of the night, I actually used this method to find her for a stamp!

Cai Ruan looked at her idiotically: "Da Qiao, why is your face so red suddenly? Are you very hot?"

Da Qiao folded the letter, climbed down from the bed, and said: "It's okay, my friend has something to do with me, I want to go out."

"So late? Do you want me to accompany you?"

Cai Runan is in a posture that I will go as long as you need me.

Da Qiao shook his head quickly: "No, I'll be there alone."

Cai Runan looked disappointed: "Okay, but you should be careful when you go out alone."

Da Qiao smiled at her, then put on his clothes and went out.


Because it was not time to lock the door, seeing Da Qiao go out, Aunt Su Guan just glanced at her, but did not stop.

Da Qiao and Xiao blushed, as if stepping on the clouds all the way.

When she came to the grove, she was about to speak for someone when she was grabbed by her arm.

She screamed, and she was pressed against a big tree by the other party, and the next moment she heard a familiar voice coming over—

"Don't be afraid, Niannian, it's me."

When Da Qiao heard his voice, he almost jumped out of his throat before returning to his position: "Brother Huo Chi, why are you doing this? You scared me to death just now!"

"Sorry, Nian Nian." Huo Chi looked at her with bright eyes.

Da Qiao was very uncomfortable by him, and his heartbeat started inexplicably fast: "Brother Huo Chi, what do you want to do when you come out so late to find me?"

Where he couldn't see it, Huo Chi's ears were red: "Niannian, I want to...have a stamp!"

Da Qiao's mind seemed to explode.

Before she could react, Huo Chi lowered her head and kissed her lips.