After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1809: Wrong bathroom

Su Nan took the mobile phone and went out.

She didn't want to go to the bathroom in the box, she wanted to go outside to breathe.

So just take the bag and go out.

When passing by the next door, she heard the low laughter inside, not Shang Qian's voice.

Soon, she came out of the bathroom.

There is a window around the corner.

It was dark outside.

Silence and hustle and bustle go together.

After a while, he took out his mobile phone, but Shang Qian didn't send the latest news.

She breathed a sigh of relief and was ready to go out.

As it happened, a familiar female voice screamed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I didn't know this was the men's bathroom..."

Su Nan raised her eyebrows, wow, so exciting!

Xiaobaihua went to the wrong bathroom?

She thought that Cheng Yi had already left with Xiaobaihua.

Didn't Cheng Yi find Xiaobaihua?

Thinking about it, she felt that Xiaobaihua might get into trouble, so she simply took out her mobile phone and planned to inform Cheng Yi.

Just the next second, she was stunned when she heard the man's voice.

"It's okay, the woman is on the opposite side."

It turned out to be Shang Qian's voice!

Really eat melon and eat it on my head!

Su Nan responded in dismay, as if cotton stuffed in his throat.

She paused, thinking it was better not to go out.

I thought that Xiaobaihua could leave quickly, but Xiaobaihua said hesitantly:

"I... lost my way, can you trouble sir and send me away?"

With that cautious but expectant tone, Su Nan could think of her expression.

But she suddenly felt a little weird in her heart.

She was used to Shang Qian's gentleness and consideration, and she had never seen other women beside him, let alone quarreled with them because of other women.

Shang Qian's market, without her, would probably be very hot.

It's a pity that Su Nan's existence has blocked too many peach blossoms for him.

She was a little curious how Shang Qian would deal with this little white flower.

Shang Qian's tone was cold and distant, and it sounded faintly:

"Sorry, I have something to ask the waiter, I'm going to pick up my wife..."

Xiaobaihua's tone was miserable:

"you are married?"

Su Nan sneered in his heart.

Oh, can't you see the wedding ring on Shang Qian's hand?

Shang Qian: "Yes."

Simply, don't want to entangle too much.

So far, Su Nan is still satisfied with Shang Qian's response.

Xiaobaihua is still not giving up:

"I don't mean anything else, sir, I can't find my companion. Just send me to the door, it won't delay you for too long."

Such a noble and noble man in front of her is far superior to all the rich second generation she has met.

If she could climb up to such a man, what would she have to worry about in her life?

In a few minutes, send her downstairs and she will seize the opportunity to show her weakness.

What man wouldn't be tempted by a weak woman?

What if you are married?

Can't you still get a divorce?

Give her a chance, and she can completely entangle him!

The atmosphere was silent for a moment.

Su Nan blinked and almost understood that Xiaobaihua was indeed a little white flower.

She lowered her head and sent Cheng Yi a message.

As soon as I put down the phone, I heard Shang Qian's calm voice with a bit of coldness:

"I can make tens of millions in one minute. How long will you delay me by sending you out? Can you afford it?"

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help chuckling softly.

Why does she like Shang Qian, who loves making money so much?

Just as soon as he walked out, he heard Cheng Yi running over in a hurry.

"Why are you here? Are you standing in the men's toilet to catch Kaizi?"