After Being Dressed As a Scumbag, I Became a Heartthrob

Chapter 76: He has two faces15

Van Shang opened his eyes and found himself #naked, his clothes and trousers were thrown on the ground in a mess, and there were spots on the white sheets.

Bad things! He actually got on Zhou Zhenfei!

Fan Shang put on #pants and went to the bathroom to find someone, but Zhou Zhenfei was not there.

Fan Shang was a little flustered, he knew Zhou Zhenfei's character, it must not have been Zhou Zhenfei's initiative last night, he must have deliberately seduced #seduction, making Zhou Zhenfei who loves him unable to refuse will cause the current situation .

Fan Shang took a quick bath and planned to go to Zhou's house to apologize.

He put on his clothes and went downstairs. The front desk showed that the bill had been paid. Fan Shang went downstairs and called a car. Dump woo woo woo." The cry was extremely miserable.

Sanskrit is fifteen years old this year, and is only in the second year of junior high. Zhang Shuo is the monitor of their class, the male **** of Sanskrit.

When did this girl get together with Zhang Shuo?

"Where are you now?" Don't do stupid things in the rebellious period.

"I, I'm at home, brother, I'm sorry, I'm leaving." Sanskrit finished and hung up the phone.

Fan Shang was in a hurry, "Master driver, go to the imperial court! My sister is going to commit suicide, please drive quickly."

When the driver heard it, it was incredible, the car flew out like a fly on the accelerator, and the 20-minute journey was abruptly shortened to 10 minutes.

When he got to the downstairs of the community, Fan Shang threw down a one-hundred-yuan note and ran out. When he entered the building, the elevator happened to be on the first floor. Relatives, it was his younger sister who took care of him since childhood. If something happened to Sanskrit, he would never forgive himself!

I never felt that the elevator was so slow. The moment the elevator door opened, Fan Shang's figure flashed, and people had arrived at the door.

The hand trembled too much when pressing the password. Fan Shang accidentally pressed the wrong number, so he could only hold the right hand with his left hand and press the numbers one by one. The door opened.

Fan Shang ran directly to the Sanskrit bathroom, Sanskrit's entire body was soaked in water, his hair was wet on his face, his lips were pale and bloodless, and he held a blade in his right hand and slashed his left wrist. , red blood meandering, dyeing the water in the tub pink.

"Sanskrit!" Fan Shang rushed over to grab the blade and throw it away, "What are you doing?!"

Van Shang had already called 120 on the road, and the 120 whistle sounded from downstairs, Fan Shang tightly grasped Sanskrit's left wrist, "Sanskrit, brother take you to the hospital, you will nothing."

Until she came to the hospital, Fan Shang still couldn't accept the fact that her only sister committed suicide in front of him.

He wanted to take out his mobile phone to check the time, only to realize that he did not know where to put his mobile phone in the panic. Fan Shang asked someone to borrow his mobile phone and called the company to ask for leave. The doctor came out and said : "Mr. Fan, your sister's mood is very unstable, and she may commit suicide again at any time. The family must always guard her to prevent her from thinking about it. It is best to see a psychiatrist."

The cut of the Sanskrit wrist did not scratch the artery, and it was not serious. It was enough to simply change the dressing without soaking in water.

Fan Shang brought Sanskrit back home to watch him in person, but he is a man, and sometimes it is inconvenient, and the international actress Qu Qinger, an artist under his umbrella, heard about it and offered to help.

Fan Shang held it out in Qu Qing’s childhood, and now her husband also introduced it to Fan Shang. The couple has been married for five years and their relationship is still very good.

Qu Qinger can be said to have grown up watching Sanskrit, the two have a good relationship, like sisters and mother and daughter, Qu Qinger explained, Sanskrit went to see a psychiatrist twice After the mood finally improved, no longer talk about suicide.

I don't know where I lost Fanshang's mobile phone, so I had to make up a new phone card. As a result, when I opened the address book, there was no contact. I opened WeChat and saw that the address book was also blank. , the 20,000 yuan in the wallet is gone.

Van Shang is very speechless to those who find or steal mobile phones.

Participated in an award ceremony in China in December. The husband of the actress was an outsider, and Fan Shang participated as a male companion. The husband of the actress helped to watch Sanskrit at home. After writing it, he turned the grateful eyes he looked at Qu Qinger into love.

Fan Shang didn’t have time to clean them up, the company picked up a foreign blockbuster for Qu Qing’er as the female lead, Sanskrit had to go with them, Fan Shang was not at ease with Sanskrit, and finally added Qu Qing’er Qing'er's husband and a group of four went abroad.

The film was a big production, taking eight months to complete.

Sanskrit is much more cheerful abroad, because the depression caused by lovelorn has completely recovered. Fanshang is afraid that she will not be able to keep up with her studies, so she will take her back to China immediately after the filming, which happens to be a summer vacation in China , Fan Shang found a tutor to teach Sanskrit language every day, trying to keep up with the pace of the third grade students before the school started.

After sleeping with Zhou Zhenfei, Fan Shang finally had time to take a breath.

He only added people from the company and Sanskrit as his WeChat friends. If there is no time to contact him, he can only add them again if he has a chance to meet.

Fan Shang didn't feel much better when he was free. He remembered that he had not been in contact with him for more than ten months after going to bed. In Zhou Zhenfei's mind, he must be a ruthless big scumbag.

Fan still doesn't know how to explain to Zhou Zhenfei.

He doesn't have Zhou Zhenfei's contact information or Zhou's home address now, so he can only go to Weibo to see how Zhou Zhenfei's life is going recently.

The result is incredible, Zhou Zhenfei has a son!

Zhou Zhenfei's son is called Zhou Chengai, he is a twin, very beautiful, not very similar to Zhou Zhenfei, it can be seen that the child's mother must not be bad.

Van Shang secretly spit acid water in his heart.

He calculated silently, the child just passed the full moon, that is, he was conceived more than ten months ago, and he and Zhou Zhenfei slept during that time... Could it be that Zhou Zhenfei smoked himself while having **** with others The woman and her son go to bed?

Van Shang is a little sad.

But he still browses Weibo every day, watching Zhou Zhenfei show off his son like a self-abuse.

Gradually, Fan Shang discovered something, Zhou Chengai has no mother!

Like Zhou Zhenfei's eldest brother Zhou Zhenting not only posted photos of his son on Weibo, but also the photos of his daughter-in-law Wei Yanze, but Zhou Zhenfei did not post a single photo of the child's mother.

What does this mean?

The child has no mother, or does Zhou Zhenfei not like the child's mother?

Fan Shang did not dare to contact Zhou Zhenfei directly, so he sent a private message to Zhou Zhenting on Weibo.

Fan Shang: Hello, I'm Fan Shang. Because of some accidents at home last year, I accidentally cut off contact with Zhenfei. Now the family affairs have been resolved, can you help me chat with Zhenfei for a moment? There are some misunderstandings between me and him that I need to explain to him personally.

Shuai Chang usually doesn't read private messages, but this day he opened it for the first time, and the first one was sent by Fan Shang.

Shuai Chang did not reply after reading it, but directly took his mobile phone to the second top floor to find Zhou Zhenfei.

Zhou Zhenfei was making a video with his son in his spare time, and the smile on Zhou Chengai's face on the screen of his mobile phone never stopped.

"Brother, why are you here?" Zhou Zhenfei laughed and said to Zhou Chengai on the other side of the screen: "Chengai, who are you looking for Dad? It's Uncle, right?"

Zhou Chengai made two "yah" across the screen, Zhou Zhenfei said: "Brother, Chengai called you." Then he lost: "Chengai doesn't even know how to call him Dad."

Shuai Chang laughed: "Don't worry, the first word Cheng Ai learned was definitely father, not uncle."

"Brother, you haven't told me what you are looking for."

Mother Zhou on the other side of the screen heard: "You two brothers are talking about things, I will hang up first."

The smile on Zhou Zhenfei's face faded, "I don't see it."

A few minutes later, Zhou Zhenfei held Shuai Chang's mobile phone and began to study what Fan Shang meant.

"Brother, Fan Shang said that there was an accident at his house, and it is only resolved now, is it true?" Zhou Zhenfei asked.

Shuai Chang said: "I don't think it is necessary for Fan Shang to lie."

"Then do I want to see him?" Zhou Zhenfei was distressed.

Don't want to know the inside story of his ruthless hanging?"

Zhou Zhenfei burst into tears: "I want to..."


Zhou Zhenfei nodded and said with determination: "Brother, you told him that you will be in the coffee shop downstairs at eight o'clock in the morning on Friday, and you will just go to work."

At this time, I can still think about work, Zhou Zhenfei is undoubtedly a Buddhist workaholic.

On Friday, Zhou Zhenfei got up early to get dressed and drove to the company before seven o'clock. When Zhou's mother asked Shuai Chang, she said that the company was looking for him in a hurry.

Zhou Zhenfei arrived at the coffee shop half an hour earlier, walked in and saw Fan Shang.

A familiar face suddenly appeared in front of him, Zhou Zhenfei's nose was sour, and he almost burst into tears.

He held back his tears and sat opposite Fan Shang with red eyes.

"Long time no see."

Van Shang was stunned when he saw him, and felt very special in his heart. He remembered that the last time he met Zhou Zhenfei in the coffee shop, Zhou Zhenfei arrived half an hour earlier. This time, in order to prevent Zhou Zhenfei from waiting, he sat here at seven o'clock and waited.

"Long time no see, how are you doing?" Fan Shang asked in a hoarse voice.

Zhou Zhenfei nodded: "Not bad, you should know, I have a son."

Fan Shang said impulsively: "Child's mother..."

"The child has no mother, only my father."

Zhou Zhenfei: "Didn't you say you want to explain to me?"

"Wait a minute. What would you like to drink? I'll clear my mind."

Zhou Zhenfei ordered a cappuccino and an ice American for Fan Shang.

"Stop it, let's talk."

Fan Shang told Zhou Zhenfei what had happened for nearly eleven months, and then anxiously waited for the sentencing.

Zhou Zhenfei: "You mean you deleted my friend because your phone was stolen, and the thief deleted your WeChat friends and address book?"


Zhou Zhenfei: "Queen Qu Qinger is married and her husband is your good friend. Are you really grateful for her affectionate eyes?"

Nod again.

Zhou Zhenfei: "Your sister is completely healed now?"


Zhou Zhenfei: "Why do you explain so much to me, you... like me?"

Nod and nod.

Zhou Zhenfei: "Speak."

Fan Shang said seriously: "I like it, I like it very much, I am very jealous and sad that you have had a child with someone else."

Zhou Zhenfei: Then I won't tell you that the child is yours.