After being marked by the boss of scum’s ex-wife

Chapter 64: gear

The various emotions in my heart are boiling and boiled into a pot of hodgepodge.

The curiosity about Alpha's clinical trial data, the incomprehension of the three districts' intentions, and the worries about some of the deep-rooted purposes concealed behind them made Song Zhen dazed for a moment.

"Sister, give it to me, get up."

Zhu Sui took the slippers in his hand, and Song Zhenren was kicked up.


Zhu Sui smiled and understood, "Can you pour me a glass of water? I'm thirsty."

"Oh, okay, okay."

Entered the kitchen, took a glass, poured a glass of ice water with a slice of lemon, watched the lemon slowly float on the chilly water, Song Zhen's flustered mood slowly calmed down in solitude .

She also poured herself a glass of water.

In the white noise of the environment, accept the news that Zhu Sui brings back.

The three districts decided to publish the data of the Alpha clinical trial.

Data from clinical trials of Alpha Reagent that year,

It's going to be made public.

It’s been twenty years, and finally...

Putting down the kettle, Song Zhen put his hands on the cooking table, bowed his head for a moment, Zhu Sui said only this, but with the surging memories, it shocked her greatly.

Her fingers on the table slowly curled up into a fist, her long hair pouring to cover her expression, but her thin shoulders couldn't help trembling slightly.

The water was taken out to Zhu Sui. Knowing that there was nothing to help him, Song Zhen turned around and took his cup to the balcony. Under the bright moonlight, he quietly combed his mind in the peaceful night breeze.

It was shocking at first.

Then came joy.

After thinking about it for a while, there was another long silence.

Just sitting there for a while, suddenly something came down on his shoulders, Song Zhen stopped, and he reached out and touched the soft fabric.

Raising her head, Zhu Sui had just cleaned up and rinsed, with a refreshing body of water, soaked in some mint fragrance, and put a silk shawl on her shoulders.

"It rained all day during the day and it was cool at night."

Zhu Sui's long fingers put a finger on Song Zhen's ankle on the reclining chair, and he raised his eyebrows as he watched her.

After Song Zhen realized that she was too devoted to her thoughts, and she didn't pay attention when she was too cold.

Silently covered her body with a big shawl as a blanket, wrapped herself up, her obedient behavior made Zhu Sui bend her lips, turned her head and sat on another recliner next to her, and picked up Song Zhenshui. , Took a sip.

After the shower, his hair was still wet, Zhu Sui took a towel and wiped it, and said carelessly as he wiped it.

"Sister, do you have anything else you want to tell me?"

Um. some.

Not a lot.

Song Zhenzhen rationalized his thoughts and was not polite with Zhu Sui. He opened his mouth and said, "Are you in a meeting today because of this?"

"That's it."

Song Zhen: "Then... For the second set of clinical trials of reagent Z, pregnant women are all signing up, and they can start. Now that the three districts have agreed to join, when will the clinical data of Alpha be officially announced? It is a backup. Is the one in the Third Research Institute? They...really decided?"

Zhu Sui returned to Song Zhen sentence by sentence, "Yes, the Tong family has really decided and won't change it."

"The one published is not the internal backup copy of the Third Military District. They said at the meeting that the backup is stored in the Third Academy all year round. Maybe someone would think that they have modified the data in the middle of such a long time. So what they published was in the database of the Third Military Command. The sealed raw data, paper files and electronic files will be published..."

Song Zhen was stunned.

Unexpectedly, the three districts really thought of every point of everyone's suspicion. As far as the alpha reagent data is concerned, you should try to extract yourself as much as possible.

Zhu Sui thought of something grinning, "Is the application for the national sealed archives or the release of the data of the s-level scientific research project sealed archives, so the publication time will be later."

"Huh?" Song Zhen calmed down and murmured, "That's right, if you don't make internal backups, the military region database will publish the data of the problematic projects that year. It will take a process time."

Just like the wholesale of the record number, facing the military area’s application for scientific research projects to enter clinical trials, it is necessary to obtain information, after the approval of the personnel of the relevant units, the matter is not complicated, the review process is slow, and there is a period of time in between.

"But when you apply this way, you can guarantee that you get real data..."

Zhu Sui nodded, "Yes, the data can be fidelity, but the time has been consumed for a while."

Song Zhen bowed his head and nodded, "...Yes, and since the beginning of the clinic, they seem to be spending time with me."

And they still don't know what the three districts want this time for.

If Tong Xianglu is in the third district, it can be said that they are delaying time for Tong Xianglu's project and want to catch up with the clinical trial of Z reagent in progress, but Tong Xianglu is in the first district... This guess is obviously not true.

Of course Zhu Sui understood what Song Zhen wanted, but since the purpose of the three districts has not been exposed, instead of blindly guessing without clue, Zhu Sui is now even more curious about another thing...

Zhu Sui: "Sister, you said, can you see the problem with the clinical trial data of Alpha Reagent?"

Hearing this, Song Zhen looked at Zhu Sui.

Zhu Sui's hand wiping his hair stopped, and looked back at Song Zhen solemnly, "I was pretty sure I could find some mystery in it, but today's meeting is held. Tong's frank and open attitude makes me think more, let me..."

After a pause, Zhu Sui said bluntly, "It makes me wonder if I went wrong, and I can't help thinking, if the data of the year is okay, or if there is nothing visible in the data, what should I do?"

He lowered his head and smiled, "Of course, I am not your professional, I just have such a suspicion."

Then he looked at Song Zhen again and asked her seriously, "So, sister, do you think there is such a possibility?"

Song Zhen pursed his lips, "I just thought about what you said, but..."

"Edmond Rocca said that wherever you go, you will leave a trace."

"As long as the data is true, even if there is no Tong’s problem, there will always be clues to the truth. I think the moment when the problem of finding the reagents after seeing the data starts is the greatest significance of the data in that year. , What happened back then... is very complicated, and it can't be said in a sentence or two."

"This set of data, if you see it, you can get a glimpse of the entire incident. At the same time, it's not realistic. At the same time, I feel too greedy if I think about it like this..."

"But this set of data, the remaining set of data, in our field, is the most reflective of the progress of the experiment."

"I won't feel at ease if I don't see it. When I see it, it's best to find out what can be found in it. If you can't find it, then you can always exclude some possibilities from some aspects, then... it's also good."

"No matter what, it's good."

Song Zhen frowned, immersed in an unknown memory of the past.

There are too many people watching the flowers. There are too many memories of her staying in the Third Research Institute.

I was taken by my mother to the central laboratory to meet my colleagues, and my father was taken by my father to stroll along the boulevards of the third courtyard, playing with the children of the parents and colleagues of the third courtyard. There was a small hidden pond in the woods behind the third courtyard...

In the afternoon when the bad news came, my mother had promised to take her to the amusement park on the weekend...

Song Zhen remembered very clearly that she was bought temporarily by Segen Supermarket at the time. Her father was working and her mother was taking her at work that day. The central laboratory could not enter the central laboratory casually. The woman told her to wait where she was, and she just said to go and return...

After walking like this, she saw again...

Song Zhen took a deep breath, with inexplicably hot and humid eyes. He realized that he was out of shape, lowered his head in embarrassment, eased his emotions, raised his head again, and smiled apologetically to Zhu Sui, "No matter what, thank you for this matter."

"Thank you for the conditions at that time, so that I can see the data of that year now, thank you, Sui Sui."

There was a thin layer of tears in Song Zhen's eyes. He couldn't see Zhu Sui's expression. He only heard the gentle voice of the other party, "It should be."

The three gentle words immediately smoothed the wrinkles in her heart, and Song Zhen smiled. Slowly, Zhu Sui raised the corners of her lips to respond.

"Needless to say thank you, family members should support each other, sister."

Song Zhen felt that this was a bit familiar, and he didn't have time to think about it. Zhu Sui added, "Do you have anything else you want to ask me?"

Song Zhen suffocated and nodded after a moment.

"Tong Xianglu's USB flash drive should have found something, she... what was found in it, is there anything I can know?"

This Zhu Sui had been planning to tell Song Zhen a long time ago, so he was also very calm, "I found some."

After a pause, let’s talk about the trivial things first, “I was in the estrus period, and my colleague returned the USB flash drive later. I observed it and she didn’t pay attention. She had been angry for the past two days. Even if the task was successfully completed.”

"As for things, of course I can't tell you the specific content, but in general, I can talk about..."

Suddenly, Zhu Sui said suddenly, "Sister, when you disassembled the drug components in the liquor that day, I heard Team You say that you were concerned that Tong Xianglu might be in contact with foreign laboratories. This behavior is There is a clear political awareness..."

"So, you should know in your heart that there are two possibilities."

"One is that the data is some of the remnants of the Tong family and foreign exchanges; the other is that in this matter, not only the Tong family is involved, but the senior officials of the three districts are also involved in it..."

Stabilizers are being developed around the world, but currently only China can push stabilizers into clinical trials.

If there is a transaction of information and data in the stabilizer project, what is hidden below, most likely, is accompanied by money and rights...

"I know." Song Zhen closed his eyes. "I know."

Zhu Sui: "Then I can ask, in your own heart, sister, do you hope that only the Tong family will get involved in the whole thing, or do you hope that it is not just the Tong family?"

"Do you want to hear the truth?"


Song Zhen opened his eyes, staring blankly in the air for a moment, and said calmly: "I hope it's all about the Tong family, and no one else, no matter who it is, should be involved."

Zhu Sui lowered his eyelashes, turned the conversation, and said in a low voice, "I found some information involving other officials, but I am not sure. For this USB flash drive, the Yu team deployed people to investigate. Based on my experience It is said that if such specific information is investigated in depth, three months to six months will be able to be accurate."

Song Zhen was in a trance for a moment.


So now, it's just possible, it's all unknown, and it's still uncertain.

Zhu Sui looked up at Song Zhen and asked her, "You hope that there is only the shadow of the Tong family behind the data breach. Is it easy to investigate, convict, or judge a case?"

Song Zhen turned his head, his bright apricot eyes were rarely foggy.

In the summer night, Zhu Sui could see the sense of sight that was hazy in the rain and mist in the south of the Yangtze River for no reason.

There was a moment of silence, and Song Zhen suddenly said, "Your hair is still wet."

Zhu Sui stretched out his hand and crushed it, indeed.

Song Zhen got up, "I'll get a hair dryer and blow it dry for you."

"Okay, sister."

Song Zhen took the hair dryer and called Zhu Sui in the bedroom. Zhu Sui sat down quietly, and Song Zhen blew her hair.

Zhu-year-old's hair is of good quality, black and straight, and looks shiny like satin. Song Zhen's fingers are inserted in the hair, and she is nostalgic for this touch.

Blowing and blowing, inexplicably and a bit sentimental, I don't know how many such days are left.

If only the Tong family is involved in the data leakage, it is really easy to judge the case.

If it is not just the Tong family, and a deeper investigation, then the Tong family will not escape, and will even be sentenced to a heavier sentence.

But... Song Zhen replied at the time that this was not what he considered.

She knew from the beginning, very clearly, what kind of path she was walking.

This road, no matter what, is full of thorns.

There are more thorns and less thorns. It’s not that bad for Song Zhen. She is...

Seeing the soft black hair in his hand, Song Zhen's heart suddenly became a bit sour.

She just, in her own heart, didn't want to drag Zhujia into the water, and didn't want to hurt Zhusui...

If there is only Tong's family, then she will face much less resistance and will not involve others.

But if it’s not just the Tong family, it’s one thing to face resistance. She and Zhu Sui are married. At that time, political disputes will be involved. In the vortex, who can take care of themselves, it is inevitable that Zhu family will be involved...

Involving the Zhu family will involve Zhu Sui.

But the bamboo family is not only bamboo years old.

There are also Mr. Zhu, Zhu Yi, Zhu Dean...

They don't even know their relationship from beginning to end.

Song Zhen knew what choice Zhusui would make, and she also believed in her character.

But, but she, how can you bear it...

How could she be so cruel to the person she likes?

She doesn't want to give this kind of problem to the person she likes, nor does she want the person she likes to be in a dilemma because of her.

When she first got married, Song Zhen decided that she would not drag anyone down by then.

No matter what Zhusui thinks, she will directly mention divorce.

The bridge and the bridge and the road are irrelevant.

Divorced, she doesn’t have to embarrass Zhu Sui about her affairs, and it won’t cause Zhu Sui to quarrel with her family. It is the best...

"Sister, what do you think? Okay." Zhu Sui raised his head and smiled at Song Zhen.

Song Zhen was stunned, grabbed a handful of Zhu Sui's hair, and found that it was really well blown, so he also smiled at Zhu Sui.

"Go to sleep."


This night, Song Zhen has rarely suffered from insomnia since he walked out of the shadow of the divorce.

It rained all day during the day, and the wind was loud at night.

In Song Zhen's ears, what she heard was not the sound of wind, but the sound of the gears of destiny turning again.

The three districts made a decision, and the pre-clinical trial preparations for the first district were all finished.

The Tong family has already submitted a report to the military region.

Later, Song Zhen and Zhu Sui calculated it. When they got the information, it was almost the same. One group of clinical trials had just started, and the second group of clinical trials had the first data.

This time there is another accident in the clinic.

Xu Anbai, the pregnant woman of the Xu family also signed up. It was originally arranged to go to Cheng Lang’s clinical group. Later, after Xu Anbai’s application, he was specifically transferred to the second group. The reason is simple. Xu Anbai approved Zuo Tian, ​​a member of District 5. People also recognized Zuo Tian more, so they put their relatives in their trusted group.

Xu Jing was also in Song Mu's clinical trial team.

Song Zhen only felt a little bit of heavenly will.

Time passed, and all pregnant women in the second group passed the first medication smoothly under the precise monitoring of clinical trials.

In the fall, the first experimental data of the second group was released.

At the same time, the Three Military Regions approved the announcement of the Alpha Reagent, and the information will be brought to the first district by special personnel.

Coincidentally, for the first time, people from the three districts supervised the meeting on the second set of clinical trial data.

It was the same day that the special person in charge of delivering the Alpha reagent materials in the Three Military Regions arrived in the first district.

On this day, a group of personnel led by Cheng Lang also officially opened a group of clinical trials.

Rongyuan, Zhu Sui and Song Zhen waited anxiously at the door.

The scientific researchers from the three districts came to the meeting first. Tong Yun politely greeted them, and Tong Xianglu looked at them as irritable, rolled his eyes secretly, and passed by.

A moment later.

Several military vehicles stopped at the door, and the soldiers in white uniforms got out, and the leader was holding three thick leather information bags stacked on top of each other.

As he approached, Song Zhen saw clearly on the cover of the cowhide information bag, which read "α Clinical Trial Record Data" in large characters, and on the tail of the cover, there was the signature confirmation of Zhuang Qing, and suddenly his eyes were hot.

She waited for this day for too long.

From the kid who ate sugar in the Third Research Institute and waited for his mother to come back, he became Song Zhen, an important researcher in the First Research Institute, and the military master Song...

Spring is cold and summer is hot, autumn and winter come, it is too long, too long.

Fortunately, she waited.