After Being Sold Out By The Empire, I Decide To Assist The Demon King

Chapter 400: talking dragons

This place in the Dragon Realm is a bit like a paradise, and obviously there has been no dispute for a long time. When the little dragons learned that Ira came from another world, they turned into small human figures, bouncing around. Ira led to the big tree...

   There seems to be a place where dragons live.

  Dragon Realm is not a demiplane dependent on the main plane. If you live in this place, you can indeed avoid the disaster of destroying the world... No matter what the disaster is, it will not affect this side.

  Even if the World Tree just collapsed, it would be the same.


  It is indeed a good place...

  Ira thought so, looking at the open field... If all of this side can be used for farming and supporting people in several worlds, then there must be no problem.

I don't know why, but Ira now very much hopes that every dragon in the dragon world has a very bad attitude, shouting at him, and wanting to kill him on the main plane... In that case, Ira can logically kill him. The world took advantage.

  But, probably not?

   "Hello, mortal... how did you come to the dragon world?"

A giant dragon with a huge stature put his nose in front of Ira, and said so kindly. He made a masculine voice, just the breath brought by his words. For many non-professionals, it is a It was quite a storm.

Ira, who was motionless, glanced at the gold and silver treasures under the dragon, and then looked at the piles of treasures around him, the colorful dragons, and replied simply: "From the [Dragon Branch] of the World Tree , opened the teleportation array from the Dragon Realm."

This answer made the questioning dragon feel a little surprised. He felt it carefully, and reconfirmed that there was no Mana in Ira's body... It shows that it was not by strength that it broke through the elf's defense line and came into contact with it. world tree.

   "It seems that you have a good relationship with the elves."

  The giant dragon said so... Although it has been a long time since I have communicated with the main plane, there are still dragons who go to the main plane to play from time to time, so the reception of messages is not particularly lagging behind.

   "It's really good."

As Ira said this, he simply nodded his head. He had already guessed that the dragons in front of him thought he had no fighting power... This is not a bad thing. Ashamed.

  The weaker they are, the more they want to prove their strength...even, the cognition of the dragons makes them not have any vigilance against Iraq, but it is more convenient for Iraq to ask questions.

   "Then, what should we call you? And... why did you come to Dragon Sky Island, also known as Dragon Realm?"

To the dragon's question, Ira responded calmly: "My name is Ira Alcaras, you can just call me Ira... I'm here, and I have many questions I want to get answers to, such as about disasters. Eh's information and so on..."

   Calamity... Calamity?

The dragons looked at each other, and then a blue dragon wearing glasses made a preliminary response: "We also heard that the main plane has solved a lot of disasters, right? It's very powerful... Do you want information on the follow-up disaster?"

  It seems that the dragons are very smart. They know the truth of [the unknown disaster is the deadliest], so they made an inference that [the mortals in front of them are here to inquire about the information of the future disaster].

   Such an inference is completely correct.

  Ira nodded in confirmation. He felt lucky that he was not facing a group of old monsters that had been dusty for many years, and was also happy that the dragons could communicate well.

  Whether it's the former or the latter, things can get tricky.

  If it's the former, Ira has to tell you about the situation on the main plane from a long time ago in order to be able to explain clearly; if it's the have to continue to use [violence].

   As I said before, Ira doesn't like to use violence, but at least it can dissipate the arrogance of others.

   "However, I have a more urgent matter at the moment... On the main plane, a dragon's bloodline has awakened, and it is now having a high fever."

  Regarding Ira's nonsensical words, a silver dragon on the side immediately bounced up, nervously transformed into a human form in the air, and said, "A dragon from the main plane? Is it a scarlet demon dragon?"

  This silver dragon made a pleasant female voice, and turned into a woman wearing beautiful clothes and silver yarn, nervously waiting for Ira's answer... Judging from this reaction, could it be this one?

   "Are you Satan Yeh's mother?"

  Ira said, looking at the wide-eyed Silver Dragon, and already got the answer through her reaction, he nodded to acknowledge the other party's words, and asked, "Ms. Revelis?"

Regarding Ira's words, the silver dragon named Revliss, who took the form of a human, nodded on the spot, and amidst the whispers of the dragons, said: "Yes, I am Revlis Lisha Tees Dragon, is the blood of Satan Leaf awakened?"

In Ira's nod, Ravellis couldn't help laughing... Anyway, whether it is the awakening of the blood of the scarlet dragon or the awakening of the blood of the silver dragon, it means that Satan Ye has become very strong, so the blood will There is a reaction.

   As for the woman with long silver hair in front of her, Ira has mixed feelings... On the one hand, the woman in front of her, as the mother of Satan Ye, has hardly ever visited Satan Ye.

  If a mother like this is placed on the Internet of the previous world, she is afraid that she will be sprayed to death.

   But on the other hand, she is Satan Ye's mother no matter what, and Ira feels very sorry for her... After all, the other party's husband, Favignho, was killed by himself.

   "I remember, Ira? Favignho has often mentioned you to me."

Revlis, who had known the name Ira before, said this, she showed a nostalgic expression, and said: "According to what he said, you should be a very strong opponent, what happened to you now Is there an accident?"

  Indeed, Ira doesn’t have any mana fluctuations on her body now, and it’s really hard to associate it with what Faviginho often said [Super powerful opponent, almost beat me to death].

Raffles, who asked this question, obviously had a good impression of the good opponent her husband often mentioned, that is, Ira. She smiled softly and asked, "Where is Favignho? How is he doing recently?" ? Have you found another new love?"



  From Ira's complex expression, the smile on Revelis's face slowly solidified, and the surrounding dragons also heard the general meaning, and sighed one after another... showing a sad face.

  This proves that the partner's lover on the main plane is dead...

   "Is he dead? I've already guessed."

   There was a hint of anger in Revelis's helpless voice. She looked at Ira with amber eyes and asked, "That's a foolish fighting maniac. He must not live long, but...who killed it?"


   "It was me... a long time ago."

  Ira could only answer in this way, and in the next second, the crimson dragon flames shining with little fluorescent lights suddenly spewed in his direction, and the temperature seemed to be well controlled, only about 70 degrees.

  This is a temperature at which mere mortals will not die immediately.


   This is even more sad.