After Crossing, My Husband and I Were Reborn Together

Chapter 101: really caring person

  Chapter 101 is really a man of heart

   did meet Sun Baihu and Han guards in the guardhouse.

   hurriedly stepped forward and saluted: "I have seen Lord Baihu, and I have seen Guard Han."

  Sun Yinfeng saw Xiao Chenrui and frowned slightly: "Why are you here?"

  Xiao Chenrui quickly explained his intention and handed the thing over: "This is the frostbite cream that my sister made by herself. It's very effective for frostbite. It's a little thought from us, and please don't dislike it."

   The head of the Hundred Households took it, and if he sent it off, he might not really like it.

   But if this frostbite cream is as effective as he said, it will be a big help to him.

   opened his mouth and said, "You guys are interested, thank your sister for me."

  Xiao Chenrui sighed in relief when he saw that the head of the Hundred Households had closed, and then retired and prepared to leave.

   At this moment, someone called the head of a hundred households, and Sun Yinfeng said to Han Mingliang, who was beside him, "Send him out."

  Han Mingliang replied, "Yes, my lord."

   When Sun Baihu was far away, Xiao Chenrui took out a porcelain jar from the cloth bag: "Brother Han, this is for you."

  Han Mingliang's eyes lit up: "And mine?"

  Xiao Chenrui laughed: "Big Brother Han has helped us so much, this is a little bit of our brother and sister's heart."

  Han Mingliang took it over: "Thank you very much then."

   As soon as he finished speaking, someone over there called him to gather, so he hurriedly said, "Brother Xiao, I can't see you off because of something, you go slowly."

   After saying that, he ran over there.

   This was exactly what Xiao Chenrui wanted. He walked directly to the place where he registered yesterday, and when he entered the room, he saw a lot of people in the room, either registering or checking records, but no one paid him any attention.

   He went straight to the place where they registered yesterday, and after seeing that it was indeed the person who helped them register yesterday, he walked over.

   The clerk just looked up and looked over, Xiao Chenrui smiled at him: "Master clerk, but I still remember the little one."

   The clerk smiled and said, "You were the kid from the Xiao family yesterday."

  Xiao Chenrui smiled and said, "Exactly. Yesterday, I thanked the adults for the suggestion. I made some frostbite cream at home and sent you a jar. I have to keep records with my hands all day. I hope I can help."

  The clerk didn't think of it, he just mentioned a few words yesterday, and the two brothers and sisters still remembered it in their hearts, they are really caring people.

Looking at my hands again, there are a lot of frostbite on them. I think that because of this frostbite, I have used a lot of remedies before, rubbed with suet oil, and boiled dried radish leaves in water, but they didn't work well. Since they are all delivered If it is, then he will try: "Then Cong will thank you."

  Xiao Chenrui saw that things were done, so he didn't stay any longer, he said goodbye and left the guardhouse.

   He never imagined that his sister's frostbite cream would become a military necessities later.

   sent something, and the siblings felt that they were free from debt.

  Xiao Chenrui took the load and went up the mountain again. Yunyi also took advantage of Xiao Chenrui to go up the mountain, and took Brother Hao and the little ox to the market.

   When I came back, I brought back the two dogs, which is considered to have passed the bright side.

   He took out some rice cereal, winter vegetables, and medicinal herbs. Anyway, with the courtyard wall and two dogs, no one would want to come in without permission.

  Today, she went to a place that sells ceramics, where she collected a few bags of broken ceramics. Thinking that the spring will be warm next year, she inserted these ceramic fragments into the fence.

  Xiao Chenrui may be a lot stronger than others because of his training in martial arts, or because he drank the water from the space stream. He came back with three loads of firewood in the morning, but he was envious of the friends who went up the mountain to make firewood together.

   (end of this chapter)