After Crossing, My Husband and I Were Reborn Together

Chapter 1240: Long Yan is furious

The reason why    didn't do it was because he didn't want to let the chaos of Prince Xuan's mansion jump and lose the royal face. After all, there have been a lot of big things recently, so there is no need to add gossip and let the public guess.

   They didn't use the silver to build a bridge in the name of the imperial court, because the money was not right, and they didn't want to cause trouble again, as long as it could benefit the people.

  On the day when King Yu was beheaded, the people in the capital also knew that King Yu even kept a room outside.

After   , this matter became a hot topic for a while.

   King Xuan, after learning that all the gold and silver in the mansion was gone, ordered the whole mansion to seal up: "If anyone goes out of the mansion to talk nonsense in private, they will be beaten to death with a stick."

  It was at this time that Concubine Xuan realized that because of the crime of her parents' family, their Prince Xuan's mansion was now walking on thin ice, and they no longer dared to let Prince Xuan's mansion take action to save her parents' family.

   But he thought of a lot of ways, and sent some food and drink to Ji's family, so that they would not go hungry.

   Those who were sent to the Weihe River to do damage were sent back to the capital by Xiao Chenrui, and after being tried by the Ministry of Punishment, the results came out soon, and Sheng Shang Longyan was furious.

Not long after   , the Zuo family, Ji family, as well as those officials and family members who were involved, embarked on the road of exile.

  Since then, Xuanwang's mansion has gradually faded out of everyone's sight.

   After this toss, it will be the end of June.

   In a few days, the triplets will be celebrating their second birthday.

  Sage Shang Mo Yanbin said, this time we have to hold a birthday banquet for the triplets.

   At this time, there was also good news. The governance of the Weihe River has come to an end. As long as the last meter of the mountain leading to Luning City is opened up, the water of the Weihe River can be diverted to Luning City.

  Xiao Chenrui sent someone to send the news back, and asked the Holy Master to send someone to the scene to witness this historical moment.

This is the biggest and most important event that benefits the country and the people since Shengshang Mo Yanbin took the throne. It happened that the capital was also purged during this time, so he decided to wait for the triplets’ birthdays to witness this historic event in person. moment.


   On this day, Yun Yi was preparing for the triplets' birthdays in the palace. Shi Mi came over and saluted: "Prince Concubine, the Xiao family's big room is coming."

   Yunyi didn't look up: "Who is it?"

  Shi Mi said, "It's Young Master Chen Xu."

   Yunyi was not displeased when he heard that Chen Xu was here: "Let someone bring him to the front yard, I will be there later."

  Shi Mi bowed: "Yes."

  After Shi Mi left, Yun Yi finished her work, and then took Bai Wei and Qu Lian to the front yard.

  Xiao Chenxu saw Yun Yi come in, got up and saluted: "I have seen the Crown Princess."

   Yunyi signaled that he didn't need to be more polite: "Why are you here today?"

  Xiao Chenxu frowned and said, "Grandma hasn't been very good these days."

   As soon as these words came out, Yun Yi was a little surprised: "The imperial doctor said that the situation has improved a few days ago, why is this not very good?"

  Xiao Chenxu shook his head and said, "I don't know much about this. Every day, my sister-in-law and Yunru are serving me. Late yesterday, something was wrong when I went in to visit. I went there early this morning and felt even worse, so I invited a doctor to come over.

   But the doctor said that my grandmother's condition is not very good, and I'm afraid I won't be able to survive for a few days, so I hurriedly entered the palace to find the crown princess. "

   He was afraid that if his grandmother did something wrong, the crown princess would be blamed again, and if her grandmother was unwell, she would have to let the crown princess know, after all, Chen Rui was not in the capital.

   Yunyi was disappointed with her grandmother, but now that she knows, she can't help but go for a visit.

   It was only after seeing people that she realized something was wrong. She had been given supplements a few times before, which was enough for her to warm up her body, but now it looks a little malnourished.