After Crossing the Zerg, I Became a Forum Boss

Chapter 100

Although the plastic brotherhood of Allen and Sellers is at stake, they still have a common language at certain times. For example, this time the "Big Movie" program group came to the Performance Department of Imperial University to do shows.

This time, the Performance Department of Imperial University invited the "Big Movie" program group to come over for exchanges, and it was also an event for Louis and Jane to promote the new film. They will play against the students of the Imperial University Acting Department, and then guide the students.

The shooting classroom was very large, and Ellen and Sellers did not mix with the director or photographer. The two of them sat directly in the corner with a large mirror behind them. Normally the students adjusted their expressions to the mirror.

Sellers was whispering to Alan, "I heard that Isaiah’s original studio wanted to push, and they were too funny. Do they think Isaiah’s blushing half of the sky is just relying on her face? With Louis and Antonio, he has also played soy sauce for several shows, and his acting skills are not even comparable to these students."

Just rely on the face, Isaiah is an S-class female, and the beauties everywhere are the rare beauties in the entertainment industry. Apart from the fact that Jane's profile is two-pointed to Isaiah, her figure and temperament are also incomparable.

Allen let out a gasp. He went to the main star's military base very early today and suffered from severe lack of sleep. Allen asked, "Is Jane's acting bad?"

Sellers looked at Alan in amazement, "Can't you see this? Didn't your father still open a brokerage company? I still think you are professional in this area."

Allen thought for a while, and said, "When I was a kid, I went to play, and I always looked at my face."

"Do you still need to look at the beautiful insects?" Sellers said: "You might as well bring a mirror with you. If you want to see the insects, take a photo."

Allen gave Sellers a particularly speechless look.

Sellers hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Mistaken words. I accidentally said what I was thinking."


Allen didn't bother to tell him more, but instead asked: "Are there any of these students who are good at acting?"

"What's the matter?" Sellers asked.

"The ending chapter of "The Overbearing Hero is in Love with Me" was given to the editor a few days ago, and it should be published in the magazine "Million Bugs" to be released tomorrow." Allen said: "I found a well-known screenwriter in the industry. , We have already discussed which parts of the novel need to be adapted. The first version of the script will probably be published at the beginning of next month."

"God, you are finally over." Sellers exclaimed, "I heard that your reader's letter of complaint has overwhelmed the editorial office of "Mixed Bugs" magazine. The reader sent three sets of blades to each editor. There is still more. The remaining blades are all placed downstairs in the magazine "Mixed Bugs", and there is a special booth to sell them."


Allen said: "When did this happen?"

"From the time you cut off the watch..." Sellers was surprised: "You didn't know? For a while, it was reported on the news. The reporter said that the reason why the author is from the earth does not disclose his identity is a hunch. In this scene, I want to hide quietly."

Allen finally understood that in addition to calling him crazy, the editor occasionally appeared at his door on the 19th Avenue and blocked him. It was really a very gentle way of urging him. Allen slapped haha, and said: "I know that the relevant content is all scolding me, I will definitely not click on it again."

Therefore, he has only heard of these urging news.

"I think the movie can be set up this month." Allen quickly turned away from the topic and said: "Look, are there any of these students who have good acting skills? The novel itself has its own flow, and it has just been completed. It is the most popular. At the time, Milo joined, I think we don’t necessarily have to look for big-name actors. It’s better to see more newcomers, because it will reduce the cost of shooting and fit the roles."

"So fast? You are in such a hurry to start shooting, and you are still looking for new people. Are you short of money?" Sellers was surprised: "It owes 12 billion to the club."

Allen did not deny, "Yeah."

Although the Sextant Branch of the Males Association did not stare at Nolan afterwards, Allen could bring Nolan back to the female waiter, but this could not offset Nolan’s crime of killing Transcendent A Grade males. Allen should still give the main star. 12 billion SG coins for military bases. The Nantian Branch paid Allen the money in advance. It was Francisco and Lancelot who wanted to be a favor to Allen. Of course, Allen could not return the Star Coins, but in the future he would definitely return the branch in other ways.

Allen said: "I want to return to the club as soon as possible with interest."

Sellers was feeling that the X-class males were not easy.

I heard Ellen ask him again: "So can Milo's pay be lowered?"


"Do you know how much our Milo is worth now? He has stopped picking up ordinary commercial films. are ashamed to say that it is a literary film." Sellers thought he was already very interesting, he said: " We don’t want to share the box office, and the remuneration is still based on the market price. But I can fund you all my private money."

Allen despised Cyrus for being miserable now, and had no right to speak at all, and asked: "Your private money? How much?"

"Milo gives me 25,000 spending per month, and now I have saved 40,000." Super A Grade male Cyrus said.

Allen said mercilessly, "Go away."


It was also impossible for Allen to really want Cyrus's money, and the two males gagped for a while, then put their energy in the classroom again.

At the moment they are taking a break, and Louis and Jane have talked about a lot of interesting things in their circles.

Sellers asked him, "Which role do you plan to give Milo? Is the hero? What other roles are needed?"

Although Sellers had never read the novel "A Domineering Male In Love with Me", the book was so popular that it was written by Allen, and he knew a little bit about it. If filmed, the most important role is the female bodyguard, who is also the male lead; next is the overbearing S-class male, and his younger brother, the little S male, which is the second male and the third male. Important supporting roles, such as the male protagonist’s friend, the male protagonist and the cubs of the big S male.

"I want Milo to play the big S male." Allen said: "It's better for the male lead to find an experienced actor. The other roles are chosen today."

From Allen's point of view, although the male lead has a lot of roles, if the drama is good, it can greatly increase the nationality in the short term, but the two roles that attract the most fans are the big S male and the small S male.

The audience of the play is mainly single females, and it is the males who can provoke them, even the male actors.

There are not many scenes of the Big S male, which will not delay Milo and Sellers too much time.

Sellers quickly asked for a rehearsal video of some of the students in the classroom from the instructor of the Acting Department of Imperial University, combined with their performance just now, and sketched on the list. Because of Milo, he has mixed up with many tall and famous people. The crew has a very poisonous vision. It is easy to see how an actor is now acting and whether he has talent.


"Wow, this is so cute, is this okay? No...why? Is his acting so bad? Then there is no way."

"This, this, this!!! He laughed so sweet!!! Why doesn't this work? We don't have a character that fits his temperament? I can write a special one for him! Yes, there are a lot of plots to be changed, I am too lazy to write, I The love for him is not so deep, forget it..."

"This is very handsome, Yan has completely hit me. No matter what you say this time, I will choose him... The little prince of the nightclub? A very famous female lover? I have been in several crews, and every time I can get the best The famous female celebrity gets soaked? All the crews he participates in will be caught in a **** storm? Do you want to miss him? It's sad, but let's forget it..."


Sellers twisted Allen's head back, asked him to face the mirror, and brutally broke Allen’s fantasy of Yan control, "If you want me to make a new movie, I can choose to suit you as much as possible. Aesthetic actors, but that can’t be the only criterion. If you’re worried that the actor’s looks can’t support your drama...” He pointed his finger at Alan’s face in the mirror, “We will follow this direction later. ."


Although Yan control is the nature of male worms, Sellers still thinks Allen is too exaggerated. Like Cyrus, he has heard a lot of praise for his appearance since he was a child, and admiration of his high bloodline level, but in the end it was Milo, who had an ordinary vein level and a unique temperament, that attracted him.

Allen watched the male in the mirror carefully, nodded, and said, "It's very beautiful, but I can't play with myself either."

Sellers: Is it so heavy?

Sellers said: "I just said you can take a look and give yourself a seductive look."


During the break, the students of the performance department of Imperial University also asked Louis and Jane many questions. One question attracted Alan's attention, and even made Alan decide the male lead of the movie "The Overbearing Hero Falls in Love with Me".

A student from the Performance Department of Imperial University asked: "Are the two seniors still single now? Have you ever thought about getting married?"

Jane said: "I'm single. I plan to focus on work at this stage, and I don't have time to fall in love. After I get married, I will definitely not give up my job."

Louis said: "I'm also single. Now I just want to make good money, so that I can match a better hero."

They are all very official answers.

A student from the Performance Department of Imperial University asked: "The two seniors are both A-grade females/sub-females. Are there any requirements for the bloodline level of the male lord? Do I have to be a female monarch?"

Jane said: "I hope that the bloodline of the male lord will be A in the future. It would be better if there is a super A. As long as the male lord is willing to pet me, it doesn't matter if I am a female waiter."

Louis was silent, and decided to answer this question in accordance with his own heart, "If you want to find a good-looking, young male, it does not matter if the blood level is low. If you want to make a lot of money, keep him at home. I want to be his prince."

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!!" the students of the performance department of Imperial University screamed.

Although Louis didn't say it clearly, his bloodline level, the money and status he currently has, can indeed support an E pole or F level male lord, and then the male lord is not allowed to take the female servant.

This is a dream that almost all females have had.

He is the only hero.

But when it comes to the status of Louis, many females will have other ideas. For example, a low-level male may not be reliable. For example, two high-level worms are combined to produce potential eggs more easily.

In short, few insects still remember their original intentions in the end.

Allen watched Louis speak solemnly to the flying camera about his mate selection, and asked the males who met his criteria to contact him, laughing so much that he was about to roll on the ground.

How could Louis have such a talent for funny.

Then a flying camera noticed this wonderful moment. Before they were warned by the director that they hadn't dared to take Allen and Sellers. At this moment, they finally couldn't help it, and snapped at Allen's face. Allen slapped it away, and because he was holding his stomach and laughing, there was no way in the end, so he just ignored it.

Alan thought a long time ago that if he hadn't been dressed as a male but as a female, he would probably have the same choice as Louis.

It's just that he is now the male who is raised by the female and whose bloodline is not too low.

The author has something to say: Cyrus and Allen are choosing roles, and from time to time there are exclaims, "This handsome!" "This beautiful!"

Nolan: "What the male lord said is right! The male lord said that good-looking insects must be beautiful!"

Milo looked tolerant, "Master, I will learn to be generous, you...If you want to marry a female waiter, just marry it."

Sellers: "Don't get me wrong! It's like a blizzard in June! It's all Alan picking up the fat and the thin, okay!"

Milo: "I'm sorry, Nolan QAQ, my hero has broken your hero."