After Crossing the Zerg, I Became a Forum Boss

Chapter 113

The two worms were in a stalemate, and Allen still decided to use the least hurtful and lottery method to decide who would go to fight. Although Alan is a good worm, he thinks he can be pure, but he grew up with the **** Carol, and he has a lot of tricks. Since he made this proposal at this time, he is naturally very sure.

His well-behaved female waiter had no choice but to let the male master warm up in the mecha simulation operation center, and then they went to find the Phoenix Lord together.

The asteroid where the Phoenix Lord is located is the largest asteroid in the southernmost part of the Star Hell. More than 500 years ago, he killed the starry beast on that asteroid and occupied it.

No matter what the asteroids of the four lords originally did, they gradually evolved into trading venues.

If they want to build prestige among the prisoners, they must provide them with things that other places cannot provide, such as a safe trading place, or a place to rest.

The layouts in the asteroids were all robbed from the transport ships sent in by the military. The prisoners were at most at the entrance of the Star Prison to give the military some face. When the transport ships really came in, the transport ships accidentally hit the meteorite, the soldiers in the transport ships. Being killed by a starry beast and swallowed up by a starry vine. In the beginning, this was a common occurrence. The military females who came in to perform transportation tasks were no different from the death squads on the battlefield.

Later, the military department organized more than ten S-class military females to join forces to enter the Star Prison every one hundred years, killing almost 2/3 of the Starry Sky Beasts at most at one time. Until that time, the number of Starry Sky Beasts was greatly reduced, and the prisoners would not often be caught in the Starry Sky Beast Urn, and could escape before they completed their encirclement.

Of course, the other prisoners who were slightly weaker still became the rations of the remaining living starry beasts.

Later, the positions of the Starry Beasts and the Star Inferior Clan were gradually changed. Not to mention the military transport ships equipped with the latest detectors. The females with mechs and ordinary strength can also be surrounded by less than 5 Starry Beasts. I escaped from here.

Those transport ships that wrecked in the Star Prison were mostly killed by the prisoners.

It was a pity that it was a long time since the military department reacted and began to deploy assault weapons against females on the transport ship.

However, before this, many transport ships were robbed, and lucky military women would be stripped and sent back, such as the purple dragon lord Luo, who only robbed money but not life, the king of flower lord Beiye, and the unlucky females. The worms will be killed, and the phoenix lord Dan and the counsel lord Ken who want money but die. Although the lord counselor was willing to persuade him, it was because they were too weak to see the handsome skills of their lord.

To be honest, Allen was very suspicious of how the lord of the pack had such a owing mouth, how he survived until now.

Lord Phoenix Dan is the opposite of Lord Ken.

Nolan and Allen are now in the Lair of the Phoenix Lord, the asteroid on the southernmost side of the Star Hell.

The middle of the asteroid was still hollowed out, and the decoration materials inside were all snatched from the transport ship of the military ministry. For this reason, the internal environment of all asteroids in the Star Hell is the same. There is a bar in the middle, and there are various facilities on the side. The Phoenix Lord’s bar is definitely the most elegant and tasteful of them. The bars are full of fine wines bought from outside at high prices, and then the Lord Phoenix resells them to prisoners in the Star Prison, and the price will double again.

Allen looked at the red wine at hand and kept silent.

Because of the identity of Ellen Male, in order not to be noticeable, Nolan specially put a dark green cloak on him. Unless they are very close, if they pass by Ellen, they may not know what Ellen looks like.

"What's the matter?" Nolan stood beside Allen, also because of the green cloak. It took a few minutes for Nolan to realize that Alan was wrong.

Allen murmured strangely: "I saw this wine in the cellar of Sellers. It should be the new variety of this year's main star."

"Is it a problem?" Nolan's first reaction was that the wine was poisoned.

Although Allen and Nolan have strong anti-drug capabilities in their bodies, if insects want to play tricks on them, Nolan will never let him go.

Allen shook his head, this is not the place to talk.

They came here today for other things, they want to challenge the Lord Phoenix.

However, Nolan and Allen went around the Lair of the Lord of the Phoenix, and they didn't find the Lord of the Phoenix. They also only found the second in command on the asteroid, who was hiding in the front desk of the bar to mix drinks.

Nolan stuck his neck directly and dragged him to the treatment room, where there were no other worms for the time being.

He has long soft linen hair, and he noticed Nolan and Allen when they first entered the bar.

Nolan asked him: "Where is your lord?"

The Asian female with long hair and flaxen has a delicate face. He just attacked Allen's cloak suddenly. Because of his sudden movements, Allen's cloak was almost torn off by him.

Among a group of extremely vicious prisoners, an extremely handsome male suddenly appeared. What would happen?

Unless Ellen and Nolan kill them all with a light cannon, otherwise the news that Ellen is in the Star Prison will spread, and all kinds of troubles will be endless.

Fortunately, Nolan and Allen cooperated in a tacit understanding. Allen took a step back quickly and pulled the green cloak. Nolan hit the bartender with a straight punch and directly broke his two ribs. Wounded his internal organs.

At this moment, a bright red blood stream slowly flowed from the corner of the strange female's mouth, and he smiled twice at them. With brown eyes and a pale face without sunshine all year round, under the dim light, his smiles at Allen and Nolan looked particularly horrible.

He showed a triumphant and sarcastic smile, "You can't find the Lord Lord. You can't find him either."

As soon as his voice fell, Allen saw that the bright red blood at the corner of his mouth slowly turned black. The second in command on this asteroid leaned against the wall of the treatment room, his eyes widened, and died.

Nolan flipped over his body with a light gun, checked it twice, and confirmed: "There is poison hidden in his body, and his brain is dead within 30 seconds. It can't be saved."

Alan thought of the words of the female who had just died, "Lord", "He", the last thing that female said was the same worm, or two worms? And what secret does this female know? He was worried that he could not resist the interrogation, so he committed suicide directly while Nolan and Allen were not paying attention to him.

Nolan asked: "Should we turn over again, turn over all the worms on the asteroid, maybe the Phoenix Lord is between them."

Allen felt that a certain guess in his mind became more and more specific.

He rejected Nolan’s proposal, “No, it’s easy to get rid of it, and other lords will know that we’re looking for them.”

Allen originally thought they had a very obvious advantage, the enemy was in the light, they were in the dark.

But now, he is becoming more and more uncertain.

Allen said: "Go, let's find Lord Counsel first."

This time Allen didn't deliberately pick up the lord, he walked directly to the north.

Among the remaining three lords, the asteroid that engulfed the lord was the closest to the phoenix lord. Although in Nolan. In Allen’s original plan, after they solved everything, would they solve the problems of several lords one by one, but now, Allen feels that there are few bugs in this matter that can stay out of the matter, so he has dealt with this matter ahead of time. .

Since the asteroids of the four lords are used as trading places, although some credentials are required to enter from the outside, they are not completely closed and confidential places. There are too many leaks that can be drilled.

Nolan and Allen drove the mechs and waited nearby for a while. When the prisoners came to play here and wanted to enter the asteroid that encumbered the lord, they caught him, forced out the information code from him, and then The two of them opened the door to the asteroid that encumbered the lord.

Compared with the elegance of the bar of the Phoenix Lord, this place is quite the opposite.

With deafening music, there are several huge gaming tables in the middle. On the side of each gaming table there is a male with black cat ears dealing cards, and those males are also very cool. From time to time, female worms passed by, and they would wipe the oil on the male worms who were dealing with cards. Most of them failed, and the successful ones took the star coins by the way to the male worms' thongs.

Nolan was extremely displeased with this smoky environment.

If it wasn't really inconvenient here, he would want to cover Allen's eyes.

The music around them is loud.

But when Allen spoke, his words still clearly reached Nolan's ears. Nolan didn't know what method Allen used. The bug that passed them by did not hear Allen speak. sound.

"I have a guess in my heart. When I saw this place, I was more and more certain. I found the bottle of red wine at the Lord of the Phoenix before." Allen walked slowly through the dancing female. , Male insects, he looked around the faces of various insects under the colorful lights. If he remembered correctly, what he was looking for should be a sub-female who is not tall.

Allen said: "That is the new product of the main star this year. The sales are not bad or not. Some insects like it, and some don't like it. It is considered a middle-lower product. But because of the place of origin, the price of the wine is high. Sellers also told me that this year the main star patrol team also wanted to send this as a bonus. It was tens of thousands of stars a bottle, but they returned it. This kind of red wine was specially shipped from the main star to the star. Prison, sell it to these prisoners? Is this necessary?"

"According to the regulations, during their tenure, military women are not allowed to take on tasks related to interests. Whether it is the daily necessities in the star prison or the luxury goods." Nolan said: "Such an unruly thing... outside. Admiral Andy and Clement are at the defending base. They will never embezzle this star coin... Wine is this year's new product... There is another possibility, besides the entrance to the Star Prison, they have already mastered the other A jumping point in space leading to the outside."

Allen stopped suddenly. He faced Nolan and said, "There may be more than one."


Allen said: "I finally know why the status of the four lords is unshakable, not only because of their strength, but also because they are the largest supplier in this star prison. As long as you have a good relationship with them, everything you can You can get it here."

Allen turned sideways, revealing Lord Counsel, who was standing close to the corner behind him, "Is that right, Lord Ken?"

Ken is a young sub-female, less than 100 years old, and his aesthetics is also very bad, wearing colorful clothes with various colors of feathers on his head, dressed like a colorful peacock.

He noticed that the insect wearing the dark green cloak suddenly turned sideways, and only relied on a few trivial details to determine the biggest secret among the prisoners of the Star Prison. The lord of the pack was so scared that his legs became weak and his face paled. It looked like an instant. As if to faint.

Nolan did not know how Allen recognized the lord of the pack who used his face as a color palette and made a big make-up, but this did not prevent him from dragging the lord of the pack to the ground and entered the mecha simulation training room. s room.

Allen followed him, turned on the training mode, and the door of the room slowly closed, which turned out to be a completely enclosed environment.

Alan felt uncomfortable wearing the cloak. He took it off and leaned on the smart computer in the training room. Lord Gubao saw him and was shocked instantly, "Male?"

Allen ignored him and said, "Ken, let’s talk about it, how did you get in touch with the outside world? Let me Caicai, do you have other space to jump in? Since you can all bring things in from outside, why? Don't escape?"

Counseling Baoken gave a wry smile, probably knowing that his life is hard to save. He honestly replied: "How can there be any bugs that haven't escaped? Dan has been outside for nearly 500 years, except for certain occasions, they are basically not Come back. Said to be the four lords of the Star Prison, but I have always been the only one who stayed in the Star Prison honestly. Originally, I owed too much debt outside, and the other party spent a lot of money to kill me. If I When I was discovered, they would definitely make me worse than death. I might as well stay in Star Prison and die here."

Nolan and Allen were standing on both sides of him. Originally, they were only investigating the bloodline level, but the two of them hadn't paid too much attention to them. To be honest, before coming to the Star Prison, Allen didn't think the laboratory here could guide the future of the Zerg.

Until this matter slowly deviated from the track.

Allen said: "The four lords, besides you, there are Dan, Luo, and Bei. Do you know their full names?"

All three are S-level insects, so naturally they cannot be unknown people.