After Crossing the Zerg, I Became a Forum Boss

Chapter 48

Jinjiang Forum Night Tan District.

[Subject] Talk about my friend who was sent to a remote planet but was still married to an S-class male

0LID: The author comes from the earth

[I met Lan at the elementary school. Lan Tiansheng has a high blood level, A, handsome, and good grades. At that time, many females in the college envied him, thinking that he would have a particularly glorious future in the future.

It's a pity that the day failed. Before graduating from the elementary school, Lan's father had an accident. Lan had to follow her father to leave the main star and go to a very poor planet. At that time, many of our classmates thought that Lan was going to spend a lifetime on that remote planet, looking for a bad job and marrying a bad hero.

But sometimes fate will prefer a certain bug, and you can't help it if you don't accept your fate.

When Lan encountered danger on a mission, a mecha fell from the sky to help Lan defeat the alien beast and save Lan.

Lan left the mecha and half-kneeled on the ground, "Thank you for your help." He knew that this strange mecha fighter had just arrived on the planet where he was, and wanted to help the adult as much as he could, "I am Lan and I am already here. I have lived here for a few years. I wonder if there is anything that can help an adult?"

In the endless desert, the cab of that weird but extremely powerful mech slowly opened to Lan.

In Lan’s surprised eyes, a handsome and unparalleled male came out of the cab of the mecha. Lan had never seen such a beautiful male. His voice was like a cello, deep and full of rhythm. , He said to Lan: "My male father told me that I will find my destined female on this planet."]

"Allen, what are you doing?" On the starship, Admiral Edward knocked on Allen's door, put the dinner plate on the table, and asked caringly.

Allen turned off the light screen that jumped out of the Xingwang bracelet. He walked to the edge of the table and randomly fiddled with the potatoes on the plate with a fork, and said, "It's nothing, gossip on Xingwang."

Admiral Edward asked, "Isn't it boring on the starship."

"It's okay." Allen said: "It's not boring to be able to be on the star network." Although it is more stuck than on land, you can still get it out of Jinjiang Forum after you swipe it a few times.

Even the Jinjiang forum can be posted, playing ordinary small games, and browsing the web is even more important.

Admiral Edward tried to find a topic with Alan, "The males have been on our starship before, but they are different from you. They all cried and cried, thinking that interstellar travel can't be more boring. If you think the room If you feel bored, you can also walk around in the starship, and the soldiers on the starship will be willing to introduce you to our starship."

Allen suddenly laughed lowly.

This made Admiral Edward feel a little embarrassed. He felt that his careful thoughts had been discovered by Allen.

Alan probably didn't want Admiral Edward to continue to be so embarrassed, but the smile at the corner of his mouth had not been put away. He said: "As long as the soldier on the starship is going to eat my gaze, I dare not go out."

However, Allen's words made Admiral Edward even more embarrassed.

To be honest, Admiral Edward personally came to deliver meals to Allen today because he couldn't bear the hardships of his men.

The military female on the starship finally had the opportunity to get close to such a cute and soft male.

As a result, the little male worm has been nesting in his room since he got on the starship, and he went out two or three times a day. They just wandered in the aisle every day, and it was rare to say hello to the little male worm. They didn't even dare to knock on Allen's door, so they could only go to the general to find the admiral.

If there are only a few, even if a dozen military women are uncertain, Admiral Edward can easily suppress them.

But on the day Alan boarded the starship, most of the female soldiers saw the deity, but they didn't see them. Hearing the fascinating descriptions of their comrades in arms, they were all fanciful.

It's one thing that Admiral Edward can't invite the little male worm. If he doesn't even do a posture, more serious, there will be mutiny on the starship.

However, Admiral Edward did not expect that he had just met Allen and was pierced by Allen.

I think Admiral Edward is also an S-class military female. She has been in a high position for a long time. Apart from facing her own male lord, it has been a long time since there have been no insects to prevent him from coming to power. However, he was at a loss in this matter.


Seeing Admiral Edward hesitating for a long time, hesitating whether he was embarrassed in front of the hero’s friend, or lost his prestige in front of his subordinates, Allen did not embarrass Admiral Edward any more. If it weren’t for the other’s help, he wanted to go to the Balance Operations Department to pay. It takes a lot of work.

He took the initiative: "Then please admiral accompany me on the starship."

Admiral Edward finally breathed a sigh of relief. He had to feel in his heart that Allen was indeed a rare male with a good temper, and he took the initiative to lead the way.

Admiral Edward introduced to Allen, "This is the training room where the military women on the starship will conduct physical training; the mecha simulation operation center, where the military women will conduct simulated battles; the cafeteria..." said This Edward was also a little embarrassed, "It's the place where the cans are heated and compressed."

Allen, who had been on the starship for 4 days, naturally knew how terrible the food on the starship was.

Even the starship of Admiral Edward does not store too much fresh food, and it is not bad to be able to ensure the nutrients necessary for the body of all military females.

Alan was thinking about whether to advise Lancelot to improve the food of the military women during the interstellar journey, and noticed that some of the military women in the dining hall were quietly watching him.

He smiled at them, and then saw several military females flushing rapidly from their chins.

Allen smiled more happily now. With such a thin face, these military women still want to hook him?

Admiral Edward walked through the entire starship with Alan, who exuded a strong hormone, but the more he went to the back, Admiral Edward became more heartbroken. He had a hunch that the magic sound he experienced a few days ago was just a drizzle. After understanding what kind of character the little male worm is, he will be greeted by the violent storms from his men and asked him to bring more little male worms. When you come out and stroll around, it's best to create opportunities for them to have a conversation or something.

No matter how thick-skinned Admiral Dehua is, he will not be embarrassed to go to Allen again after today.

Admiral Edward said: "In two days we will pass by the Tianping Department of Operations. I will send you to the planet then."

"Admiral sent me?" Allen was surprised.

Admiral Edward said: "Yes, the planetary environment where the Tianping Department of Operations is located is bad. Desert scorpions and giant rattlesnakes are very powerful. Even if Starport is established, there are not enough mecha fighters to guard it. We can only pilot aircraft. A enters."

Allen didn't mean that. Nolan has been in the Tianping War Department for almost a year. Of course he can understand what Admiral Edward said. He said: "I mean, I can also drive the mech to find the insects."

Seeing Edward's unresponsiveness, Allen thought for a while and added: "I heard David say that he has fought against the general in a mecha, and my strength is not weaker than David."

Allen's words are already very implicit.

The fact is that David has never beaten Allen. Allen just saved David's face in front of David's prince.

But this is enough for Admiral Edward to understand.

After getting to know David, Admiral Edward has had a radical change in his inherent impression of the weak physique of males.

He never knew that males could be so powerful. Although David was not his opponent, he was more than enough against ordinary A-level females. If David had more combat experience and more tempered, how far he could go in the future, even Admiral Edward would not be able to say.

However, David seems to have no ambitions to conquer the sea of ​​stars. He spends the most of his time fighting against Lancelot, thinking about being lazy, and taking fewer tasks from the Southern Branch of the Male Worship Association.

Admiral Edward didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this. It was his greatest honor to be trusted by the hero and to know the secret of the hero.

He will never do anything against the will of the hero.

Furthermore, Admiral Edward didn't want other females to know that his male lord was so good.

"In this case, Alan, you can drive the mecha alone." Admiral Edward agreed to Allen's proposal. Even the standard single-worm mecha has much better performance than the double-worm mecha. "But I Let's send you to the Tianping Operations Department."

Allen knew that he did not agree with Admiral Edward's proposal, and Admiral Edward was definitely not at ease, so he agreed.

Allen looked at the distant galaxy, his eyes became extremely soft. Soon, he will see Nolan.

Admiral Edward looked at Allen's appearance, but his heart moved, and asked: "Is Allen going to the Balance Operations Department to find insects?"

David only told Admiral Edward that he sent Alan to the Balance Operations Department without telling him why.

"Yeah. There is a female who promised to make money to raise me. I'm going to meet him." Allen said, "See if he is a qualified meal ticket, and whether he can buy me the latest game warehouse in the future."

Admiral Edward was stunned, probably wondering that Allen would also worry about not being able to find a high-quality meal ticket, "If you find that he can't make money to buy you the latest game warehouse..."

"Then I have to raise him." Allen said lazily, not caring.

However, after a while, Alan frowned probably thinking of his future hard work, and added: "Of course, it is better to cultivate his ability to make money. I am going to meet him now and accompany him personally. Spend the most important moments."

The planet where the Tianping Department of Operations is located.

Just like Benjamin said, within two days, the two S-class adults on the planet announced the news of the concert.

For these secluded military women, the stars of the entertainment industry are too far away from them. It is impossible for the Uranus superstars to come to the military camp to comfort them, but there is a reasonable opportunity to relax, and every military woman can still The vast majority of military females are still very happy to be assigned to small bottles of pale beer.

But soon, a message spread quietly among the four communication stations.

There is a female named Julius in the upcoming star, who is especially good at playing males and singing very nicely. The latter military women may not care too much, but the former...

"To play the role of a male insect is to cover up the insect lines on the body with cosmetics?"

"No, I heard that Julius's natural insect pattern is relatively light, and you can't see it unless you look closely. He usually walks on the road without makeup and is mistaken for a male, let alone on stage."

"In other words, I can brain-fill the male worm while singing to me. Hehehehehehe."

"Brother, please don't laugh so wretchedly, okay?"

"Your expression is also very rippling. Be careful to scare the male."

"Please, you guys, this is not a real male."

"No real males will come to our planet, even if there are really male stars who want to come to the barracks to show their condolences, they will definitely go to the Sagittarius War Department. In our place, after I finish my service, I don’t want to come again. Okay?!"

By the time the concert began, almost all military women from the Tianping Operation Department had signed up.

But not all military women in the war department can go to rest, and there must be military women to patrol the planet. All teams voted and adopted this relatively fair method to choose which worms to attend the concert and which worms to stay.

Because the concert took place in the north, the patrol mission in the south was not heavy, and there were very few military women who needed to be left, so Nolan saw that Benjamin had drawn the red lottery, and it took a lot of effort to hold back a smile.

Benjamin squatted on the ground and looked at the red lottery without tears. It looked like a puppy abandoned by his owner.

There was a word in his mouth, "I managed to get to the front position, right next to the two S-class adults, I managed to get to the front position, the closest position to the male..."

Nolan watched enough of the excitement on the side. In order to prevent his squad leader from getting frustrated, he kicked him in the leg with his foot. "I discussed with Dominic. Our communication station left me on patrol with him. enough."

It took Benjamin a long time to react. He turned his head stiffly and looked at Nolan with wet, puppy-like eyes.

Nolan kicked his **** again.

At this time, the soldiers of the Eighth Battalion had already walked almost. If Benjamin couldn't keep up with the major troops, it would be very dangerous to go on the road alone.

Nolan scolded: "Aren't you leaving?!"

Benjamin jumped up and wanted to give Nolan a big bear hug, but Nolan avoided him.

Even if Benjamin staggered and almost fell to the ground, he did not forget to confess to Nolan, "Captain, I love you! You are my best captain! I just want to give you a promise!"

"Heh." Nolan looked down on him, mocking: "You should leave your old bacon to Julius."

The concert is held at noon.

Although the concert is more atmospheric at night, the eight teams of the Tianping Operation Department are scattered across the four communication stations on the planet. It is too dangerous for the military women to travel at night, so they moved the time to noon.

Dominic took the initiative to speak, "I didn't expect you to stay."

There are few mecha fighters on patrol today, and Dominic and Nolan are only investigating near their communication stations.

This is also safer. They just need to make sure that no desert creatures destroy the communication station.

Nolan's voice was calm, "There must be worms to stay."

Through the mecha’s communicator, Nolan heard Dominic’s muffled laugh, “Nolan, you are really strange. It seems that you have never cared about the topic of males.”

In the past, the military females of the communication station got together to chat, most of the time they were talking about males. Sometimes Dominic couldn’t help but intervene in their topic, telling that some of the males he had met were met by colleges, and some came to his house to find his male father, and then provoked two teams. The military women exclaimed. These military females usually do not see males, but unless there are male brothers in the family, no other military female can have so many stories with males like Dominic.

Dominic's story can not only relieve the fatigue of his military women, but also bring Dominic closer to them.

Dominic is also very curious about Nolan.

They are all from the main star family.

The Elpsos family has a higher status and a longer history than his family, but the two families are not too far apart. But in Dominic's memory, Nolan has never been seen.

If Nolan's talent is not good, then forget it. It is very strange that Nolan was so good that he never knew the existence of this female before he came to the Tianping War Department.

Could it be that Nolan, or the Elpsos family has any secrets?

"Nolan, there is a question that may be offensive, do you like females?" Dominic said.

"Don't ask if you know the offense." Nolan said.

The two insects spoke almost at the same time.

After hearing what Nolan said, Dominic felt a little embarrassed.

Nolan felt that Dominic would think more about it. Although he didn't need to explain, he still showed his attitude, "I don't like females."

Dominic's relieved voice came from the communicator, "Fortunately, I was always worried that you liked me."

Nolan: I knew it.

The two military females patrolled in silence for a while.

The main reason is that Nolan is too bored. In Nolan's view, facing Dominic, he really has nothing to say. Dominic also found it boring to talk alone.

There seems to be nothing left on this planet except the endless yellow sand and the endless wind.

Dominic was quiet for a while, and couldn't help it again. He wanted to talk, "Hey, Nolan..."

But before Dominic finished speaking, he was interrupted by the movement of Nolan Mecha's right arm into a laser cannon.

I saw that the right arm of Nolan's mech suddenly turned into a laser cannon, and the red energy was quickly filled. Dominic didn't react for a moment. He thought that Nolan wanted to attack him.

Then he saw Nolan's laser cannon hitting the desert not far away.

But before the laser cannon hit the desert, a crimson desert scorpion jumped out of the sand. The Desert Scorpion did not attack Nolan, who was already fully armed, but turned to Dominic, who was obviously not in a state on the side.

Dominic is worthy of being an elite female who entered the Tianping War Department at the same time as Nolan. His body reacted earlier than his brain. The moment he saw the desert scorpion, his mecha began to lift off, and waited until he piloted the plane. A circled the side two times, avoiding the desert scorpion's attack, and his voice was transmitted to Nolan's cockpit through the communicator, "Sand—Desert—Scorpion—"

Nolan did not have any abnormalities due to Dominic’s voice. He fought against Dominic many times and knew the strength of the opponent. If he was caught off guard against a desert scorpion attack, Dominic could suffer. Scorpion, self-protection is definitely more than enough.

At this time, the mechas of Nolan and Dominic had risen into the air.

The desert scorpion is covered with a red hard shell. The body is divided into sixteen sections. The head has eight eyes and sixteen limbs. The front one is like a crab claw, which is also the place where the desert scorpion has the strongest attack ability. .

Dominic felt cold in his hands and feet for a moment. He clearly understood that usually five military females can barely fight against desert scorpions. Now only he and Nolan, although their strength is much stronger than ordinary A-level military females, they survive. The rate will not be higher than 75%.

This is the first time he has been so close to death.

The laser cannon transformed into Nolan Mecha's right arm hit the desert scorpion again, but was easily avoided by the desert scorpion.

At the same time, Nolan's voice rang in Dominic's ears, "Quick! Go back to the communication station! Get out the battleship!"

Nolan's calmness also infected Dominic, and he whispered: "Yes, battleship, with battleship, we can kill the desert scorpion."

"I'm going to launch a battleship..." Dominic said loudly: "But what do you do?!"

He goes to the communication station and comes back again, it will take 20 minutes at the earliest. If Nolan can't hold on to that time...

Nolan replied loudly, that every minute is important to them at this time, "I have the experience of fighting against desert scorpions alone. I stay and have a better survival rate!"

At this time, countless thoughts flashed in Dominic's mind, but it turned blank again.

He no longer hesitated, he was about to rush back to the communication station as quickly as possible, and he muttered in his heart, "Nolan, please hold on, please hold on..."

Just when Dominic turned to leave, and the laser cannon on Nolan's right arm was ready to charge again, the mutation happened.

A dark red mecha fell from the sky. The shell of this newly emerged mecha was darker than the color of the desert scorpion, and the speed of this mecha was faster.

Nolan subconsciously stopped the laser cannon that was about to be fired. He watched the lightsaber held by the right arm of the newly emerged mecha quickly drew a light net in the air, and each grid fits exactly on the back of the desert scorpion. The crusty section.

Nolan and Dominic both stood stunned, watching the seemingly unbelievable desert scorpion quickly dismembered by the lightsaber, and watching the desert scorpion wailing before it was too late to die.

On this planet, only yellow sand keeps blowing.

Dominic finally put the heart that jumped into his throat back. After confirming that there was no danger around, he opened the cockpit of the mecha and walked out.

He wants to thank the worm that saved him.

If the opponent doesn't need it, he must also bring back the desert scorpion shell, which is a very good material for making super mechas.

At about the same time, Nolan also left the cockpit of the mecha.

They stood together in the desert, watching the cockpit of the dark red mecha slowly open. The insects that jumped out of the cockpit had no exposed insect patterns. The black hair was slightly long and the hot wind blew through. His smooth forehead was revealed, as well as those bright and mysterious black eyes.

Dominic felt that he had seen the most amazing and incredible scene of his life. He was rescued by a male. He said uncertainly: "Male?"

He turned his head and looked at his companion, wanting Nolan to tell him that there was no problem with his eyes.

Then Nolan, the captain of the Eighth Battalion, whose communication station had always been calm, was completely stunned, as if he couldn't believe what he saw before him. Suddenly, Nolan woke up like a dream, and quickly walked over to the newly-appearing handsome and extraordinary male, and his walk turned into a trot again, until he stood still in front of the male.

Nolan stretched out his hand directly and took the powerful and beautiful male into his arms, "Allen."