After Crossing the Zerg, I Became a Forum Boss

Chapter 5

Just as Allen expected, Lance didn't like the idea of ​​the hero buying Allen's star-net bracelet.

He even thought about it more than the rest of the family, "Master, what kind of family do you think will give birth to a male worm like Ellen?" Ellen is not only on the side of the A-grade bloodline, he The birth file of's is to take the main star, which can be proud of its peers.

Carol is born with a big heart, "I don’t care who Ellen’s biological father and father are. I only know that he is my little bug cub now. We went to the police station to file for 14 days. There are no worm eggs that worms came to find. Allen just returned to his original home. Do you think he will be fine?"

"At least he is happy now." Carol said softly.

"Allen!" Carol suddenly called the little male who had a good meal and was sitting on the sofa watching the entertainment show with his brother. He took out a small box with delicate packaging from his pocket, "You bought it for your brother. Gift, take it to him."

"Yeah!" Allen happily took the small box and ran back.

There was a very likely guess that appeared in Lance's mind, and he decided to struggle again, "You also bought Nolan the Star Net bracelet?"

Just after listening to Lance’s long talk about how harmful the star-net bracelet is to juvenile insects, Carol has a lingering fear. He didn’t look at Lance, his eyes focused on the pattern on the white wall," Allen said, he has No, Nolan doesn't. It will make Nolan feel that we are partial and that he has been ignored." He already regrets a bit now, but he still doesn't want to admit it in front of the prince.

"When did the females and the males become equal? ​​Did you promote the affirmative movement in our house?" Lance was about to be angry and laughed, he said: "Nolan is 6 years old now, it is the critical time, Allen... "

The higher the bloodline level of the male, the more outstanding it will look.

Lance and Carroll just didn't dare to think about that place before, to see the sight of Alan going out since childhood. When he grows up, he is a male who will harm the country and the people. Not to mention that their family background is not bad, that is, Alan was born in a slum, and with his talent, it is not an exaggeration to be a member of the royal family in the future.

What's more, Alan has such a good temper. Whether it is a female brother from the same father or a strange female he doesn't know, he is very respectful and polite.

In Zerg society, males with good tempers and respect for females are often more popular than males with money and power.

The males are basically kept by his females and females. This society has very low requirements for males, but the opposite is true for females. "Allen will definitely be very good in the future." Lance said: "Nolan's talent itself is not outstanding among A-pole females. Although Pegasus is known for its educational resources, it is not as good as the main star, Nolan. More efforts are needed..."

Nolan is a born Class A female, and all the data are only ordinary among Class A females.

Although the chance of Nolan breaking through when he was an adult is very small, Lance still hopes that Nolan can jump through the constraints of bleeding and travel to a wider sky.

There are some secret things that Lance didn't want to talk to the male lord. The male lord and Nolan came to Pegasus from the main star because of him. If Nolan almost failed to break through the S-level in the end, then the huge gap between the education of the main star and Pegasus is the culprit. These pressures are pressing on Lance's heart like a mountain.

Carol did not feel the worry in Lance's heart at all, "You are almost riding on my head in our house. Where is the inequality between male and female? The upper beam will not be crooked when the beam is straight. Who says Nolan took the Xingwang bracelet because he was addicted to the game. He might use it for learning. There are a lot of information on the Xingwang bracelet, as well as forums that your females like. Maybe Nolan can learn a lot of useful things. thing."

Carol took his wife up the stairs, and should do digestion exercises after a good meal. Anyway, my two worm cubs are very well-behaved and never come to disturb them. "Nolan just needs to do his best. It doesn't matter if he wants to be a dude, I can also go out and earn money to support him."

Lance looked at the hero who hadn't worked since he graduated from Imperial University.

Lance was speechless.

But as an excellent female prince, Lance never raises objections after the male lord decides.

"Good night! Father, father!" Little Allen on the sofa noticed the father and father walking upstairs and waving at them.

Beside Allen, the larger female also waved her paw to say goodnight to them.

"Good night! Nolan, Allen!" Carol also smiled and said goodnight to them, and then took his mistress up the stairs.

When he turned his head, he also noticed the gentle look under Lance's eyes.

Carol knew that Lance was different from him. Lance treats Ellen very well, but this is because the Zerg is naturally fond of small males. Lance was too sensible. He always worried that Alan's family would find and take Alan away, so he didn't dare to put too much emotion on him.

However, the premise of all this is not to see Alan.

As long as Alan stood there, screamed "father" softly, and then stretched out his hand to hug, Lance's sanity ran away from home and couldn't find it.

Thinking of this, Carol felt a little jealous in his heart.

On the sofa, Allen is still helping his brother set up a star-net bracelet.

Neither Alan, 3, nor Nolan, 6, felt that there was anything wrong with asking his brother to help his brother set up a star-net bracelet. Allen banned the entertainment functions on the Nolan Starnet bracelet. He is not a bad kid who seduce his brother to play games and do not study well. ."

The little blonde female nodded, without comment, "Okay."

Allen thought for a while, would it be too inhumane. After all, Nolan is only 6 years old, and he said again: "If you want to play games, brother, I can install them when I get home, and I can play them every day. Half an hour."

Lance also felt that Alan had a good temper, because he was too busy at work and rarely saw Nolan in front of his younger brother. Nolan has always listened to his brother, and occasionally he couldn't find the bottom line to be obedient. He agreed again: "Okay. If Allen can't pass the game, just come to me."

Alan blinked his eyes, how did he feel that he and his brother's brain circuits were not on the same channel. But it doesn't matter, as long as Nolan is willing to study hard.

Once again, Allen deeply realizes how important reading is.

Allen told Nolan, "Brother must work hard to become the best female!"

Nolan, who is deeply controlled by his younger brother, also immediately made a guarantee, "Okay. I will definitely make a lot of money for Allen in the future, just like a female father to a male father."

Alan blinked again, as if something was wrong?

Alan, who didn't want to understand, quickly put the matter behind his head, as long as the result is good, isn't it?

Soon, something worth celebrating appeared in the family.

Carol told Allen: "Nolan was admitted to the elementary school affiliated with Pegasus University, the best Pegasus star."

Allen didn't understand, "Didn't my brother already go to elementary school before? Why do you want to go to it again?"

"Zergs have adopted dual education for nearly a thousand years. When females are young, they will be classified into tool-type talents and elite-type talents, and then they will be sent to different schools." Carol gave Alan Cope , "Ordinary schools only need half a day of class, and you can go home in the afternoon. Elite schools have to have classes until 6 p.m., and they have to go to the corresponding make-up classes in the evening and on weekends."

Carol thought that Allen would complain if his brother would not play with him in the future, but Allen said, "Then I will also go to an elite school in the future. Can I see my brother if I'm not at home?"

Lance, who paid attention to their father-son conversation, and Carol all laughed. It's not that they were unreasonably worried. If the males and females are not separated, their little Allen will go to Nolan's class. No female can listen to the class well.

Allen looked at the father-in-law and father-in-law with a weird smile, and didn't want to pay attention to them, so he went to find his good brother.

"Brother. Brother." Ace asked Nolan, "How did your teacher choose the elite?" He first mastered the information and learned first, and then he was automatically assigned to the best elementary school.

Although Nolan, who has grown up a little bit, is not as good as his younger brother, who is a jade-shaped dumpling, his appearance is also considered prominent among the females. His light golden mid-length hair makes his temperament not as fierce as most females, his turquoise eyes are clear and clear, and his face is incredibly soft when facing the lovely Allen. "The teacher told us a story."

Nolan made a gesture of listening.

"There used to be a female worm who was kind-hearted and powerful, and lived in a small wooden house by the forest." Nolan said: "He received the blessing of the worm god. At night, he will get a set of bows and arrows, which can be used by him. Fight against the alien animals in the forest. But after dawn, this set of bows and arrows will disappear. Once, in the forest at night, he saved a passerby. He was a very beautiful male. He also sent the male back to the city. .

A few days later, a notice suddenly appeared in the city. The prince of the Zerg race was killed in the forest. A heroic female rescued him. The prince could not forget the female and wanted to marry him as a female ruler. It was a pity that it was too dark that day, and the prince did not see the appearance of the female, hoping that the female could go to the city to find the prince.

Then dozens of females appeared, and they all said they were the ones who saved the prince.

The prince took out a long arrow—it turned out that the long arrow that the female worm shot to kill the strange animal that day was quietly collected by the prince—he said that his favorite person could make the arrow shine, and whoever of them can do it, he will marry whomever Be a prince. Everyone tried, and the arrow didn't respond. It didn't start to glow until the arrow was handed to the female who really saved the prince.

From then on, the female married the prince and lived a happy life. "

Very fairy tale, using fairy tales is also very suitable for children, Allen made an evaluation in his heart. He asked: "Then what?"

"Nothing." Nolan said.

"Nothing?" Allen was stunned.

"Yeah." Nolan said: "The teacher asked us what's wrong with this story? If the answer is correct, you can go to an elite school."

Is this too trivial? Allen felt that this should be part of the assessment, and he thought about it carefully.

Allen blinked his eyes, made a serious face, glanced at the father, father, and brother, and then reviewed the story in his mind. This is a very common fairy tale of the Zerg. A female with a good heart and a high level of force marries a male with a noble status. The fairy tale teaches the females to work hard, and teaches them not to covet things that do not belong to them.

But what's wrong with this story?

There is nothing wrong.

Allen thinks that his hair is about to fall. When the whole family was having dinner, at the table, Allen finally couldn't help it, "My brother lied to me, the teacher will definitely not have this kind of problem."

Nolan said softly: "Brother didn't lie to you."

Allen looked up, "The brother said, what's wrong with that story?"

"In the story, the female worm's bow and arrow will disappear at dawn. Even if the prince secretly took the long arrow away, it would have already disappeared. It is impossible to wait for the female who saved him to claim the long arrow." Nolan said: "So In the end, the prince did not find a female he liked."

Alan blinked his eyes...

Alan blinked again...

He can't believe that even a 6-year-old child can understand a problem, he will not understand it!

Alan was about to cry stupidly by herself!

It may be that Alan’s incredible appearance is too funny. Carol drank the soup and even spilled the soup. Lance laughed. Lance chuckled and tidyed the table with a cloth. Even Nolan, who was most concerned about Alan’s mood. They all had a distorted expression, wanting to laugh and desperately holding back the appearance of laughter, he tried his best to control the tone of voice, comforting Alan, "We Alan is less than 4 years old, when Alan grows up, he will definitely be smarter than his brother!"

This didn't comfort Little Allen at all.

Little Allen is wronged!

The author has something to say: I wanted the card to be stuck at the end of the story~ Let the little cuties do the problem~

But the author with a good conscience finished bullying Allen and decided to let you go 233~

The fairy tale of PS female is inspired by "Cinderella"