After Crossing the Zerg, I Became a Forum Boss

Chapter 61

Tianma Elementary School. hall.

The huge auditorium was incredibly quiet, except for the slightly rapid breathing, and there was no other conversation at all. Even the back of the auditorium is densely packed with many female and male juveniles, and even the tutors of Tianma Elementary School are among them.

If an unsuspecting worm saw this scene, they would definitely think that Tianma Elementary School invited big celebrities and celebrities to this year’s graduation ceremony, but only the worms of Tianma Elementary School know that what they want to meet today is not A certain successful person, but to bid farewell to the handsomest, cutest and most charming little male in their school.

Their little worm fans are usually the gentlest male worms, and they couldn't be more considerate. But sometimes it's so cruel and ruthless, as if telling them that Xiaowan insect fans are so unattainable.

They can only stay in the school for a short period of 12 years, and only in these 12 years can they meet the little worm fans. They are worms of the two worlds. After leaving Pegasus, they no longer overlap. The little worm fan still has to skip grades and graduate early.

Since then, they will no longer see the little worm fans, and their lives will be desolate.

If it were not for the Zerg's emotions that were not easy to show, their sobbing would be heard in the auditorium.

On the high stage, handsome male worms are telling about familiar buildings in the academy, friendly female teachers, interesting and simple homework...

The sad tears in the auditorium were all forced back.

Teachers from Tianma Elementary School, who are famous for their sternness, have homework that can never be finished, and intensive training games that can make insects crazy.

Even Nolan, who is known for his academic masters, often practises hard to maintain the record of winning the training game after brushing the questions until 12 o'clock.


Allen is a male worm, his schoolwork is relatively simple, and Nolan can imitate his handwriting 100%...

He can indeed only do the homework he likes.

In short, this pleasant feeling filled all the memories of Allen at Tianma Elementary School and stayed in the hearts of the insects who attended the graduation ceremony for a long time.

After the male student representative has finished speaking, the female student representative will give the speech. But at this time, many females could not bear their commotion.

"Is there any news? Whom did Master Ellen invite as a dance partner?"

"Damn it. Why is there no news yet, if you let me know who it is..."

"what do you want?"

"I want to secretly scratch his dress and put super glue on his shoes, so that he will make a fool of himself at the next prom!"

"Oh." A very regretful voice, "I thought you had the guts to make a duel with Master Ellen's dance partner."

"Good-looking, clean and self-conscious Master Ellen, who never sticks to females, is the dream lover of all females. If anyone can become his partner, he will definitely be killed by the eyes of jealous females. Yes. I won't fight him, not because I'm afraid of any females who might be my rivals, I just don't want to hurt him and make Master Ellen sad."

"It's so righteous..." It's the regretful voice just now, "...but it's possible that you can't beat the worm selected by Master Ellen at all, and you can't even touch the corner of the other party's clothes. I always think, Master Ellen 'S partner will never be a mediocre worm..."


After Alan finished his speech, he sat back next to Carol and Lance again.

Despite wearing formal clothes, Carol looks more like Ellen's elder brother than his male father.

Carol hooked his hand to Alan’s shoulder and said, “Although I am an enlightened male father, a day like graduation ceremony should imply that you don’t have to go home at night, or go out with your dad and leave home to you. , But you are not an adult, is not allowed to stay overnight."

Allen chuckled lightly.

About to have just attended the graduation ceremony of the elementary school, and already got the certificate to set foot in the society, the temperament of Allen's whole bug has changed a little.

The most concrete manifestation is that he seems to be more attractive to females than usual, and more shining.

Whenever Allen's mood fluctuates sharply, such as the smile just now, Carol can feel the temperature around them become hot.

This makes Carol feel a little uncomfortable.

However, he had no other choice except to repeatedly tell Alan not to let other females take advantage.

The ball after the graduation ceremony is a paradise for the graduates of Tianma Elementary School this year. There will be countless confessions and confessions tonight.

Carol looked like Ellen's elder brother no matter what, they weren't the same generation, he couldn't stay ignorantly, destroying countless females this beautiful night.

Carol can only leave with worry and reluctance about the little insect cub.

After Carol left the auditorium, Allen seemed to release himself instantly.

After the principal announced that the graduation ceremony was over, and a dance party would be held in the auditorium later, Allen, who was sitting in the front row, stood up. Behind him, many insects noticed Alan's movements, they shouted his name, and Alan turned his head and blew a kiss to them.

Carol listened to the explosive screams of the auditorium behind him.

These screams seemed to set the house on fire.

He silently said in his heart: Nolan, the male father has done his best. If you don't come back and guard your future male lord, there is no way for other bugs.

Perhaps because of the graduation ceremony, all the insects were very happy, and even Allen became very talkative.

Female Beetle: "Master Ellen, you are extraordinarily beautiful today."

Allen smiled and said, "Thank you. But I prefer you to praise me for being handsome."

"But you are really beautiful..." The female beetle squatted, "No, Master Ellen, you are so handsome, I like you very much."

Allen was flattered and said, "Thank you, I am so happy to be liked by you."


Female second happened to be wearing a silver suit. From a distance, it looked a bit like a couple's outfit with Alan's dress today.

He approached Ellen in the enviable eyes of countless females.

Female worm B said generously: "Master Ellen, hasn't your partner come yet?"

Allen said: "It's a pity, I don't have a partner today."

"It's not a shame." Female Insect B hurriedly said, "I mean, I can be Master Ellen's dance partner."

Allen smiled Qingjun, he said: "But I prefer to appreciate your dancing in the audience."


Female C is a female who has retired and returned to Tianma Elementary School. He is much older than other females, but he is also in the golden age of females.

And unlike this group of young students who have experienced the baptism of the battlefield, he looks more mature and more attractive. Only military women can wear military uniforms on such days. Compared with tailored uniforms, military uniforms also look more tall and long in females.

What's more, female C is indeed a female with a golden ratio.

There are many badges on female C’s chest, which proves his excellence in the army.

"I just retired from the military department and returned to Tianma Elementary School because I wanted to focus on academics, but now my thinking is completely different." He walked up to Allen, "I want to return to the military department, not because I don't want to I specialize in academic studies, but I found that I want to be a female that is worthy of the best males, only in the military. Academic is my interest, but this will not prevent me from becoming the best military female ."

Allen said: "As long as you think about it. No matter which path you choose, there is no problem."

Female C asked: "Will you wait for me?"

Allen certainly understood the meaning of female C.

He replied simply and neatly: "No."

It is a pity that the brain circuit of female C is different from that of normal worms. After hearing Allen's answer, the female worm said: "I am very encouraged by your words, and I will work hard."



When the sociable Allen completed the task of chatting and fulfilled the dream of many females in Tianma Elementary School for 11 years, the auditorium has been completely arranged into a dance party.

"Master Ellen said he has no partners. Will he invite single females to dance?"

"Everyone has to exchange partners for the entire dance. So, I will have the opportunity to dance with Master Ellen?"

"I just talked to Master Ellen, and he answered all my questions very gently. I said that I was preparing for the entrance exam for Tianma College, and I didn’t understand many of the questions. He even asked me to take them out and tell me. That's the question! It's really... I have never seen such a scene in my most outrageous dreams!"

"I can't shelter the male from the wind and rain, and have to guide the males younger than him. Can this be a boast?" The voice was a little sour.

Of course, he didn’t care about him. The females who talked to Xiaowan insect fans just now will be immersed in memories, all kinds of rippling, "I never thought that males look very cute and cute except when they are quiet, they are serious. You can still be so charming when you're in!"

And the females who didn't have enough courage to talk to the little Wan insect fans, or missed them for various reasons, they were wholeheartedly looking forward to dancing with the little Wan insect fans later.

But at this moment, Allen moved out of the auditorium very naturally, so naturally no worm would have thought that Allen would be gone forever.

Allen did not go to the parking lot where the suspended car was parked.

Not to mention that he doesn't like to drive, he is dressed so ostentatiously now, and it's not a big deal to be onlookers, but it's a big deal to be blocked there and unable to leave.

Allen walked directly to the rooftop of the nearby teaching building and took out the dark red mecha from the space ring. He sat in the cockpit, watched the door of the cockpit slowly closed, and put his hand on the console...

The dark red mecha flew to the sky and slowly disappeared into the night.

Allen went to many places. He flew across the sky of Tianma Elementary School and Tianma Higher School. When he was young, he thought that Nolan and him would study here for 15 years before continuing to live on this planet.

He flew back to their home in Pegasus. Carol accompanied Lance to plant the flowers in the garden into pots-most of the flowers in the cottage garden were planted by Lance himself. These flowers will also Follow them to the main star. Carol has decided to arrange the flower garden outside their main star's house exactly like this one.

There are also Kaka Mecha Manufacturing Company, Bluestone Cultural Brokerage Company...The staff of Bluestone Cultural Brokerage Company has all withdrawn from the 18th floor and transferred all the business to the main star. Kaka Mecha Manufacturing Company is different. They are deeply rooted in Pegasus and other planets in Pegasus. It is impossible to abandon the base camp. When Lance leaves, this will also be an important stronghold of the company.

The building of Leon Entertainment Company, the club that Mervin bought back, Mount Hugo, the most prestigious attraction of Pegasus... There are so many memories of Allen on this planet.

There are also too many places, Allen has never set foot in his footsteps.

Allen drove the mecha to see it again.

When the maw of the East was slightly white, Allen's dark red mecha stopped in an unobtrusive corner of Star Harbor. In a few hours, Carol and Lance will come here, just like they did when they came to Pegasus, they will return to the main star together.

Make peace with Nolan.


In the dark red mecha, Allen’s star-net bracelet was flashing frantically, all of it was Carol’s news, "Didn’t you say you won’t come home all night?"

"You obviously promised me! As a result, now, where are you?"

"Be careful, I tell Nolan!"

"You said that you didn't mind, but you went messing around? I have heard that you have accepted a lot of female worms to strike up a conversation, and you want them to dance!"

What the **** is this. Allen sighed. He used to want to live with Carol and Lance after marriage, just like they did before. Nolan disagreed at that time, and Allen still felt that Nolan was too clingy to him.

But now, Allen admits that Nolan is really foresight.

Carol, the breeder, became addicted.

This will break your thoughts.

Probably the late rebellious period. Allen sent Carol the timetable for the departure of the starship, and directly said that when the time comes, see you at Starport, so that Carol was blacked out.

Finally, the whole world is clean.


Allen closed his eyes and entered the virtual insect life.

Sure enough, several presidents of the Southern Branch of the Male Insect Association were waiting for him in the living room on the second floor.

Allen originally thought there would be only one or two, but everyone was there, which moved him very much.

Alfred asked, "Did you have a good time at the graduation ceremony? Your male father brought half a dozen females home back then."

Allen finally understood why Carol was so worried. He smiled, "It's okay."

Jude asked, "Determined to find a job, make some money to kill the time, or continue to study?"

When Jude graduated from elementary school, he went out and opened a store by himself. He wanted to go to school again in a few years, but he was used to living freely. He has not yet gone to higher education to study.

Allen replied: "I have received the admission letter from Imperial University. I should stay in the university for another 3 years."

Jude mumbled, "I really can't think of it."

David came up directly and gave Alan a hug, "Congratulations on graduation."

Allen said sincerely, "Thank you."

David asked, "How does it feel to graduate?"

Allen said without embarrassment: "I'm leaving, I don't know how many females are going to cry into tabby cats. Thinking about it, it really hurts."

There are many worm fans in the Tianma Elementary School that Alan is present. Other worms don’t know, but even if Alan has the name of a devil instructor in the underground universe, he is in the southern branch of the male worm association. He is among the few males on the second floor. Both are the most popular.

And as Allen gets closer and closer to adulthood, visible to the naked eye, his attraction to the males in the Southern Sky Branch has also grown stronger.

Normally, Alan is very light on the natural charm, but facing the few people in the living room of the small bungalow now, who are completely enthusiastic outsiders, sometimes he can't help but feel complacent.

Of course Allen knows that this is owed, but only in the face of males of the same rank as him, his showing off can feel more happy.

Allen let go of David and looked at Lancelot, the only male who didn't speak.

Allen cared very much about Lancelot. Of course, in Lancelot's view, this is definitely Allen's evil taste.

Allen asked, "Went on a blind date today? Any good news?"

Lancelot looked at Alan calmly, and he said, "There is one good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

Alan looked at Lancelot's calm face and the serious faces of the other three males, with a bad feeling in his heart.

Allen thought about it, and he said, "Say the good news first."

Lancelot said calmly: "I saw more than 10 females today, and I was auctioned off for a second time. David recorded it, and they all thought you would be very happy to see it."

Thinking of Lancelot standing coldly on the high platform, waiting for the females to bid...

Allen thinks this thing itself is very interesting.

Moreover, let Lancelot feel the feeling that fate is dominated by other insects in advance, many of Lancelot's thoughts should be changed.


Allen believes that David must stay in the video about Lancelot soon. He will copy it from David quietly and use it as a collection. If Lancelot wants him to do coolies in the future, he can still take out the video for a taste. In the future, facing Lancelot, he must be firmly in the upper hand.

Allen also noticed that Jude and Alfred were also suffocating. It seemed that they had both watched the video.

Since the good news is this, the bad news can't be serious, right? Allen's hanging heart also dropped slightly.

Before telling Alan the news, Lancelot asked: "Do you think you are the most popular male among us?"

This question is a bit strange.

Allen thought for a while and said, "Although you and David are both more famous on the star network than me, but you both know our bugs, you still like me more, right?"

Although he noticed that the smiles on the faces of David, Jude, and Alfred were becoming more and more obvious, and his falling heart slowly rose again, he still couldn't recognize the counsel in the face of Lancelot.

Even Lancelot, his expression became very intriguing, "Allen, there is some bad news." He handed the latest intelligence from the military department to Allen, "The scale operations department went deep alone. It killed Xing and broke 20 dens of Star Pirates one after another. It is the combat department that has received the most recognition from the military this year."

This is indeed very good news, but for Allen...

"But..." Lancelot hadn't finished speaking yet.

Alan looked at the victory report in his hand and knew what Lancelot was going to say.

This is the latest battle report. Nolan had only cleaned up the star thief's remaining power yesterday, so he is now rushing to the main star, and it will take more than a month before he can rush back to the main star.

Jude took what Lancelot hadn't finished saying, "But he might not be able to catch up with the engagement ceremony with our worm lovers." His voice sounded unusually gloating, "That is, if we didn't get the news in advance. , Our worm fans will be released by their future females at the engagement ceremony. It’s so pitiful."

Of course, Jude's expression could not see his sympathy for Allen at all.

Nolan wants to contact Allen, even if he is an S-class military female, because his military rank is not enough, he can only use civilian channels.

And the intelligence speed of the Southern Branch of the Male Worm Association is no less than that of the military ministry and the prime minister's office, and it must be faster than the civilian channel.

Although the news of Nolan is likely to arrive before the engagement ceremony, what Jude said is not impossible.

Allen could feel a small flame bursting into his chest.

There are two small dimples on David's face. Allen usually sees them as cute, but now they feel like the fangs of the devil.

"Edward told me that Nolan is a very good military female. As their current and future males, we must be considerate of them." David said: "Although I am not a fan of all insects, Edward does. No matter how important things are, he won't be able to dove our engagement ceremony."

Alan was very angry, but he still managed to maintain his demeanor, "This is no way. Some worms are too perfect, and God will make him go through more hardships."

Ellen finally knew why the worms appeared so all today, and the feelings were all to come to see him joke!

Nolan, if you don’t have a good reason...

Of course Allen knew that if there weren't very important things, Nolan couldn't fail to rush back to the main star without doing everything possible.

Moreover, in the peaceful era, the destruction of 20 large star thief dens one after another can be said to be a great feat. Nolan is likely to be promoted to two levels in a row to become major general.

With a major general as the female ruler, Alan's living conditions on the main star cannot be lower than that of Pegasus.

If Allen knew about this first, it would be okay.

But in the face of so many rivals who were well-matched in the past, watching them all gloat and fall into trouble...It is no wonder that the little flame in Allen's heart is crackling.

Since the number of males has dropped sharply, from time to time, females will be dumped during engagement ceremonies.

It is the blind marriage of females and males. When they meet at the engagement ceremony for the first time, ordinary ugly males will not be rejected. Only the particularly ugly males will their females prefer to wander in the Star Prison. Will be willing to get married.

According to the protection of males by the Male Society, what can happen to females who refuse at the engagement ceremony or dove with males?

So, how ugly the male was dumped.

Of course, it is more often because of the bad temper of the males and the complicated family relationships, but only if the males are rejected by the females, other males with control of the face will attribute the cause to ugliness. Even between S pole and A grade males, such a situation cannot be avoided.

Allen desperately comforted himself, but now, he only felt that the little flame in his heart was about to burn into a raging fire.

"It's also to blame for the charm of the females of our Elpsos family." It's rare to see Allen deflated. Even if the relationship between Alfred and Allen is the closest, he couldn't help but laugh at this moment. sentence.

Alan glanced at him coldly.

Lancelot felt the fire was coming.

"Allen, congratulations, you have achieved the achievement of escaped marriage." The term escaped marriage was still learned by Lancelot in Allen's serial "The Domineering Male In Love With Me" novel. In Allen's latest update, his male protagonist (A-class female) escaped the marriage of the domineering S-class male on the eve of the wedding because he was blinded by other scheming insects.

After careful consideration, Lancelot said seriously: "Being runaway, being auctioned, at least it is rare to buy your female. As for the runaway..."

Lancelot's words stimulated Allen deeply.

The flame in his heart finally turned into a fire dragon, and Allen had to burn something to calm his anger.

Nolan, you are dead.