After Crossing the Zerg, I Became a Forum Boss

Chapter 69

"Ah?! What are you talking about?!" The surroundings were so noisy, even if Cyrus was sitting next to Allen, they couldn't hear what the other party was saying at all.

In the dim environment, dazzling, colorful lights hit the surrounding insects from time to time. On the high platform, there are a few well-looking and well-built females. They are all wearing almost transparent shirts and tight leather pants. Suddenly, they clasped the steel pipe with their legs handsomely, and the whole worm stood upside down.

Because of the action, their tight, flat abdomen was also exposed.

There were shouts one after another on the side of the bar, "Ahhhh-"

"Take off! Take off! Take off!" The males were all smiling frantically.

The high platform was filled with smoke and rows of steel pipes were looming. The other females were still hanging upside down. The female on the far left took the first action.

He slowly slid his legs holding the steel pipe, and soon, his entire worm slid to the ground.

He didn't stand up immediately, but slowly straightened his upper body, his hips beating regularly. He was facing the bar with an intriguing expression on his face. He knelt there and slowly unbuttoned the top button of his shirt.

"Oh oh oh oh oh—"

With the action of the female worm, the surrounding atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic.

After admiring the two females stripping themselves naked in various ways, Alan has completely lost interest in the other females on the high platform.

He patted Cyrus on the shoulder and motioned for Cyrus to leave with him.

The waiter of the club led Ellen and Sellers directly into a luxurious private room. Seeing that dozens of worms were more than enough to sit in the private room, Allen was about to ask the waiter to change them into a private room, "We don’t need such a big room. 'S private room..."

But before Allen had finished speaking, he saw a string of female worms coming in from the door of the private room.

This is the most famous club for the main star, and the female appearance fee is also very expensive. In Pegasus, if the male accompanies a second-tier star to accompany it for more than half a month, it may not be enough for them to sleep here with a skilled female.

But just for a while, dozens of females were seated in the private room.


Allen thought that these females were called by Cyrus. He turned his head and was about to talk to Cyrus when he realized that the surprise on Cyrus's face was not inferior to him.

At this moment, the waiter standing beside Allen respectfully said suddenly: "Master Allen, welcome you to the Paradise Club. My name is Lucifer. If you have anything unsatisfactory, you can find me."

Sellers took a deep breath when hearing Lucifer's name.

Allen didn't understand, he said, "Did we call so many females?"

Master Ellen doesn't bring stars when he goes out, and he can't afford to pay when the time comes. It would be funny to find Lancelot to lead the bug.

The waiter Lucifer said: "Master Ellen did not call them, they came by themselves."

Ellen and Sellers looked at each other, and they both clearly saw each other's doubts.

Alan guessed in his heart, is he too handsome, these females would rather post upside down, have to come to accompany the wine?

Although Cyrus is not a frequent visitor to the Paradise Club, he has been here several times. No matter who he comes with, he has never been treated like this before.

Sellers felt that the scene before him was magical and unscientific at all. The main star is the place with the most high-level males. The regular visitors of the Paradise Club are mostly A-level and B-level males. There are several S-level males from the Southern Sky Branch, which will appear here from time to time. But I have never heard of males that can be posted upside down here.

Is it really because Alan is so handsome?

Sellers could only guess like that.

"In fact, this private room is reserved by the Paradise Club for Mr. Carroll, and is also the place where Master Allen's male father. It has been almost 20 years, and it has not been used here." The waiter Lucifer turned his eyes to the room again. The females with different styles said: "Some of them are Mr. Carroll's friends back then, and others also look up to Mr. Carroll, and they all want to see Master Ellen very much."

Allen, Sellers:...

Because each adult Zerg can maintain its peak state for more than 500 years, Allen can't tell the exact age of these females. But Mr. Carroll's friend... Allen can guess what kind of friend it is even if he guesses with his toes.

The waiter Lucifer continued: "If you don't want them to be there, I can let them leave."

Being watched by a group of such handsome females, every pair of eyes was full of hope... Alan couldn't bear it too. He hesitated and said: "We only plan to have a drink here. There is something else to do in the evening."

Unexpectedly, Allen would reply so innocently, and the females near them all laughed.

The waiter Lucifer bowed slightly to Allen, and he said, "We are all very happy to receive your presence."

Feeling the admiring gaze of Sellers, Allen felt a lot of pressure in an instant.

After Lucifer left, Sellers quietly told Allen, "I haven't seen Lucifer, but I don’t think there will be any other bugs in the Paradise Club who would dare to call this name. My family once told me that there is a female in Paradise Club. It's called Lucifer, and there is no intelligence from the Southern Branch of the Lord Star Male Association, the Royal Palace, and the Prime Minister's Mansion to the three star thief groups. Lucifer can't get it."

Allen thought of the waiter who had just stood quietly beside him. Lucifer looked very ordinary beside so many beautiful females. If Allen hadn't remembered him well, he might have forgotten his appearance.

Allen couldn't help but wonder if Lucifer would also be one of Carol's old friends.

But Allen thinks, it should not be, Carol...very superficial.

He only looked at his face and his figure.

But even if Lucifer was, Alan would not be too surprised. He remembered Mervyn on the starship again, and he felt that sooner or later he needed to get used to such a thing.

Allen quickly believed Lucifer and said that most of the females in this room were Carol’s old friends. They never asked Allen about Carol's recent situation-Allen just entered the Paradise Club, they even Lun's male father was known to Carol, and he rushed to wait and see him early. Allen didn't think they needed to ask him—nor did they do anything to embarrass Alan.

A quiet-looking Asian female sat on a high stool in the middle of the private room. He took the guitar on the ground, tried the sound, and slowly began to sing.

Even a bug like Allen that couldn't understand the rhythm was amazed in an instant.

Very clean and ethereal voice, soothing tune, with a touch of sadness,

Allen's ears, which had been tortured by the heavy metal music in the hall before, seemed to have been redeemed.

Allen suspects that the live performances of several singers who are now the main star is nothing more than that.

About this person’s musical prowess, the other females present were all convinced, and there was no worm to grab the limelight. There were a few females sitting on the sofa slowly swaying their bodies with the music, and their bodies were very soft. Want to come to a variety of difficult postures can be done well. They felt Allen's gaze and smiled cordially at Allen.

A few females a little further away from Alan and Cyrus picked up the tools on the coffee table and began to drink. They asked Alan and Cyrus what they wanted to drink.

Sellers probably really wanted to test them, to see if these females in the Paradise Club were just vain, so he ordered several cocktails that were more testing techniques.

The clean and neat technique, the action like flowing water, handed the colorful and layered cocktails in front of Alan and Sellers.

At home, Carol is also a master of this class, and Allen, influenced by him, naturally understands that the cocktail he passed in front of him is perfect. In cooking, Mervyn may be better at it, but in bartending, the skill of females here is undoubtedly much better.

Now, Alan has no chance to have a good chat with Sellers.

There were females sitting on both sides of Ellen and Cyrus. There are two more females between them. And Ellen and Cyrus are undoubtedly very face-saving in front of females, and they have no desire to confide in these females.

The females who can sit next to Ellen and Cyrus are naturally the best-looking and highest-grade in this compartment, and they are also Class A females.

They picked up various dice and turntables on the table and asked Alan and Cyrus if they wanted to play games.

Sellers also told Allen, “The chips in Paradise Club are not small. As long as you place 1,000 stars on the turntable, you may win the jackpot. Every day before 2 o’clock in the morning, at least 1 bet of 100,000 stars will be drawn. For the grand prize, a bet of 1 million stars will be issued every one or two weeks."

Allen nodded, noncommittal.

Anyway, it's just to pass the time, and you can do anything.

The female on Ellen's other side also asked him, "Master Ellen, do you need to have a meal?"

Coming from the studio, Allen, who had hardly eaten anything, nodded without even thinking about it.

Then, three more females walked out on both sides of the sofa. Among them, the two whitest females took off their underwear and went to the bathroom.

Two long tables were quickly brought up on the edge of the private room. After the two beautiful females came out of the bathroom, they lay on them without wearing anything. The other females skillfully took out two pieces of white silk from the hidden grid inside the wall and spread them on them. All kinds of pastries, sushi, and seafood were put on the white silk, waiting for Ellen and Sellers to enjoy at any time.


Allen previously felt that although Carol accompanied Lance to Pegasus, his quality of life did not drop too much. Especially afterwards, the mecha accessories of Kaka Mecha Manufacturing Company opened up sales outside of Pegasus. The amount of money Rohr can mobilize every day has reached a terrible point. This is far from being able to mobilize the main branch of the main star family without real power.

But at this moment, Allen doubted his long-standing cognition for the first time.

Sellers' shock was no less than that of Allen.

Although he didn't know what the king's harem was like, the home of the S-class male worm he had seen was nothing more than that.

Sellers asked cautiously, "Your father, who is Mr. Carroll?"

Allen and Sellers were talking about their relationship experiences before. In addition to Sellers who also mentioned the Drinkwater family, Allen didn't even have a chance to talk about his origin.

They seem to meet each other late, so they don't care about each other's family circumstances.

Of course, with Allen's bloodline level, it is impossible for him to be a civilian.

"Forgot to say, my male father was born in the Elpsos family. The current head of the Elpsos family is also my male father's cousin." Allen said: "I am now in the Southern Branch of the Male Insect Association. Our house just now Moved from Pegasus to the main star, so you may not have seen me before."

"Oh." Sellers responded.

Carol has been away from the main star for more than 17 years. At that time, Sellers had just broken his shell, and it was impossible for him to have any impression of Carol.

In addition to his reputation as a playboy, Carol has not made outstanding contributions to scientific research, economics, entertainment, and military. In recent years, he has rarely been mentioned by bugs. Therefore, even if Carol came from the main branch of the Elpsos family, Sellers had never heard of him, and only thought that Carol was a very low-key male.

As for the Southern Branch of the Male Society that Allen specifically mentioned, Sellers didn't think much about it.

First, Sellers did not expect that the Southern Sky Branch would put his idea on him. The Drinkwater family has been neutral for many years. Sellers has not yet thought of breaking this status quo; Second, Sellers believes that he knows Ai Lun is just a coincidence-he is the producer of the "Big Movie" program, and it is natural to know that one of the judges this time is a columnist of "Mixed Bugs" — Allen has been writing novels on "Mixed Bugs" for more than a year. Sellers didn't think that the Nantian Branch would start its layout so early.

Alfred of the Elpsos family is also in the Southern Branch.

It is normal for males of the same family to join the same branch.

Ellen and Cyrus couldn't talk about Milo, so Allen told Cyrus about the Southern Branch, which was irrelevant and interesting.

"...Nan Tian branch will also conduct mecha training for newly joined males?" Sellers asked. The females who accompanied the Paradise Club had also seen big storms, and did not show much surprise at the content of Alan and Sellers' conversations.

Allen said: "Yes. But we only assess mecha operations, and there are almost no close training items."

"The items of close-up training are also very important. Otherwise, some movements can be done in virtual insects, but they may not be able to be done in reality." Sellers kindly reminded.

"We naturally thought of this problem, and the successive presidents of the Nantian Branch have also made a lot of efforts on this. The scientific research funds allocated by the branch to the mecha are only for this military department." Allen said: "Our current latest design , Install a space compression system in the cockpit, which can greatly relieve the load of the mecha on the female body. These designs have been installed on the mecha of our branch."

The mechas of the Nantian Branch are naturally male mechas.

"I really want to see it," Sellers said. Except for the Southern Branch of the Male Worm Association, there can be no forces willing to spend tens of billions of stars to design a fighter armour specifically for the males. Because the same scientific research funds are used to transform the military mechs, more military women can be used. For such a thing, the Drinkwater family even couldn't even think about it.

Allen was about to continue talking with Cyrus. Suddenly, his star network bracelet lighted up, and Nolan sent a location application. Allen subconsciously clicked on it.

Because Nolan is on the edge of the interstellar, sometimes the communication signal is very bad, and positioning can strengthen their signal.


Allen looked at the little red dot on the light screen of the StarNet bracelet.

He confirmed twice, that the little red dot naturally belongs to Nolan.

However, the little red dots that originally represented them were on the two ends of the star map. They have never appeared on a very small map like they are now.

When did Nolan leave the frontline?

Why does he appear on the main star again?

When did he arrive?

Also, is the little red dot representing Nolan moving toward him quickly?

"What's the matter?" Sellers asked, noticing Alan's expression of trance in an instant.

Allen suddenly remembered the reply letter from the church that cancelled the engagement ceremony he had just scanned. Originally, Nolan would return to the main star some time in advance to concentrate on preparing for the engagement. Therefore, Allen has left Nolan's number to the church.

Nolan must have received this letter too.

Allen said in a daze, "He's back."

Sellers was still puzzled.

Allen said again: "I thought he had done our engagement ceremony."

As the male who just accompanied Allen to cancel the engagement ceremony.


Sellers asked: "Where is he now?" Sellers thought that Nolan was still on the starship, and wanted Allen to explain to Nolan in advance.

"He's here, it's not long before us!" Allen said: "Gosh, this real-time location gadget is malfunctioning! He's already here, right in front of the Paradise Club!"

Allen stood up suddenly.

Sellers followed him and stood up.

They looked around and looked at the "feast" full of houses, some of the females wearing unusually cool clothes, and the tools that the insects had just taken out of the secret door.

Alan's expression was already unlovable, and he asked: "If I said we did nothing, would he believe it?"


"Will not."

"If I say I just want to meet my father's old friend, is he a little bit likely to believe it?"

"Not anymore."

At this moment, the door of the private room was opened again.