After Crossing the Zerg, I Became a Forum Boss

Chapter 76

Virtual Worm Health.

Jude sat on his favorite couch, looked at Alan, and asked, "So I said we got Cyrus, but offended the Drinkwater family. What's the point?"

"This was the task the chairman gave me back then." Allen said: "As long as Cyrus and Milo are together, no matter what method is used, the Drinkwater family will not agree."

Cyrus wanted to join the Southern Branch of the Male Worm Association, naturally, several presidents would agree to it at the same time. Jude and Alfred received news from Allen, and after a long absence, they also returned to the second floor of the small white bungalow. Lancelot and David are also there, and they happen to have a small meeting.

However, Jude is not optimistic about Sellers joining the Southern Branch of the Male Society.

"If you didn't mess up the Orr login meeting, why should we discuss this today?" Allen was not so polite to him, he said: "So please be quiet."

Lancelot felt that he was the head of a male kindergarten, and asked a few male cubs to be obedient and refrain from quarreling. He stopped Ellen and Jude from quarreling, "Jude, you are on the virtual worm, it will not be difficult for me to locate your coordinates, don’t forget why you escaped from the main star; Allen, Seiler Si's bloodline level and strength are worthy of an invitation letter from the Southern Sky Branch of the Male Worm Association. You should prepare it."

Lancelot watched them calm down. He said, "Do you still remember why we had to join Cyrus to the Southern Sky Branch?"

"In order to prove the attractiveness of the Nantian Branch to the senior males." David said: "Only with a steady stream of new forces, the Nantian Branch will become stronger."

"Yes." Lancelot nodded approvingly to David. He said: "What could be more proving the attraction of the Nantian branch than the Super A Grade male leaving the family, giving up the position of the Patriarch, and joining the Nantian Branch. Power?"

David nodded thoughtfully.

Jude and Alfred have messed up Alden's affairs, and they have no say in this matter. Alan has a good relationship with Sellers, and he hopes that Sellers will come to the Southern Talent Club. This incident was planned by Lancelot from the very beginning, and he would not object to it.

The matter of Sellers joining the Southern Sky Branch of the Male Worm Society was thus settled.


When Alan emerged from the virtual bug, Cyrus was still waiting next to him.

Sellers asked anxiously: "How is it?"

Allen smiled and handed Sellers the invitation letter from the Southern Branch of the Male Society.

"The Southern Branch welcomes you to join, and it is not a problem to protect Milo's safety." After Sellers accepted the invitation, Allen said: "But, Sellers, you should understand that the Southern Branch has no extra branches. Long position."

Lancelot originally planned to invite Cyrus as the branch president, but that was based on the excellence of Cyrus himself and the heir of the Drinkwater family. But if Cyrus insisted on marrying Milo as the female ruler, his heir status would inevitably be deprived, and the benefits that could be brought to the Nantian Branch would be far less than before. Lancelot is so shrewd, he will treat Sellers differently.

"I understand." Sellers said. If he wants to maximize his benefits, he will not embark on the path it is today.

The task was successfully completed, and Allen was in a good mood. He looked at Cyrus with a smile, eyes like black gems, crystal clear, and his lips were bright as if he had just been kissed by a lover. "What is the'Big Movie' program group doing now?"

Alan finished his strategy of the producer of the "Big Movie" program group, and he was in the mood to really care about the next program group.

Sellers took Alan to the first floor, and he said: "The scripts of the three teams have been finalized, and only the script of the northern team is still in the outline stage. The director of the program group asked me yesterday that the first period is over. I can leave 2 minutes for you to comment when I’m in, do you want to show up?” This highly optimistic show in the industry, with an iron-clad ratings, occupies 2 minutes, which is definitely beneficial to Allen.

As soon as Alan and Sellers came downstairs, they met Milo. Because Sellers was very excited just now, he was still holding Allen's hand-Allen felt Milo's gaze, so sharp. But Allen didn't think he needed to explain to Milo. When Cyrus was driven out by the family tonight, he went to Milo's residence and asked Milo to take him in. From then on, Cyrus had to rely on Milo to raise him, and he might feel more secure.

The four participating teams of the "Big Movie" program group this time have been officially named, namely the east team of Milo and Julius, the north team of Antonio, and the other two teams of the west and the south team.

"Northern team, Antonio's team? Why are their progress seriously delayed?" Allen also rejected Sellers. He said, "No, I don't want to show up."

The "Big Movie" program group has been released. The judging of the program group includes the legendary actor Isaiah, the well-known author "The author comes from the earth" of "Men Chong Fan" magazine, and the director who won the award and received the soft hand. Alexis...but because of Allen's request, apart from the director of the show group, Cyrus, no other bug knew that this handsome male who came to the show group every day was "The author comes from the earth."

Ellen didn't want other bugs to know.

At least Carol, he will definitely read "The Domineering Male In Love with Me" again and give this novel to every worm he knows. Allen was desperate and couldn't stop him.

And Jude, he will subscribe 3,000 copies of the magazine "Mystery of Worms" and send them to the homes of every member of the Southern Branch of the Male Worm Association. Even if there are members living in the corner of the interstellar, Jude will not forget them. of.


Allen is definitely not sensational, he never underestimates how pitted the males around him are.

Sellers understood that Allen had his own concerns. He didn't ask much, but just said: "Well, I'll go help you and the director to push you off. Are you going to the North Side Team to see? The Antonio you just mentioned seems to be you Father’s Bluestone Cultural Brokerage Company? They did encounter some problems."

When Allen and Sellers went to the shooting location of Antonio and their team, Allen also roughly understood the problems encountered by the North Side team. Apart from Ellen, the judges invited by the program group this time are all well-known figures in the industry, especially the actor Isaiah.

The S-level has always been the elite of all walks of life, just like the S-level sub-female of the Roy’s family is the top scientific research talent. Nolan and Dominic have just gotten their coming of age ceremonies, their strength has been leaped and they have quickly accumulated a lot of military merit. As a rare S-class female in the entertainment industry, Isaiah is also synonymous with the top of the entertainment industry pyramid. As early as 20 years ago, he was already very popular.

The "Big Movie" program group wanted to invite Isaiah. In addition to paying the sky-high appearance fee, Isaiah’s team also asked for the right to finalize Isaiah’s occasions, and let the newcomers of Isaiah studio participate in this programme.

It was also the newcomer of Isaiah Studio that seriously slowed the progress of Antonio and his group.

The newcomer of Isaiah Studios is called Jane, a young and beautiful A-level sub-female, even in the beauty of the entertainment circle, his appearance is top-notch. Therefore, when Jane debuted, the announcement was softened. He entered the "Big Movie" program group four days late. The northern team has arranged the roles of the insects in these 4 days. It is obvious that Jane, who has not participated in the negotiation, has only got a small role that is insignificant.

How could Jane, who was arrogant and arrogant, accept it. Relying on Isaiah's relationship, he directly persuaded the director of the northern team to be the leading actor.

It's a pity that other insects in the northern team are not fuel-efficient lamps. Not to mention the script tailored by the North Side Team, is Jane suitable for the actor? Even if Jane is suitable, can he perform well with such a vase? If the script is messed up, what light will be on the faces of the other worms in the northern team?


A place of chicken feathers.

By the second day when Jane entered the program group, the progress of the North Side Team was not advancing and retreating, and the completed script was directly overturned, leaving only the outline. When Alan and Sellers arrived, they were beyond their expectations. In addition to the northern team, there was another judge, the famous Isaiah.

The long dark purple hair, tied loosely by a hair rope, and the same dark purple eyes, gave Isaiah two points of mystery. Naturally, Isaiah's appearance is definitely the best among females.

Isaiah didn't bully others. In front of the other worms of the northern team, he slammed the newcomer Jane in his studio, and also told the northern team about his pre-famous things and encouraged them. The flying camera on the side recorded all of this, and Allen can guarantee that the program group will not cut the stories Isaiah told.

Noting that Allen and Sellers were coming, the flight camera turned off consciously.

Allen quietly blinked at Antonio and heard Sellers introduce himself to Isaiah, "Sellers Drinkwater is also the producer of this show."

Then Alan, he didn't say that he was a judge, so as not to lose the horse. He said: "Alan Elpso is a friend of Sellers."

At that moment, Alan couldn't describe the way Isaiah looked at him.

Allen has the feeling of being stared at by the king of giant rattlesnakes, but he is not trying to kill Allen...

He seemed to want to swallow Alan.

Allen, Isaiah, and Sellers exchanged greetings, and none of them talked about the North Side team-Isaiah used the privileges, but the hidden rules of the entertainment industry are well known. Allen also had no intention of offending Jane for the unintentional worm, and the family behind Jane. On the contrary, Isaiah was very interested in other things about Allen and asked when Allen would return to the main star and if there was anything missing in her life.


Allen and Sellers went to the second floor of the north team.

Allen asked, "What does Isaiah mean? Doesn't he want to pick me up?"

"Impossible." Sellers said to Allen, "Isaiah is not like Milo. He debuted very early and has been popular for decades, but almost no males have been rumored with him. Except 20 Years ago, it was rumored in the industry that Isaiah fell in love with a certain romantic male, and the females around the other side did not bring the same kind every week, but Isaiah even used the tricks of throwing arms and hugs. , But still rejected. At that time, Isaiah would become a joke in the circle.

"And if you have a worm you like, it's better not to provoke Isaiah." Sellers said: "Milo rarely talks to me about work, but he has known that Isaiah will be a part of this show. The judges, he was very careful, Milo was very afraid of Isaiah. His mentor at Imperial University once analyzed the life of Isaiah with him-all females who had conflicts with Isaiah were not silent. If it disappears, it will be ruined after a while. If it is normal once or twice, and such things happen again and again, what do you think is the reason?"

It's not a bad thing to have some scheming in the mixed entertainment circle. Sellers also hoped that Milo would be worse so that he would not be bullied when he didn't care.

But it is very rare that Isaiah is "bad".

The females who contradicted him were not reviewed by the tax department and kept for seven or eight months and exhausted their popularity, or they were exiled to the Star Prison because of harming the males. In this way, the opponent is either dead or injured, and the worm with eyes naturally knows that he is cruel.

Sellers also said: "But he is also infatuated. There are even rumors that S-class males are pursuing him. He did not agree, insisting on waiting for the males he likes to return to the main star."

A strange feeling permeated Allen's heart.

He remembered the way Isaiah looked at him and asked him, and Sellers' description of Isaiah's favorite male dude. The most important thing is that the S-class females who were sent to the door refused to like them. The only males Allen knew that could meet this condition...

Allen asked, "Do you know who Isaiah's fancy male is?"

"I don't know, I have to check it, after all, it was 20 years ago." Sellers said.

Even the time is right.

Allen said: "Do you think that male worm will be..."

Sellers looked at Allen suspiciously.

...Impossible. Although Carol has not been the main star for the past 20 years, he is a B-level and Isaiah is an S-level.

...Who the **** is he or Carol a fan of all bugs?

Allen said: "It's okay, I'm confused for a while."