After Crossing the Zerg, I Became a Forum Boss

Chapter 84

Allen didn't like driving a floating car very much, except when he was going to pick up his female worms home, there would be a lot of bouquets in the back of the car, and the pleasant wind could blow away the haze in his heart. At other times, he either set up autopilot for the hovering car, sat behind him, or drove Carol and Nolan's cars. With them, Allen could feel at ease.

Allen didn't expect that he would break through the X-level, and he would not be able to get rid of his shadow of the suspension vehicle, and there would be guys with short eyes who would dare to move his females. Every worm has his inverse scale. For Allen, his family is his inverse scale. Carol and Lance have each other, and he and Nolan will also be unique to each other.

All the things Lancelot had just told him reverberated in Alan's mind. Although Lancelot didn't know much about the specific situation, in such a short period of time, he had collected so much information. It's not easy anymore.

Alan swears from the bottom of his heart that he will make the worms behind this incident pay the price. Eric is dead, and there are always worms alive. The X-level has become the legend of the Zerg, but when Alan appears in front of the world again, there will be someone who will live in his shadow for life.

The levitating car rushed out like an off-string arrow.

When Allen arrived at the military base, the military lady at the door didn't know that Major General Nolan had an accident. They thought Allen was here to bring Nolan lunch, as usual. After checking Allen's documents, the military women watched Allen enter the base with envy. Allen scanned the map and quickly found the location of the prison in the military base.

Lancelot tells Allen that they will help open up the relationship on his way to the military base. But Ellen did not expect that Admiral Denton would be waiting outside.

It was impossible for General Denton to predict that such an ordinary mission would involve his S-class females. In addition to feeling that Nolan was impulsive, he could only sigh and make Nolan's future life as easy as possible. .

In fact, Admiral Denton knew that when Nolan suddenly encountered such a thing, he didn't have too many choices.

It's just that if he asks Allen to take Nolan away at this moment, he will completely fall out with the Sextant Branch of the Male Insect Association. Originally Admiral Denton hadn't really made up his mind until he saw Alan.

Seeing Alan again, Admiral Denton immediately felt that Alan's temperament had undergone a sea-shaking change. When Allen came to Nolan before, he had another relationship with Admiral Denton-Admiral Denton I haven't thought of Class X yet, because it is already a legend. He saw Alan and suddenly woke up. These two days are almost the days of Alan's coming-of-age ceremony, and Alan has already broken through.

Allen's momentum was strong enough to oppress him, and Admiral Denton was shocked.

Thinking of the communications from Lancelot and Francesco one after another, Admiral Denton knew that the Southern Branch of the Male Insect Association stood firmly behind Allen. The Southern Sky Branch and the Sextant Branch of the Male Worm Association, and then looking at Alan, who was in an astonishing manner in front of him, a heavy weight was put down on one side of the balance, and Admiral Denton finally had a decision in his heart.

Furthermore, the president of the Sextant Branch of the Male Worm Association said that it was Nolan who wanted to force Eric, but he could not help but kill Eric. Admiral Denton didn't believe a word, not to mention that he knew Nolan and knew what kind of bug Nolan was. Nolan's fiancé had all aspects of conditions far beyond Eric. How could he be attracted to such a waste? .

Allen walked directly in front of Admiral Denton. He knew that he should be polite when facing his elders, but at this time he couldn't say anything polite. He is like the ice in the abyss, and ordinary insects dare not approach him. Admiral Denton was also very considerate. He said: "Francesco told me that the institute will first pay 12 billion stars and buy him for you to be a slave."

Although Lancelot said that they can wait for Nolan to be assigned, so that Nolan and Allen have the highest genetic matching rate. For so many years, artificial intelligence has been under the control of the Southern Branch, but Allen does not want to take this risk. .

The sky-high price of 12 billion did not move him.

Allen reluctantly said, "Thank you."

Admiral Denton was handed another key to Allen, saying: "He is in S77 surveillance."

Allen took the key from Admiral Denton without saying a word and walked to the prison.

S77 Supervisor.

His Nolan was leaning weakly against the wall, both hands were raised high, his face was flushed, and the meticulously dressed military uniform had also been broken with a few buttons. Although Lancelot had told him before Allen came to the military base that Nolan's incident had just happened and that he had not been tortured for too long, but the scene in front of him still pierced Allen's eyes.

Allen walked slowly to Nolan's side and squatted down. He took out a azure injection from his arms, and was about to give Nolan a shot to relieve the abnormality in Nolan's body.

Nolan was still wearing shackles, but suddenly shot, almost knocking out the injection in Allen's hand.

Allen was stunned. This injection was taken from Francisco when he left the institute. It can relieve Nolan's current condition to the greatest extent, and there is only one injection for the time being, but it will disappear if it is knocked out.

Allen wanted to hold Nolan’s face in his hand, but he had the injection in his hand. At this moment, he was anxious. He pinched Nolan’s chin with one hand and asked him to look at himself, “Nolan, it’s me. . This is Alan."

It took a long time for Nolan to react, his voice hoarse, "Is it Allen?"

There was water in his eyes, and he rarely appeared weak. He asked again: "Is it Allen?"

Allen's heart suddenly softened, and he patiently replied, "It's me."

Allen put his hand on Nolan's waist, let him lean against him, and tried to give Nolan an injection.

"Yeah." Allen snorted painfully, and Nolan bit his shoulder directly, and also bit out blood. His teeth were too sharp, and the cloth on Alan's shoulders did not hinder him at all.

Nolan licked the wound he had just bitten, and said a little happily, "It's really Ellen."


Nolan then cooperated with Allen to get the needle into his vein.

Allen thought of Nolan's struggle to maintain vigilance these few hours. If it weren't for Allen to complete the initiation ceremony ahead of schedule, Allen didn't know how long Nolan would maintain such a difficult situation. It was the time when Nolan's defense power was at its lowest. He was unwilling to let other insects get close, and even the military females of the military base handcuffed him.

Alan thought of this, even if he was bitten by Nolan, he couldn't get angry.

There was only distress left in his heart.

Allen said: "I'm so stupid. Promise them to go to the Star Prison first, at least they will give you the antidote, and I will fish you out when the time comes."

When Nolan was just rescued, he had the choice to go to the Star Prison to serve his sentence or become a female slave. Obviously, he chose the latter. Nolan also heard Alan's words, and he said in a daze: "Go to the Star Prison, and you may never see you again." His only thought at that time was how to keep them together in the greatest possible way.

After Allen gave Nolan the injection, he used the key given to him by Admiral Denton just now to help Nolan open the handcuffs.

What if I don’t come and you are bought by another male?

Alan had just thought of this in his mind, but he was overthrown by himself. This is his Nolan, and it will only belong to him.

Allen didn't say anything else, he hugged Nolan and whispered: "Let's go home."


The planet of the Nicholas Star Pirates group.

Nicholas was sitting on his favorite high platform with Erlang's legs tilted. In front of him was a huge light screen, and Mervyn was talking to him. Ever since Nicholas rescued the precarious Mervyn in the meteorite belt and showed great strength in front of Mervyn, Mervyn has sworn allegiance to him.

Although Nicholas didn't like too many bugs here, he had to admit that Mervin was still very useful.

Nicholas looked at Mervin's face and knew that his mission had failed, but he didn't care too much. He curiously asked, "Is the main star fun?"

On Guangping's side, Mervyn didn't know whether he should be grateful that his family was so unreliable, or should be troubled by it, "The main star is very prosperous and deserves to be the center of the empire, but it is far less free than being in the sea of ​​stars."

Nicholas has long dark purple hair, his eye sockets are deep, his eyes are the same deep purple, and he has long curled eyelashes. Isaiah, who is known as the pinnacle of appearance in the entertainment industry, can only score 6 points in front of him, just passing.

If Mervyn hadn't watched Alan grow up and had seen the ultimate beauty of another kind of beauty, he might have been suffocated when he looked at his grown-ups.

Nicholas is very curious about the main star, and very gossiping, "But the main star has something that is not here. Only the main star will have the cutest and most charming male in the universe, right? You didn't go back to the Elpso family to see you. Hero?"


He came to the main star this time to perform a mission.

If he hadn't had Ellen's mech in his hand, he had walked in from Ellen's hand last time on the starship. That mech was also produced by the Southern Branch of the Male Insect Association. On the main star scanning ship's trust list, it was impossible for him to appear on the main star so quietly. It was even more unlikely that he would dare to go to the main residence of the Elpsos family not far from the palace and the prime minister's house.

Mervyn thought so, and he told Nicholas the same.

Nicholas nodded unexpectedly, "Well. It seems that you have already inquired about the residence of your hero."

If Mervin had not lost 10 consecutive times under Nicholas, he would never have imagined that a peerless powerhouse like Nicholas would be so boring, or Mervin took the initiative to report to Nicholas what happened to the First Hospital of the main star.

"I knew you had no way to bring Nolan Elpso back. Isaiah's plan was too unreliable." Nicholas murmured, "It seems that I have to figure out a solution by myself."

Mervin felt a little nervous, he was afraid that the little ancestor wanted to make a big move, and once again attracted the attention of the military, and the frightening thing was that the little ancestor did have this ability. Mervyn asked carefully: "What are your plans?"

Nicholas smiled mysteriously, and he said: "The star network is not safe, I will tell you when you come back."


Main star. Nineteenth Avenue.

After Allen brought Nolan back, Nolan's condition was greatly relieved because of the injection.

Allen was sitting on the sofa. Nolan's current identity had changed. Instead of sitting next to Allen as usual, he knelt on the edge of the sofa according to the rules of female slaves.

"Lord, your coming-of-age ceremony?" This was Nolan's first thought after he was completely sober.

Allen no longer felt happy about his breakthrough in the coming-of-age ceremony, he cared more about what happened to Nolan. However, Nolan is always overwhelmed by Allen, he carefully talked about what happened at the No. 1 Hospital of the Main Star today.

Allen looked at Nolan's Starnet bracelet again, and confirmed that Mervy's communication number was available when he confronted Eric. Allen was about to laugh outrageously, he probably knew how Mervyn got into the main star through the scan of the battleship. There are less than 20 mechas in the main star trust list in the Southern Branch of the Male Worm Association, but unfortunately, Allen has 2 in his hand, and one of them was also taken away by Mervyn.

Allen really didn't expect that Mervy was so courageous, and Mervy's injury was not thorough, he would dare to appear on the main star. The mech does have the recording function of the Southern Branch of the Male Society, but in order to avoid being discovered by Mervin, the Southern Branch of the Male Society has not opened it yet. Allen decided that he would go to Jean Lancelot and let Starnet's artificial intelligence help them monitor Mervyn.

He must be looking for Mervin to ask for an explanation.

Nolan hesitated, still said: "This matter may not be Mervin's plan."

Not only did they know Mervyn when they were young, but Mervy also watched them grow up. If he really wanted Nolan to defect to the empire, he would definitely not start with such a thing.

It's more like...

There are other forces that want to deal with Nolan.

But in any case, Mervin knew it in advance that he wanted to make a profit for the fisherman.

Moreover, this incident is like the trial Lance encountered 18 years ago. At that time, the notary in the court made the point that Lance is an A-class female and should not harm the male while still fighting, even if the other party offends first. Nolan, as an S-class female more powerful than Lance, faces the weak Super A-class male. He has enough force to protect himself. Relative to killing Eric, he can stun him and keep a distance from him. , Waiting for his subordinates outside to come in.

But Nolan can't take this risk. If the psychedelic can make him think that all the bugs he sees are Allen, what will he do? He really thought Eric was Allen, what should he do?

The S-class females are already at the top of the pyramid. They can find a way to send Eric to the remote war department to give condolences, which is also to make the best use of the super-A-class males, which are precious species. To kill Eric without being punished, the Empire will never set this precedent.

They will even kill chickens and monkeys in order to behave like you.

Seeing Nolan pale in discomfort, Alan was both distressed and angry. For the second time today, he pinched Nolan’s chin with his hand and asked him to look at himself, "Nolan, remember, when you said you When you want to be enjoyed by me, you are my female. I am glad that nothing else happened this time. Protecting yourself is the most important thing you can do to me."

Nolan's expression was slightly startled, he had never heard such strong possessive words in Alan's mouth.

The uneasy heart fell back so simply.

Nolan's posture remained the same, he slowly leaned his head on Allen's knee, "I'm sorry, Lord. I'm causing you trouble again."

"This is not trouble. You kill the worms that should die, and I will naturally protect you." Allen gently followed his golden hair, "You are mine."

And everything you lost today, I will return it to you one day.

You were deprived of the rank of major general.

The position of your prince.