After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 103

Yu Qingtang looked at the ceiling above her head in the darkness. The breathing of the woman beside her pillow became longer and longer. According to her careful observation of sharing a bed with Cheng Zhanxi recently, she would soon fall asleep.

After that, no matter if she looked at her all night, or touched her face, or gently pinched her ears, she would not wake up, and she would be very deep when she fell asleep.

The two of them have been living together for almost a week, and the time spent together is getting longer and longer, and they are inseparable in the true sense. Cheng Zhanxi likes to kiss her, and he kisses her every day. Once Yu Qingtang finished preparing for a lesson and the two watched TV. The TV drama entered a very boring plot. Cheng Zhanxi took her on his lap and kissed her very tenderly. .

The light of the screen is slightly bright, the dark night, the quiet living room, the more and more rapid breathing, accompanied by the involuntary voice.

It became a matter of course that the gun went off the rails.

Yu Qingtang's pajamas were all wrinkled, and her fingertips ran across the smooth skin. Cheng Zhanxi's lips were behind her most sensitive ears, and she kept exhaling.


There's no after that.

After the boring plot on TV is finished, they re-enter the main line, and the passion that happened to them is like an episode of a TV series, which is insignificant. Cheng Zhanxi retracted his hand, put down her rolled up pajamas, and hugged her calmly to continue watching TV.

The place where Yu Qingtang had just been kissed forcibly by her was still a little sore, and it became more uncomfortable to wear pajamas.

After watching the entire episode of the TV series, Yu Qingtang felt better.

That was Wednesday.

Today is Friday, and a spark that fell two days ago is always on and off. It’s just there. It’s inconspicuous, but it’s always in the dead of night. , can't help fantasizing, wanting.

To say that Yu Qingtang is not very persistent in this thing that is essentially a pleasure, she just hopes that Cheng Zhanxi can be closer to her, hold her tightly, occupy her, and leave no gap.

She didn't know what Cheng Zhanxi was thinking, why didn't she...

She could feel that Cheng Zhanxi liked and longed for it. Before the two of them were together, she always wanted to do it with her. After being together, does it lose the freshness after getting it? I don't even want to move my fingers.

Yu Qingtang didn't dare to ask directly, so she could only take advantage of the fact that she was half asleep and half awake.

- seduce her.

She looked at Cheng Zhanxi's sleeping face through the dim light in the room, and slowly approached her until the woman's breath fell on her face.

Yu Qingtang tilted her head and kissed Cheng Zhanxi's lips.

Yu Qingtang is a good teacher and a good student, and his kissing skills have improved rapidly.

After more than ten seconds, Cheng Zhanxi murmured softly, obviously his head was dizzy, but his hand grabbed the back of Yu Qingtang's head on his own accord and took her to his arms.

Yu Qingtang learns fast, but there is still a long way to go before Cheng Zhanxi takes the initiative, she can only hum in a low voice.

But that's what she wants.

She held the wrist of Cheng Zhanxi's empty hand, bit her lower lip slightly, and let her go where she should go.

Cheng Zhanxi couldn't tell whether he was in reality or in a dream. The body in his arms exuded a faint body fragrance, like the snow in early winter.

Cheng Zhanxi woke up panting, her hands wrapped around Yu Qingtang.

She also found that she was kissing Yu Qingtang passionately.

Cheng Zhanxi: "?"

Yu Qingtang summoned up the courage and sent himself up.

Cheng Zhanxi just regained a trace of clear reason and immediately fell into chaos, turning over and taking the complete initiative.

Cheng Zhanxi closed her eyes, withdrew from Yu Qingtang's lips, and bit her chin lightly with her wet and hot lips down.

Yu Qingtang tilted her slender neck back.

Cheng Zhanxi's cold hair touched her collarbone, and it was itchy, Yu Qingtang raised her hand and hooked it behind her ear, tucking her long, loose hair.

Cheng Zhanxi's head slid into the quilt, Yu Qingtang closed her eyes, and combed her long hair gently with five fingers.

The sound of running water came from the bathroom.

The end of Yu Qingtang's eyes was a little red from crying, and the slender knuckles holding the sheet had just loosened, and his face was buried in the pillow. Listening to the movement behind him, his entire face, including his ears, turned red. But no lights were on in the bedroom, and the darkness covered this up nicely.

Cheng Zhanxi hugged her after rinsing his mouth and coming back to himself.


Yu Qingtang put her hands on the backs of her hands that were wrapped around her waist, and listened to her softly enunciating words beside her ear, and realized more deeply how shameful her actions just now were.

"I want to sleep." Yu Qingtang whispered, not wanting her to say anything more shameful.

"Are you sleepy?" Cheng Zhanxi kissed her earlobe.


"But what if I'm not sleepy?" Cheng Zhanxi lowered her chin, her thin lips touching her sensitive side neck.

Yu Qingtang's scalp suddenly became numb, and she seemed to realize that she seemed to be on fire, and the fire had not yet burned out.

"Didn't you make an appointment with Lin Xi tomorrow?" Yu Qingtang hurriedly asked, for fear that it would be too late if he said it was too late.

"It's okay." Cheng Zhanxi turned her over to face him, kissed her slowly against her lips, and said, "Soon baby."

"I... umm."

Cheng Zhanxi's nose and lips were sparkling. She looked at the mirror on the sink for a while, then went back to the bed, took a picture of herself and the sleeping Yu Qingtang with her mobile phone, and put it in the encrypted photo album.

She washed her face and rinsed her mouth, and before she got under the covers, she glanced at the digital clock on the bedside table.

Three in the morning.

It took less than an hour to add up the two times, which is really fast. Cheng Zhanxi yawned, took Yu Qingtang into his arms, and fell asleep peacefully smelling the fragrance on her body.

Yu Qingtang slept a little lightly, rested for four or five hours, and basically recovered, so when Cheng Zhanxi touched her in the morning, her eyeballs moved violently under her eyelids twice, she woke up, and looked down to see Cheng Zhanxi's chestnut-colored back of head.

Yu Qingtang put her fingers on the back of Cheng Zhanxi's neck and squeezed gently twice.

Cheng Zhanxi raised his head and smiled gently: "Are you awake?"

Yu Qingtang looked at her incredulously.

Cheng Zhanxi hooked his lips and lowered his head again.

This time Yu Qingtang hooked her arms to prevent her from sliding down.

Seeing that she didn't want to, Cheng Zhanxi swam up and hugged her knowingly, gave her a good morning kiss, and asked softly, "What's the matter? Do you not like it or are you not used to it?"

Yu Qingtang: "…"

Cheng Zhanxi didn't think there was anything that could not be exported, let alone something shameful. When you talk about love, you need to make it clear what you want to talk about, and you need to make it clear about what you want to do.

She looked into Yu Qingtang's eyes seriously, wanting a definite answer.

Yu Qingtang's face flushed red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and after a while, Fang hesitantly answered her: "Aren't you going to go out today?"

Cheng Zhanxi patiently said "um".

Yu Qingtang whispered, "I'm afraid I won't have the strength to get up."

Just thinking about what Cheng Zhanxi was going to do to her made her legs go soft. If she did, she might soften into noodles, and she would be ruined all day.

Cheng Zhanxi pondered after listening, but did not speak for a long time.

Yu Qingtang couldn't help but ask, "What are you thinking?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I'm thinking..." She pressed close to Yu Qingtang's ear and said with a chuckle, "I'm really good."

Yu Qingtang's eyes widened little by little, as if following Cheng Zhanxi's words, bit by bit, she recalled how powerful she was. Her neck was stained with thin powder, which spread all the way to her ears.

Yu Qingtang slid into the quilt, covered his face, firmly pressed the quilt on top of his head, and urged a shy voice from inside: "Go wash quickly."

"I'm going." Cheng Zhanxi told her through the quilt.

Yu Qingtang blushes like a boiled crab in the quilt alone.

Cheng Zhanxi came back after washing up, picked up Yu Qingtang's pajama pants from the end of the bed and folded them, Yu Qingtang was still huddled in the bed.

Cheng Zhanxi smiled and said, "I'm going to make breakfast, you get up by yourself later, don't stay too late."

The hill in the quilt arched, and it counted as a response.

When Yu Qingtang heard the door closing, she cautiously got out of the quilt, looked at the room, and fell to the door, Cheng Zhanxi didn't leave at all, looking at her with a smile.

Yu Qingtang's expression was instantly wonderful.

Cheng Zhanxi left the room before she became a snail for the second time.

Yu Qingtang's shoulders slumped, and her hands supported the edge of the bed. She was still a little unsteady when she went down to the ground. The stamina last night was too great.

It turns out that there is no emotion, and it makes a world of difference to do this. When Cheng Zhanxi touched her, she was like an iceberg scorched by the scorching sun, constantly melting into water, wrapping both of them tenderly. Cheng Zhanxi wandered freely in her ocean, holding her hands like a good sailor. Her rudder, like a **** above, creates waves after waves of waves.

Yu Qingtang squeezed the toothpaste, put one hand on the sink, and unconsciously joined his legs.

She went to take a shower. During the shower, she began to regret not letting Cheng Zhanxi continue just now. The result is the same whether she does it or not.

Yu Qingtang's reverie didn't end until Cheng Zhanxi parked his car at the entrance of the village and Xiao Linxi, who turned four years old after the New Year, threw himself into Cheng Zhanxi's arms.

The sun was shining brightly. Yu Qingtang held the gifts she brought to Xiao Linxi and her grandmother, and looked at every household where the smoke was rising. The smell of rice filled the entire village.

- The two of them got up late, and before going out, they chatted with me at the entrance for a long time, and almost had lunch here.

Cheng Zhanxi brought two half-cooked meat dishes, and asked Grandma Lin Xi to fry them together. Yu Qingtang put the supplements in grandma's room, which was considered to be paying for the two of them for their meals.

At noon, the two hugged each other and took a nap. When they came out, they saw Xiao Linxi sitting on the small bench at the door and drawing. Lin Xi’s age was when his imagination was at its most unrestrained. If so, he will also name the images in his paintings that others cannot understand.

Cheng Zhanxi held Yu Qingtang with one hand and back with one hand, watching Xiao Linxi draw all kinds of strange symbols attentively.

She didn't notice that Yu Qingtang never looked at Lin Xi's painting, but turned her head deliberately and closed her eyes, her expression full of conflict.

Cheng Zhanxi tilted his head to look at the strength to break free from his hand.

Yu Qingtang said with an unusually flat expression, "I'll go out for a while."

Cheng Zhanxi rubbed the head of Xiao Linxi who looked back curiously at them, asked her to continue painting, and followed Yu Qingtang out.

Grandma Linxi's house also surrounded a small yard. There was a jujube tree and several peach trees in the yard. Peach blossoms have a short flowering period. They bloom in March and fade in April. A breeze blows, and the pink petals on the peach trees rustle and fall. Come down, the fallen flowers are colorful, like a rain of peach blossoms.

The shoulders of Yu Qingtang's black trench coat were covered with peach blossoms.

Cheng Zhanxi wrapped her arms around her from behind, her chin resting on the woman's shoulder.

Yu Qingtang clasped her hand on the back of the woman's jade-like hand and leaned back.

Cheng Zhanxi received her physical signal, hugged her harder, and kissed her temples.

Yu Qingtang looked at the peach blossoms that fell to the ground, exhaled softly, and said, "My... mother was a painter during her lifetime, just like you."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I know, my grandmother told me."

Yu Qingtang said: "She died because she gave birth to me."

Cheng Zhanxi listened quietly.

Yu Qingtang said: "After she died, the man who loved her so much... took anger at me because I looked too much like her. He didn't like seeing me, so he wouldn't let me call him that..."

Yu Qingtang noticed Cheng Zhanxi's clenched knuckles, and patted the back of her hand soothingly.

Yu Qingtang said: "He doesn't allow anyone in the world to replace my mother, even if it's a little bit similar to her, especially since I'm her daughter, and her blood naturally flows in my body. He doesn't allow me to paint, even with branches. Graffiti on the ground with stones, every time I see it, I will come over fiercely, yell at me, and then grab the branches in my hand and throw them away violently, throw them far away, where I can't see them, and then let the servants take me away."

Yu Qingtang said: "I like painting very much, but I don't dare to know about it. I want to know if I have inherited my mother's painting talent, but I don't dare to pick up a paintbrush. My grandmother bought me one when I moved back to Sicheng. Box of paintbrushes, colored, beautiful, but as soon as I saw those, I thought of the man's twisted face, he dropped the paintbrush in my hand, and yelled at me over and over, saying I didn't deserve to learn to paint, and I killed him my mother."

Yu Qingtang's body trembled slightly.

Cheng Zhanxi was heartbroken and whispered: "It's not your fault, it's him. If it wasn't for him to get your mother pregnant, your mother wouldn't have died. He's just evading responsibility and is a cowardly and unresponsible man. , he was the one who killed your mother."

Yu Qingtang asked softly, "Then there will be no me, right? The two of them can still live happily together."

Cheng Zhanxi couldn't think of how to refute her fallacy, and said sadly, "what about me? What would I do without you in the world?"

Yu Qingtang said unhurriedly, "Without me, there will be others."

Cheng Zhanxi began to mess around and said, "When we were drinking Meng Po soup before we were reborn, we made an appointment to be together for the rest of our lives. How can you say such a thing? There can be no one else, there can be no one else. !"

Yu Qingtang was amused by her and smiled briefly, and then sighed softly.


Yu Qingtang's life should have been smooth sailing, walking on the road of blooming flowers. All her sorrows and misfortunes, pains and struggles stem from an irresponsible father.

Cheng Zhanxi was so angry that his eyes turned red, and he said, "I have grown so big, and I have never really hated a person. Now I declare that man is the person I hate the most in my life, no one."

Cheng Zhanxi rubbed against her cold cheek.

It was Yu Qingtang who was clearly wronged, but Cheng Zhanxi seemed to be even sadder than her.

Yu Qingtang raised her hand to touch her face and smiled softly.

"Teacher Cheng, don't be sad."

"Mr. Cheng?"

"Girlfriend, don't be sad." Yu Qingtang changed her words, held Cheng Zhanxi's hand again, and said, "Actually, I don't care about him that much anymore. Don't I have you now? I'm very satisfied and happy."

Cheng Zhanxi said nonsense in a serious manner: "If you don't mind, I can serve as both parents and girlfriends. The three of us love you. From now on, our family of four lives happily together."

Yu Qingtang laughed crisply: "Hahaha."

Cheng Zhanxi continued: "No, my family has my parents and brother, and the seven of us live happily together."

Yu Qingtang: "Hahahaha."

Cheng Zhanxi's eyes were soft, and the more he spoke, the more outrageous he said: "It will be more convenient to see my parents in the future. My parents see me alone, and I agree. It means that your family agrees, and they can decide our marriage."

Yu Qingtang smiled so much that there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

She stopped laughing abruptly.

Did Cheng Zhanxi just say marriage?

She turned her head to look at Cheng Zhanxi, Cheng Zhanxi looked soft and looked at her fixedly.

Yu Qingtang lowered her eyes.

She... hadn't thought about it that far. Cheng Zhanxi is not surprised, the future is long in Japan.

She will slowly adjust to the change of identity, first as a girlfriend and then as her wife.

But now there is clearly something more important.

Cheng Zhanxi held her shoulders and turned her around, his index finger lifted her chin, and slowly approached the woman's face.

Yu Qingtang closed his eyes.

The lips of the two were about to stick together.

"Sister Cheng."

The two separated as if they were electrocuted. At the same time, they looked back at Xiao Linxi, who was four years old, standing a dozen steps away. Xiao Linxi tilted his head to look at them, but his brain seemed to be short-circuited for a long time without any response.

Cheng Zhanxi lowered his voice and said to Yu Qingtang beside him, "How is it? Does it look like you?"

Yu Qingtang pinched the soft flesh around her waist.

Cheng Zhanxi said: "You pinch, don't just thunder without rain, it won't break, just use some force."

Yu Qingtang said, "It's the first time I've seen someone begging for a pinch."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I'm different, I'm red in white."

Yu Qingtang was too careful with her attitude. This kind of flirting between couples, beating her arms and twisting her waist, etc. were normal behaviors. . Cheng Zhanxi's thoughts strayed a bit. When Yu Qingtang attacks in the future, will he not dare to go in or move, then...

Yu Qingtang looked at Cheng Zhanxi's face, which was quite white and flushed, and withdrew her hand.

Xiao Linxi, whose brain was down, started to work again, and asked in confusion after 18 beats: "Sister Cheng, sister, what are you doing?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I'm in love."

Yu Qingtang: "…"

Xiao Linxi asked in a milky voice, "What is falling in love?"

Cheng Zhanxi walked over with Yu Qingtang and said, "Dating in love means that I like my sister, and my sister also likes me. If we both like each other, it's called falling in love." She raised her eyebrows at Yu Qingtang, "is that right, sister?"

Yu Qingtang was too lazy to pay attention to her.

Xiao Linxi tilted her head when she heard the words, looked at Cheng Zhanxi innocently with **** eyes like grapes, and said, "Sister Cheng, can I fall in love with you?"

Cheng Zhanxi heard a sneer from Yu Qingtang beside him.

Cheng Zhanxi replied in the tone of telling stories to children: "No, sister Cheng can only fall in love with one person, the sister next to me."

Xiao Linxi said regretfully: "Okay, then I will find another sister to fall in love."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Brothers, younger and younger sisters can also, don't be rigid about elder sister... Ah!"

The soft flesh of her lower back was pinched by Yu Qingtang's **** and turned 90 degrees.

Cheng Zhanxi sucked in a breath of cold air, pained and happy, looked at Yu Qingtang's figure walking in quickly, and quickly finished the rest: "Don't be strict with sister."

Xiao Linxi didn't understand: "What is rigidity?"

"I'll explain to you later!" Cheng Zhanxi chased in.

Yu Qingtang sat on the couch in the room that Grandma Lin Xi had vacated for them, her expression indifferent. Seeing Cheng Zhanxi walking in and closing the door, he gave her a lukewarm look.

Cheng Zhanxi came forward with a smile on her face, and just as she was about to speak, Yu Qingtang reached out and pinched her mouth.

Cheng Zhanxi blinked his eyes.

Yu Qingtang let go of her and said, "Can you say that to anyone?"

Cheng Zhanxi's eyes were teasing, he grabbed her hand and put a kiss on the palm of his hand, saying, "Just tell others, it has other effects on you."

Yu Qingtang's ears reddened due to the unexpected slur.

"I didn't tell you this." Yu Qingtang's voice was much weaker, like a half-fried cat, fluffy, thinking of RUA.

"Blame me, my mind is not right." Cheng Zhanxi sat in front of her and said, "You punish me."

Yu Qingtang completely lost her initiative and was led by her nose.

"Punish me..." Cheng Zhanxi pinched her chin with two fingers, her long eyelashes were half down, close to her slightly open red lips, and the last two words were gently submerged between her lips and teeth, "kiss you."

Yu Qingtang wrapped her neck around her and met her skillfully.

In my head, I was dizzy thinking: Is this a punishment? It's something that can make you happy, so let's just call it a punishment.

Xiao Linxi sat on the small bench, opened a new page, drew most of the paper, and the closed wooden door opened behind her. The children who heard the movement looked back, the faces of the two sisters were flushed, as if Xiao Linxi had just gone for a long run on the mountain, did they also go to the mountain to play?

Xiao Linxi blinked: "Sister Cheng, you haven't told me what rigidity is."

Cheng Zhanxi moved Yu Qingtang a small bench for her to sit next to, and taught the children a language class.

After the class, Cheng Zhanxi looked at her crayon box and said softly, "Xiaoxi, can I borrow a pen and a notebook from my sister?"

Xiao Linxi ran into the room, and ran out after a while, with her short legs soaring so fast, she stuffed a box of watercolor pens and a new drawing book into Cheng Zhanxi's hands, and said in a milky voice, "Here."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Thank you Xiaoxi."

Lin Xi smiled with a mouth full of small white teeth.

Cheng Zhanxi put the pen and notebook on the table, and beckoned to Yu Qingtang: "Baby, come."

Yu Qingtang sat obediently at the table, looking at her for unknown reasons. Cheng Zhanxi opened the box of watercolor pens, spread out the first page of the book, and pushed it in front of her.

Yu Qingtang's pupils shrank, and subconsciously wanted to escape, but Cheng Zhanxi didn't stop her, Yu Qingtang retreated to the door, looked at the watercolor pens and drawing books on the table in the back room, and then looked at Cheng Zhanxi, who was standing beside the table with a tenderness like water.

Yu Qingtang walked in slowly and sat down at the table.

Cheng Zhanxi ran his fingertips across the watercolor pens and asked gently, "What color do you like?"

Yu Qingtang did not answer.

Cheng Zhanxi replied to himself, "green, green represents new life."

She picked a green watercolor pen, put it in Yu Qingtang's hand, held her hand, and drew a thriving green grass on the blank paper.

Yu Qingtang's eyes slowly widened, for the magic in his pen.

Cheng Zhanxi: "Next is red, let's draw a few little flowers, okay?"

Cheng Zhanxi changed to red watercolor and decorated the grass with bright flowers,

Brown paints the branches of the trees, sprouting out, the tender green leaves fluttering in the wind, and a large tree rises to shelter the petite flowers from the wind and rain.

Cheng Zhanxi asked patiently, "What color is next?"

Yu Qingtang, who was always silent, twitched her lips a few times and said, "Blue, because I want to paint the blue sky."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Yes, it's really smart."

She taught Yu Qingtang how to draw a blue sky, white clouds, and a fiery red sun.

A childlike watercolor painting is complete.

It is also the first painting by Yu Qingtang in his life.

Cheng Zhanxi put the painting aside, did not ask about the wet marks on it, and asked gently, "What do you want to paint next?"

Yu Qingtang's eyes were slightly red, and she said, "I want to paint a house."

Cheng Zhanxi coaxed: "Baby, can you draw it yourself?"

Yu Qingtang shook her head: "I can't do it."

Cheng Zhanxi covered the back of her hand again, put her lips against her ear, and said softly, "Then I will teach you to draw, you can choose the color yourself, okay?"

Yu Qingtang nodded.

Yu Qingtang chose green and painted the spire of the house.

Orange walls, blue windows, yellow doors, red chimneys.

A golden moon and stars hang in the dark blue sky.

The painting became her new avatar.

Cheng Zhanxi is going to sketch tomorrow and will stay at Grandma Linxi's house in the evening. The room I stayed in had a skylight above, the suburban air was fresh, and the stars twinkled in the Milky Way at night.

Yu Qingtang's neck leaned back in a slender curve, and all the starlight fell into her absent-minded black eyes.

The soundproofing of the old house was not good. When Grandma Linxi came out at night, she heard strange noises coming from the wooden door.

Yu Qingtang heard the approaching footsteps, her body tense instantly, and with the help of Cheng Zhanxi, she trembled violently uncontrollably, her teeth clenched her index finger, leaving a row of deep tooth marks.