After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 106

[Jin Siyue]: Hello?

[Jin Siyue]: Sister, do you speak human language?

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Just kidding [Program Bixin.gif]

[Jin Siyue]: My emoji pack hasn't been updated for a long time, are you free to draw new ones for me?

[Cheng Zhanxi]: But, if you stay here for two more days, I will draw for you

[Jin Siyue]: You have a little conscience

Yu Qingtang put his hand on Cheng Zhanxi's arm, Cheng Zhanxi looked up and saw the red-to-green indicator light on the opposite side of the intersection, and put away the phone.

Yu Qingtang glanced at the phone she put away.

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Jin Siyue."

Yu Qingtang looked slightly embarrassed, and turned his eyes slightly unnaturally, but a smile was quietly tinged on the corner of his lips.

The zebra crossing is very long, but the green light is very short. As soon as the normal pace reaches the middle, the green light starts flashing. With the urging short sound effect, everyone on the zebra crossing is running. Cheng Zhanxi also runs with Yu Qingtang. At the last second of stepping on the green light, the two reached the opposite side.

Cheng Zhanxi was about to move forward, but Yu Qingtang stopped in place to pant.

Cheng Zhanxi waited beside her cooperatively.

Yu Qingtang swept his gaze casually, and swept to the huge advertisement in the central building of the CBD not far away. It was Jin Siyue's beautiful yet sharp face.

Yu Qingtang's eyes were fixed.

Cheng Zhanxi followed her line of sight and looked over. The vinegar smell that had just been suppressed came up again, and the base of his tongue was sour: "What are you looking at?"

Yu Qingtang didn't notice anything and said, "Jin Siyue, this one looks better than the yogurt advertisement."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Do you know her face?"

Yu Qingtang said, "Isn't there a word next to it?"

The vinegar smell in the air dissipated a little, Cheng Zhanxi hooked her chin and turned her face: "Look at me, what's so beautiful about her."

Yu Qingtang looked at her obediently, her eyes bright.

"Am I good-looking or Jin Siyue is good-looking?"

"You look good." Yu Qingtang did not hesitate.

Cheng Zhanxi teased her chin with her fingertips and said, "Don't look at other women casually."

Yu Qingtang blinked.

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I will be jealous."

Yu Qingtang nodded.

Cheng Zhanxi added: "Men are not good either."

Yu Qingtang nodded again.

Cheng Zhanxi added: "Animals can relax the time appropriately, for example, within ten seconds."

Yu Qingtang smiled.

Cheng Zhanxi wrapped her hands around her waist, took her into his arms, looked down into her dark eyes, and said, "I'm stingy, my heart is smaller than a needle's eye, you have to get used to it."

Yu Qingtang's smile became more and more obvious.

Cheng Zhanxi lightly touched her forehead and confessed in a low voice, "I like you, so much that I am jealous of anything other than me in your eyes."

Yu Qingtang's answer was to raise her hand and hug her tightly.

Cheng Zhanxi's feelings are so strong that it is like spring thunder after another, wantonly falling in the withered valley and wilderness, tearing apart the dark sky, spring thunder rang all over the place, and the rain poured, silencing everything on the land of the long winter. grow.

At noon, there were not as many people shopping for clothes in the mall as at other times. The teller on duty looked at the two women who walked in side by side, eyes lit up, and greeted them from behind the counter.

"Hello, welcome." The shopping guide led Cheng Zhanxi and Yu Qingtang to go inside, "This is our latest new model, you can take a look at it, like this..."

Yu Qingtang doesn't go out for shopping very much. It's fine when online shopping is not developed. Since she can go online and shop behind closed doors, she buys almost all of her clothes online. Anyway, she doesn't look ugly in anything she wears. So facing the enthusiastic shopping guide, she unconsciously took a half step back and grabbed Cheng Zhanxi's hand.

The shopping guide looked around between the two of them, and then asked in a compliment, "Are you two lovers? The relationship is so good."

A faint smile quickly appeared on Yu Qingtang's face, and she changed from the position of Cheng Zhanxi half a step after the mistake to standing side by side with her.

She turned her head and glanced at Cheng Zhanxi, as if waiting for Cheng Zhanxi to admit to the shopping guide.

Cheng Zhanxi smiled at her, tilted her head to the shopping guide beside her, and let her speak for herself.

Yu Qingtang bit her lower lip slightly, looked at the shopping guide in front of her, clenched her fist with her empty hand, and said as much as she could, "Yes, she is my girlfriend."

The moment she said the words, Yu Qingtang felt that there were tens of thousands of small flowers blooming in her heart at the same time, and butterflies fluttered lightly.

There is no lack of sincere flattery from the shopping guide: "The two are a perfect match."

Yu Qingtang smiled.

The shopping guide said: "I don't know who the two of you are buying clothes? Do you still want to buy them?"

Cheng Zhanxi still didn't speak, and let Yu Qingtang communicate with the clerk himself.

Yu Qingtang's posture became more and more calm, holding Cheng Zhanxi's arm and looking around, and said, "I'll buy it, I want a brighter color, do you have any recommendations?"

The shopping guide could see that she was the target customer and said, "Yes, please come with me."

There are many kinds of clothes in spring and summer, and there are many new seasonal styles in the store. The clerk recommends her with a lot of tongues.

Yu Qingtang has white skin, slender waist and long legs, and long black hair scattered behind her. The clothes on her are not to add color to her, but the glory of the clothes.

Cheng Zhanxi sat on the sofa and watched her try on clothes one by one, nodding and holding up her phone to take pictures.

The test is almost done, and the shopping guide came up to ask which pieces I liked.

Yu Qingtang looked at Cheng Zhanxi, Cheng Zhanxi handed her the mobile phone that took the photo, Yu Qingtang picked three pieces she liked, and Cheng Zhanxi picked her favorite. Coincidentally, two of their aesthetics overlapped. The other Yu Qingtang also thought it looked good, but he didn't want to buy so many in the same store.

After the bill was settled, the clerk grinned and sent Cheng Yu and the two to the door, handed them the packaging bag, and watched them walk into the store next door.

It was not until the two of them were full of paper bags with all four hands that they ended their shopping and went to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

After returning home, I spread the clothes in the bag on the bed. Yu Qingtang's personality is still indifferent, so most of the ones I buy are light colors, such as beige, light white, light blue, etc. Dark colors include coffee and navy blue, which are more calm. Dignified colors.

Yu Qingtang wants to change clothes, and Cheng Zhanxi goes outside to wait.

After a while, the door was opened from the inside, and Yu Qingtang in a long white dress walked out, revealing a graceful neck and a clearly visible collarbone. Putting on matching high-heeled shoes with thin straps, she became taller and taller, with well-proportioned and straight calves.

Cheng Zhanxi's eyes lit up first, and a look of astonishment flashed, and then he pushed Yu Qingtang back and said firmly, "No, change one."

Yu Qingtang was confused by her push, took a picture of herself in front of the full-length mirror, and said anxiously, "Isn't it good-looking?"

Cheng Zhanxi kissed her loudly and said, "You look good, but I'm not ready for others to see you like this."

Yu Qingtang blinked.

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I'll pick it for you."

Cheng Zhanxi was picking and choosing on the bed, as if he was caught in a difficult choice. After struggling for a long time, he finally picked up one: "This."

After Yu Qingtang changed out, Cheng Zhanxi sat on the sofa in the living room, looked up and down, and reluctantly said, "Okay."

Yu Qingtang smiled.

At six o'clock in the evening, Jin Siyue's flight arrived.

Cheng Zhanxi parked the car at 5:50 and took Yu Qingtang to the pick-up point of the terminal building, receiving countless eyes along the way. Cheng Zhanxi tried to block Yu Qingtang's gaze, but it didn't help, and she herself attracted bees and butterflies.

She is used to being watched, but Yu Qingtang is very unfamiliar. Although she is beautiful, she always dresses in an unremarkable manner. She is also low-key and has no sense of presence in the crowd. It seems that everyone is looking at her today, and it is not her. illusion.

A couple passed by the two of them, the man's neck was twisted 120 degrees back, his eyes were sticking to Yu Qingtang, and his girlfriend twisted his arm severely.

In addition, after the two of them walked over, a girl with a suitcase stayed where she was and couldn't regain her senses, staring blankly at the backs of the two.

Floral and woody scents float in the air.

Cheng Zhanxi and Yu Qingtang sat on the bench and looked at the electronic information display above.

Cheng Zhanxi looked at Yu Qingtang with a moving expression. Yu Qingtang looked at her and immediately understood what she had remembered.

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, she was afraid that Cheng Zhanxi would not come, so she sat here all day and night in order to wait for her.

At that time, how could she expect to come to the airport next time, she has become Cheng Zhanxi's girlfriend, and half of the parents who came to pick her up.

Yu Qingtang rested her head on Cheng Zhanxi's shoulder, and Cheng Zhanxi wrapped her arms around her waist.

six thirty.

Jin Siyue sent a message to Cheng Zhanxi, saying that she was ready to come out with her luggage, asked her to greet the driver, and asked her if she had brought her wife.

Cheng Zhanxi smiled and sent a message: "No, you are dreaming."

Jin Siyue clicked her tongue twice and said, "I'll be there in a minute at most, ready to pick up."

Cheng Zhanxi took Yu Qingtang to stand up, and explained to her: "You should pay attention to wearing a hat, sunglasses, and a mask, covering your face tightly. The person who looks like a thief is Jin Siyue. "

Yu Qingtang: "Huh?"

Cheng Zhanxi smiled and looked at the exit of the passengers who came out one after another.

There were advertisements posted on the pillars of Sicheng Airport, Jin Siyue raised her eyes behind her sunglasses, saw her own face above, and hissed in her heart.

Is she too red? Even small places like Sicheng are full of her advertisements.

Jin Siyue tightened her sunglasses a little.

A passerby next to him cast his gaze many times, Jin Siyue was apprehensive and quickened his pace.

Passerby: "Hey, you..."

Jin Siyue ran away.

The passerby picked up the red one-hundred-yuan note on the ground, looked at the person who was running away in front of him, and put the money into his pocket.

Jin Siyue came out in half a minute, her heart beating wildly and she was out of breath.

She saw a touch of blue for the first time, as if this bright blue was the only thing left in the world. It was getting dark outside, and the airport was as bright as day. The thin woman happened to be standing under the light, which was a bit dazzling, but the light became softer when it fell on her face, as if she didn't dare to face her face, so Jin Siyue I saw the face of the woman in the peacock blue trench coat.

His eyebrows were like ink paintings, his lips were as red as vermilion, and his face was as bright as jade.

Quiet, silent, like a fairy in the world.

Jin Siyue took a light breath, and at the second glance, she saw that the person standing beside her was very familiar.

that is not……

Jin Siyue smiled.

Her hair is small, Cheng Zhanxi.

Wait, how could she stand side by side with that woman, holding hands.

Is it!

This person is her girlfriend!

Jin Siyue's eyes widened.

Did she kidnap the fairy from the sky to earth?

Yu Qingtang looked at the tall woman who stopped a few steps away from the exit, with a hat, sunglasses and a mask, and a guilty conscience, and asked Cheng Zhanxi in a volume that only two people could hear: "It's her. ?"

Cheng Zhanxi hooked his lips and said, "it's her."

She waved to Jin Siyue.

Jin Siyue pushed the suitcase and ran over, took off her sunglasses, and looked at Yu Qingtang without blinking. A friendly and soft voice came from behind the mask, and she added a hint of caution, for fear of disturbing the other party: "Hello."

Yu Qingtang took the initiative to reach out and shook her hand generously: "Hello, Yu Qingtang."

Yu Qingtang's hand was very cold, but it was warm to the touch, like a piece of first-class beautiful jade.

Before Jin Siyue could take a closer look, their hands were separated by Cheng Zhanxi.

Cheng Zhanxi said in a low voice, "There are a lot of people here. Let's talk in a safe place."

Jin Siyue smiled at Yu Qingtang.

Yu Qingtang also politely returned her a shallow smile.

Jin Siyue put her hand on Cheng Zhanxi's shoulder, winked at her, looked at Yu Qingtang after two seconds, and said, "Sister, don't you mind?"

Cheng Zhanxi backhanded an elbow: "who is your sister?"

Jin Siyue was in pain, but it wasn't very painful. She rubbed her ribs and said, "Your girlfriend, it stands to reason that I should be called younger brother and younger sister, but you are not my younger brother, you are my younger sister, so I have to call her younger sister."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Your sister!"

Jin Siyue laughed.

Yu Qingtang couldn't help laughing.

Jin Siyue pointed at her and said, "Look, my sister is smiling."

Cheng Zhanxi gritted his teeth and said, "believe it or not, I'm shouting that Jin Siyue is here, you can't even get out of the airport door today."

Jin Siyue begged her for mercy and surrendered, and turned to Yu Qingtang with two faces again: "Sister, don't you care about her?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Do you call your sister again?"

Jin Siyue: "Sister..."

Cheng Zhanxi raised his voice: "Jin Si..."

Jin Siyue covered her mouth.

Cheng Zhanxi: "Uh, uh." A female star who is half the sky, a talented painter, the two were fighting at the airport, and Yu Qingtang looked at Cheng Zhanxi helplessly.

The two of them had enough trouble, Yu Qingtang stepped forward and pulled the messy collar for Cheng Zhanxi, and Jin Siyue could only hug herself tightly.

After getting into the car, Yu Qingtang sat in the co-pilot and Jin Siyue sat in the back seat.

Yu Qingtang turned around and said, "I was born in March 1991, how about you?"

Jin Siyue said: "coincidentally, I am also in March, how much is your March?"

Yu Qingtang said, "March 24."

Jin Siyue smiled: "I'm 28." She said, "Oops, I can't call you sister anymore."

Yu Qingtang said, "Just call me by my name."

Jin Siyue is as good as she is: "Okay, Qingtang, but you really don't look bigger than Xixi, you only look like you are in your early twenties."

Yu Qingtang nodded: "Thank you."

Jin Siyue hahaha: "I thought she was an old cow eating young grass and found a female college student. Wait a minute, I'll reply with a message."

Cheng Zhanxi just set the car on fire.

Jin Siyue's news came in.

[Your girlfriend is okay, think of you everywhere, asking my age just because I don't want me to call her sister, can I call her sister? 】

Cheng Zhanxi: [roll away]

Jin Siyue put away her mobile phone and greeted Yu Qingtang warmly.

"What do you do?" "Teacher, good teacher, teaching and educating people."

He asked again: "How did you two meet? Who likes whom first?"

Cheng Zhanxi pricked up his ears.

Yu Qingtang was silent for a few seconds, and said, "We met together in a convenience store sheltering from the rain. I fell in love with her at first sight."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled.

Jin Siyue covered her heart and sighed.

She is sour.

Jin Siyue was so sour with goose bumps that she couldn't gossip anymore. She twisted the mineral water in the car and took two sips, covered her blankets and closed her eyes.

Cheng Zhanxi and Yu Qingtang looked at each other, and Yu Qingtang lowered his eyes shyly.

Cheng Zhanxi stopped the car and took out his mobile phone.

Just as Yu Qingtang walked out of the car door, the phone in her pocket vibrated.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Why do you say you love me at first sight?

[Yu Qingtang]: Because you are very good

[Cheng Zhanxi]: So everyone has to fall in love with me at first sight?

[Yu Qingtang]: Not everyone

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Huh?

[Yu Qingtang]: It can only be me

After Yu Qingtang sent this sentence, her heart was beating like a drum, and she held the locked phone screen upside down to her heart, not daring to look at Cheng Zhanxi's face beside her.

Cheng Zhanxi tilted his head and smiled at her, and also stretched out his fingers to tease her chin.

Jin Siyue: "..."

The two of them messaged each other and flirted in front of her, thinking she was blind?

Jin Siyue cleared her throat.

"Can you two go? I'm hungry."

Yu Qingtang was embarrassed, and subconsciously moved forward, Cheng Zhanxi just reached out and rubbed her into his arms, raised his head and said slowly to Jin Siyue, "You scared her."

Jin Siyue cupped her hands and flicked her sleeves.


She went forward first.

Yu Qingtang grabbed Cheng Zhanxi's sleeve and asked, "Is she angry?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "No, she is jealous of us."

Yu Qingtang slightly curved the corner of her lower lip.

Cheng Zhanxi's friends all have good temperaments, so they can be friends with her.

Cheng Zhanxi lowered his head and kissed her lips, held her hand and clasped her fingers together, and said generously, "Let's go, let's show our affection."

Yu Qingtang tapped her arm lightly.

Jin Siyue still kept a full camouflage and was sneaky. She didn't dare to take off the mask until she entered the box, and put her hat and sunglasses on top of the mask.

The waiter who came in to serve tea saw her face, exclaimed "ah" and almost covered his mouth with a hot teapot. Jin Siyue put her index finger in the center of her lips: "Shh."

The waiter slowly calmed down and poured tea for the three people present.

She raised her eyes, saw Cheng Zhanxi's face, and wow in her heart, is this also a star? Why is there no impression in my mind?

Immediately after seeing Yu Qingtang sitting upright with his hands in front of him, he was mad for a while, and he didn't even notice that the water in the cup overflowed.

Or Cheng Zhanxi gently reminded: "Hello?"

The waiter quickly stopped the pouring teapot, put it on the table, and wiped the water on the table with a tissue.

"sorry Sorry."

Cheng Zhanxi took the tissue in her hand and said warmly, "It's okay, I'll do it myself."

The waiter said sorry twice, but his eyes were looking at the cold and alienated Yu Qingtang.

Jin Siyue was watching the fun by eating beans. If her memory is correct, this is the first time that Cheng Zhanxi has been ignored by others.

Yu Qingtang said calmly, "It's okay."

The waiter Fang breathed a sigh of relief, his inner guilt lessened, bowed slightly, and exited the box.

Cheng Zhanxi wiped the water off the table, and the phone next to him vibrated.

[Jin Siyue]: Tit for tat, there are people who are even more attractive than you. We were by your side before, which one was not set off by you to be bleak? Your girlfriend is so attractive, how do you feel?

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Thank you for your invitation.

[Jin Siyue]: Hahahahaha

Cheng Zhanxi turned the screen upside down and ignored Jin Siyue's ridicule.

She pushed the bronzing menu on the table to Jin Siyue, got up and took another copy to Yu Qingtang, and asked them both to order.

When ordering, she held her chin to look at Yu Qingtang. Before she knew it, Yu Qingtang had changed a lot, and she was completely different from when they first met. She is like a peerless flower that has been silent for more than 20 years in buds, alluring the world and showing her beauty to the world bit by bit. Every time she blooms, she will attract endless amazement.

Her baby can't be hidden.

The back of Yu Qingtang's hand under the table was suddenly covered by Cheng Zhanxi's raised hand, Yu Qingtang looked up at her with a suspicious look.

Cheng Zhanxi squeezed her fingers and shook her head, indicating that it was nothing.

Yu Qingtang turned her palm over, from bottom to top, her five fingers penetrated between her fingers and ten fingers interlocked.

Cheng Zhanxi laughed.

so what? This flower is already hers.

After eating, Cheng Zhanxi first sent Yu Qingtang back to the old city and stopped at the gate of the courtyard with green walls and white tiles.

Cheng Zhanxi tilted his head to Jin Siyue in the back seat and said, "Avoid."

Jin Siyue said, "I value **** over friends" and got out of the car.

Cheng Zhanxi lowered the car window and said, "Go further."

Jin Siyue made a mouth gesture to her: You wait.

She is a dignified star, and only Cheng Zhanxi orders her so shamelessly.

Jin Siyue stood at the base of the wall, looked down at her phone, and calculated the time.

Ten minutes later, the co-pilot's door finally opened, and from Jin Siyue's distance, Yu Qingtang's unusually rosy face and her even redder lips could be seen.

Jin Siyue smacked her lips.

Beasts, they are all swollen.

Yu Qingtang bent down and seemed to be talking to Cheng Zhanxi through the lowered car window of the co-pilot. When she straightened up again, her face turned even redder, she stretched out her fingers and hooked the ink hair beside her ear, turned around and pushed open the courtyard door, and her back disappeared. behind the door.

Jin Siyue came from not far away, went around to the co-pilot, opened the door and sat in.

Cheng Zhanxi sighed in disappointment.

Jin Siyue: "Tsk."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled ingratiatingly: "Sister Yue, I was wrong."

Jin Siyue fastened her seat belt slowly, and snorted softly: "You are sweet."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Where to go next? Hotel?"

Jin Siyue said, "No hurry, go to where you live first, and I'll see how you are doing."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled and said, "I'm not a child, why are you like my mother?"

Jin Siyue bowed her head and blew her new manicure, and said, "You think I'm happy, isn't it my mother? I accidentally leaked the wind and said that I was going to see you, my dear, she almost came with me. ."

Cheng Zhanxi laughed out loud.

Before she started the car, Jin Siyue stretched out her hand, pinched her chin and looked left and right, and said, "You tell me how long your face is, why..."

Cheng Zhanxi put her chin on her palm and blinked: "It's so attractive."

Jin Siyue added the second half of the sentence: "...It's a short breath."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Huh?"

Jin Siyue: "I was compared by your girlfriend."

Cheng Zhanxi felt that the two of them were in the middle, and said, "Is there any?"

Jin Siyue nodded, released her chin, and said, "Yes."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled nonchalantly: "she is my girlfriend anyway, and hers is mine."

Jin Siyue said: "Actually, you didn't lose to her in terms of facial features, but there is a difference in temperament. This difference does not mean that your temperament is worse than hers, but... you two stand together, I see it at first glance. It was her who arrived, and it felt like seeing a fairy."

Jin Siyue recalled the first time she saw Yu Qingtang, and there was a little surprise and longing on her face.

Cheng Zhanxi's alarm bell rang loudly, staring dangerously at her.

Jin Siyue: "..."

Come on, can't she just say Yu Qingtang? The king of vinegar in the capital is none other than her.

Jin Siyue didn't talk to her, and the small groups who clicked into WeChat were all friends of Cheng Zhanxi who played well in Beijing.

She posted a message about Sicheng a few hours ago, and her friends are crazy @ her, the questions are similar, have you seen someone with Xixi, how they look, how is their personality, and some people who are running on the train directly ask Who gets on who gets off.

Jin Siyue has never appeared, and a new topic has been changed in the group, 99+ minutes per minute.

Jin Siyue roughly flipped through the records and typed: [I saw a real person]

The group that had been quiet not long ago exploded.

【Ah ah ah ah Sister Yue! 】

【How is it? Does it look good? 】

Jin Siyue closed her eyes and recalled it, exhaled softly, and tapped her fingertips on the keyboard.

[Jin Siyue]: She found a fairy sister

The group was full of "Ah ah ah ah", "Breaking photos", "Sister Yue is good-looking or Xixi's girlfriend is good-looking".

Jin Siyue saw the last one and typed a reply.

[Jin Siyue]: She looks better

The group wow ah ah ah, and asked again: Is Xixi good-looking or her girlfriend is good-looking?

Jin Siyue hesitated.

[Jin Siyue]: Maybe I've known Xixi for too long, and I'm used to seeing her. Her girlfriend seems to be more beautiful. [Jin Siyue]: You'll know when you see it later.

[Jin Siyue]: No photos, I'm not a paparazzi, I almost got it, I want to see myself in line, Sicheng is not far away

Cheng Zhanxi parked the car in the underground garage of the famous mansion, turned on her phone while waiting for the elevator on the negative floor, wanted to see if Yu Qingtang had sent her a message, but was overwhelmed by @ and private chats in the group, she clicked a few They asked her if she was free to entertain her and wanted to come to Sicheng to see her girlfriend.

Cheng Zhanxi: "???"