After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 114

The Cowherd and Weaver Girl Magpie Bridge left class 7 after their meeting, and the students did not see the specific exchange of heartfelt feelings.

After Yu Qingtang and Cheng Zhanxi left, a fierce exchange broke out in the class.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"They just wanted to kiss, did they want to kiss!"

"I swear by ten math papers, I will definitely kiss you when I go back, and it's Teacher Cheng who speaks first!"

"As expected of Teacher Cheng! It's a pity that there is no physical education class today, otherwise I can ask her."

"Wake up quickly, she won't say anything if you ask, you might as well have a dream come faster."

"There are so many desks in the classroom, I'd like to make a bed and let them stay in place—"

Squad leader Li Lan coughed heavily.

Tong Feifei's words came to her mouth, she turned sharply, and said, "Kiss her, the sky is broken!"

The students said in succession, "I am willing, and I am also willing!"

Li Lan turned to look at Lian Yabing, who had been very calm from the beginning to the present. Compared with the bold speeches of other classmates, she seemed extra quiet, but her eyes were shining and her eyes were full of tears. The heart is not as peaceful as the surface.

As a CP fan, the highest realm of life and death is not on the surface, but in one's own brain.

If the image of the brain supplement cannot be put out, it has to be mosaic.

Lian Yabing slid a tear from the corner of her eye, wiped it away in time with the back of her hand, buried her face in her arms, and closed her eyes peacefully, her face full of unconcealed happiness.

Li Lan: "..."

The last time she had a chat with Lian Yabing, Lian Yabing seemed to have amnesia as if nothing happened.

Perhaps pretending to have amnesia is also her attitude, but Li Lan will not make her amnesia forever.

Cheng Zhanxi took Yu Qingtang to the Wind and Rain Corridor. The Wind and Rain Corridor is a sacred place for dating. It was the first time they came here after they were officially together. The weather is getting warmer, but the cool breeze in the wind and rain promenade surrounded by wisteria flowers is very comfortable on the face.

Hiding in a place where no one was around, Cheng Zhanxi pressed Yu Qingtang's face to his chest and listened to her violent heartbeat.

In summer, the clothes were thin, but Yu Qingtang had a clean mind at first, counting the number of heart beats, then turned his face back and buried it deeply.

Cheng Zhanxi poked his fingers into her silky hair and gently combed the woman's long hair.

"Someone is here." Cheng Zhanxi whispered above her head.

Yu Qingtang hurriedly sat up straight, raised his hand and tucked his long falling hair behind his ears, pursed the corners of his lips, and in one second went from being obsessed with his girlfriend to being serious and serious as a teacher.

Cheng Zhanxi raised his eyebrows.

Okay, Mr. Yu.

Yu Qingtang looked around, except for the Thinker statue in the center of the lawn, there was no second humanoid object.

Cheng Zhanxi was pinched skillfully on the waist.

Cheng Zhanxi pretended to be pitiful: "I just came back."

Yu Qingtang turned to rub her waist. Both men and women, the waist is a very sensitive place, not to mention that the two of them have been in love for a month apart. Cheng Zhanxi touched her soft and boneless hand a few times, feeling a little unbearable, avoiding her hand uncomfortably, and said with a smile, "It's alright."

Yu Qingtang is also very playful sometimes. Cheng Zhanxi said yes, but she couldn't.

Touch and touch, touch and touch.

Cheng Zhanxi grabbed her hand unbearably, held her wrists with both hands and pulled him closer, looking into her dark eyes.

Cheng Zhanxi's eyes are gentle brown, and the pupil color is lighter than Yu Qingtang's, but now the tenderness inside is gone, the pupils are deep, and the eyes that look at Yu Qingtang are full of danger.

Yu Qingtang has seen many times on the bed, on the sofa, in the bathroom, on the sink and even on the marble counter in the kitchen.

Yu Qingtang did not hide, but slowly parted her lips, revealing a soft red tip of her tongue.

There was a buzzing sound in Cheng Zhanxi's mind.

She did it on purpose.

Yu, Qing, Tang.

Cheng Zhanxi gritted her teeth and called her name in her heart, not knowing whether it was love or anger, but probably both.

Cheng Zhanxi reached out to cover the back of her head and kissed her hard.

This kiss was much more intense than before. Cheng Zhanxi remembered that he was outside, so it was intense, and his hands were well-behaved. The clothes of the two were always neatly dressed, even the collars were not messed up.

Cheng Zhanxi bit her tongue lightly and backed out.

Yu Qingtang fell into her arms and panted violently, her scalp tingling from the kiss, and her fingertips were shaking slightly.

Cheng Zhanxi poked her waist: "are you still playing? Huh?"

Yu Qingtang almost snorted, her eyes were stained with blurred water, and she said in a low voice, "Stop playing."

"Do you dare next time?"

Yu Qingtang was silent and said, "Dare."

"Baby is awesome." Cheng Zhanxi smiled.

After resting almost, Yu Qingtang's weakness improved, Cheng Zhanxi took her hand and stood up and said, "Go back to the office?"


Yu Qingtang took a step, her expression was a little unnatural, and her ears were slightly stunned.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Zhanxi turned back.

Yu Qingtang said, "Nothing."

His face flushed red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In broad daylight, she was just kissed by Cheng Zhanxi, why...


"It's really nothing." Yu Qingtang ignored her body's reaction and followed her footsteps.

The office teacher extended a warm welcome to Cheng Zhanxi's return to school, and soon Cheng Zhanxi's table was filled with snacks from the teachers. Cheng Zhanxi's leave is until next week, so she doesn't have to go to class today, she just sits in the office and accompanies Yu Qingtang.

Fortunately, there was only one class left in the morning, and Yu Qingtang's work efficiency was extremely low. For a blank document, he only wrote two lines after school.

When the school bell rang, Yu Qingtang tidied up the desk within minutes.

The two smiled at each other and left the office together.

Ge Jing held her chin and watched the two of them go away from the field of vision at the door.

The two packed two meals to take away in Shaxian at the gate of the school. As soon as the door was closed, Cheng Zhanxi kissed Yu Qingtang, wrapped him in his arms, and put the plastic bag with the packing box on the entrance cabinet.

The two stumbled open the bedroom door.

Clothes were scattered on the floor.

The automatic curtains were closed, and the room was dark.

The thoughts that words are not enough to express are incisively and vividly in the entangled sweat.

Cheng Zhanxi kissed her endlessly, the frequency of dirtytalk skyrocketed, and he had to make up for it for a month.

Yu Qingtang opened her eyes, her eyes were lost, her ears could still receive Cheng Zhanxi's rude words, and she was going crazy.

Cheng Zhanxi intensified, and at the end, Yu Qingtang didn't know whether she did it or what she said.


Yu Qingtang lay in her arms, took off the things on her fingers and threw them into the trash can beside the bed, raised her hand in the dim light, and looked at her slender fingers.

"Does it look good?"


Cheng Zhanxi laughed and pointed, "Do you like it?"

Yu Qingtang took her hand and opened her mouth.

Cheng Zhanxi said frankly, "you bite, whatever you want."

Yu Qingtang stared for a moment, and took a painless bite on her tail finger.

Cheng Zhanxi stretched his arms and put her in his arms, kissing her cheeks and temples.

"are you hungry?"

Yu Qingtang may have been stuck in her mind just now, she shook her head and said, "I have to go to work in the afternoon."

Cheng Zhanxi laughed dumbly.

Yu Qingtang reacted: "..."

The takeaway at the entrance was cold, Cheng Zhanxi threw it into the microwave and dinged it. The food that tasted ordinary was more ordinary, but how could a lover who is full of love care about this, sitting at both ends of the table and eating it quickly, the reason is very Quick, in a hurry.

Cheng Zhanxi took Yu Qingtang to the bathroom to take a shower, and came out not very violently, and the two hugged and slept together.

Cheng Zhanxi took a long-distance plane and was tired from the journey, so he rested at home in the afternoon.

When the alarm clock rang, Cheng Zhanxi reached out and pressed it off, kissing the sleeping beauty beside him. The dreamer woke up and wrapped her neck around her, seducing Cheng Zhanxi to deepen the kiss.

Dazed, chaotic.

Yu Qingtang closed her eyes, held Cheng Zhanxi's wrist, and took the initiative to send her to where she wanted her to go.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't move.

Yu Qingtang gave a vague "um" and opened his eyes.

"I'm going to be late for work." Cheng Zhanxi said softly and turned on the bedroom light.

Very ruthless.

Yu Qingtang leaned back and forth in her arms for a while, and sat up reluctantly.

Cheng Zhanxi brought her the clothes that were thrown on the sofa and waited for her to put them on.

On the way from the bedroom to the entrance, the corners of Yu Qingtang's mouth twitched, displeased written all over her face.

Cheng Zhanxi rubbed her head in a funny way: "Good."

Yu Qingtang pouted even higher.

Cheng Zhanxi tapped her lips with her fingertips, pressed it to beep, and pressed it to beep.

Yu Qingtang couldn't help but smile: "I'm going to work."

Cheng Zhanxi took her by the collar and said gently, "I'll pick you up after school."

Yu Qingtang said "um" and looked into her eyes slightly brightly.

Cheng Zhanxi bowed his head and kissed her knowingly.

Unscrewing the lid of the lipstick that was always available at the entrance, Cheng Zhanxi applied her lip makeup and sent her out: "See you later."

"See you later." Yu Qingtang walked backwards towards the elevator.

Cheng Zhanxi watched her at the door.


The elevator door opened and Yu Qingtang walked in.

Blue shirt, white skirt, jet black hair.

The last strand of hair rose and fell, and the figure was hidden at the elevator entrance.

Cheng Zhanxi stood at the door for a while before closing the door.

Going back to the bed again, the phone vibrated.

[Yu Qingtang]: I don't want to go to work

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Then resign

[Yu Qingtang]: ...

[Yu Qingtang]: I went to work

In the afternoon, in addition to the daily work of the head teacher and thinking about Cheng Zhanxi, there was another thing that occupied her mind.

She turned on her phone several times to check for new logistics information.

Fortunately for her, Song Qingrou didn't send her a courier anymore. According to the time, from the day before Cheng Zhanxi came back, Song Qingrou no longer mentioned the matter of sending things.

Yu Qingtang is just dull, but not stupid, but normal people will find the coincidence.

Her time bomb that would explode at any time, the circle of friends, may have exploded in Song Qingrou.

Yu Qingtang clicked into Song Qingrou's chat box. Yesterday, she was still caring for her body, reminding her to pay attention to sun protection and be careful of heat stroke.

Yu Qingtang pinched his brows, returned to the main interface, and locked the phone screen.

In the fourth class in the afternoon, Cheng Zhanxi, who was full of sleep, appeared in the office, came to pick up Yu Qingtang, brought a bag, and brought chocolates from abroad, and the teachers all had one.

Yu Qingtang also has a box, only she is heart-shaped.

Go to the supermarket, go home to cook, and watch TV on the sofa in the living room.

Everything is the same as before, Cheng Zhanxi seems to have never left, only late at night lingering over and over again to show the fact that they are getting married.

Cheng Zhanxi will be self-sufficient anyway, and he even bought a small toy abroad-because it would be a bit embarrassing to go through the security check at the airport. Yu Qingtang knew nothing, Cheng Zhanxi was absent, she was blind in both eyes, and could only toss and turn in the middle of the night, unable to fall asleep.

She occasionally has spring dreams, but she has a special technique of not remembering what she dreamed about.

During the day on Saturday, Yu Qingtang did not get out of bed except for lunch, and did not let Cheng Zhanxi get out of bed.

In the evening, Cheng Zhanxi made a video call at home at the dining table, and Yu Qingtang worked in the study.

Cheng Zhanxi talks to her home every week, and Yu Qingtang basically avoids it. This time, she quietly opened the door of the study, and the sound of the restaurant came into her ears clearly.

Song Qingrou asked for warmth, and Cheng Zhanxi obediently said yes here, I know.

Yu Qingtang listened for a long time, then suddenly froze.

Song Qingrou mentioned her.

"Is your girlfriend at home?"

"Yes." Cheng Zhanxi replied, "She is preparing lessons in the study."

As she said that, she turned her head and glanced at the study door, something flashed in her sight, and when she looked closely, there was only a closed door.

Yu Qingtang pressed her back against the door of the room, her heart beating like a drum.

so close.

Song Qingrou's expression sank.

Cheng Zhanxi paused for a while and asked, "Do you want to see her?"

Song Qingrou said, "No." She said with good reason, "See you when you come, the video is too informal."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I feel the same way." So she would avoid Yu Qingtang when she played the video, and Yu Qingtang didn't even show that she wanted to see her family.


Thinking of this, Cheng Zhanxi turned to look at the study room again, and just happened to meet Yu Qingtang, who was peeking.

Yu Qingtang: "!!!"

The door closed again.

Cheng Zhanxi hooked his lips, turned to Song Qingrou and said, "I think you will be able to see your daughter-in-law soon."

Song Qingrou smiled.

Cheng Zhanxi asked, "Are you happy?"

Song Qing Ju said: "Happy."

Cheng Yuanxi's arm was almost twisted by Song Qingrou, and Song Qingrou barely restrained her overly bright smile.

After a while.

Cheng Zhanxi asked, "Mom, are you in a good mood today? You've been laughing."

Song Qing Ju said: "Mom is very happy every day."

Cheng Zhanxi was also very happy: "just be happy."

The Cheng family's acting skills are in the same line, until the video call was over, Cheng Zhanxi didn't notice anything unusual.

She knocked on the door of the study, pushed open the door, and Yu Qingtang sat behind the desk, working attentively. Cheng Zhanxi put down a glass of milk by her hand, Yu Qingtang looked up following her beautiful hand, Cheng Zhanxi looked down at the books and notebooks she spread on the table, and said, "Are you still busy?"

Yu Qingtang put down the pen and said, "No."

She stood up, Cheng Zhanxi sat in her place and pulled her to sit on his lap.

"When I was abroad, my mother asked me for your photo." Cheng Zhanxi said gently, wrapping one hand around her waist and the tip of the other finger around the black hair on her chest.

The second boot fell to the ground.

Yu Qingtang only had a sense of settling as it really was.


Cheng Zhanxi flipped through the chat records with her mother and reported a date. Yu Qingtang went back to check the number and found that it was the day she and Song Qingrou met.

Yu Qingtang: "..."

She guessed that she was exposed, but she didn't expect it to be so early.

Seeing her unpredictable expression, Cheng Zhanxi couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, and said, "Do you mind? I did it without your permission..."

In Cheng Zhanxi's view of feelings, even if they are a couple, even if they get married in the future, it does not mean that Yu Qingtang is her property. Marriage can only serve as one of the proofs that she wants to spend her life with her.

Yu Qingtang shook her head and asked, "What did your mother say?"

Cheng Zhanxi breathed a sigh of relief and smiled lightly: "My mother said you are beautiful. You don't know, my mother is a serious face control, do you know what it means?"

Yu Qingtang shook her head.

Cheng Zhanxi said: "it's just crazy like people who are good-looking, and beauty is the highest criterion. If my mother sees you, she will be crazy with excitement."

Yu Qingtang thought to herself: No wonder Aunt Song was so enthusiastic that was so terrifying.

Cheng Zhanxi said: "In short, she must like you, but I don't know if you like her. Would you like me to show you my mother's photo?"

Yu Qingtang: "?"

Cheng Zhanxi said: "you and my family are in a relationship of mutual choice, not because you want to please them, just because they are my parents and brothers, are they higher than you? No."

Yu Qingtang opened her eyes wide, hearing this for the first time.

"But the last time you went to see your grandparents..."

"They are old people, and they have different ideas. My family doesn't talk about those rules and regulations. There is no such thing as a daughter-in-law who must be filial and please the elders." Cheng Zhanxi said, "Believe it or not, they are more nervous than you, worried that you will not like it. They affect my impression."

Yu Qingtang laughed, not daring to imagine such a scene, but invisibly relaxed a lot.

Cheng Zhanxi wrapped her waist around her and whispered softly against her ear: "Go home with me?"

Yu Qingtang lowered her eyes and put her hand on the back of Cheng Zhanxi's warm hand.

After a long time, the tips of her ears were slightly red, and she nodded indiscernibly.

Cheng Zhanxi was overjoyed and kissed the woman's cheek loudly.

He turned her to face him again, clasped the back of her head and kissed her.

Yu Qingtang was breathless by her passionate kiss, her face flushed, and she had to reach out and push her shoulders.

Cheng Zhanxi took the phone and said, "I'm going to report this good news to my mother."

She seemed impatient, Yu Qingtang was shy and shy, and was not willing to stop her.

Song Qingrou received her daughter's voice before going to bed and clicked to play.

Cheng Zhanxi's voice was full of smiles: "Mom!"

This speech is only one second.

Cheng Zhanxi laughed to himself for a while, rubbed his stiff face on the sofa in the living room, and then sent it over: "I...hahaha...I plan to bring my girlfriend home during the summer vacation...hahahaha."

Song Qingrou heard half of it, and quickly collected this.

[System notification: Cheng Zhanxi withdrew a message]

Cheng Zhanxi reposted a clear and smooth speech.

Song Qingrou put the one in her collection in the bedroom, smiling so hard that she couldn't stand upright.


Cheng Yi looked at her helplessly and doting on the side.

Song Qingrou was out of breath with laughter, and said intermittently, "My daughter... it's over... how did she become so stupid... Hahahaha..."

Cheng Yixin said what is the difference between you and her now?

Song Qingrou handed the phone to Cheng Yi, and Cheng Yi replied maturely and prudently, "Received, we will prepare well."

Song Qingrou laughed, leaning back and forth with laughter: "Hahahahaha."

Cheng Yi pulled her to the edge of the bed and sat down, applying hand cream to her.

Song Qingrou stopped her laughter for a second and said anxiously, "Where's my phone?"

Cheng Yi took the phone from the dresser.

Song Qingrou clicked on WeChat, found Yu Qingtang's chat box, and said, "I have to tell Xiaotang quickly, don't reveal the secret, or we won't be acting in vain for so long."

Yu Qingtang could hear Cheng Zhanxi's laughter across a study door, and she couldn't help curling her lips as she blushed.

But one question always hovered in her mind.

Isn't it inappropriate to hide from Cheng Zhanxi that she and Song Qingrou met?

Lovers should be honest with each other, but is she going to tell everything about the Wei family now?

Song Qingrou made a choice for her.

The phone on the desk vibrated.

[Song Qingrou]: Xiaotang, are you coming to our house during the summer vacation?

Song Qingrou was no longer false, and told her plainly: I know, you are my daughter's girlfriend.

Yu Qingtang looked up at the study door and typed nervously: [Auntie...]

[Song Qingrou]: Auntie will discuss something with you

[Yu Qingtang]: You said

[Song Qingrou]: It's what you and I saw in the capital before, don't tell Xixi

Yu Qingtang: "???"

[Yu Qingtang]: Why?

[Song Qingrou]: This is our family's team building activity

Yu Qingtang: "..."

[Song Qingrou]: Do you want to come with us? Very interesting [winks]

Cheng Zhanxi controlled his smile, pushed the door open, and saw Yu Qingtang sitting behind the desk looking strange.

"What's up?"

"It's fine." Yu Qingtang opened the notebook in front of him and picked up the pen, "I thought of a math problem."

Cheng Zhanxi didn't delve into it.

It's not that she didn't find Yu Qingtang's performance a little weird today, but that everyone has their own secrets, and she will naturally say it when she wants to. The most important thing is that this thing she didn't know didn't affect Yu Qingtang's mood, it should be Not a bad thing.

The tip of Yu Qingtang's pen was hanging above the paper, but it didn't fall for a while, then suddenly raised his eyes and said, "Your home..."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Huh?"

Yu Qingtang swallowed back: "Nothing."

It turned out that he was still nervous about meeting his parents.

Cheng Zhanxi bent over and hugged her shoulders, soothed: "It's okay, they are all good at talking. If you feel awkward, just hide behind me the whole time."

Yu Qingtang pulled the corner of his lips.

One monthly exam and one term-end, time is like the wind. Class 17 of Senior 1 and 7 have finished their one-year study tasks, and teachers and teachers will also usher in their summer vacation.

At the end of the final exam, the students in Class 7 felt relaxed for a while, but sadness filled their hearts afterward. They will be divided into classes next semester, and the seventh class is still there, but it is no longer their group.

They returned to Class 7 classrooms from various examination rooms and put the desks and chairs back in place.

Yu Qingtang has been on the podium, waiting for everyone to sit upright, reading out the precautions for the summer vacation.

After Yu Qingtang announced that he could go home, Li Lan shouted, "Stand up!" He took the lead and stood up.

The desks and chairs in the class rattled, and all the students stood up, bowed and said in unison, "Goodbye, teacher—"

Yu Qingtang turned to face the blackboard, preventing them from seeing the tears in his eyes.

"I haven't been divided yet. I'll see you next semester." She choked her throat and said, "Okay, goodbye, classmates, and stay safe."

The students were silent for a long time. They all knew that the beginning of school was parting. The seventh class would not have a moment of unity and integrity like now, so try to see the back of the podium and remember the classmates around you. They are cheerful, introverted, and sparkling. Yes, inconspicuous.

Yu Qingtang turned around, her eyes were a little red, and there were no traces of tears. She smiled and said, "Okay, let's go home."

The students left the classroom one by one in an orderly manner. At the door, they met Cheng Zhanxi, who had been waiting for a long time, and politely said, "Mr. Cheng."

Tong Feifei walked up to Cheng Zhanxi without thinking too much. She raised her head and asked, "Mr. Cheng will teach our class next semester?"

She realized something, and her eyes turned red.

Without their class, of course there would be no teacher Cheng.

Tong Feifei cried out, Cheng Zhanxi touched her head, and the girl's tears wetted her shirt.

After sending all the students away, Cheng Zhanxi walked into the classroom, and Yu Qingtang sat on the podium, watching the empty classroom motionlessly.

Cheng Zhanxi walked to her side, held her face with both hands, wiped the tears from her face gently with his fingertips, and said softly, "We're going home."