After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 124

Yu Qingtang's smile stiffened on his face.

Cheng Zhanxi squeezed her knuckles to comfort her, and said gently, "You can't see what you don't want to see."

Yu Qingtang was silent for a moment, then said, "I think about it."

The red light turned green, Cheng Zhanxi pulled his hand back and held the steering wheel again.

In Cheng Zhanxi's peripheral vision, Yu Qingtang looked ahead without any expression on his face, as if he was in a daze for a long time.

When she got home, Yu Qingtang also looked half-slow. Cheng Zhanxi pressed the buckle of her seat belt, and with a "click", Yu Qingtang tilted her head dully, her eyes focused: "Huh? Are you home?"

Cheng Zhanxi: "..."

Are you embarrassing her too much? Yu Qingtang doesn't like crowded occasions, although not to the point of social fear, but will feel uncomfortable all over. Not to mention that her friends are all here for Yu Qingtang, shouldn't they be treated like monkeys then?

Cheng Zhanxi went around to the co-pilot, opened the car door, and led Yu Qingtang down.

As soon as he entered the door, Yu Qingtang hugged her, burying his face in his neck and rubbing against her, accompanied by a very low humming.

Cheng Zhanxi wrapped her hands around her slender waist and said softly, "If you don't want to go, we won't go, it's alright."

Yu Qingtang's humming stopped, and she said in a loud voice, "I'm going."

"Then go."

hum hum hum hum hum.

Cheng Zhanxi burst into laughter, and was soft-hearted by her coquettish coquettishness.

She tilted her face, opened her mouth to cover Yu Qingtang's white and tender earlobe, and licked the tip of her tongue.

Yu Qingtang's humming immediately changed its tone, grabbing the fabric of Cheng Zhanxi's shoulders with five fingers, and moving his ears away from her lips.

"It's serious business." There was a hint of anger in his voice that he didn't notice.

"What's the matter, like this?" Cheng Zhanxi imitated her, hum hum hum hum hum.

Yu Qingtang was amused, but also felt annoyed, and pinched her hand around her waist.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't feel pain, but shrank from itching, smiled and kissed her cheek: "Baby is so cute."

Yu Qingtang raised her hands and hooked her neck, Cheng Zhanxi supported her waist and hips, made her hang on him like a koala, and carried her to the sofa to sit down in this posture.

"How much is all?" Yu Qingtang chose to face this question head-on.

"Fifteen, six, seven, eight?"

Yu Qingtang's expression suffocated, and said, "See you once?"

"You can meet one by one if you want, but we can't eat alone for more than ten days, so we have to bring a light bulb."

"...Then let's meet again." Yu Qingtang decisively ruled out the option of meeting separately.

"Don't be nervous, they are all very nice."


Of course Yu Qingtang believed Cheng Zhanxi's words, but it's not a question of whether people are good or not just seeing friends. Is Song Qingrou bad? That day, Yu Qingtang was almost scared to death!

Cheng Zhanxi opened the WeChat group.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: She agreed, can you discuss a time?

[Think Tank No. 1]: Ah ah ah ah!

[Think Tank No. 2]: Don't say anything! Mom agrees to the marriage!

[Think Tank No. 3]: Is the fairy sister going down to earth? Excited!


[Cheng Zhanxi]: You are not allowed to tease her, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences

[Think Tank No. 1]: Xi Xi! Why did you suddenly get up! We are still discussing in the group that you are 0

Cheng Zhanxi thought to myself, I think so, your fairy sister won't give me a chance.

[Think Tank No. 2]: Hahahaha, my mother knew that I didn't misread you, Cheng Zhanxi, forever fierce 1!

[Think Tank No. 10]: Meng 1, you are the best!

Meng 1 Cheng Zhanxi typed again: [You guys discuss first, I'm going to accompany my wife, let's talk back]

All staff: "???"


Cheng Zhanxi, who values ​​sex and friends, and his girlfriend Qingqing and me, did it as gently as possible, and Yu Qingtang fell asleep. Cheng Zhanxi quietly picked up the phone and went to the living room.

She read the news again, and everyone hoped that the sooner the better, but they were no longer children, each had their own jobs, and some even married, so she was very serious about the schedule, and said she didn't have time to stay overnight. Overtime also takes time out.

Cheng Zhanxi typed a little moved: [Thank you, brothers and sisters]

But the question of principle remains to be adhered to.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: I'll repeat, don't tease my girlfriend

Think Tank No. 1-16: Is it too late to break up the friendship now?

The next day, Cheng Zhanxi took Yu Qingtang to see Yu Jianxing, who had come back to Beijing to watch the excitement, as a warm-up.

Yu Jianxing was barely an acquaintance, and Yu Qingtang was not very nervous. However, Yu Jianxing was surprised to see her, and while Yu Qingtang went to the bathroom, he whispered to Cheng Zhanxi: "What have you done, she seems to have changed in a few months."

Let's put it this way, the previous Yu Qingtang made Yu Jianxing instinctively stay away, knowing that she was a flower blooming under the cliff, but did not have the courage to go to the cliff to pick it, after all, no one had witnessed the beauty of that flower with their own eyes. Now Cheng Zhanxi let a beam of sunlight dispel the heavy haze at the bottom of the valley, and exposed the flower to everyone's field of vision. The branches stretched in the wind are extremely brilliant.

If the former Yu Qingtang is the current Yu Qingtang, Yu Jianxing must have decided to chase after her at the first sight of her.

Cheng Zhanxi poured himself a cup of tea, smiled at her, looked into her eyes and said in French: "Puisquec\'estmarose." (Because that is my rose)

The roses that she poured out with her painstaking efforts are connected with her roots. She protected her, she listened to her, she reassured her because it was her love, because it was her rose.

Both of them were studying in France, so it's natural to communicate in French, but when they returned to China, they didn't speak French very often and seldom heard it.

Cheng Zhanxi's voice is clear and clear. When speaking French, his voice is low, and he has a deep and gentle voice.

Yu Jianxing was stunned for a while, stretched out his hand, and showed her the goose bumps on his arm: "My mother, you are too good after falling in love, don't you always attack with love words? Also, you Speaking French is a joke, I almost fell in love with you just now! How is it? Is Yu Qingtang fascinated by you?"

Cheng Zhanxi waved his hand: "It's an exaggeration, she doesn't understand French, but she's obsessed with all kinds of things."

Yu Jianxing said: "You connect the first sentence and the third sentence and say it again."

Cheng Zhanxi laughed.

Yu Jianxing sighed with emotion and said, "I'm relieved to see you like this."

Yu Jianxing raised his teacup and touched her, remembering a piece of news he heard recently, lowered his eyes, and smiled again.

It's best not to mention irrelevant people.

Cheng Zhanxi saw Yu Qingtang walking over, took out the shrimp from the pot, and put on disposable gloves to peel the shrimp for her. Yu Qingtang sat down, and she just put the shrimp into the bowl in front of Yu Qingtang. It's easy to tell whether you like someone or not. When you like someone, your eyes and limbs are close to her, and the mountains and seas can be balanced; if you don't like someone, no matter how close the distance is, the two of you are full of emotions. The estrangement is so far away.

The authorities are fascinated by the bystanders, and Yu Jianxing has a deep understanding of Cheng Zhanxi.

Fortunately everything is fine now.

Yu Jianxing lowered his head and took a sip of tea, then shook his head and picked up a piece of hairy belly from the red pot.

There was a peeled shrimp on the plate in front of me, and the shrimp was firm and full.

Yu Jianxing looked up at the opposite side.

Cheng Zhanxi took off the disposable gloves and threw them into the trash can beside his feet.

Yu Qingtang has a good impression of Yu Jianxing, which is evident from her willingness to let Cheng Zhanxi peel a shrimp for Yu Jianxing. The two added WeChat after the meal, and Cheng Zhanxi was a little jealous politely and didn't say anything.

She is willing to let her friends become Yu Qingtang's friends. The more people she knows, the better, and the richer her life, the better.

Yu Jianxing's circle of friends shares more about herself, and the accompanying copywriting is also humorous. She is an interesting person. Occasionally there is a professional related, Yu Qingtang clicked on the big picture and watched it with relish.

One tourist was settled, and there were more than a dozen tourists waiting in line to swarm up, which was very scary.

The friends were so enthusiastic that the sightseeing, no, meeting time was set for this weekend.

Cheng Zhanxi urged thousands of times, not hesitate to threaten the friendship of more than 20 years, and finally suppressed the explosive opening they prepared.

Yu Qingtang tossed and turned the night before, Cheng Zhanxi heard a heavy sigh in his ear when he was half asleep, thinking that something unclean had entered the house, so he almost rolled off the bed in fright. She turned on the light and saw Yu Qingtang facing her sideways, her expression full of sadness.

Cheng Zhanxi: "..." she asked, "what's the matter?"

Yu Qingtang said, "Nothing."

When a woman says nothing at this time, then there is something. Cheng Zhanxi endured drowsiness and coaxed softly, "Tell me, okay?"

Yu Qingtang said, "I can't sleep, in case your friend tomorrow... Forget it." She said, "You **** me again, I want to sleep, otherwise I will be out of energy tomorrow."

Cheng Zhanxi: "..."

After it was over, Yu Qingtang fell asleep in seconds.

Cheng Zhanxi yawned, got up and washed his hands, came back and continued to hug people, falling into sleep.

We only met on weekend nights. In the morning, Yu Qingtang and Cheng Zhanxi went to the racecourse to relax and relieve tension. Yu Qingtang was weak, but his ability to maintain balance was not bad. After two or three visits, he was able to drive the foal to trot in circles. Now, on the lush green grass, the four hooves are lightly raised, the horse's hooves are rumbling, and the comfortable wind is blowing on the face.

Yu Qingtang never gave the horse a name until today, and it was called Da Bai.

The foal has never looked in the mirror and accepts the name well for the time being. Yu Qingtang wanted to learn how to call a horse by whistling, but firstly she couldn't whistle, and secondly, the coach said that this may not be successful, it depends on the fate of the horse, Yu Qingtang was a little discouraged, but did not give up on this, it will be long in Japan.

At noon, Cheng Zhanxi visited his uncle who opened a private kitchen and ate a table of good dishes.

Time flickered to evening.

Cheng Zhanxi came to the door of the box and let Yu Qingtang stand outside, she reached out and gently opened the door. Look up, no weird tricks, look forward, no gun salute, look in, everyone sits honestly, poker players play cards, phone calls make phone calls, dice cups roll dice cup.

Cheng Zhanxi's figure appeared at the door, and everyone looked over together.

Cheng Zhanxi, who seemed suspicious at the moment, was particularly embarrassed.

Cheng Zhanxi laughed, clenched her fists gratefully to the friend who let her go, and went out to bring Yu Qingtang in.

Everyone in the box looked excited and looked forward to it.

Cheng Zhanxi gave way to let everyone see the woman behind her completely.

Everyone stood up now.

Yu Qingtang, who was wearing a red suit, had a cool temperament and said coldly, "Hello."

A group of people said in unison, "Hello, sister."

Suddenly very cute.

Think Tank No. 1 said: "Is my sister sitting here? I have a free seat, two."

Think Tank No. 2 squeezed Think Tank No. 3 away and said, "Sister come to me!"

Think Tank No. 10 raised his hand and said, "My sister chose me, and Xixi and I were born on the same day!"

For a while, the box was filled with various voices called "sister".

The sister herself stood still, and Cheng Zhanxi squeezed her trembling fingers with the hand behind her back.

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Okay, it's almost done."

A group of people instantly silenced.

Cheng Zhanxi led Yu Qingtang to the corner beside the sofa, let Yu Qingtang sit in the innermost corner, and looked back at his friends.

The friends actually prepared some pranks, but the new sister looks like a serious person, and she is still the type of alpine flowers. This...playing the situation is not easy to control.

How to do it?

The friends looked at the only experienced Jin Siyue.

But they didn't expect that Jin Siyue and Cheng Zhanxi had colluded. When they met for the first time, it was best for everyone to be quiet. If you want to go crazy, you will have a chance to go crazy. So Jin Siyue gave a negative look, and the prank went bankrupt.

Having said that, Sister Shenxian is really good-looking and pleasing to the eye.

Cheng Zhanxi still didn't make everyone too boring. With Yu Qingtang's permission, he took the initiative to make a big news.

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Didn't I escape from marriage last year? Everyone knows it, right?"

The big guy suffocated and winked at her frequently, are you stupid? In front of his girlfriend, he said that he almost got a fiancée.

The friend beside her came directly to her waist, and Cheng Zhanxi held it down with her eyes and hands quickly. Her waist cut is exclusive to Yu Qingtang, and she can't pinching it randomly.

"Since everyone is so anxious, I'll keep it short." Cheng Zhanxi smiled, "Miss Wei who was going to marry me at that time is my current girlfriend."


Friends who responded: "!!!"

The place heated up instantly.

Ha ha ha ha.

What's going on here?

Cheng Zhanxi was about to be strangled by her neck and asked her to speak long. Cheng Zhanxi struggled to break free from the siege of her friends, smiled at Yu Qingtang next to her, and continued, "It's like this..."

Speaking of Yu Qingtang coming to the capital to break off the engagement with the Cheng family, she ended up seeing her girlfriend's mother and brother directly, a bolt from the blue.

A friend collapsed directly on the sofa and said, "Help - I'm substituting myself, I'm socially dead."

Another friend wanted to hear the story and asked, "What did my sister say at that time?"

Cheng Zhanxi glanced at Yu Qingtang, cleared his throat, and said, "She said, I'm Cheng Zhanxi's girlfriend, the engagement doesn't need to be cancelled, I want a sister."

With a wow, the friends immediately looked at Yu Qingtang uniformly, with shocked expressions.

Sister is worthy of being a sister, she can still be so calm at that time!

Yu Qingtangquan took a cup of tea and took a sip with a calm expression when Cheng Zhanxi was not talking about what happened to him.

Friends admire her even more.

Under Cheng Zhanxi's meticulous creation, Yu Qingtang has created an image of Meiyu sister who is not afraid of humiliation and has a strong heart. She only needs to be the mascot next to her, nodding with a smile from time to time, and looking at her with pampering and indulgent eyes.

While listening to the story, my friends sighed in unison: it seems that Xixi is indeed 0.

After the story was told, the friends applauded and applauded sincerely and warmly.

Jin Siyue sat on the single-seat sofa. After the applause subsided, she put down her hands and said, "You two are destined for fate, it's really hard to end if you don't get married, I'll tell you."

Friend 1 said: "Cheng Xixi and Sister Yu are locked."

Friend 2 said, "I swallowed the key."

Friend 3 said: "The knot is a good relationship, a hundred years of good luck."

Friend 4 said: "Always be of one mind and give birth to a precious son early."

Friends 5 mouths.

Cheng Zhanxi interrupted with a smile: "It's alright, it's alright. Now that you're done talking about the real marriage, what will you talk about?"

Friends hahahaha.

"Aren't we practicing in advance?"


Yu Qingtang glanced at Cheng Zhanxi and lowered her eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

Friends have good personalities, and they don't make trouble if they say no. They sit and chat, eat, drink, and gossip. Everyone is laughing. Cheng Zhanxi was busy with work and accompanied his girlfriend. He didn't get together with friends for more than half a year. He was in a good mood and drank a few more drinks. She doesn't drink very well, and she doesn't drink crazy, but she is so sleepy that she wants to sleep. In the box, she felt that she was about to get drunk, so she stopped in time and rested against Yu Qingtang's shoulder, her eyelids half-closed.

Friend 1 came over quietly and came to Yu Qingtang to inquire about the situation: "Sister Yu, let me ask you a question."

Yu Qingtang said gently, "You say it."

Friend 1 asked in a low voice, "Who are you and Xixi on top?"

Cheng Zhanxi didn't fall asleep, opened his eyes, coughed, and said, "Why?"

Friend 1 may have drank too much. He kept doing it and asked loudly, "Just ask you two who is the attacker. Is there a problem?"

The rest of the roars said in unison, "No problem!"

Cheng Zhanxi closed his eyes lazily, buried his face in Yu Qingtang's neck, and said slightly drunk, "I'm drunk, I want to go home."

Friend 1 shouted: "If you leave, you are not Cheng Xixi, you are Cheng 0!"

Will Cheng Zhanxi be afraid of this?

Of course not, she has to thank Ji Yan.

Cheng Zhanxi closed his eyes and smiled.

It was late, and the answer to the last question could not be found, and everyone dispersed. Yu Qingtang hadn't driven across the road yet, and after drinking two sips of wine, he called for a driver to go back.

It was after the early morning when he got home, Cheng Zhanxi was so sleepy that he couldn't walk on his feet. Yu Qingtang staggered and helped her back to the room, and she was walking to and fro, so she finally moved Cheng Zhanxi to the bed, sweating profusely from exhaustion.

Cheng Zhanxi opened his eyes in a daze and asked, "Are you home?"

Yu Qingtang put her hands on her knees and panted, and said, "It's here."

Cheng Zhanxi rubbed his face against the pillow, closed his eyes, and said in a softer voice, "I'm so sleepy, go to bed first, good night."

After Yu Qingtang said good night to her, she found out that Cheng Zhanxi didn't take a bath or change her clothes.

Yu Qingtang couldn't care about her sore calf, so she quickly grabbed to the bedside, wanting to wake her up to take a shower and change into pajamas before she fell asleep, but with her physical strength, she couldn't move.

However, it was too late, Cheng Zhanxi's heart was evenly undulating, his breathing was slightly heavier than usual because of drinking, his cheeks were lightly pink, and he slept soundly with one hand on his waist.

"Cheng Zhanxi."

"Cheng Zhanxi?"

Yu Qingtang put her ear to her ear and used her trump card: "Dear."

Cheng Zhanxi immediately raised his eyebrows in his sleep, put his arms around her neck and kissed her, but he didn't wake up.

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Yu Qingtang had no choice but to go to the sink and put a basin of water, wet the towel, wring it out, and come out to wipe Cheng Zhanxi's body. First the face and hands, then the neck and...

The shallow V-neck sleeveless shirt that Cheng Zhanxi wore today had a very obvious ups and downs in his chest.

Yu Qingtang put the towel aside and stretched her fingertips to the button of her shirt. The button was very small, and when it was tightly closed, it could block a woman's spring light.

Yu Qingtang moved his knuckles and withdrew his hand.

She wiped Cheng Zhanxi's face and neck again, and sat on the edge of the bed in a daze.

The stamina of the wine came up, and Cheng Zhanxi's face became more and more red, Xu was hot, and she began to pull the button of her shirt. She didn't have as many concerns as Yu Qingtang, and after a while there was none left. Inside was a black lace bra, her waist and abdomen were tight and flat, rising and falling with her breathing.

It was very uncomfortable to fall asleep like this, Cheng Zhanxi frowned, skillfully wrapped his hands behind his back, untied the restraints, turned over and lay on his side, facing Yu Qingtang who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

Yu Qingtang held the towel in her hand, so stiff she didn't know what to do.

They had been together for so long, and it was the first time she could see her so clearly under the lamp.

The skin is like pink and white petals, delicate and beautiful that can fall from the branches when the wind blows.

Clean and pure, so that there is no trace of blasphemy in life.

After a long time, Yu Qingtang, who wiped Cheng Zhanxi's whole body, closed her eyes heavily. The last sentence was what she thought before today. When she saw Cheng Zhanxi's unconscious cute reactions, she seemed to be unable to ask her heart again. Say the above words without any hesitation.

Ordinary people dare not ask for Jiutian Mingyue into her arms, but the moon has already fallen in her arms, the moon that belongs to her alone.

Yu Qingtang looked down at the tip of her index finger, there was a gleam of transparency under the light.

She suddenly thought: Why not?

Cheng Zhanxi was covered with the quilt, Yu Qingtang stretched out her hand unexpectedly and slipped into the quilt, and then she looked at Cheng Zhanxi's face without blinking, as if possessed.

Cheng Zhanxi frowned slightly, which seemed to be both joyful and painful. The tips of his teeth bit his lower lip, and he made a low, broken sound.

Yu Qingtang's eyes were dark and dark, and she retracted her hand and tucked the quilt for her.

Yu Qingtang lay down on the other side of the bed and shouted, "Xixi." She said softly, "Sleep over to me."

Cheng Zhanxi turned over spontaneously, turned his face towards her, and moved forward until Yu Qingtang could see her eyelashes clearly, stopped, breathing long.

Yu Qingtang rested her elbows on the pillow, and looked at her with one hand on her cheek, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

After looking at it for about twenty minutes, Yu Qingtang got up and went to the ground, and found a piece of red rope from the drawer in the living room. Just going out and coming in again made her heart beat faster.

Cheng Zhanxi was still fast asleep, Yu Qingtang took out her warm left hand from the bed, raised her ring finger carefully, wrapped the thin red rope around the end and made a mark with her strokes, and then tiptoed back. Go to the living room, cut it from the mark, and put it in the bag she will be carrying tomorrow.

After doing all this, Yu Qingtang was more tired than helping Cheng Zhanxi to go to bed and wipe her body again, her tense nerves relaxed, she sat down on the living room floor to rest, put her hand on her heart, and felt the beating heart in her chest .

Yu Qingtang laughed to herself.

She calmed herself down in the living room, took Cheng Zhanxi a silk nightdress, and when she was about to put it on, she gave up her mind, her lips curled slightly, and she threw the nightdress on the sofa in the bedroom. Zhan Xi picked it up.

The night is very long.

Yu Qingtang slept late, woke up late the next day, and it was already ten o'clock in the morning when he opened his eyes.

Cheng Zhanxi went out and left a note on the bedside for her. There was also her message on the phone, which was sent at 9:30.

【are you awake? 】

Yu Qingtang replied to her: [Wake up]

Song Qingrou didn't call her, it should be Cheng Zhanxi who said hello in advance.

Yu Qingtang called the driver. Lao Li just arrived after breakfast. Lao Li opened the back door with his white-gloved hand and said hello, "Good morning, young lady."

Yu Qingtang nodded with a calm expression: "Good morning."

She bent over and got into the car.

Forty minutes later, Yu Qingtang squeezed the bag in his hand, looked up at the store in front of him, and the glass window shone brightly. She sighed softly and stepped forward.

"Hello, I want to buy a diamond ring."