After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 128

"Have you put it on?" Yu Qingtang raised her pitch-black eyes and asked gently.

"It's done." Cheng Zhanxi replied to her.

Cheng Zhanxi's hand moved forward to hold her hand that gave him the ring, his eyes chased after her, and he almost left with her along with Yu Qingtang's movements.

Yu Qingtang touched her face and said gently, "You chat with Miss Qi first."

Cheng Zhanxi didn't speak, there was a hint of reluctance in his eyes.

Yu Qingtang didn't want Qi Sui to see Cheng Zhanxi like this.

Regardless of whether she has seen it before, but now Cheng Zhanxi belongs to her alone, and she does not allow it.

Yu Qingtang lowered her voice: "Be obedient."

Cheng Zhanxi understood her suggestion, restrained her too personal emotions, and let go of her hand.

For this reason, she also watched Yu Qingtang leave the cafe before turning her eyes to Qi Sui in front of her.

Cheng Zhanxi is a person who pays attention to etiquette, but unfortunately Qi Sui is not worth it. The best she can do is not show disgust, but it is impossible to talk and laugh casually.

Cheng Zhanxi said lightly: "If you have something to say, I'm in a hurry."

Qi Sui glanced at the diamond ring on her left hand and said, "Congratulations, you are getting married."

Cheng Zhanxi said without any emotion: "Thank you."

Qi Sui said: "I admit that the first time I saw you in the parking lot, I was thinking about getting back together, but I saw your girlfriend and mother yesterday, and today, I know I have no chance. ."

Cheng Zhanxi looked at her and said, "Even without her, it wouldn't be you."

Qi Sui smiled bitterly and said, "I know." She took a sip of water from the glass on the table, calmed down her bitterness, and said, "I was the one who was sorry for you back then, no matter how much you blamed me, it's all right."

Cheng Zhanxi corrected her: "I don't blame you. I forgot about you before you appeared again."

Qi Sui asked, "What about once?"

Cheng Zhanxi said calmly, "No."

Qi Sui said sadly, "Is there nothing at all?"

Cheng Zhanxi's expressionless face finally showed a crack.

She has always been a soft-hearted person, otherwise there would be no such thing as that year. Problems in a relationship cannot be entirely the fault of one person. Twenty-year-old Cheng Zhanxi was young and passionate, thinking that he could be a person's savior, and finally lost himself and almost fell into the abyss together.

Cheng Zhanxi exhaled softly, a slight unbearable expression appeared in his eyes, and said, "No."

Qi Sui's eyes were slightly red, but she didn't cry.

She said: "I've been thinking about the last few years of separation, do you have the slightest bit of love? No, you have liked me. I regret it. If I had grown more mature and hadn't tied you like that, would you have been with me? together."

Cheng Zhanxi said indifferently, "If I had been more mature back then, I wouldn't have promised you at all."

She didn't come to share her sincerity with her, recall the past, a rotten apple, no matter how it is packaged, it can't change its essence.

Qi Sui said in a hoarse voice, "Do you hate me very much?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I'll leave immediately if you do this again."

Cheng Zhanxi didn't know if she was intentional or unintentional, or if she was used to it, so she always appeared in front of her as a sign of weakness, sympathized with her, and pretended to be pitiful.

Cheng Zhanxi lowered his eyes and turned the diamond ring on his ring finger with his fingers, barely suppressing his impatience.

Qi Sui said, "I apologize to you for the past."

Cheng Zhanxi: "I accept, is there anything else?"

Qi Sui was silent for a while and asked, "Can we still be friends?"

Cheng Zhanxi smiled.

Pissed off.

She picked up the bag next to her, got up and said coldly, "If you still want to save yourself a little respect, never appear in front of me."

She is more than enough to come here!

Yu Qingtang just walked across the road and sat down at a dessert shop. Before he could order, news of Cheng Zhanxi came.

【End of the chat】

So fast?

Yu Qingtang clicked on the address book, and just after selecting Cheng Zhanxi, the phone screen popped up Cheng Zhanxi's caller ID.

Yu Qingtang picked it up.

Cheng Zhanxi was humming and humming over there, looking very unhappy.

Yu Qingtang laughed and coaxed the child, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Zhanxi pouted and said, "Let's spend ten minutes less with my kissing girlfriend today."

Yu Qingtang: "Good, we'll make it up later."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Where is my girlfriend?"

Yu Qingtang couldn't help laughing: "Across the road, there is a dessert shop called Sanhe."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Okay, then I'll go look for you."

Qi Sui came out of the coffee shop and stopped at the door, just to catch the scene of Cheng Zhanxi pouting on the phone and acting like a spoiled child.

She watched silently for a long time, until Cheng Zhanxi's figure crossed the road and hugged the woman who came out at the door of a store.

Yu Qingtang patted Cheng Zhanxi's back, raised her head and glanced in Qi Sui's direction, without provocation or a triumphant smile, she just looked over, calmly withdrew her gaze, and continued to coax the girl in her arms. My friend, is now a fiancee.

Qi Sui raised her head. In the good season of blue sky and white clouds, the Ferris wheel of the amusement park in the distance was slowly turning in the golden sunlight.

She called her friend: "Are you free? I want to go to the playground."

Friends who sleep in at home on weekends: "Now?"

Qi Sui said leisurely: "Yes, you don't go to me to find someone else."

Friend: "Go, I'll be there soon, where are you?"

Qi Sui reported the name of the amusement park and said, "Meet you directly at the door. I'll go buy some ice cream first."

The friend hurried to the entrance of the playground. Qi Sui was by the fountain, watching people take pictures while eating ice cream. The tip of her pink tongue suddenly came out and retracted.

The friend hurriedly recited "Amitabha Buddha" in his heart to prevent himself from indulging in the beauty of the other party.

The friend was not Qi Sui's friend before, but only knew her very early and became friends later. Qi Sui was not like this at the beginning. Qi Sui was withdrawn and even a little gloomy. No one wanted to approach her and be friends with her. Later, a person appeared in her life, and that person was Cheng Zhanxi.

Cheng Zhanxi is very famous in the study abroad circle. Even if her friend is not in the same school as her, she has heard her name and met her at a party. How should I put it, Cheng Zhanxi and Qi Sui are two completely opposite types, one is always in the center of the crowd, dazzling like the sun, and the other is always hidden in a dark corner, walking alone.

Cheng Zhanxi's appearance and family background are all eye-catching. There are many suitors, and there are countless boys and girls, but she has never been ambiguous with people, and there has never been any news about who she is dating. Even so, there are more people pursuing her, and just guessing who can be her boyfriend/girlfriend has become a big gossip in the circle.

Friends were just hearsay, and everyone was shocked when they heard that Cheng Zhanxi was with an unremarkable girl. She happened to know that unremarkable girl, Qi Sui.

Later, friends heard that they broke up.

Later, the friend met Qi Sui after the breakup.

Qi Sui has also changed.

It's not because of lovelorn that I've become devastated, but I've changed for the better.

The changed Qi Sui has become very popular, and people who have not seen her before are vying to be friends with her. Qi Sui has many friends, and her friends have become her friends. Over the years, she has changed from friends to friends.

In fact, breaking up... is not necessarily a bad thing, right?

The friend took the ice cream that Qi Sui bought for her, and licked the strawberry tips on it.

Qi Sui went to sit on the merry-go-round with her friend and said, "I finished talking with her today."

The friend gave an "ah" and waited for her next sentence.

Qi Sui said, "I also met her fiancee, a woman more beautiful than me."

The friend said: "Is there anything more beautiful than you?"

Qi Sui smiled and said, "Yeah, she's a fairy."

A friend is eating ice cream and thinking: What are you happy about her fiancee is beautiful?

Qi Sui said, "After seeing her fiancee, I think they are a good match."

The friend said "ah" again, not understanding what she was thinking.

Qi Sui sighed and said, "As soon as I saw her, I couldn't help but want to show weakness to her, and I felt inferior from the bottom of my heart. I hate myself like this, but I can't do anything about it. Maybe only by leaving her, I can truly be yourself."

Friends still don't understand, but the development trend of this sentence is good, so she said: "You can think like this."

"But then again," Qi Sui sighed, "Her fiancee is really beautiful."

Friend: "?"

Qi Sui said, "If she hadn't had Cheng Zhanxi, I would have gone after her."

Friend: "???"

Qi Sui said, "How sure do you think I'm going to pry her corner now? I'm not much worse than Cheng Zhanxi, right?"

The friend roared: "You wake up!"

Qi Sui laughed.

After getting off the merry-go-round, her friend shook Qi Sui's shoulder vigorously, as if she wanted to pour the water out of her head.

Qi Sui begged for mercy and said with a smile, "I'm joking, joking!"

The friend held her shoulders with both hands and stared into her eyes: "you better be."

Qi Sui said, "Of course, with such good conditions, I can't find anything." She took her friend's hand, blinked, and said, "My dear, I want to ride a roller coaster."

The friend ran away and was caught by Qi Sui.

"Come on, come with me."

"Qi Sui, you are not human!"

The screams of friends on the roller coaster resounded through the sky.


Dessert shop.

Cheng Zhanxi took the menu on the table, held it in his left hand deliberately, and held the menu straight in front of him.

The light of the diamond ring flickered in the opposite Yu Qingtang's eyes.

To be honest, Yu Qingtang is a little regretful now. There are no flowers and balloons, and she has not knelt down on one knee, so she hastily put the ring on Cheng Zhanxi's finger, although she looks very happy.


"Wife." Cheng Zhanxi covered his profile with the menu and called her softly and sweetly.

Yu Qingtang's heart was beating heavily, and her cheeks followed with enthusiasm, but she still said what was in her heart: "This marriage proposal... Is it okay? We will do it next time..."

Cheng Zhanxi: "What did you say?!"

Yu Qingtang explained: "It's too casual, I want to ask again."

Cheng Zhanxi: "No! Don't even think about it!"

I have asked for everything, and now I have a rightful fiancee status, and she will not take off her ring if she chops off her hand.

Also next time, when is the next time? It's her turn next time.

Cheng Zhanxi touched the diamond ring in his trousers pocket.

Originally, she was planning to give up the proposal, but wearing it for her today completely reassured her. Who knew that Yu Qingtang was a step ahead, and she had a good heart, and even her lines were exactly the same as she thought, and Cheng Zhanxi would be superfluous to come again.

Seeing Cheng Zhanxi's resolute attitude, Yu Qingtang did not insist any more.

Anyway, she still has a diamond ring on the way, and then she will ask again.

The two tacitly planned the second marriage proposal in their hearts again, and planned to surprise each other.

Cheng Zhanxi: "wife."

Yu Qingtang: "It's outside."

Cheng Zhanxi changed his mouth: "Sister."

Yu Qingtang reached out and rubbed her head, gently curved her eyes, and said, "Be good."

Cheng Zhanxi's scalp is numb, Yu Qingtang is really good now, knowing that she eats this set, every time she pokes at her point.

If it goes on like this, she should have no power to resist when she hears her voice.

After the two of them finished eating dessert in the store, Song Qingrou called and asked them if they would go home for dinner. According to Cheng Zhanxi's character, she wanted to take Yu Qingtang and Yu Qingtang into the world, but it was different now. She took the mobile phone in Yu Qingtang's hand and said, "Go home to eat, I'll be there soon."

As soon as she entered the door, Song Qingrou was blinded by the diamond ring in Cheng Zhanxi's hand.

Song Qingrou: "Huh."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Oh."

The mother and daughter clapped their hands and laughed in unison.

Yu Qingtang on the side: "..."

Cheng Zhanxi restrained a little, restrained his smile, and went to the kitchen for a walk.

Aunt Yun who is cooking: "Yeah."

Cheng Zhanxi pursed his lips and smiled, and after a while, he couldn't hold back anymore.

Aunt Yun took her hand and looked at it, and said, "It's so beautiful."

Cheng Zhanxi raised her ring finger and said, "My girlfriend has a good eye, especially for me. Look at this ring setting, this diamond cutting craftsmanship."

Aunt Yun is very supportive of the venue. Yes, yes, yes, her vision is really incredible.

Cheng Zhanxi went to the entrance to change his shoes.

Yu Qingtang stood up from the sofa, stopped her, and asked, "Where are you going?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I'm going to find Uncle Ding and Aunt Qiao."

She is also a servant of the Cheng family, watching Cheng Zhanxi grow up and working in the villa.

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Cheng Zhanxi didn't return for a long time after she left. When the food was ready, Yu Qingtang called her and called someone back. Cheng Zhanxi's shoes were covered with mud, and there was a lot of dirt on his trousers.

Yu Qingtang: "?"

Cheng Zhanxi explained, "Uncle Ding is loosening the soil, so it's not convenient to move around."

Yu Qingtang: "..."

So you got yourself covered in mud just to show off a diamond ring?

Cheng Zhanxi went back to the room, changed into a pair of pajama pants, and went downstairs to sit at the dining table to eat.

Song Qingrou put down her chopsticks and said without words, "Can you stop laughing?"

Cheng Zhanxi: "Did I laugh?"

Song Qingju said, "You're laughing so hard that the corners of your mouth are grinning to the back of your ears. Mom wants to pour a pot of soup into your mouth."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Hahahaha."

Yu Qingtang lowered her head to cook the rice, unable to restrain her eyebrows.

After returning to the bedroom after lunch, Cheng Zhanxi raised Yu Qingtang's hand and pressed his finger to the corner of his eye: "Do you feel any wrinkles from your smile?"

The touch was smooth, Yu Qingtang touched and touched, and said, "No."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "No, I must laugh out my wrinkles today."

Yu Qingtang pinched her chin, her expression condoning and helpless.

Cheng Zhanxi's eyes suddenly heated up and said, "Pinch again."

Yu Qingtang looked puzzled and pinched again.

Cheng Zhanxi looked at her and said, "You are very aggressive today. I look at you now and your legs are weak and you have no strength."

"Really?" Yu Qingtang glanced at her, stretched out her hand and pushed it gently, Cheng Zhanxi fell back on the bed.

Really soft and easy to push down.

Yu Qingtang covered her up, resting her elbows on the side of her neck.

Cheng Zhanxi from this perspective looks extraordinarily delicious.

Although it was noon, her room was on the third floor, and the soundproofing was okay, so it was no problem. that is……

Cheng Zhanxi glanced at the door and said, "Can you lock the door first?"

"Don't worry." Yu Qingtang put her finger on her lips and said with a half-smile, "What's the matter with you and Qi Sui?"

Cheng Zhanxi: "Are you sure you want to listen?"

Yu Qingtang let go of the legs that suppressed her and sat up, and the graceful beauty that had just risen was gone.

Cheng Zhanxi also sat up and sorted out the messy collar.

"If you want to hear me..."

Yu Qingtang interrupted her calmly: "I don't want to."

For the current Yu Qingtang, the lighter the surface, the bigger the matter.

You can be mad with jealousy about things that don't exist, and it's so easy to pass them when you encounter a real thing.

Cheng Zhanxi has never experienced this. No matter how smart she is, she can't think of a perfect solution in a short time. Who are you looking for? Cheng Zhanxi listed all his friends in his mind and excluded them one by one.

Silence fell in the bedroom.

A voice broke the silence, and Yu Qingtang asked, "Does Yu Jianxing know about you?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I know." After a pause, she added, "I know very well."

Yu Qingtang: "Do you mind if I ask her?"

Cheng Zhanxi shook his head: "you ask."

Yu Qingtang looked at Cheng Zhanxi's pursed lips, half-drooping eyes, and a humble look of doing something wrong. There was a sudden tingling in her heart, so she reached out and raised the woman's chin, and in Cheng Zhanxi's blank eyes, she kissed her lips.

Cheng Zhanxi was mentally prepared to be bitten a few times.

Unexpectedly, this kiss was not punitive, but rather tender and tender, Cheng Zhanxi involuntarily clasped Yu Qingtang's head, and extended this long and deep kiss with each other.

When Yu Qingtang left, she kissed the corner of her lips lovingly, her eyes soft.

Cheng Zhanxi looked at her blankly.

Yu Qingtang held her cheeks with both hands, put a kiss on her forehead, and said with a soft smile, "Okay, let's take a nap first, I'll ask her later."

Cheng Zhanxi lay down and rested on Yu Qingtang's arm.

Yu Qingtang's eyes were slightly closed, and the other hand was placed on Cheng Zhanxi's waist, her breathing was gentle, and she really didn't look angry.

Cheng Zhanxi blinked.

Yu Qingtang closed her eyes and said lazily, "Still still sleeping? Don't you want to see Elder He in the afternoon?"

"Sleep." Cheng Zhanxi hurriedly closed his eyes and drilled into her arms again.

Yu Qingtang felt the body temperature in her arms, and the corners of her lips turned up slightly.

She is jealous, but she will not lose her mind and let outsiders affect their feelings. Mature love is not about venting your emotions unscrupulously, it will only hurt others and yourself. What's more, Cheng Zhanxi didn't do anything wrong in this matter. She can only blame herself for not meeting her sooner. She needs to grasp the future life.

Cheng Zhanxi worked in the afternoon, and Yu Qingtang went back to her and Cheng Zhanxi's home.

After Yu Jianxing confirmed that Cheng Zhanxi agreed with Yu Qingtang to ask himself, he told everything about the past.

Before that, she called Cheng Zhanxi to express her condolences: "are you okay?"

Cheng Zhanxi said in a relaxed tone, "It's okay, my sister is worthy of being a sister, and she comforted me in turn."

Yu Jianxing: "Your sister can do it."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Thank you, thank you, by the way, she proposed to me today, you know?"

Yu Jianxing extended his voice: "I know, you have said it eight hundred times today. We have all seen it in the circle of friends, and everyone is preparing a wedding gift for you."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Hahahaha."

Cheng Zhanxi was in He's hometown, so it was inconvenient to say more, so he hung up after a few chats.

Yu Jianxing had something to do in the afternoon, so he went back to turn on the computer in the evening, created a new blank document, deleted, deleted, and revised it several times, typed it on his mobile phone, and sent it to Yu Qingtang.

Yu Qingtang sat on the sofa in the living room, watching the messages pop up one after another on the phone screen.

[Yu Jianxing]: Cheng Zhanxi, as you know, the Virgin Mary shines three thousand feet, and likes to help the weak. Qi Sui's parents both died, and there are other things. Anyway, her background is quite pitiful. We saw her alone in the corner at a party, and Cheng Zhanxi went up to chat with her, and that's how we got to know her.

[Yu Jianxing]: Cheng Zhanxi will take her when he is free, eat with everyone, play with others, buy her clothes, pick out perfume, give her a birthday, take care of her, just like being a sister

[Yu Jianxing]: Later, she confessed to Cheng Zhanxi, but Cheng Zhanxi did not agree. Later, she agreed again, and something happened in the middle, which is inconvenient to tell in detail.

[Yu Jianxing]: I asked her why she agreed. Cheng Zhanxi said that it involved Qi Sui's privacy, so she couldn't tell me. She also said that feelings can be cultivated. Maybe after they have been together for a long time, she will fall in love with her. she will treat her well

[Yu Jianxing]: But I didn't expect this to be the beginning of a nightmare

Yu Qingtang read this, his heart suddenly beat half a beat faster, and Yu Jianxing kept saying "the other party is typing".

[Yu Jianxing]: Cheng Zhanxi has many friends and lives a rich and exciting life, but Qi Sui's world is only Cheng Zhanxi, and she wants Cheng Zhanxi's world to be hers alone. Friends around Cheng Zhanxi, especially me, she is so jealous, I don't know what she did or said to Cheng Zhanxi, we see her less and less, and sometimes we call her out , there is always a shadow behind her, staring at us coldly when Cheng Zhanxi can't see it, possessive to the point of morbid paranoia. We are not happy to call her, who would think that there will be a pair of gloomy eyes behind Tiantian

[Yu Jianxing]: I once told Cheng Zhanxi about Qi Sui euphemistically. She said it was her problem and apologized to us on her behalf. Do I want her apology? In short, if she doesn't want us friends for that woman, then there's nothing we can do

[Yu Jianxing]: Another thing, Cheng Zhanxi once saw justice and bravery. When subduing the gangster, his forearm was accidentally scratched by a knife. There was a small injury, but it was not a big problem, but Qi Sui lost his temper and cried all night. Don't let her do this kind of thing again. Do you know Cheng Zhanxi's character, a woman who has lost her kindness and is indifferent to injustice, is it still her?

[Yu Jianxing]: I saw her again and was able to sit down and chat with her three months later. Do you know how much change three months can make? You have also experienced it, and you must know whether the changes between the original you and the current you have been turned upside down. She also changed, but in the opposite direction. I drank a lot of wine with her and watched her drink bottle after bottle without saying a word. When it was dawn, she told me in a hoarse voice that she painted I can't draw

[Yu Jianxing]: She didn't cry, but I cried so hard because there was no light in her eyes. If I had known that woman would make her like this, I would have tried my best to prevent them from being together

[Yu Jianxing]: I detained Cheng Zhanxi, Qi Sui came to me, I lied to her that she was not with me, I took a long vacation to take her out to relax, and Cheng Zhanxi himself knew the relationship. It was wrong at the beginning, but in a high-pressure life, she couldn't think, and she couldn't bear to see Qi Sui's tears. After leaving Qi Sui, she gradually regained her former look.

[Yu Jianxing]: She is a good person everywhere, but sometimes she is too soft-hearted. Fortunately, after she has made up her mind, she will no longer hesitate. After returning from her heart, she broke up with Qi Sui.

[Yu Jianxing]: Qi Sui has been entangled for a while, but Cheng Zhanxi has really decided one thing, no one can change her, let alone drag it down

[Yu Jianxing]: She has our friends again, and her wonderful life. This episode is like a short-lived nightmare. When she wakes up, the world has become the way it was. A year later, we accidentally learned that the thing that made Cheng Zhanxi agree to be with Qi Sui was entirely directed and acted by Qi Sui.

Yu Qingtang exhaled a long breath, got up and poured a glass of water, stopped to look at the direction of the bedroom.

When Yu Jianxing explained the past to her, Cheng Zhanxi consciously entered the bedroom.

Yu Qingtang raised her hand and took a sip, and sat back on the sofa.

[Yu Jianxing]: At the beginning, when the two of you had that sign, I thought she made the same mistakes and stayed with you because of sympathy. Now I am wrong. She really loves you. I apologize to you.

[Yu Jianxing]: Also, when Qi Sui appeared suddenly, she was very angry, not because she cared about Qi Sui herself, but because she disturbed you. She cares about you very much, more than you think, I believe you can feel it, after all she loves show so much (laughs)

[Yu Jianxing]: It's getting late, I'll say one last thing. In this experience, she is also a victim. Don't blame her. If you are really upset, go to bed and ask her to come back. It's best if she can't get out of bed.

[Yu Qingtang]: Thank you

[Yu Jianxing]: You're welcome, the spring night is worth a thousand dollars, hurry up and punish her!

Yu Qingtang's expression changed several times, he raised his head and drank the water in the cup, got up and walked towards the bedroom.

When she got to the door, she even knocked politely.

Cheng Zhanxi immediately opened the door, with his hands hanging by his side, his head half lowered, only daring to look at her from the corner of his eye, like a primary school student who did something wrong.

Yu Qingtang looked up at her without any emotion.

Cheng Zhanxi's body became more tense.

Yu Qingtang lifted her chin and looked at her dignified and bright face with deep eyes.

If she wasn't so attractive, her personality wasn't that good, and she didn't have that much halo around her, wouldn't this kind of thing happen to her?

But that kind of Cheng Zhanxi is not the Cheng Zhanxi she likes.

Cheng Zhanxi was terrified by Yu Qingtang's eyes. She and Yu Jianxing had never confessed, and she didn't know what she had explained. Is Yu Qingtang angry now? Still not angry?

The next second, Yu Qingtang pushed her against the door panel and held her earlobe.

The author has something to say: drop, trigger the copy of Yu Gong——

Cheng Zhanxi: I'm ready! ! !