After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 129

The height difference between Yu Qingtang and Cheng Zhanxi was not smooth, but the moment she raised her head, Cheng Zhanxi lowered her head in cooperation.

The sensitive ears were grasped by Yu Qingtang, Cheng Zhanxi hugged the woman's slender waist, her forehead rested on Yu Qingtang's shoulder, and a low hum hummed in her throat, asking for anything.

In the end, Yu Qingtang bit her teeth lightly and rubbed her, then let go of her, pinched her chin with **** again, and looked at her beautiful face.

Cheng Zhanxi's face was flushed, and her heart was ups and downs sharply, like the petals of the most blooming peach blossoms on the branches in spring, and her emotional appearance was more delicate and beautiful than she imagined.

"Do you like it?" Yu Qingtang asked, her slender white fingers slowly rubbed the woman's chin, the tear mole at the end of the eye echoed the rising eyeliner, like the hook of the scorpion's tail, hooking Cheng Zhanxi's heart in the air. Below is a scorching flame.

"I like it." Cheng Zhanxi replied immediately, half red lips showing urgency and desire.

Yu Qingtang squeezed her chin and kissed her as hard as she wanted.

Cheng Zhanxi sighed contentedly in his heart, hooked his hands around the woman's neck, and responded forcefully.

She stumbled onto the bed, Cheng Zhanxi took Yu Qingtang and crouched on top of him, and took her hand, ignoring the step-by-step rules and regulations, she only hoped that Yu Qingtang could immediately become one with her, ruthlessly.

But Yu Qingtang's thoughts seemed to be different from hers.

Every cell of Cheng Zhanxi felt the heat of the flame. The corners of her eyes burned beautifully red, and her neck raised a slender and graceful curve back. Yu Qingtang knelt down beside her on one knee, took off the black headband on her wrist, and tied the long hair that was ruffled by Cheng Zhanxi. Cheng Zhanxi watched her movements with fiery eyes, and bent her legs involuntarily.

Then... Yu Qingtang sat up and put Cheng Zhanxi, who was just about to ignite dry wood, to the side.

Cheng Zhanxi: "..."

Yu Qingtang felt the wetness of the corner of her eyes, put it in her mouth and tasted the salty wetness, and asked doubtfully, "What are you crying for?"

Cheng Zhanxi wanted to cry even more: "Xixi is long and Xixi is short, and Xixi doesn't care if she wants to."

"What?" Yu Qingtang was ignorant for a while, before she understood and laughed.

She pulled Cheng Zhanxi to sit up together, "Let's talk about business first, and talk about other things later."

Cheng Zhanxi was spoiled and spoiled, especially after realizing that Yu Qingtang was not angry, he pouted and said, "I don't want to talk about her."

"We must talk." Yu Qingtang had a tough attitude.

Cheng Zhanxi fell under the power of her sister very honestly, and could not wait to lie down immediately.

"Then you ask." Cheng Zhanxi said obediently. After asking, she can lie down.

Yu Qingtang said, "Be serious."

Cheng Zhanxi put on a dignified and serious expression.

Yu Qingtang pinched her chin, Cheng Zhanxi immediately burst out laughing, and said, "Don't play with me."

Yu Qingtang clicked his tongue in his heart.

used this word.

She will "play" her well later!

The two of them calmed down for a while and restrained their emotions, before Yu Qingtang asked, "Do you hate her?"


Cheng Zhanxi reacted, shook his head and said, "No."

Hate means she cares, she never took Qi Sui to heart, so how could she hate it?

"Then how do you feel about her?"

"I don't feel anything."

"At noon that day, when my aunt mentioned Qi Sui's name, why was your reaction so big?"

"I saw her twice in the parking lot and in the gallery before, and it didn't make sense. I was angry because she hit you and my mother, so I asked Yu Jianxing for her phone number, wanting a quick solution. "

"My mother and I fell into the water at the same time, who did you save?"

"Save my mother and die with you."

There seemed to be a strange question in the middle, but it didn't matter, Yu Qingtang then asked, "What did you two talk about in the cafe?"

"She asked me if I had ever liked her, and I said no. She said can you still be friends with me, I said you need a face, and then I'll leave." Cheng Zhanxi said concisely, "report to the chief, and the answer is over. "

Yu Qingtang nodded, and Cheng Zhanxi put down the hand raised to the level of his eyebrows.

Yu Qingtang stretched out his fingers and pinched Cheng Zhanxi's chin.

She seems to like this action very much today, and it has been no less than three or four times since she entered the door.

Cheng Zhanxi raised her face and let her judge.

Yu Qingtang looked at her eyebrows carefully. If it wasn't for Qi Sui's appearance, it would be hard to imagine that Cheng Zhanxi was not so "smart" and even a little deceitful when he was young and innocent. A sympathy and a trap made her foolishly led by the nose, dragged into the abyss, and almost ruined her life.

She believes that even if there is no Yu Jianxing, Cheng Zhanxi will figure it out sooner or later and take the initiative to get rid of this relationship. But one step earlier or one step later may be a world of difference. It is a terrible thing for an artist to be unable to draw without inspiration. Maybe after a while at night, she will not be able to pick up the brush at all, and she will never be able to find her former self.

Seven years later, will the Cheng Zhanxi she met still be the current Cheng Zhanxi? Or, the gears of fate have changed, and she can't meet Cheng Zhanxi anymore.

Cheng Zhanxi looked at Yu Qingtang's eyes flickering, and then she felt her cheeks being pinched by a woman's hand, and Yu Qingtang in front of her sighed: "Fool."

The eyes are both loving and pitying.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't care about this matter for a long time. Even when Yu Jianxing yelled at her when she learned the truth of the trap, she just said something in her heart.

But Yu Qingtang loves her so much, pity her, I don't know why, the grievances over the years suddenly came up, making her eyes turn red, and her voice choked: "I don't know what kind of person she is. ."

Not long after Cheng Zhanxi rejected her, one night she received a call from Qi Sui asking for help. She hurried there, just in time to see a few men running away, and a girl who was almost naked curled up in the corner. Anyone with discernment knew what happened. Cheng Zhanxi took off her clothes and wrapped her around her, and immediately called the police, but Qi Sui refused to let her. She was withdrawn from the beginning, and I'm afraid she couldn't survive if it spread out. Cheng Zhanxi concealed it for her and took her home.

Qi Sui's mental state is very bad. She tried to commit suicide several times while Cheng Zhanxi was not at home. Only when she was with Cheng Zhanxi could she be like a normal person and laugh.

She is her salvation. This redemption became a heavy shackle that trapped Cheng Zhanxi, dragging her into the abyss step by step.

Cheng Zhanxi looked back and thought, the other party's acting skills were on par with her now, maybe even slightly better, how can she play better than others?

Cheng Zhanxi was about to cry, but she was so pitiful, Yu Qingtang reluctantly said with a straight face: "Do you dare to abuse sympathy?"

Cheng Zhanxi wiped his tear-soaked eyes and said, "No, isn't it with you now? You will take care of me."

Yu Qingtang held back her laughter and said blankly, "Aren't you an adult yourself? Do you want me to take care of you?"

Cheng Zhanxi showed her left hand and showed her the diamond ring on her ring finger, like a child showing off candy to adults, even though the candy was also given to her by adults.

Yu Qingtang gestured and stretched out his hand.

Cheng Zhanxi quickly hid his hand and said, "Don't take it back from what you gave me!"

Yu Qingtang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Isn't it just a diamond ring? As for being so nervous?

Yu Qingtang pinched her chin again and said, "Poor little one."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I'm not pitiful."

Yu Qingtang asked, "Then what are you?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I'm Meng 0."

What? what 0?

Yu Qingtang's eyes were full of confusion.

Cheng Zhanxi put her ears close to her and explained to her what Meng 0 meant.

Cheng Zhanxi cheered her up: "Sister is fierce!"

Yu Qingtang: "..."

My sister may be a little vain.

After the chat was over, the two went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Cheng Zhanxi thought that she was going to be eaten in a while, and at the same time knew about Yu Qingtang's physical strength, so she endured not to touch her, lest Yu Qingtang perform a performance for her to fall asleep on the spot. She took a shower peacefully, showing a small movie passionately in her mind, and looking at Yu Qingtang's eyes were quite suggestive, which made Yu Qingtang very nervous.

Or... we'll talk about it later?

In fact, she didn't want to punish Cheng Zhanxi so urgently, and after listening to the story, she could not wait to love Xiaopiti well.

But the crux of the matter is that punishment and love are the same thing.

Yu Qingtang had a feeling of rushing the ducks to the shelves, especially when Cheng Zhanxi washed her hair first and came out, she saw Cheng Zhanxi lying on the bed with snow-white shoulders and neck, like an ancient concubine serving the bed, waiting for the emperor of luck.

Yu Qingtang wiped the sweat from his palms on the pillow and said, "I turned off the lights?"

Cheng Zhanxi tilted her head, looked at Yu Qingtang who was sitting beside her and said, "Will it affect you if you can't see?"

Yu Qingtang: "No, no, no?"

Cheng Zhanxi put his face in the quilt and smiled.

Yu Qingtang blushed for a while, and turned off the light with a snap, no matter how red her ears were, she couldn't see it.

Yu Qingtang slid into the bed and lay down side by side with Cheng Zhanxi, her eardrums bulging, and she could hear her own rapid heartbeat in the quiet space.

In the dim light, she felt Cheng Zhanxi's face turned around and looking at her. Yu Qingtang also turned his face away, and the two looked at each other.

The air was still for two seconds, Yu Qingtang's fingertips lifted the long hair on Cheng Zhanxi's face, tucked it behind her ears, cupped her cheek with her palm, pressed her lips, kissed her lightly or hard, and tasted her sweetness with fragrance.

In order to avoid accidents, such as Yu Qingtang's instinctive seizures, etc., Cheng Zhanxi behaved gentle and obedient, and did not dare to turn against customers at all.

Yu Qingtang propped up her elbow, propped it on top of Cheng Zhanxi, lowered her head and kissed again.

Xueba's learning ability is very strong. Yu Qingtang paid back what Cheng Zhanxi had done to her.

Cheng Zhanxi's mind quickly lost the ability to think, leaving a large blank.

Yu Qingtang's forehead dripped with sweat, and he kissed her awkwardly and carefully.

Cheng Zhanxi grabbed his fingers up on the pillow, his fair-skinned knuckles flexed in a beautiful arc, and the long hair beside him was messy, like a crumpled pool of spring water.

Yu Qingtang gradually found the rules, and the kissing speed increased...

Cheng Zhanxi was speechless, and the words she opened her mouth became fragmented. The world seen from her eyes was dark for a long time, and then light slowly focused on her pupils.

Yu Qingtang had already climbed up and hugged her again, she was obviously the one who took the initiative, but she was still obedient and soft, which made people feel extra pity.

Cheng Zhanxi rested for a while, his fingers touched the sweat on her face and forehead, as well as the wet lips, Yu Qingtang opened her mouth and bit her index finger unexpectedly, Cheng Zhanxi groaned.

Yu Qingtang nibbled along her knuckles all the way.

Cheng Zhanxi's scalp went numb, and then an invisible electric current surged from his fingertips to his limbs.

Yu Qingtang let out a sigh of relief and licked her hand like a small animal.

Cheng Zhanxi closed her eyes to calm the throbbing of her heart's overcharged heart. If Yu Qingtang teases her like this again, her heart will be scrapped sooner or later.

After almost resting, Cheng Zhanxi opened his eyes and prepared to welcome the dinner that Yu Qingtang gave him.

The dim sum is also delicious, but it is an appetizer after all, and she has a great appetite.

Yu Qingtang raised her left hand, stroked her cheek repeatedly, and said meaningfully, "You don't think you'll pass the test like this without punishment, right?"

Cheng Zhanxi thought blankly: What?

Yu Qingtang retracted her right hand and whispered against her ear, "This is punishment."

Cheng Zhanxi: "..."

She was about to cry.

Yu Qingtang didn't really leave her alone, and fed her another snack before meals, solving Cheng Zhanxi's urgent needs.

Yu Qingtang went to the bathroom to wash his face and rinse his mouth, and closed the door. With the faucet on, she panted and looked at herself in the mirror, her face full of water droplets, and then at her hand on the sink. She reached for the tooth cup, raised it, very lightly, no problem, raised it down, raised it down, and so on several times.

Feeling the slight soreness in his wrist, Yu Qingtang frowned.

Yu Qingtang sighed silently, opened the door and returned to the bedroom.

Cheng Zhanxi faced her direction and was already asleep. People who haven't even eaten snacks before meals have eaten two meals in a row, which is very sleepy.

Yu Qingtang climbed into bed, glanced at the time first, bit her lower lip, and held Cheng Zhanxi's wrist.

Cheng Zhanxi satisfied Yu Qingtang once in a half-dream and half-awake, and cooperated with her to do the experiment.

Yu Qingtang turned her head to look at the time displayed by the digital clock on the bedside table, her expression complicated, and she fell into long thoughts.


The air conditioner blows cold air leisurely.

When Yu Qingtang woke up in the morning, there was no Cheng Zhanxi by her pillow.

She saw that the time was just six o'clock, her upper and lower eyelids were fighting, she yawned and got into the bed, and planned to go to sleep as usual. As soon as she closed her eyes, she remembered something in her mind and sat up straight.

Gym on the first floor.

Cheng Zhanxi was jogging on the treadmill to warm up. The black vest outlines the convex and concave body lines. The waist and abdomen are sexy. He breathes regularly with the movement of running, and the long legs under the sports shorts are white and straight.

The door of the gym was pushed open, and Yu Qingtang walked in gently.

Cheng Zhanxi turned his head back with emotion, but Yu Qingtang immediately put his hands behind his back, as if the leader was inspecting, and said solemnly: "You continue, I'll take a look."

One side of the gym is glass, the early morning sunlight penetrates, the room is brightly lit, and the young woman is slender and charming on the treadmill by the window.

Yu Qingtang found a seat behind her, quietly indulged in her girlfriend's beauty for a while, raised her phone and took a picture of her.


Cheng Zhanxi laughed and looked back at her.


Yu Qingtang took another picture.

Cheng Zhanxi finished warming up, got off the treadmill, and asked her, "Are you going to post on Moments?"

Yu Qingtang shook his head: "Change to a new chat background."

Cheng Zhanxi suddenly said, "What should I do?"

Yu Qingtang looked at her.

Cheng Zhanxi blinked: "My girlfriend is so pretty, and the background of daily chats is not the same."

Yu Qingtang couldn't help laughing.

"What else do you want to practice?" Yu Qingtang asked with a restrained expression.

Cheng Zhanxi said: "Just practice, and train on the lower limbs or abdominal muscles."

Yu Qingtang raised her eyebrows, noncommittal.

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Do you want to try?"

"Try what?" Yu Qingtang walked casually, pointed at a dumbbell in the equipment area, and asked calmly, "What does that do?"

Cheng Zhanxi picked it up, raised his arm easily, and said, "exercise upper body strength."

Yu Qingtang naturally reached out to pick it up.

Cheng Zhanxi avoided it in time and smiled: "It's too heavy, you can't hold it."

Yu Qingtang looked at her expression with disbelief written all over her face. Even if there is a physical gap between her and Cheng Zhanxi, it won't be that big, right? They are all women, she can do it, and she will definitely catch up with her hard work.

Cheng Zhanxi understood her expression, the smile deepened, and he said, "I put it on the ground, try to pick it up."

Give her Cheng Zhanxi directly for fear of straining her arm muscles.

Yu Qingtang looked at the small and delicate-looking dumbbells on the ground, bent down and held the middle bar, and lifted it vigorously—

The dumbbells didn't move.

Yu Qingtang took a deep breath and exerted her strength to suckle, her fair face flushed red, and just as the dumbbells were three centimeters off the ground, her slender arms trembled violently like wicker swaying in the wind. In five seconds, the dumbbell hit the ground with a thud.

Cheng Zhanxi wanted to laugh at first, but seeing her depressed face, he gently comforted: "It's okay, you are not a fitness expert, most girls can't take it." Girls can't only lift three centimeters, Yu Qingtang's physical strength is ridiculously poor.

Yu Qingtang: "But you can."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled: "That's because I often exercise."

Yu Qingtang was not happy.

Cheng Zhanxi was confused, what kind of strength did he suddenly compare with himself?

Yu Qingtang quickly realized that he was making trouble unreasonably, but did not dare to say the real reason, hooked Cheng Zhanxi's chin and kissed her lips.

Cheng Zhanxi was not angry at all, he lowered his head against the woman's forehead, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Yu Qingtang couldn't open her mouth, her eyes dodged, her fingers grasping the shoulder straps of her vest showed a hint of prayer.

Cheng Zhanxi released her: "Okay, tell me when you want to."

Yu Qingtang said, "I'm going out first. What do you want for breakfast? Do you want red bean buns?"

Cheng Zhanxi's lips curled into a smile: "Yes."

Baozi has to go through the process of kneading the dough, making the dough, adjusting the stuffing, etc. It takes a long time. As soon as Yu Qingtang kneaded the dough, Cheng Zhanxi came out of the gym.

There was a heat on his back, Yu Qingtang looked down at Cheng Zhanxi's hand wrapped around his waist, at the same time, there was a moist touch behind his ears, and he lingered.

Yu Qingtang covered the dough with plastic wrap, and was carried to the cooking table by Cheng Zhanxi.

Yu Qingtang sat with her hands on her shoulders, and asked with a slightly complicated expression, "Aren't you tired?"

Cheng Zhanxi raised his head and said with a smile, "I'm not tired."

A sigh came from above his head almost imperceptibly.

Cheng Zhanxi looked up again suspiciously, and said unsurely, "Do you want me to be tired?"

Yu Qingtang couldn't explain clearly, and pressed her head down with a red face.

The red beans in the pot have a soft and glutinous fragrance.

Yu Qingtang held Cheng Zhanxi's taut forearm and panted, "Turn off the fire first."

Cheng Zhanxi carried her down, spared one hand to turn off the fire, walked out of the kitchen, and put the woman on the sofa.


With this delay, Cheng Zhanxi almost didn't have time to eat breakfast at home. It was too late to wrap the red bean buns, so Yu Qingtang casually fried a side dish with porridge for the two of them, and then sent Cheng Zhanxi out.

Cheng Zhanxi's face is radiant, and even the shadow of the body is full of vigor and vitality.

Yu Qingtang rubbed his waist at the door, sat back on the sofa and slapped his legs, and then moved his wrists that were useless and probably useless.

Yu Qingtang's heavy sigh echoed in the living room.

Cheng Zhanxi sat in the office chair in the studio, and a message popped up on his phone.

[Yu Jianxing]: Is it good news?

[Cheng Zhanxi]: happy

[Yu Jianxing]: Congratulations, congratulations, dreams come true

Cheng Zhanxi, who had come true halfway, was temporarily satisfied and said: [Thank you]

[Yu Jianxing]: How do you feel?

[Cheng Zhanxi]: How can I tell you this?

[Yu Jianxing]: I can share mine with you, the two of us exchange, you don't lose

[Cheng Zhanxi]: I'm at a loss, and you don't have a fairy sister

Not as powerful as Sister Fairy's eloquence.

[Yu Jianxing]: [Yu Jianxing and Yu Qingtang's chat records]

[Yu Jianxing]: It's a shame that I kept assisting you last night. Is that how you treat me?

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Thank you sisters, but the principle cannot be backed down!

[Yu Jianxing]: Okay, let me just ask, is Mr. Yu Meng 1?

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Absolutely, no doubt

[Yu Jianxing]: [drooling.jpg]

The two exchanged an old driver's emoji and went to work each.

Yu Qingtang went to Cheng's house and walked and chatted with Song Qingrou in the garden. Song Qingrou didn't hear Yu Qingtang's response for two sentences in a row, she turned her face and looked at it, Yu Qingtang's expression was blank, not knowing what was going on.



Yu Qingtang woke up like a dream, and Song Qingrou's worried face reflected in his eyes: "Auntie."

"What's the matter with you? Are you absent-minded today?"


Song Qingrou looked at her suspiciously.

In summer, the clothes were thin, and Song Qingrou only wore a sleeveless top. The lines from the shoulders to the forearms were tight, without a trace of fat, and the skin condition was well maintained.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Yu Qingtang's mind, and he asked casually, "Does Auntie usually exercise?"

Song Qingrou raised her chin and said proudly, "Of course. When your uncle was a weak chicken, I could beat him three times." She smiled and said again, "It won't work anymore, he's obsessed with it. Fitness, and training with two children since childhood. Now he and I can only talk, but can't do it."

When Yu Qingtang heard the phrase "you can only speak, but not with your hands", she almost felt sad, her thoughts inevitably twisted, and she came back and said, "What does Auntie usually practice?"

Song Qingrou said: "Yoga, horseback riding, archery or shooting. Then there are regular events. I have asked for a private tutor and come here three times a week."

Yu Qingtang tried to make her tone seem natural, with a little curiosity: "Can I be with Auntie?"

The thoughts in Song Qingrou's eyes flashed, and she smiled gently: "Okay. I'll ask Lao Li to pick you up tomorrow afternoon."

Yu Qingtang smiled shyly and said, "Thank you, Auntie."

Song Qingrou held her hand and patted the back of her hand: "What are you polite to auntie, let's go, auntie will take you to eat something delicious."

Yu Qingtang doesn't want to eat well now, she just wants to improve her wrist strength and arm strength as soon as possible, at least once. She didn't want to lose her strength in the middle and leave an "unforgettable" impression on Cheng Zhanxi for a lifetime.

That night, Cheng Zhanxi went to Cheng's house for dinner. As soon as she entered the door, Song Qingrou, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at her with an indescribable gaze.

Cheng Zhanxi: "?"

Cheng Zhanxi glanced at Yu Qingtang, Yu Qingtang followed her gaze to Song Qingrou, Song Qingrou treated her with a warm smile like spring, and when she turned to Cheng Zhanxi, she was again inexplicable.

Before leaving, Song Qingrou pulled Cheng Zhanxi to the study on the first floor, closed the door, and stared at her seriously.

Cheng Zhanxi smiled and said, "Mom, don't look at me like this, as if I did something heinous."

"Don't you think you've done something good?" Song Qingrou said sadly, "Be restrained and see what Xiaotang has tossed for you?!"

The author has something to say: Yu Gong's flag was erected, but there was a break in the middle and it was wobbly.