After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 130

Cheng Zhanxi was reprimanded by his own mother and went home with Yu Qingtang.

While waiting for the traffic lights on the road, she looked at Yu Qingtang several times before he stopped talking.

After changing shoes at the entrance, Cheng Zhanxi put the food he brought from home into the refrigerator, and said to Yu Qingtang, who was resting on the sofa, "I heard from my mother, do you want to exercise?"

Yu Qingtang guessed what Cheng Zhanxi said before he stopped talking, and guessed countless possibilities, which just didn't surprise her, she took a sugar orange from the fruit bowl, and while peeling it, she responded casually: "Yes, I was bored at home and wanted to find something to do.”

Cheng Zhanxi glanced at her without questioning, not knowing whether she believed it or not.

Cheng Zhanxi: "Then do you want me to find a personal trainer for you, just like my mother, let someone come three or four times a week, and you can save yourself running out. Or I can teach you, I have learned relevant professional knowledge ."

Yu Qingtang threw the last piece of orange peel into the trash can and waved to Cheng Zhanxi.

Cheng Zhanxi came over, opened his mouth and took half a sugar orange, so sweet that his eyes rolled up.

Yu Qingtang: "I'll join in the fun with Auntie, and if it gets hot for three minutes, I'll talk about it later if I really want to exercise." She put the other half of the candied orange in her mouth, kissed Zhanxi's chin during the hooking process, and by the way Crossed over a little orange juice.

The sweetness of oranges fills the lips and teeth.

Cheng Zhanxi's eyebrows and eyes are too obedient: "Sister."

Yu Qingtang touched her face.

Cheng Zhanxi rubbed her neck with her face, and rolled into the sofa together.

Cheng Zhanxi sat on the sofa, Yu Qingtang squatted in front of her, put both hands on her knees, and buried her head.

Cheng Zhanxi watched her lower her head inch by inch, and in the end only a black back of her head could be seen.

Cheng Zhanxi put her hand on Yu Qingtang's long hair, put her five fingers into the smooth hair, sometimes softly and sometimes unable to restrain her strength, pulling at the roots of her hair and biting her lower lip.

She is like a general on the battlefield. In the tough battle between you and me, she was defeated and retreated. She struggled to resist, trying to extend her fighter opportunity, but she was unable to withstand the invincibility of the opponent's destruction, and finally broke a thousand miles and let out a cry.

The ceiling of the living room glowed with circles of white light, and Cheng Zhanxi's dark-brown pupils were in a state of absentmindedness for a long time.

Yu Qingtang squeezed her chin and kissed her lips, gentle and strong.

His lips were wet and soft, revealing a scorching heat.

Cheng Zhanxi, who had just been defeated, could not bear this, he made a vague whimper, and the tears from the corners of his eyes flowed even more fiercely.

Yu Qingtang let go of her, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Why are you crying again?"

Cheng Zhanxi wrapped the blanket she gave him, and said with red eyes, "let me rest."

Yu Qingtang glanced at her: "Aren't you a fitness expert?"

Cheng Zhanxi is righteous: "It's not good for fitness. I'll get used to it if you practice with me more in the future."

Yu Qingtang pinched her ears again: "It's better not to get used to it." She and Cheng Zhanxi have been so many times, and they haven't seen themselves getting used to it.

Yu Qingtang hugged her and said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

While Yu Qingtang was gargling, Cheng Zhanxi sent a message to Yu Jianxing.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: [blushes]

[Yu Jianxing]: This time? This expression? No, no, no, it's not what I think it means, is it?

[Cheng Zhanxi]: That's what you think [doge]

[Yu Jianxing]: Mu, you ask your sister if she knows any other sisters, and introduce me to one. I recently lost my hair when I painted, and I need nourishment urgently.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Hahahahaha

When Yu Qingtang came out, Cheng Zhanxi immediately put away the phone.

Yu Qingtang picked up Cheng Zhanxi's trousers on the ground, folded them and put them aside, and asked, "Who are you chatting with? I laughed so happily."

Cheng Zhanxi explained: "Yu Jianxing, do you want to see the chat records?"

Yu Qingtang trusted her 100% and said, "No need."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Look, look."

Yu Qingtang took it over and looked at it, and then flipped up to what they said at noon today, constantly being refreshed. Cheng Zhanxi couldn't help laughing when she saw the expression on her face as she opened the door to the new world.

Yu Qingtang flipped back and forth twice, and said to her, "Do you talk about this every day?"

Cheng Zhanxi: "Hmm."

Yu Qingtang slanted at her: "Contemporary young artists?"

Cheng Zhanxi laughed again: "Yes."

Yu Qingtang said, "I've learned a lot." She came over to wrap around Cheng Zhanxi's rib, and the other hand went around her knee, as if there was an upward force. The reason why it seems so is because Cheng Zhanxi didn't really feel it, she only saw Yu Qingtang make such an action.

Cheng Zhanxi asked in disbelief, "Do you want the princess to hug me?"

Yu Qingtang retracted her hand and said indifferently, "No."

The tip of the ear quietly climbed to the crimson.

Cheng Zhanxi took the pot decisively: "I'm too heavy."

Yu Qingtang shook her head, she really couldn't deceive herself, and said, "I'll practice."

Yu Qingtang's heart is full of fitness. Looking at Cheng Zhanxi, she thinks that after she succeeds in fitness, she will be easily slapped and hugged, and all kinds of pictures that make her cry and beg for mercy in fancy ways on the bed make her heart warm. . Back to reality, she was still physically weak after lifting the tooth cup a few times, and she had to be frustrated.

Fortunately, Cheng Zhanxi still prefers to take the initiative in this regard. Once Yu Qingtang does not show a strong offensive, her body instinct will bring her familiarity to satisfy Yu Qingtang.

What Cheng Zhanxi cares about is whether Yu Qingtang puts the two of them in the same position at the spiritual level. Obviously, Yu Qingtang has already done it, and from time to time, she has feelings of pity for her, which is an indispensable emotion in love. Physiological needs come next, so they are very light on this aspect.

But Yu Qingtang took it seriously.

The next afternoon, Lao Li took Yu Qingtang to Cheng's house.

Song Qingrou changed into a sports suit and prepared a set for Yu Qingtang. Yu Qingtang's figure is well proportioned, with long legs and a slender waist. Because of her thin body, she doesn't look fat even if she doesn't exercise normally. Yu Qingtang took a long time in the dressing room to look in the mirror before she dared to go out.

Song Qingrou's private education adheres to her consistent aesthetics and is a young and beautiful young lady. The lady's surname is Ruan and her name is Ruan Wei. She wears a sports vest and black elastic pants. She has tight skin and obvious abdominal muscles. Yu Qingtang quietly compared her figure to Cheng Zhanxi, and objectively believed that Cheng Zhanxi was better.

Song Qingrou said to Yu Qingtang, "Tell Xiao Ruan what you want to practice, and she will help you make a plan."

Ruan Wei smiled and looked very good at talking.

Yu Qingtang tried her best to make her attitude seem casual and unprofessional, and she didn't have too much purpose: "I feel that my arms have no strength recently. Is there any way to strengthen them?"

Ruan Wei said: "Is it mainly for upper body strength training?"

Yu Qingtang felt the warmth gradually fill her ears, she brushed her ear hair, pretending to be natural, "Is it alright?"

Ruan Wei thought about it and said, "Yes, yes, but generally we exercise our whole body strength during exercise. For example, when we walk, sit and lie down, the muscles used are mainly the lower limbs and core muscles, which can increase the strength of the lower limbs and core. The coordination and stability of the limbs, the burden on the upper limbs is not large, it is recommended to improve the strength of the large muscle groups first, and then train the small muscle groups, in order to achieve the coordination of the whole body and have a good figure."

Yu Qingtang said, "Does that mean you can't train your upper body for the time being?"

Ruan Wei glanced over her thin white arm and said gently, "No, I'm just giving advice. You are responsible for making requests, and I will help you achieve results."

Yu Qingtang said, "Then let's train your upper body." Song Qingrou listened, and a strange expression flashed across her face.

Song Qingrou trains herself, Ruan Wei is mainly responsible for bringing the newcomer Yu Qingtang. They are some distance away from Song Qingrou. Yu Qingtang asks at a volume that only two people can hear: "Coach, is there any way to improve your wrist strength?"

Ruan Wei: "..."

She seemed to vaguely understand what the other party's purpose was.

As a personal trainer of homosexuals, and with the legalization of same-sex marriage in recent years, she occasionally encounters female clients who bluntly say that they have troubles in this area, cannot meet the needs of their wives or girlfriends, and want to conduct targeted training and so on. .

Ruan Wei tentatively said: "There are also training programs for knuckles, do you need them?" As a personal trainer, you must keep pace with the times and cover everything!

Besides, she saw that Yu Qingtang's innate conditions were really good, so it was a waste not to cough with such hands.

Yu Qingtang: "..."

The two exchanged glances and exchanged WeChat messages after class.

When Yu Qingtang was exercising, she supported her with all her might, and she didn't feel particularly tired. When she stopped, especially after a night's sleep, her arms were sore, sore, and numb, as if her body had created things out of thin air that didn't belong to her. Cheng Zhanxi accidentally touched her hand, and she couldn't help screaming in pain.

Cheng Zhanxi wondered why he was nervous, but it turned out that it was Yu Qingtang who never exercised, and suddenly started exercising as a normal reaction, and laughed unkindly.

Yu Qingtang could only stare at her because she couldn't lift her hand up.

This afternoon, Yu Qingtang's arm just got better, Song Qingrou arranged an indoor archery program, right in the villa. She acted as half a coach, teaching Yu Qingtang how to hold a bow and an arrow. The bow was a wooden bow, but it was a test of endurance and endurance to keep one position for a long time. As soon as Yu Qingtang picked up the longbow and held it in front of him, his arms began to tremble.

Song Qingrou looked sad.

I thought Cheng Zhanxi didn't know how to measure, but I didn't expect to blame her.

Yu Qingtang practiced for two days in a row, and when he got home, he was paralyzed, and he didn't even have the strength to lift his fingers.

Cheng Zhanxi's proposal plan was almost prepared, and Yu Qingtang was asked to stop exercising for a few days to recover. Cheng Zhanxi walked around with Yu Qingtang. Yu Qingtang had never been to many places in the capital, or if he had been there without paying attention, if he revisited the old places, he would not have any feelings.

The two also went to Yu Qingtang's alma mater. Yu Qingtang had just graduated a year ago and was fairly familiar with the school. They took Cheng Zhanxi to the cafeteria, teaching building, library and downstairs of the former girls' dormitory. Cheng Zhanxi didn't know where to get a pink bicycle and took Yu Qingtang for a ride around the campus.

The leaves on both sides of the road are green and delicate, Yu Qingtang put one hand forward and put his arms around Cheng Zhanxi's waist, and raised the other hand to block his eyes, looking up at the sunlight leaking from the gaps in the leaves, his profile was soft Incredible.

"Yu Qingtang?"

Cheng Zhanxi was riding a bicycle across a school road and heard a voice behind him.

She squeezed the handbrake, stepped on the ground with her feet, turned around and asked Yu Qingtang, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Someone called your name."


Cheng Zhanxi looked around and saw a young man in a suit approaching, hesitantly shouted again, "Yu Qingtang?"

Cheng Zhanxi looked at the young man, and Yu Qingtang looked at him. The two exchanged glances, and Cheng Zhanxi read three big characters from Yu Qingtang's eyes: I don't know.

Seeing Yu Qingtang's expression, the young man was not embarrassed, and smiled generously: "It's me, Gao Yiqun, the monitor of our class."

Yu Qingtang was used to being alone, and everyone in the class could not recognize it fully.

Yu Qingtang got down from the back seat of the bicycle, with a more comfortable expression than him, nodded and said, "Hello."

Gao Yiqun said, "Long time no see."

Yu Qingtang replied politely, "Long time no see."

Gao Yiqun's gaze turned to Cheng Zhanxi, who was holding the handlebar with one hand, concealing the surprise in the depths of his eyes, and politely said, "Who is this?"

Yu Qingtang: "My girlfriend."

The next second, Gao Yiqun saw the diamond ring on Cheng Zhanxi's left hand and said, "Congratulations, a hundred years of good luck."

Yu Qingtang showed a faint smile and said sincerely, "Thank you."

Xu Shi's smile encouraged Gao Yiqun. His smile was more natural and cordial than before, and he invited his old classmates, "Tomorrow night, we have a classmates party, you can bring your family, would you like to come?"

In the past, Yu Qingtang would definitely not go, but now she always wants to try new things and experience a different life. Those bland student days that left no memory, maybe looking back, they can have a different feeling.

Yu Qingtang asked Cheng Zhanxi, "Are you free?"

Cheng Zhanxi nodded.

Yu Qingtang said to Gao Yiqun, "Time and place?"

Gao Yiqun took out a black Yayi business card from the pocket of the custom suit and handed it to her: "Tomorrow at seven o'clock, Haiyan Building. Call me when you arrive, and I'll come and pick you up." The young man laughed, "They I can't guess I invited you, and I'm going to keep this a secret until tomorrow night."

After Gao Yiqun left, Cheng Zhanxi leaned over to look at the business card in Yu Qingtang's hand.

Gao Yiqun is twenty-five or six-year-old. He is engaged in the financial industry, and the company and position he works for look very bright. Call it young.

Yu Qingtang didn't speak.

Cheng Zhanxi asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Yu Qingtang said: "Experience the mood."

"What's your mood?" Cheng Zhanxi didn't understand.

Yu Qingtang smiled and said, "It's the kind of online reunion, the alumni reunion, the feeling of being embarrassed to participate in a bad mix, I feel a little bit now."

A graduate from a famous school, she didn't know how her classmates were doing, but she must have attended well. Gao Yiqun was definitely not the best, and it was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Do they have such a beautiful and excellent girlfriend as me?"

Yu Qingtang smiled and said, "No." She put the business card in Cheng Zhanxi's pocket and said, "Let's go, I still want to go for a ride by the lake."

In fact, she doesn't care much about other people's opinions. Just like Cheng Zhanxi's uncle who opened a private restaurant, no one can evaluate the level of a person's life, everyone has their own way of living, and the most important thing is not to live up to it. Own.

The next day was the weekend, Cheng Zhanxi accompanied Yu Qingtang to the class reunion.

Driving to Haiyan Building, Yu Qingtang called Gao Yiqun when he was about to arrive, Gao Yiqun came out, and just saw a white Porsche Pamei parked in front of the hotel, Yu Qingtang in a long skirt pushed the car door down, Cheng Zhanxi took the car He threw the key to the parking clerk in the red vest, came over and took Yu Qingtang's hand.

This world is so dreamy that as long as you stick to yourself, you can do whatever you want, and at the same time it is very realistic and utilitarian. Yu Qingtang doesn't care, Cheng Zhanxi needs to think about her and reduce unnecessary troubles.

Gao Yiqun's eyes flashed slightly, and then returned to normal.

He greeted him with a smile and said, "Come in, everyone has been waiting for a long time."

There are not many people in this party. As Yu Qingtang said, some of them mix well and play a central role in the party. Most people mix well. one of the people.

Gao Yiqun asked the two of them to wait at the door and went in first.

Cheng Zhanxi outside the door heard the voice of him selling off. Amid the expectation and urging of everyone, Yu Qingtang walked in with his calf.

There was a moment of silence in the box.

The edge of the classmate who was holding the wine glass stopped by his lips, and the classmate who was talking and laughing with his head down raised his head and didn't move.

Then the air flows again.

I don't know who shouted "Goddess" excitedly. Everyone followed the prestige and didn't find anyone who spoke. They felt that everyone was like someone who spoke. They used to call it that in private.

Gao Yiqun took over the words and said loudly, "Come on, let's toast the goddess."

A group of people picked up wine glasses and wanted to toast Yu Qingtang.

At this time, a fair and slender hand stood in front of Yu Qingtang and took the wine glass in her hand, and everyone noticed Cheng Zhanxi behind her.

Cheng Zhanxi: "Qingtang is not good at drinking, so I will drink this cup for her."

Gao Yiqun introduced: "This is Yu Qingtang's girlfriend, surnamed Cheng."

Cheng Zhanxi noticed that the expressions of several men without family members in the crowd froze for a moment, and raised their eyebrows imperceptibly.

Yu Qingtang also has a lot of peach blossoms, and it started when she was a student.

There was Yu Qingtang's roommate in undergraduate who came to the party. Yu Qingtang thought about it for a long time before she remembered her name. The roommate told her about her undergraduate days. Yu Qingtang still had some impressions. The roommate started to talk about the gossip in the class at that time. Yu Qingtang had no idea at all. , then showed a surprised look of "why is this?", very vivid, which made roommates who were accustomed to seeing her expressionless face a lot of novelty.

The roommate complained about her when she was in the mood: "Do you know how cold you were at that time? We didn't dare to speak in the dormitory."

Yu Qingtang smiled: "Really?"

The roommate said: "Yes, yes, and Su He has a crush on you for four years, don't you know?"

Su He is their other roommate, a female.

Yu Qingtang smiled again and glanced at Cheng Zhanxi who was sitting beside him.

The roommate also noticed and said, "I'm sorry."

Cheng Zhanxi held his chin and said leisurely, "If you continue to talk, I want to hear it too."

Don't say I don't know, I'm shocked when I say it.

The self in Yu Qingtang's eyes and her in the eyes of her classmates are not the same thing at all.

In the hearts of the classmates, she is a high-cold learning god. Even if she is also in a well-known university, she has thrown away the existence of many mortals. In addition, wisdom and beauty coexist, and she has a maverick personality. The same class, the same department, the same school, and even the whole school do not know how many people have a crush on her and regard her as the goddess in their hearts.

There is also a test of gods, worshipping every test, and rubbing against the spirit of immortality.

The roommate said, "Don't you notice that there are a lot of people in the public class in our class? As soon as the final exam is over, the corridors are full of people."

Yu Qingtang: "Huh?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Is it all here to see her?"

The roommate snapped his fingers: "Yes."

No matter how low Yu Qingtang's presence is, he will always be an existence that people look up to academically. Their school worships the strong, and beauty is just the icing on the cake.

The roommate said: "We have been guessing who can get into Yu Qingtang's eyes, but after graduation, she is still single, but it's pretty good, and no one is worthy of her."

Cheng Zhanxi: "what do you think of me? Do I deserve it?"

The roommate looked at her several times and said the truth: "Reluctantly."

Cheng Zhanxi laughed.

Until the car going home, Cheng Zhanxi couldn't stop laughing when he remembered the party just now.

Yu Qingtang said helplessly, "It's alright."

The driver drove in front, Cheng Zhanxi put his lips to Yu Qingtang's ear and smiled, "Goddess."

Yu Qingtang felt more helpless.

At the party just now, several people shouted like that, which made Yu Qingtang's arm goosebumps, and now Cheng Zhanxi came to tease her again.

Cheng Zhanxi played about the same and asked her, "How did the party feel?"

Yu Qingtang hooked her lips and said, "It's okay." Her roommate was so good at chatting, Yu Qingtang followed her to relive the four years of her undergraduate degree, and exchanged WeChat accounts before leaving, agreeing to go shopping together next time when she was free.

Cheng Zhanxi suddenly said, "I regret it now."

"Regret what?"

"I went to your school to play. At that time, if I dragged anyone and asked who the school's beauties were, I would have fallen in love with you at first sight."

Yu Qingtang couldn't help laughing, tapped her arm lightly, and said angrily, "Nonsense."

"It's true." Cheng Zhanxi wrapped his hands around her neck and raised his head slightly to look at her, "I'm so sorry that I didn't meet you earlier."

Yu Qingtang's eyes gradually softened, rubbed her head, and said, "Me too."

After taking a bath at home and coming out of the bathroom, Yu Qingtang's eyes darkened, the world was spinning, Cheng Zhanxi pressed Yu Qingtang on the bed and began to "settle accounts".

"Who is Su He?"


"And the boy who brought you milk tea."


"Any girl you meet downstairs in your dormitory every day, is there anyone else besides Wen Zhihan?"


That night, Yu Qingtang endured many times.

From the bedroom to the bathroom, the bathtub to the sink, and back to the bed, Cheng Zhanxi tossed until three or four in the morning before letting go of Yu Qingtang, whose voice was so hoarse, wiped the tears on her face, and got up to clean up the mess.

When she came back, Yu Qingtang was already asleep.

Cheng Zhanxi went to bed and hugged her, Yu Qingtang struggled hard when he was awake, and was very good when he fell asleep, so he put him in her arms.

Cheng Zhanxi touched her long hair.

Yu Qingtang closed her eyes and murmured nostalgically.

Cheng Zhanxi thought about things quietly for a while, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and closed his eyes.

After a day's rest, the two stayed at home and didn't go anywhere. In the afternoon, Yu Qingtang wore specific clothes and served as an oil painting model for Cheng Zhanxi in the garden.

When the model needs to stay in one position for a few hours, Cheng Zhanxi is afraid of her hard work, so he has been hesitant and never mentioned it to her. Yu Qingtang read the biographies of foreign oil painters, which mentioned this aspect, Yu Qingtang asked Cheng Zhanxi what are the requirements of being her model, and if she could, Cheng Zhanxi said whether to give it a try.

She still needs to find inspiration to paint other people. When she paints Yu Qingtang, as long as she looks at her, the brush seems to have a soul, and there is an endless stream.

On the canvas, day and night are cut into two sides, one side is the sun shining, the splendid temple, the smooth pilgrimage road, and the other side is the eerie silver moon, the dark thorns, the way from which you can't see. At the junction of light and dark between day and night, a woman in red sits on a deep swing, her feet swaying high.

It was the first time Yu Qingtang saw Cheng Zhanxi paint an oil painting with such a strong subjective consciousness. The colors were bold, the lines were quirky, the combination of color blocks and color blocks was strong and gloomy, with a religious mystery. Just looking at the painting made me feel extremely depressed. Her breath was blowing, and she couldn't imagine how an ordinary brush could fly in her mind and land on the canvas, depicting an imaginary world that was difficult for mortals to touch.

Yu Qingtang looked at the woman in red in the depths of the picture, the oil was still dry, she didn't dare to touch it, and asked carefully, "Is this me?"

Cheng Zhanxi didn't answer.

Yu Qingtang tilted her head to look at Cheng Zhanxi's face, and found that her face was actually full of tears.

Yu Qingtang stretched out his hand, Cheng Zhanxi raised his hand to block it, put down the brush tremblingly, and said dumbly, "Don't worry about me, it'll be fine in a while."

After saying that, she covered her face with her hands and burst into tears.

Yu Qingtang stood beside him at a loss, feeling anxious.

Later Yu Qingtang became accustomed to this. Cheng Zhanxi often hangs a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door when painting. First, she needs to be quiet. Second, she has eccentricities. It is normal for her to lose control of her emotions during the creation process. She heard two crying and broke into the studio. Nothing happened, and Yu Qingtang was no longer surprised.

In addition, Yu Qingtang also found that Cheng Zhanxi was very emotional in front of people close to her. An important manifestation was that her lacrimal glands developed. You don't know when she will suddenly cry. In this regard, Yu Qingtang deliberately learned from Song Qingrou, and Song Qingrou gave her a monograph that was not made public: "About How to Coax a Cryer".

Of course, that's all for later.

Cheng Zhanxi wanted to name the painting "Cheng and Yu" or "Yu and Cheng", but changed the name to "Greenwich" under the firm opposition of Yu Qingtang, and sent it to the studio on the second floor to dry.

Cheng Zhanxi came down from the second floor, chased the figure of Yu Qingtang walking in front, and tried to struggle: "How about it's called "Cheng Mo"? With you and me, it is also autobiographical."

Yu Qingtang didn't look back: "No! You gave me this heart!"

Do contemporary young artists have this style of painting?

Yu Qingtang's painter filter was completely broken.

The author has something to say: Although Yu Tangtang does not have a 1 in body, she has evolved into an absolute 1 in spirit. Well, I look forward to the day when her body also becomes a fierce 1 (//▽//)