After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 146: Extra Story 2 · After Marriage

In the process of giving too much to this family, Cheng Yuanxi also met his true son, who is a photographer who has won many international awards. Cheng Yuanxi met him at a photography exhibition, fell in love, and got married. Adopted a baby girl for two years.

Cheng Zhanxi had the idea of ​​having a child with Yu Qingtang at the age of thirty-five. As time went by, she found that she could never accept having a child between her and Yu Qingtang, even if it was the two of them. common blood. Yu Qingtang passed away because of Yu Ci's dystocia. She has been afraid of Jingsheng for ten years about this matter, and her and Cheng Zhanxi's thoughts coincide, and she doesn't need children to maintain their relationship. Her strongest and only love was given to Cheng Zhanxi, and she didn't want to share it with anyone.

It just so happened that Cheng Yuanxi had a child, and they had a niece to play with if they wanted to.

Cheng Yuanxi's daughter was named Cheng Yun, which means sunshine, and I hope she can shine brightly in the future.

Xiao Chengyun is very clingy to her aunt, and often pulls her aunt and aunt to whisper.

Once Cheng Zhanxi came back from a long trip and brought her a gift, Xiao Chengyun took the gift back to the room in no hurry, climbed into Cheng Zhanxi's arms, and whispered in her ear: "Dad cried again last night, Daddy coaxed him for a long time."

Cheng Zhanxi burst into laughter: "Hahahaha."

Xiao Chengyun looked at Yu Qingtang next to her, and whispered again, "Auntie, will you cry? Dad said that everyone with the surname Cheng is like this."

Cheng Zhanxi waved his hand three times in denial: "I'm not, I don't, don't listen to your dad's nonsense."

Xiao Chengyun looked at her aunt Yu Qingtang in disbelief.

Yu Qingtang cooperated with Cheng Zhanxi's performance without changing his face, and said, "Auntie never cry."

Xiao Chengyun said, "That aunt is better than my father."

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Cheng Yuanxi came in through the gate, took off his suit jacket and said, "What are you talking about? Are you so happy?"

Xiao Chengyun turned his head, smiled happily, and said crisply, "Dad!"

Cheng Yuanxi put his coat aside, sat down and pretended to complain: "When aunt is not at home, you will always run over to meet dad. When aunt comes back, you will hold aunt and don't let go. Even dad doesn't want it anymore."

Xiao Chengyun said sweetly: "It's been a long time since my aunt came back. Of course I want to accompany her well."

Cheng Zhanxi kissed the little girl's soft and smooth face.

Cheng Yuanxi peeled an orange and divided it into three for her sister, sister-in-law, and daughter, and said, "You finally went home, and your parents went out again."

Since Cheng Yi retired, Song Qingrou has tasted the beauty of two people traveling around the world. Sometimes when they get tired, they stop and live there for a month or two. Not only that, but she started to create again. As long as the creative cells in her bones encounter soil and rain, they will grow roots and shoots in an instant.

Ms. Song is so happy outside that she even forgot to go to Java with her two children and a granddaughter.

Cheng Zhanxi said, "it's okay, we'll stay for a while longer this time, they should be back."

Cheng Yuanxi said, "Is there something to do?"

Cheng Zhanxi said: "Yu Qingtang is approaching the deadline for the draft. She is going to retreat and write a book. After handing in the manuscript, we will go out." She also asked, "Where's Brother Qi Chen?"

Qi Chen is Cheng Yuanxi's husband.

Cheng Yuanxi sighed and said, "Going out to collect the wind."

Cheng Zhanxi showed clear eyes, so did her brother cry last night?

Cheng Yuanxi: "?"

Cheng Zhanxi turned his eyes away and continued to tease his niece in his arms.

Cheng Yuanxi said, "Are you staying for dinner at night? I'll show you a hand."

Cheng Zhanxi raised his eyebrows.

"Just your cooking skills?"

"It will definitely surprise you." Cheng Yuanxi believed to himself.

If there is anything wrong with the handsome, rich and perfect Cheng Yuanxi, it is the black hole of cooking. Cheng Yi and Cheng Zhanxi are both good at cooking, but because of his genetic mutation, he is naturally incompatible with the kitchen. When he was single, it didn't really matter, but now that he was married, he was able to go to the hall, and he wanted to go to the kitchen. It took a lot of hard work.

Cheng Yuanxi rolled up the sleeves of his expensive shirt, put on an apron, and entered the kitchen with confidence.

Xiao Chengyun's face collapsed: "Dad is going to cook again."

Cheng Zhanxi tipped his ears and heard a whisper, "Is the food cooked by Dad not delicious?"

Xiao Cheng Yun hesitated.

After a long time, she euphemistically said, "Daddy spoiled him too much."

Cheng Zhanxi and Yu Qingtang looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Yu Qingtang stretched out her hands to Xiao Chengyun, and Xiao Chengyun kissed Cheng Zhanxi's face before climbing down from her lap, threw herself into Yu Qingtang's arms, and kissed without discrimination.

Her father told her that her aunt and aunt would not have children, and she was their daughter. Although she did not shout, Xiao Chengyun knew from a young age that she had two fathers and two mothers. The happiest kid.

At dinner time, Cheng Yuanxi brought his four dishes and one soup to the table, and while removing his apron, he greeted, "It's dinner—"

Xiao Chengyun's face was bitter.

She has endured too much for this family.

Cheng Zhanxi and Yu Qingtang took their seats. It was the first time they saw Cheng Yuanxi's cooking. The appearance seemed to be qualified. The sweet and sour pork ribs were sugary and oily, and the stir-fried vegetables were green and juicy. Cheng Zhanxi and Yu Qingtang exchanged glances. She acted as a guinea pig who spontaneously tried dishes. She took a chopstick of green vegetables, chewed it twice, and her expression stopped.

Cheng Yuanxi looked at her and asked expectantly, "How is it, sister?"

Cheng Zhanxi gave her a look, and Yu Qingtang willingly brought her a trash can, Cheng Zhanxi tilted her head and spit it out, saying the truth: "I'm not familiar with it."

Cheng Yuanxi picked up the plate of green vegetables and said, "Then I'll return to the pot."

Cheng Zhanxi raised his hand to stop him, and said, "I'll try something else." She ate chopsticks and sweet and sour pork ribs, "There's too much vinegar, it's sour."

Cheng Yuanxi nodded: "I'll add some water, put sugar again, and neutralize it."

Five minutes later, Cheng Yuanxi brought all the dishes back to the kitchen in distress, put on an apron, and the sound of the range hood sounded again.

After a while, the sound of the range hood stopped, Cheng Yuanxi came out and said, "Let's go out to eat, I'm going to change my clothes, it smells of oil smoke."

In the living room, Xiao Chengyun hugged Cheng Zhanxi's neck and gave her a strong kiss, and said excitedly, "Thank you auntie!"

After going out for a big meal, Xiao Cheng Yun followed Cheng Yu and the two back to their home, and they stayed for a few days before being sent back by Cheng Zhanxi. After relaxing, Yu Qingtang officially retreated to write a manuscript.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Cheng Zhanxi came out of the studio, yawned, and pushed open the door of the study.

Yu Qingtang was sitting behind the desk, in high spirits, her eyes were brighter than the lights in the study, and she was completely different from the way she couldn't sleep during the day.

Cheng Zhanxi stepped forward lightly, without disturbing Yu Qingtang, who was attentive, she looked at the empty coffee cup on hand, reached for it, and came in with a cup of hot milk.

Yu Qingtang's ten fingers fly like a butterfly, flapping its wings like a butterfly on the keyboard, finishing the full stop of a paragraph, habitually going to the coffee on the right, only when she touches the glass, she realizes that the touch is wrong, she turns her head to look aside, Cheng Zhanxi has already I don't know how long I've been standing beside her.

Yu Qingtang took a sip of the hot milk and asked gently, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I want to accompany you."

Before she finished speaking, she yawned immediately, and the corners of her eyes were faintly glowing with moist light.

Yu Qingtang said, "Go to sleep."

Cheng Zhanxi looked hesitant, Yu Qingtang stood up, and half hugged and pushed her back to the bedroom, tucked her hands and feet into the quilt, patted the quilt lightly, and said softly, "Go to sleep."

Cheng Zhanxi's biological clock was fixed, and she would fight with her upper and lower eyelids at the time. She only had time to say "rest early" and fell asleep.

Yu Qingtang leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, then went out and closed the door lightly.

At six o'clock the next morning, Cheng Zhanxi woke up. The pillow was cold and there was no trace of another person sleeping. She put on her coat and entered the study again. Yu Qingtang was still in the same position last night, and he didn't move. If he had to tell the difference, the aroma of the coffee in the study would be stronger.

Seeing her, Yu Qingtang looked down at the time in the lower right corner of the computer and said, "Huh? Is it six o'clock so soon?"

She closed the computer and stretched a long, lazy waist: "Sleepy."

Cheng Zhanxi: "..."

There are times in life that are sometimes helpless, such as now.

Yu Qingtang always writes in the middle of the night, especially before the due date, he goes out at night, cup after cup of coffee, and when he slept, Yu Qingtang just turned off the computer and was about to fall asleep. She is also a literary and artistic worker, and knows that her creation relies on inspiration, and most writers are most inspired when it is quiet at night.

Cheng Zhanxi stopped Yu Qingtang, who was so sleepy and tearful, from the road to the bedroom, pressed her to the dining table, and said, "Eat breakfast first."

She had the foresight to cook the porridge before going to bed last night, and now she only needs to make two side dishes to go with the porridge. In less than ten minutes, Cheng Zhanxi came out of the kitchen, Yu Qingtang had already fallen asleep on the table, his face buried in his arms, breathing evenly, the table was uncomfortable, so his breath was a little heavy.

Cheng Zhanxi took her back to the room resignedly, Yu Qingtang knew nothing on the way, and when she lay down, she opened her eyes mistily, grabbed Cheng Zhanxi's hand, and muttered, "Sleep with me..."

Cheng Zhanxi lay down and accompanies her to sleep.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Yu Qingtang, who was full of sleep, woke up naturally and sat at the dining table holding a porridge bowl and sipping porridge, replenishing his empty stomach.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't raise any objection to her schedule. In fact, they both tried their best to adjust her schedule for Yu Qingtang. Once Yu Qingtang let Cheng Zhanxi squeeze her dry, she went to bed early at night, woke up on time the next day, and she was right. Sitting at the computer all day.

Some things are just for the night, and one thing you can't do another thing you love to do. Fortunately, it didn't take long to rush the draft. After this period of time passed, Yu Qingtang would be able to return to normal work and rest.

A month later, Yu Qingtang passed the manuscript of the new book to the editor. Cheng Zhanxi directly picked her up and put her on the desk. The solid black walnut desk was shaking, and the manuscripts that had just been printed out with the scent of ink were scattered on the ground. Yu Qingtang hugged Cheng Zhanxi's neck and had no time to care...

Of course, Yu Qingtang was not the only one who was inspired by sleeplessness. Cheng Zhanxi once stayed in the studio for several days in order to maintain his creative mood, except for meals, and could not even speak a few words all day long. , at this time, you can only be considerate and do not disturb her, and take care of her daily life.

This year, they have passed a lot of new lives. Yu Zhou and Xiang Tianyou have met each other's parents and are planning to get engaged. They want to invite them to an engagement banquet. Li Lan has returned to China with a bright resume and is a senior in a foreign company. However, after she returned to China, she invited Yu Qingtang to dinner. The little girl changed a lot. She wore a professional suit and acted resolutely. The beautiful mole on the tip of her nose added a touch of charm to her as a mature woman.

Yu Qingtang didn't ask how she and Lian Yabing were doing. Too many love affairs in their youth ended in failure. Maybe Li Lan had forgotten the relationship that hadn't started yet.

Later, Yu Qingtang and Lian Yabing accidentally chatted and learned that Lian Yabing was working in the foreign company where Li Lan was an executive.

Cheng Zhanxi was moving the flower pot on the balcony, when she heard Yu Qingtang calling her name in the bedroom, she put down the flower pot, and quickly entered the room: "What's wrong?"

Yu Qingtang showed her the chat record.

Cheng Zhanxi raised his eyebrows: "Is this going to continue the front line?"

Yu Qingtang said with a smile: "I don't know. If it becomes me, I should have a wedding drink."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Then let's go to the temple tomorrow to burn incense and let the Bodhisattva satisfy your wish."

Yu Qingtang smiled and hit her on the arm.

Not proper.

But a few months later, they ran into Li Lan and Lian Yabing when they were shopping in the mall. Li Lan is still wearing a capable workplace suit, stepping on high heels, and Lian Yabing is carrying a shopping paper bag behind her. It doesn't look like a lover, but it doesn't look like nothing happened.

The two of them didn't see Cheng Yu and Yu Qingtang watched their backs disappear from sight before taking back their sight.

Yu Qingtang sighed, "Lian Yabing is as slow as before."

Cheng Zhanxi laughed and said, "Maybe Li Lan is just as good as her. This kind of emotionally incapacitated person is amazing once they are enlightened."

Yu Qingtang looked at her, recalling the past, and her eyes gradually softened.

She was not very enlightened before, but luckily she met Cheng Zhanxi and she was also lucky enough to meet her.

Time flies, those vivid memories of the past are actually ten years ago.

Yu Qingtang's phone rang, interrupting her memory. She pressed the answer and said, "Mom."

Song Qingrou asked over there, "Are you going home for lunch at noon?"

Yu Qingtang: "Yes, we'll be there in half an hour."



As soon as he stepped into the house, Xiao Chengyun on the sofa crawled down and ran towards them, Cheng Zhanxi bent down to catch Xiao Chengyun, and nodded to another gentle young man sitting on the sofa: "Qi Brother Chen."

Qi Chen said gently, "The meal is almost ready."

He is quite introverted. He held up the camera in his hand and said, "Let me take a picture of you."

"Okay." Cheng Zhanxi replied, holding Xiao Chengyun to sit between her and Yu Qingtang, Qi Chen picked up the camera, just as Song Qingrou came downstairs, and said, "Do you want to take a picture? I want to take a picture too."

Cheng Yi followed closely behind: "Take me."

After Cheng Yuanxi finished his official business, he came out of the study on the first floor and saw his parents and sister's family sitting on the sofa: "?"

Cheng Yuanxi: "Why is there no family portrait without me?"

Travel without him is fine, he must have family portraits!

Qi Chen: "..."

Cheng Yuanxi found a seat behind the sofa and waved to him, "Achen, come together."

Qi Chen: "..."

Forget it.

He lowered his head and smiled, went to find a tripod to fix the camera, and stood beside Cheng Yuanxi.

Cheng Yuanxi: "Three, two, one—"

Cheng Zhanxi held Yu Qingtang's hand tightly, and everyone smiled brightly at the camera.


This image was frozen in camera forever.

Outside, the sun is just right.