After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 32

There is a convenience store near the school entrance.

Yu Qingtang didn't answer, and turned his attention to the convenience store not far away, which usually has umbrellas.

Cheng Zhanxi has been with her for too long today, and Yu Qingtang instinctively felt something was wrong. She pursed her lips, and just wanted to propose or buy an umbrella and go home, when silver-white lightning suddenly flashed through her pupils, and with a loud rumbling, a pea-sized raindrop fell.

The crackles hit the leaves, splashed at the feet, and flew up mud spots.

The students put their school uniforms and jackets on their foreheads and ran around the school gate. Some went home in the rain, and some took shelter from the rain.

The rain fell on Yu Qingtang's long eyelashes, and she blinked away the water droplets uncomfortably, just after being drenched twice, the rain on her head disappeared.

She raised her head, and a platinum matching coat came into view. Cheng Zhanxi only had a black T-shirt left on her body. Taking advantage of her height and length, she covered the coat on top of her head, like a stretch. umbrella.

Most of Cheng Zhanxi's body was outside, and the black T-shirt was moistened even deeper, and it was wet against his body. Water droplets continued to flow down his arms, and the ends of his hair hanging in front of him were dripping.

"Let's go!" In the sound of the rainstorm, Cheng Zhanxi's voice was a little blurry even if it was raised, and disappeared into the rain curtain.

"Let's go!"

Her red lips opened and closed, and she seemed to say it to Yu Qingtang twice.

And Yu Qingtang hid in the peaceful world she created, and couldn't hear anything in her ears, the woman's body temperature was very close, the heavy breathing and eager urging, the silent opening and closing of the red lips, accompanied by the majestic sound of rain , like an invisible and gentle giant net, woven in her heart finely and tightly, leaving this scene in Yu Qingtang's memory forever.

The people around came and went, and every now and then someone gave him a strange glance, and they hurried past, like a slowed-down movie scene.

Yu Qingtang didn't answer, Cheng Zhanxi was always drenched in the rain, and without taking another step, the rain flowed down her cheeks to her chin, dripping, dripping.

One day after we were together, it was another rainy day. Cheng Zhanxi was painting in the studio, and her concentration was awakened by the thunder outside the window. She hurriedly changed her clothes and went out to give Yu Qingtang an umbrella.

On the way home, Yu Qingtang took her arm and suddenly burst out laughing.

Cheng Zhanxi was inexplicable.

Yu Qingtang leaned her face on her shoulder and said softly, "I'm sorry, it made you rain for so long that day."

Cheng Zhanxi changed his hand to hold the umbrella handle, touched the woman's smooth face, and asked, "I want to know why you refused to answer me at that time?"

Yu Qingtang stopped and faced her.

The rain splashed on the surface of the umbrella, crackling, but it was dry and warm under the umbrella.

Yu Qingtang stared at her seriously and said, "I want time to stop at that moment forever, just me and you."

Cheng Zhanxi raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "Did you like me so early?"

Yu Qingtang smiled and said, "Didn't you think I fell in love with you at first sight?"

Cheng Zhanxi gritted her teeth, her brows and eyes were evil, but she was reluctant to use force and pinched her face softly.

Cheng Zhanxi: "What about now? Do you want time to stop?"

Yu Qingtang hugged her waist and acted coquettishly: "I don't want to, I want to eat your meal, I'm hungry."


When Cheng Zhanxi asked for the fifth time, Yu Qingtang finally moved his lips and said softly, "Okay."

Cheng Zhanxi's coat was almost wet. She put one hand around Yu Qingtang's shoulder from above and took Yu Qingtang into her arms. Because the clothes were wet, she was careful not to stick to her.

"One, two, three, run!"

The two ran towards a Shaxian snack bar not far away at the same time.

In the gloomy sky, lightning ripped apart the sky again, the wind swept the trees by the roadside, and the leaves were rolled into the air one by one, flying and circling.

The rainstorm was like note, the rain curtain was hazy, and people hiding from the rain could be seen everywhere. The sound made by the rain was like an ethereal hymn.

Cheng Zhanxi took the soaked coat off Yu Qingtang's head, twisted the water in the clothes at the entrance of the Shaxian snack bar, and admired the rainstorm quite poetically. Her eyes suddenly narrowed, and she turned around and handed the sportswear jacket to Yu Qingtang, saying, "You go in first, I'll come later."

After she finished speaking, she turned and rushed into the rain.

At the entrance of a middle school, at the corner of the road, there is an old grandfather who repairs bicycles. All of the old grandfather's belongings are on the tricycle. He comes to set up a stall every morning to make some money. The guy tucked away and crunched out of school on his rickshaw.

Cheng Zhanxi always passed by that intersection on a motorcycle, and was deeply impressed by this old grandfather.

Now that more and more bicycles are shared, and Sicheng is basically popular, the damage is uniformly recycled and repaired by special personnel, which is a huge blow to the traditional repair stalls. The old man is over sixty years old, with goose skin and hair, and his hair is unkempt. If it wasn't too far from home, Cheng Zhanxi would like to buy a bicycle to go to work and take care of the old man's business every other day.

The old grandfather wiped the rain off his face, and laboriously unfolded the rain cloth to cover the back of the three wheels. The wind was strong, so he rolled up the rain cloth that he had just pulled out.

At this moment, a pair of slender and clean hands came over to help him press down the raging rain cloth.

Cheng Zhanxi quickly fixed the four corners of the rain cover. The heavy rain washed her eyebrows and eyes, and shouted to the old man, "Go home quickly."

The old grandfather rode on the human tricycle, smiled at her with his wrinkled face, stretched out his thumb with one hand, bent it twice, gestured thank you, turned around and stepped on the tricycle, drifting away in the rain.

He was also deaf.

Cheng Zhanxi's nose was sour, and suddenly he raised his hand and covered his eyes.


The first time Cheng Zhanxi saw the girl was when she was six years old. She went to play with her grandparents who retired in the countryside. It was her first time to go to the countryside. Everything felt fresh. Go crazy until it's time to eat.

One day, she was also crazy on the mountain and came back at the point of having dinner. In her small arms, she was holding a bunch of fruits picked from her grandparents' orchards and wanted to give them to her grandparents.

She was happily walking on the road, when she suddenly saw a group of children surrounded by a person on the side of the road, and there were constantly taunting laughter and clapping from between them.

"Little dumb, can't speak."

"Little dumb, no parents."

There are also children who go up and push, laughing while pushing.

Cheng Zhanxi squeezed into the crowd, and saw that the girl who was being pushed was a girl with her head lowered. The top and jacket she was wearing was already wrinkled under the pushing and pushing, and she retreated to the corner.

Everyone is still laughing: "Say something, why don't you speak?"

"Have you been unable to speak since you were a child?"

"Little dumb, little dumb, hahaha."

There are children who learn to be mute, their eyes are bulging, and they speak with their vocal cords "Yiya", which makes a group of children laugh even more.

Cheng Zhanxi was out of anger, picked up the pear he just picked in his arms and smashed it on the dumb child!

The boy was so stunned that he didn't recover for a long time.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't wait for other people to react, and threw all the fruits he picked in his pocket.

A group of children scattered as birds and beasts.

Cheng Zhanxi only had time to comfort the girl who shrunk in the corner. The girl was about half a head shorter than her, and she looked even shorter with her head down, thin and small, and her clothes were soiled.

"Don't be afraid, the bad guys are all driven away by my sister." Six-year-old Cheng Zhanxi's voice was childish.

Cheng Zhanxi has been chivalrous since she was a child. Before she became a painter, she wanted to be a hero who eliminates evil and promotes good.

Remembering that she couldn't hear, Cheng Zhanxi bent down, looked at her from below, and met a pair of black and clear eyes with thick eyelashes like two small fans.


Xiao Cheng Zhanxi thought: My sister's eyes are so beautiful.

The girl finally raised her head, gave her a blank look with those beautiful eyes, and then left.

Xiao Cheng Zhanxi blinked, watching her back go away.

Since then, Cheng Zhanxi gave up her crazy activities and patrolled this road every day with her hands behind her back. It really made her encounter a little mute who was surrounded and bullied by a group of children twice, and beat people away twice. She also made her face full of tears, but she was very happy, because once again justice triumphed over evil! Including the adults on the side of the road, as long as she opens her mouth to say a little dumb, she will stand up, hold her chest up, and say with justice: "Don't call my sister dumb!"

The adults are strange: "Is she your sister?"

Cheng Zhanxi: "Yes!"

"Then what's her name?"

Cheng Zhanxi couldn't answer, so he straightened his neck and said, "My sister is my sister!"

The lord didn't ask, and said with a smile, "You really like your sister."

As long as the matter of the little mute is involved, Cheng Zhanxi's natural and surging sense of justice makes her immediately turn into a cockfighter, and whoever catches and bites whoever is caught, the children run faster than rabbits when they see her.

With the little police patrolling, the life of the little mute is much better. Once, Cheng Zhanxi escorted her home from a distance, and saw the little girl walking in front of her stop, walked to the side of the road and squatted down, not knowing what she was doing.

Cheng Zhanxi maintained his usual respect, did not step forward, but scratched his heart and stretched his neck forward for two miles.

The girl straightened her waist, she immediately put her hands behind her back, pretended that nothing happened, and looked at the sky and the ground to see the scenery.

Yu Guang has been secretly paying attention to each other.

She noticed that the other party was walking towards her, she quickly straightened her posture, turned her eyes around, and politely landed on the other party's face, raising a friendly smile.

The girl's hand was also hidden behind her, and she approached her step by step.

Her cheeks were morbidly pale with malnutrition, her thin lips that were almost bloodless pursed, and she slowly took out a bouquet of freshly picked flowers from behind.

A handful of small bright yellow wild chrysanthemums, decorated with dark green grass leaves.

Cheng Zhanxi pointed to himself in disbelief: "For me?"

She remembered again that she couldn't hear, and tried very hard to express it again with her physical actions.

The little mute nodded lightly.

Cheng Zhanxi took it solemnly, smiled involuntarily, and said, "Thank you."

Perhaps it was her ecstasy that infected the girl. The corners of the lips of this girl who had always been silent and withdrawn were slightly curved, and a very shallow smile appeared, which was fleeting, like a short-lived flower.

In this way, Cheng Zhanxi and Little Dumb became friends.

She carried the drawing board to sketch on the mountain, and the little mute watched from behind her, standing far away at first, then getting closer and closer. By the end she was sitting in front of the easel, holding the hem of her dress with both hands, clenched into fists nervously, her porcelain-white cheeks flushed with discomfort.

Cheng Zhanxi held the paintbrush and said with a smile, "Don't move, it will be painted soon."

Cheng Zhanxi didn't learn much painting skills when he was still young, and it all depended on his unrestrained imagination.

She showed the finished painting to the little mute, and the little mute put it away seriously and gave her a serious look.

Cheng Zhanxi couldn't help but gently held her hand, it was cold and small.

Cheng Zhanxi has learned simple sign language and can communicate with the little mute.

Hello, thank you, are you going to the mountains? I like you, play with me, I will send you home.

Have fun every day.

She took her into the house, and heard the people inside calling her "silent". The one who lived with her was a middle-aged woman who looked a little fierce and refused to let everyone out, including the beloved Cheng. Zhan Xi has never entered her door.

When the summer vacation was over, the Cheng family sent the housekeeper, Uncle Deng, to take Cheng Zhanxi home, and Cheng Zhanxi went to say goodbye to the little mute. Afraid that the children in the neighborhood would bully her again, she went door-to-door to warn the children, and asked her grandparents to help watch it. Every time she called, she asked how her sister was doing.

Before leaving, she promised to silently send her a painting, which was really like her painting.

It is a pity that there is no chance to meet again, and that painting has become a promise that will never be fulfilled.

Before the semester was over, grandparents said they moved away silently.

People went to the building empty, no one knew where they went.

If it was an ordinary childhood companion, Cheng Zhanxi would have long forgotten him. But Momo is deaf and mute. For a long time after she moved out, Cheng Zhanxi always remembered how she was huddled in the corner, her blank eyes, the scars that often appeared on her body for no reason, she gave her a bunch of them Wildflower, she smiled very lightly, like a flash in the pan.

Thinking about it day and night, over and over again, she always wondered whether she would be bullied and whether she would be able to grow up safely and healthily.

Still can't forget.

Twenty years later, when Cheng Zhanxi called his grandparents, he would occasionally ask, "Have you seen Momo? Has she come back?"

After getting a negative answer, you will be in a daze for a long time.


When Cheng Zhanxi came back, it was already drenched in soup. Yu Qingtang waited for her at the door and never went inside.

"Why don't you go in?" Cheng Zhanxi sniffed, his voice slightly hoarse.

"I'm afraid you won't find it." Yu Qingtang casually made up a reason, raised her hand to unbutton her windbreaker, Cheng Zhanxi hurriedly grabbed her hand to stop her, her palm was full of rain, cold, and her body temperature was lower than Yu Qingtang's. He released it quickly and said, "No need, you can wear it yourself, where's my coat?"

Yu Qingtang gave her the coat she fished out of the rain. Cheng Zhanxi put it on, then took it off again, sinking and cold, and said, "It's okay, I'm in good health."

Yu Qingtang's eyes vaguely showed disapproval, but he didn't speak any more, and pushed open the door of the small shop.

There were students who were sheltering from the rain and having dinner, and the two of them managed to find two vacancies in the corner. Cheng Zhanxi pulled out the messy wet hair stuck in his neck, looked up at the menu on the opposite wall, and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Yu Qingtang: "Chicken leg rice."

Cheng Zhanxi usually cooks by herself. Even if she eats, she seldom eats snacks in Shaxian County. She browsed the menu and asked, "Do you have any recommendations?"

"..." Yu Qingtang read it carefully and recommended it earnestly, "Let's mix noodles and steamed dumplings."

Cheng Zhanxi nodded: "That's it."

Yu Qingtang stood up and said coldly, "I'm going to order."

Cheng Zhanxi combed his hair with his five fingers while looking at the back of Yu Qingtang lining up at the window, the corners of his lips rose slightly.

Yu Qingtang walked back quickly, sat opposite her, tilted her head to look at the torrential rain outside the window, and there was no trend of getting smaller.

Cheng Zhanxi was also watching the rain, and she was unusually silent today, who has always talked a lot.

Yu Qingtang was accustomed to and liked this kind of silence, but there was a small hook in her heart, wondering what Cheng Zhanxi was thinking now while looking at the rain curtain, and for whom the melancholy flashing across her brows was for.

The waiter who was busy with the spinning top put down the plate and the drawer and left without even saying "please slow down" to say hello. Cheng Zhanxi was awakened by the slight bump of the plate on the table, and smiled apologetically to Yu Qingtang. The inquiry in Yu Qingtang's eyes was vague, but after all, he didn't ask.

"Let's eat." She said lightly, pushing the chili sauce in front of her, "This can be dipped in dumplings."


Cheng Zhanxi picked up his chopsticks, mixed the noodles, and ate slowly.

The students around were chatting, but the two of them were the only ones who were silent, the sound of the rain was pattering, and the only one was clean.

Food can make people feel better. Cheng Zhanxi swallowed the last dumpling, and when Yu Qingtang finished eating, he said, "Mr. Yu, do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

Yu Qingtang Lei couldn't move: "Prepare lessons."

"Okay." Cheng Zhanxi said with a smile, "Mr. Yu is too dedicated. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I will go to see the house. If it rains, I will go indoor rock climbing. I haven't moved my muscles for a long time. I feel like I'm about to rust. ."

Yu Qingtang calmly glanced at her figure outlined by her half-dry black T-shirt, and raised her brows on the ground.

Is it too modest?

Cheng Zhanxi: "I used to have a friend in Sicheng, but now she's gone, I can only go alone, so lonely."

Yu Qingtang hummed, pretending not to understand her suggestion.

Cheng Zhanxi: "Sister Yu~"

Yu Qingtang picked up the bag next to her and interrupted her: "The rain seems to be getting smaller, it's time for me to go home."

"I see you off?"

"I see you off."


Five minutes later, Yu Qingtang came out of the convenience store opposite with an umbrella, put the umbrella on Cheng Zhanxi's head, and took the taxi he stopped.

This is the first time she is in the car and Yu Qingtang is outside the car, Cheng Zhanxi feels a little novel.

She blinked at Yu Qingtang from the lowered car window, her eyes clear.

Yu Qingtang said without any emotion: "Be careful."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled and said, "It's the other way around."

Yu Qingtang: "Huh?"

Cheng Zhanxi pointed to the two of them respectively and said, "Be careful on the road and pay attention to safety."

Yu Qingtang understood, recalled the previous scene, and changed the words: "Call me when you get home... Send a message." In fact, it is unnecessary to say this with her character, but when Cheng Zhanxi said the opposite, she instinctively Swap, the response is always half a beat slower than the brain.

Cheng Zhanxi burst out laughing.

"meet on Monday."

Yu Qingtang pursed her lips: "See you on Monday."

The taxi vanished into the misty drizzle.

Yu Qingtang stood there, and after a while, turned around and walked towards the home.

On Sunday, Yu Qingtang was preparing lessons in the study room, and came out to get takeout at the point. While eating, he opened Cheng Zhanxi's circle of friends.

Cheng Zhanxi really updated, it's a 10-second short video.

Yu Qingtang clicked, Cheng Zhanxi was wearing professional rock climbing equipment, and flexibly turned, moved, and jumped on the rock wall. Her slender and powerful body was tightly clinging to the rock wall, and she climbed vigorously, reminding her of reading in animal magazines before. One of the animals that I have been to is called blue sheep. They can climb up on the cliffs as long as they have a supporting edge.

Yu Qingtang watched this video back and forth several times before turning off the background.

Later, she thought of the dance that Cheng Zhanxi danced in the middle of preparing for the lesson, and couldn't help turning on the computer and swiping it twice.

Cheng Zhanxi got down after reaching the top, took back the phone from a little girl, and said, "Thank you."

She lowered her head to check the video specially shot for Yu Qingtang.

The little girl is a new staff member of the rock climbing club. The first time she saw Cheng Zhanxi, she was amazed by her beauty when she came in. Now I see her fiddling with her mobile phone, her eyelashes are long and curled, and the corners of her lips are smiling. Qian, the fingertips tugging at the ear hair, the more charming and charming.

The little girl took out her mobile phone from her pocket, her cheeks were slightly hot, and she opened her WeChat QR code.

Cheng Zhanxi has an extra hand in his sight.

A soft and glutinous voice came from in front of him: "Miss Cheng, let's add a WeChat account. Next time you come to the club, you can notify me in advance."

Cheng Zhanxi raised his head, looked at her for a few seconds, and withdrew the finger that moved to the upper right corner to "sweep", his eyes were bent, peach blossom eyes were gentle, but the words of refusal came out: "No, thank you. "

She doesn't reject making any friends, but she doesn't make friends who are obviously plotting against her, asking for trouble.

Cheng Zhanxi is a person who pays great attention to "I". She will fight for what she wants and what she likes. As for liking her, it has nothing to do with her.

At four o'clock in the afternoon on Sunday, the intermittent rain finally stopped completely, and the setting sun showed a faint light in the clouds.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't go to see the house, but went to the agency to ask the agency to help her keep an eye on the house and contact her at any time.

Monday morning.

It rained again last night, the ground was still wet and the air was moist.

Cheng Zhanxi's locomotive stayed at the school. She had taxied to the school in the morning. She asked the driver to stop ahead of time at the intersection and opened the door to get out.

The bicycle repair booth has been set up. The old man sat on the low stool, repaired the tires in the morning light, and used a file to burr the leaking parts. He was meticulous and focused.

Cheng Zhanxi stepped forward and saw a piece of plastic-sealed waterproof paper next to the booth. The paper said: Free gas, tire repair X yuan...

Cheng Zhanxi was very close, the grandfather saw her out of the corner of his light, raised his head, and pointed to her with the bills for various businesses listed next to him.

It was too rainy yesterday, and he obviously didn't recognize Cheng Zhanxi.

And Cheng Zhanxi just smiled and shook his head, saying that he didn't need to repair the car, and didn't say anything about last night. She greeted each other in sign language. The old grandpa put down the file and returned her sign language kindly and friendly.


Yu Qingtang walked over from the other end of the road and saw a familiar figure, Cheng Zhanxi and the old grandfather at the car repair booth were squatting side by side, they didn't know what they were talking about.

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Has Teacher Cheng talked so much that he could chat with anyone on the side of the road?

Yu Qingtang frowned suddenly, she remembered that the old grandfather at the car repair booth was deaf and mute.


small theater:

Yu Qingtang: I'm the little sister? Where am I young?

Cheng Zhanxi (looks down, swallows): Nowhere... not small.

Yu Qingtang (undressing): Come on, check it out for yourself.

ps: Let me first say here that childhood is pure friendship!

pps: This memory of Little Dumb was written in the first edition of Chapter 6. Later, the text was revised and the content was changed. If you have read it, please pretend that it is the first time.