After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 41

"Teacher Yu!"

Yu Qingtang's back froze, and the steps towards the opposite side stopped.

She turned slightly politely, nodded slightly to Cheng Zhanxi, and said lightly, "Mr. Cheng."

Cheng Zhanxi didn't seem to notice her indifference, and said with a smile, "What a coincidence."

Yu Qingtang opened his mouth and was about to say "I'm going home first" when Cheng Zhanxi rushed before Yu Qingtang opened his mouth and said enthusiastically, "I have stewed lotus root pork ribs soup, do you want to try it, Teacher Yu?"

Yu Qingtang breathed a sigh of relief, this was what she assumed when she promised to rent her a house, and she had already figured out how to deal with it.

Yu Qingtang: "I've eaten, I'm full, and I don't eat supper."

Cheng Zhanxi nodded thoughtfully: "Is that so..."

Yu Qingtang nodded: "Then I will..."

Cheng Zhanxi interrupted her again and said, "Wait for me." Without waiting for Yu Qingtang to respond, he went into the house in a hurry.

Yu Qingtang saw her back in smoky pink home clothes, hiding behind the door.

The soles of the slippers are hard, and they run with a dab dab. It is easy to overlook that she is actually a 27-year-old mature woman.

What a happy family can grow such a free and sincere soul.

Yu Qingtang took a small step forward as if self-consciously, and woke up in time. She lowered her eyes and raised her eyes, looking at the snow-white walls of the corridor.

The sound of footsteps came from inside, and Cheng Zhanxi reappeared in front of her eyes with a bright smile.

Two minutes later, Yu Qingtang sat in his restaurant, looking at the pork ribs soup packed in front of him, doubting his life.

What the **** just happened?

- Anyway, I live alone, I can't drink so much, and it's a waste to pour it out. Teacher Yu, please share with me.

- It doesn't matter if you don't drink it tonight, you can put it in the refrigerator and it will be hot tomorrow, and the taste will not be much worse. I have stewed it for a long time, and the ribs are delicious.

—Mr. Yu must be tired when he comes back from home. I won’t disturb you. Go back and rest. See you tomorrow.

Yu Qingtang's thin lips opened and closed several times. With the double blessing of Cheng Zhanxi's rapid language output and sincere eyes, he finally said dizzily: "...see you tomorrow."

Yu Qingtang: "…"

The best way to deal with Teacher Cheng is to be deaf, right?

Yu Qingtang suddenly remembered in despair that Cheng Zhanxi seemed to be able to sign language. Although she didn't seem to be proficient in it, with her ability, she must be able to dance a few sign language gestures.

Is there anyone in the world who can cure Teacher Cheng?

Yu Qingtang reached out and touched the soup cup, the white porcelain texture was warm and hot, and the aroma overflowed from the edge of the cup lid.

Her throat moved involuntarily. Yu Qingtang brought the soup cup into the kitchen and placed it on the cooking table beside the sink. She lifted the lid and hung it over the sink. Pour out slowly and flow into the sink.

The pork rib soup stewed at home is often too clear in color, and it is rare to have such a white color like milk. Among them, the skills and the thought of spending can be seen.

With the reduction of the soup, the crispy ribs and pieces of lotus root that were stewed at the bottom of the cup were exposed.

Yu Qingtang's knuckles tightened and he stopped pouring.

There is still half of the soup left in it.

Yu Qingtang raised his head, divided his breath into several times and vomited slowly, took a spoon from the kitchen, and sat down in front of the dining table again.

The soup is thick and delicious, the ribs and chopsticks are gently separated from the flesh and bones, and even the bones are full of flavor. Cheng Zhanxi is not exaggerating when he says that he is good at cooking.

Yu Qingtang washed the soup cup and put it in the kitchen, but did not return it immediately.

Across the two doors, a new neighbor moved in.

She is a painter, with a superior family background, good cooking skills, gentle personality, pure heart and, of course, trivial shortcomings.

The sound insulation here is very good. Cheng Zhanxi is really quiet when he is alone, so the corridor outside is still quiet without any sound, which is no different from every dark night that came as scheduled in the past.

But Yu Qingtang was sitting in the living room, listening to the sound on the TV with the volume turned down, but she almost gave birth to the illusion that she was not alone, and the air surrounding her was no longer freezing to the bone.

At eleven o'clock, Yu Qingtang turned off the TV and went back to his room to sleep.

By the way, I replied to the message sent by Cheng Zhanxi an hour and a half ago: [I'm sleeping, good night]

Put your phone on airplane mode and close your eyes.

Cheng Zhanxi threw the phone out of the screen, and it was nearly twelve o'clock when he came out to see the news. Cheng Zhanxi held the phone, looked in the direction of the living room door, and typed: [I'm sleeping too, good night]


The next morning.

Yu Qingtang woke up before six o'clock. She shook her drowsy brain, her tongue was dry, she came out of the bedroom to pour water, and heard a faint sound from the corridor, like a door closing.

Yu Qingtang put down the water glass and looked out from the cat's eye on the door.

The sensor light in the corridor was on, and the soft white light illuminated the elevator entrance. Cheng Zhanxi was wearing a bright orange sportswear with two white pinstripes from the shoulders to the sleeves, and a pair of white sneakers on his feet. Lightweight and stretchy, long and beautiful.

Yu Qingtang saw her feet from her shoulders, and then landed on her delicate and soft profile.

Cheng Zhanxi suddenly looked in her direction.

Yu Qingtang was startled, covered the cat's eyes subconsciously, took two steps back, and then realized that Cheng Zhanxi could not find her.

She opened the cat's eyes again.

Cheng Zhanxi still faced the direction of the gate of 2101, showing a very gentle smile, and immediately raised his foot and entered the elevator.

Yu Qingtang slowly stepped back, allowing her throbbing heartbeat to slowly return to normal in the quiet space.

The Mingmen Mansion has specially built large and small gardens for residents to exercise. The humid air is filled with a touch of floral fragrance and a fresh earthy smell.

Even if it wasn't for Yu Qingtang, the environment of the famous mansion was the most satisfactory to the surrounding community. She ran around the garden to warm up, stopped at the wooden fence next to Swan Lake, and sent a message to Yu Qingtang: [Morning run, Swan Lake check-in]

A photo is attached.

Yu Qingtang was just about to go out and didn't want to make breakfast at home today, so he had to go to school early for breakfast.

She stopped in front of the house and clicked on the photo.

At a quarter past six in the autumn morning, the morning sun has not yet risen, and the shimmering light after dawn shrouded the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

Cheng Zhanxi has a special ability to make everything around him beautiful.

Yu Qingtang exhaled slowly and replied: [I'm going to work]

After she finished speaking, she opened the door and entered the elevator, deliberately not looking at her mobile phone until she walked not far from the school gate, stopped to buy breakfast, and clicked the notification after paying.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: So early? [Program surprised face.jpg]

ten minutes later.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: I'm done, take a bath, have a meal, and then go to school

The time is half past six.

The clouds in the sky gradually brightened.

Yu Qingtang went back to the office after staring at the morning reading, and Cheng Zhanxi was already sitting in his seat.

"Mr. Yu, good morning."

"Good morning."

When Yu Qingtang sat down, his eyes swept over Cheng Zhanxi pretending to be inadvertently. The temperature dropped again in the past two days. Cheng Zhanxi added a bright orange jacket with a vertical collar, which made the skin on the neck become more and more fair and delicate. Going up the neck, there is a delicate chin, plump and ruddy thin lips, soft facial lines, and a gentle temperament.

She lowered her eyelids and looked back calmly.

Yang Li has been crazy about Cheng Zhanxi's clothes recently.

In addition to shoes, Cheng Zhanxi dresses up differently almost every day, and is more English than Yang Li, an English teacher. Cheng Zhanxi's usual dressing style is closer to the sassy and neat type, beige overalls, khaki overalls, white shirt with brown vest, three-quarter sleeve casual suit with trousers, these clothes need stature and figure to support .

Cheng Zhanxi's net height is over 170, with long legs and a thin waist, good temperament, and easy control. Yang Li is 1.61 meters tall and wears jumpsuits like a child. She doesn't look like a teacher at all. After the trial, I sent Cheng Zhanxi a [crying] emoji.

Cheng Zhanxi smiled and comforted her: how much younger, buy it.

Yang Li hesitated, saying that it didn't fit her age.

Cheng Zhanxi said that as young as he is at heart, he dresses as young as he is.

So Yang Li bought one to wear after work, because she really liked it, but she didn't dare to wear it to school.

Cheng Zhanxi's clothes are good, but Yang Li has the heart to get the same style, but she doesn't have the same hardware. Fortunately, she didn't ask for the price, and the ones she bought were not exactly the same, otherwise she might have lost her heart.

As soon as I came in today, I immediately aimed at Cheng Zhanxi's new coat.

"Oh, Teacher Cheng!" Yang Li was very excited.

"My God, Teacher Yang!" Cheng Zhanxi always cheered people up.

The two of them together: "Hahahahaha."

The tip of Yu Qingtang's pen paused slightly, and the speed of writing slowed down.

Yang Li asked Cheng Zhanxi to stand up, turned around in front of her, and asked her eagerly, "Do you think your coat will look good on me?"

Cheng Zhanxi took off his coat and said, "Do you try?"

Yang Li put her shawl on the back of the chair, put on Cheng Zhanxi's coat, zipped up, and asked, "How is it?"

Cheng Zhanxi looked at it for a few seconds and said, "Good-looking, Mr. Yang's skin is fair, this color is just right, and you look young."

Yang Li smiled wide-eyed.

She stretched the hem of her clothes and said, "Mr. Cheng took a picture of me, and I'll show my husband."

Cheng Zhanxi raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay."

Cheng Zhanxi used Yang Li's mobile phone to take pictures of her and said enviously, "Mr. Yang is so happy to have a husband, I can only wear it in front of the mirror by myself, and I don't even have anyone to ask."

Yang Li laughed so hard that her mouth could not close, and she had to say a few words of modesty: "You young people are still long, and there will be happy times in the future."

"Thank you, Teacher Yang, for Ji Yan."

Cheng Zhanxi returned the phone to her, and Yang Li also took off her coat. The coat looked thin, but it kept warm very well. Yang Lifu shivered when she took it off, and when she handed it over, she said casually, "Huh, Teacher Cheng's. The clothes are so warm."

Yu Qingtang's ears were filled with the voices of the two of them talking and laughing. Cheng Zhanxi replied later that she didn't pay attention. When she came back to her senses, the two of them had already chatted for a long time. read books.

Yu Qingtang shook his head slightly, but bowed his head but was stunned.

On the lesson plan in front of her, the original graceful and graceful handwriting was followed by a piece of handwriting that was so distorted that the strokes could not be seen, and Yu Qingtang's pen tip was still moving erratically.

Yu Qingtang settled down, crossed out the product of that inexplicable emotion, and rewrote the lesson plan.

There is a math class in the morning.

The results of the mid-term exams for the senior year have been released, and the corresponding scores and individual subject rankings have also been sent to the students.

Class 7 performed well this time overall. Mathematics is the fifth in the whole grade, physics is fourth in the whole grade, and Yang Li's English is in the top ten in the grade. Except for history, which is a bit of a drag, all other subjects are in the middle and upper levels. After the second year of high school, the more than 20 existing classes will be disrupted and reassigned. Yu Qingtang guessed that most of their classes will learn science, and Yu Qingtang will have a higher chance of encountering them in the future.

Yu Qingtang had the whole class's ranking table in hand. Yu Zhou's total score was firmly in the top three, and her grade ranking was relatively high. Even Yabing ranked first in mathematics, with a total score of the top ten in the class. Wu Peng and others struggled in the middle and lower reaches, not to mention the tail of Xiang Tianyou's crane.

Li Lan's situation is not optimistic. From the top five in the monthly test, she dropped out of the top ten, and almost fell to the fifteenth. This incident hit her a bit hard.

Yu Qingtang talked about the paper, and because there was not enough time to talk about the new content, he walked around the classroom and stared at them to correct them.

The get out of class bell rang.

Li Lan stood up: "Teacher!"

Yu Qingtang nodded to her and said, "Come with me."

Li Lan followed Yu Qingtang to the office, and just opened his mouth, Yu Qingtang put the lesson plan and textbook on the table, picked up the bag in the chair, and said, "Not here to talk."

Cheng Zhanxi watched them leave the office.


"What would you like to drink?" Yu Qingtang stood in front of the counter of the dessert shop and turned to ask Li Lan behind him.

Li Lan's eyes were blank.

Who is she? where is she? Why did Teacher Yu invite her to eat?

Yu Qingtang thought for a while and said, "Is coconut milk sago dew ok?"

Li Lan returned to her senses and nodded hurriedly: "Yes."

Yu Qingtang ordered to the front desk: "One serving of coconut milk sago, one serving..." She paused and said, "One serving of **** milk, thank you."

The lady at the front desk: "Okay, a total of XX yuan, scan the code or cash?"

Yu Qingtang dripped it with her mobile phone and led Li Lan to a clean place in the corner.

"Mr. Yu, I..." Li Lan put her hands under the table and twisted her fingers together.

Yu Qingtang interrupted her gently: "Eat first, and talk while you eat."

Desserts can relax people. Li Lan ate a few spoonfuls of sago, raised his head, and said frankly, "Mr. Yu, I'm sorry."

Yu Qingtang didn't make a statement, and lifted the spoon in her hand slightly, signaling her to continue talking.

Li Lan said: "I think things are not thoughtful enough, thinking is too simple, first of all, I have not considered the serious consequences that the joint book will bring to you; secondly, I am self-righteous, self-centered, and even put forward the request that the math teacher does not change the class teacher, and I did not put myself in my shoes. Considering your feelings, think in a different position, if my classmates do not let me be the monitor, but let me stay in this class, I will also be very sad."

Yu Qingtang looked at her.

A very unfamiliar emotion surged up in my heart...Is it gratifying?

Li Lan ate two more mouthfuls of sago, sat and calmed down for a while, then continued: "Last Friday's class meeting, you asked us to vote on whether you should stay or not. Think about why there is such a result, especially the classmates who made different choices before and after. My second choice is to let you stay. "

Yu Qingtang slightly raised his eyebrows.

Li Lan said: "I went back and thought about it for a long time. I think you should be trying to tell us that we should have our own opinions in doing things, don't follow the crowd, don't be coerced by the emotions of the crowd, and don't do things with evil intentions. There are many people attacking A person, but not a reason why you can also attack each other arbitrarily.

People easily lose themselves in groups, lowering people's moral bottom line, and group evil is also a kind of evil. When it is concretely implemented to each individual, when the individual holds the decision-making power, we tend to think carefully. When we vote, we can’t see everyone’s choices, so we follow our hearts and choose carefully, which is why there is a huge difference in votes. Not only in this matter, but also in our lives, we often encounter similar situations. We need to stay rational and sober at all times, and look at one thing objectively and comprehensively, instead of being slaves to emotions. "

When Li Lan said this, she looked at Yu Qingtang and pursed her lips slightly, with a nervous expression and a hint of vague hope for a response.

Yu Qingtang nodded slightly.

Li Lan exhaled softly and said, "As the monitor, not only did I not lead by myself, but I became the initiator of this group emotion. I didn't really investigate the true wishes of each classmate, so I used my own appeal. Going to 'kidnap' them, I hurt the teacher and had a bad influence on the classmates." She paused for a long time and lowered her voice, "I am not a qualified monitor."

She raised her eyes, looked at Yu Qingtang's face, and said seriously, "So last thing, I want to resign from your position as monitor."

Yu Qingtang put down the spoon, the handle of the spoon and the edge of the bowl made a light bumping sound.

She said, "I'm also wrong. Everything you said to me that night during my self-study study was right. I'm really not a qualified head teacher."

Li Lan's mouth moved, as if she instinctively wanted to object, but in the end she didn't speak.

Yu Qingtang said calmly, "I'm not blind because I admit my mistake, it shows that you really have your own opinion."

Li Lan bit her lower lip and hesitated.

"Teacher, I want to ask you a question."

"You ask."

"Are you deliberately not remembering our names? You grade your homework every day, don't you read the names in the workbook?" They dangled under Yu Qingtang's eyelids every day.

Yu Qingtang didn't answer. After a long time, she said: "To be precise, it's not that I can't remember your names, but that the names and faces don't match."

A possibility flashed in Li Lan's mind.

"You... are you face-blind?!"

Yu Qingtang acquiesced.

Li Lan was dumbfounded.

Yu Qingtang picked up the spoon again and said indifferently, "Don't tell the other students yet, I plan to say it at the Friday class meeting."

Yu Qingtang will also be the head teacher for half a semester. Before, she didn't know that these students cared so much about whether she knew them or not. Now she knows. Even though she still doesn't want to have too many emotional interactions, she told the students that it was a basic respect. Also her work ethic.

Li Lan nodded as if pounding garlic, and put a zipper on his mouth, expressing that it would be kept secret.

She thought: She finally has the coveted affirmation and closeness from the head teacher, but unfortunately this is her last day as the head teacher.

"Why do you want to resign as monitor?" Yu Qingtang returned to the topic, "The classmates are dissatisfied with you?"

"No, it's my own reason. I don't think I deserve to be the monitor."

"Just because of this?"

"Isn't this serious enough?" Li Lan has been overwhelmed by her own guilt for a while, and she can't even get into the state of review.

"Do you think it's serious?" Yu Qingtang asked rhetorically.

"Of course."

"You regret it?"


"The consequence you bear for your mistakes is to quit your job?"

Li Lan was dumbfounded.

Yu Qingtang changed her question: "Do you still want to be the monitor?"

Li Lan nodded without hesitation.

Yu Qingtang said: "It's not scary to do something wrong. What's scary is that instead of facing it, you choose to escape."

She lowered her head to eat **** and milk slowly, leaving Li Lan to think quietly.

After a long time, Li Lan's voice full of guilt sounded: "But the person I'm most sorry for is you, I really have no face anymore..."

Yu Qingtang said lightly, "I forgive you."

Li Lan raised his head: "Huh?"

Yu Qingtang took a tissue, pressed it gently on the corner of his mouth, and said indifferently: "The main victim of this incident is me, and I don't care about it anymore, so you don't need to dig into this kind of **** anymore. If you have to go deeper, It was my fault for this."

Li Lan: "…"

Yu Qingtang: "As for the monitor, think about it for yourself. Tell me the answer at the class meeting on Friday, and I'll send you back to the classroom."

Li Lan said blankly: "Okay."

Li Lan sat back in his seat in the classroom. The political teacher on the podium was full of passion and saliva. Li Lan was in a daze under the stage.

Her tablemate suddenly poked her waist.

Li Lan returned to her senses, the politics teacher in the stands looked at her, and the other classmates also turned to look at her.

Li Lan stood up.

The classmate repeated the teacher's question to her in a low voice. Li Lan flipped through the textbook. She had come in halfway, and she was absent-minded. Immediately, one of the first two was big, and she lip-shaped for her tablemate: Which page?

The classmates gave her their books.

When the political teacher saw it, she knew that she didn't listen to the lecture at all, but she didn't criticize the class leader who was excellent in both character and study. Instead, she asked with concern, "Have you not had a good rest recently?"

Li Lan bowed her head in shame.

The political teacher said gently: "Sit down."

He ordered the representative of the political class, and the representative of the political class answered the question accurately and fluently and sat down.


Yu Qingtang went back to the office and saw Ge Jing, whose desk was at the door, and said with a smile, "Mr. Yu is in a good mood today." Is it because he could see his sweetheart again? The steps are so brisk.

Yu Qingtang wondered to himself: Where did you see it?

When she walked to Zhanxi's desk, Cheng Zhanxi leaned forward and asked her in a low voice, "Where did you go?"

Yu Qingtang stopped and whispered back, "I chatted with Li Lan for a while."

"How was the chat?"

"Well enough."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Ge Jing held her face and tutted in her heart.

Look at the young man now, as soon as he returns to the office, he is like glue, and he whispers quietly, so that they will not hear.

Yu Qingtang realized later that it was not appropriate for her to stand and chat with Cheng Zhanxi like this, so she stopped in time and said, "We'll talk about it later."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled and said, "then let's talk on the way home."

She didn't lower her volume.

Yu Qingtang nodded: "Okay."

Ge Jing: "!!"

Teacher Cheng and Teacher Yu are living together! Will it be far from marriage? !