After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 42

In the second big break, the students went to the playground to do radio gymnastics. Cheng Zhanxi accompanied Yu Qingtang to walk around and came back. There were only a few minutes left before class.

She was leaning against the edge of Yu Qingtang's desk, and was about to spend a few minutes talking to her when there was a knock on the office door.

"Mr. Yu."

Yu Qingtang and Cheng Zhanxi looked up at the same time.

Here comes the seventh class political teacher.

The political teacher met two pairs of eyes, looked startled, and blurted out, "Is it convenient?"

There are people coming and going in the office after class, what is the convenience or inconvenience, Yu Qingtang lightly blinked his eyelashes and said, "Convenient, please come in."

Cheng Zhanxi moved out of the place wisely.

The political teacher said again subconsciously, "I'm sorry."

The smile on the corner of Cheng Zhanxi's mouth was playful.

Cheng Zhanxi turned her back to Yu Qingtang at this moment, so Yu Qingtang didn't see her expression.

The political teacher came to talk to Yu Qingtang about Li Lan.

Li Lan's grades in the mid-term exam were regressed, and politics was naturally included, and it was one of the subjects with obvious decline. In addition, she didn't listen to the lectures in class today. The politics teacher didn't criticize her, but she had to tell her head teacher. In addition, they talked about the overall situation of their class in this mid-term exam, classroom discipline, and went back by stepping on the bell.

Yu Qingtang glanced at Cheng Zhanxi, and Cheng Zhanxi looked back at her magnanimously, with a sunny smile.

Yu Qingtang took the pen next to her, opened the cap, and said, "I'm busy with Teacher Cheng."

"You're busy." Cheng Zhanxi glanced at the white gypsophila in the vase on her table, the flowers didn't have a long shelf life, showing their withered appearance.

"Mr. Yu, your flower."

Yu Qingtang followed her gaze, stunned slightly, and for a moment, she said, "Are you going to throw it away?"

"Well." Cheng Zhanxi responded, observing carefully, not missing the faint melancholy in her eyes.

Yu Qingtang was stunned for two seconds again, Fang slowly reacted to the action, she put down the pen and was about to stand up, Cheng Zhanxi said to her, "I'll throw it away, anyway, I'm the most leisurely."

Yu Qingtang did not object.

Cheng Zhanxi took away the withered flowers and the vase, and Yu Qingtang followed her back, watching her disappear at the door, but did not take it back for a long time.

Cheng Zhanxi came back after a few minutes. The flowers in the vase were gone, but the water inside was still clear and clean, and they were replaced with new ones. Cheng Zhanxi divided half of the flowers from her vase and inserted them into Yu Qingtang's vase. The main flowers were tulips, roses, and lilies, adorned with hydrangea and green leaves, which were bright and vibrant.

And the elegant starry sky is completely two styles.

Yu Qingtang's desk layout is simple and simple, and she herself is also monotonous in color. The sudden arrangement of such a bouquet of flowers not only illuminates the corner invisibly, but also makes Yu Qingtang's pale face more charming.

Cheng Zhanxi sat behind her desk and looked at her, a little regretful, but she felt that she deserved such a beautiful flower.

As soon as Teacher Yang Li came in, she was accustomed to the layout and furnishings of the office. At first glance, she noticed that Yu Qingtang's desk was very different, and at the second glance, she saw another one on Cheng Zhanxi's desk diagonally ahead. A flower arrangement carved out of a mold.

Yang Li smiled clearly and returned to her seat to sit down.

Yu Qingtang bowed her head to prepare for the lesson, there was always a bright color in the corner of her vision, occupying her vision and lingering.

Before you know it, the morning ends.

There was a song playing on the campus radio, Cheng Zhanxi closed the book, tilted his head and called Yu Qingtang: "Mr. Yu, are you going to dinner?"

Yu Qingtang: "Where are you going?"

"Canteen." Cheng Zhanxi said.

During the time spent with Yu Qingtang, Cheng Zhanxi found that Yu Qingtang was a person who didn't like to make decisions by himself, and even refused to make choices, and was more used to letting others arrange, so Cheng Zhanxi no longer offered her options as before, but Decide directly, and then let her nod or shake her head. In terms of eating, Yu Qingtang usually nods her head.

"Okay." This time was no exception.

Eat together, go home together.

The road is lined with plane trees, walking side by side on the boulevard, the autumn wind is soft and comfortable on the face, the footsteps of the two tend to be the same, and even the noise on the road is reduced.

"Mr. Yu."

"What?" It took two seconds for Yu Qingtang to return to her, and she realized that she didn't know why she was in a trance.

Cheng Zhanxi reminded her gently: "Let's talk about Li Lan on the way."

"Well..." Yu Qingtang organized the language in her mind, trying to summarize their conversation in the fewest sentences possible, but according to her simplified method, only "Li Lan apologized to me" "She wants to resign, I let me She will think about it again.” Teacher Cheng will definitely not be satisfied with such omission. When the time comes to ask questions, she will spend more time and effort to explain.

After weighing it, Yu Qingtang repeated the conversation between the two of them in a tone that was not ups and downs throughout the whole process.

Cheng Zhanxi's first reaction turned out to be: "You said so much?"

Usually, she would not take the initiative to chat with herself so much, Cheng Zhanxi thought bitterly.

Yu Qingtang said in a businesslike tone, "She is a student, and I am the head teacher."

Although she is not good at dealing with emotional problems, and does not want to have any feelings for students, but she has a brain, can analyze, and has studied educational psychology, and knows how to enlighten a student, how to choose an educational method at such an age, and guide them on the right path.

Whatever is within her responsibility, she will do it.

Cheng Zhanxi restrained his sourness and asked her softly, "Are you tired?"


"When the head teacher has to talk to the students so much, are you tired?" Cheng Zhanxi's voice was very gentle, more pressing than the autumn wind, and his heart softened involuntarily.

Yu Qingtang lowered her head, gently twisted her ear hair, and said softly, "En."

Yu Qingtang suddenly had an idea at this moment, she wanted Cheng Zhanxi to hug her, just like the day she was called by Director Tao, in the storm corridor of the school, hug her like that.

Maybe a little tighter, the body is close to the body, the heartbeat echoes the heartbeat, and you can feel her body temperature.

She even more presumptuous wants to be intimate with her, inseparable.

The thought was forcibly suppressed by her as soon as it started, but it was like a seed buried in the soil. No matter how deep and secretive it was buried, it was eagerly waiting for a spring breeze and rain, and new shoots would emerge, like wild grass growing wildly, breaking through the shackles of reason. One-shot but unreceivable.

Famous Mansion District.

Walking to the door, without waiting for Yu Qingtang to open the zipper on the side of the bag, Cheng Zhanxi took out the door card from his trousers pocket, and turned back to Yu Qingtang and said, "Let's go in."

Yu Qingtang silently put down the hand that touched the bag.

They live in Building 19. The front desk of the property on the first floor works in shifts. The lady at the front desk who was on duty today did not see Cheng Zhanxi. She said to Yu Qingtang who came in, "Hello, Miss Yu."

He put his eyes on Cheng Zhanxi and asked politely and sweetly, "This is Miss Yu's..."

Yu Qingtang said coldly and briefly, "My tenant."

The lady at the front desk automatically understood it as a "guest in the room", and instantly thought crooked.

Because Yu Qingtang has always been alone, not with anyone, and has not been visited by any friends since he stayed for more than half a year, suddenly a beautiful woman appeared beside him, how could people not think that she was a confidante.

Cheng Zhanxi said with a gentle smile: "I live in 2102. My surname is Cheng. I have registered before. You can check it out. At that time, there was a young lady who was as good-looking as you."

2102? Not Miss Yu's 2101?

The young lady at the front desk is thinking back. Because of her compliment, the standard smile of eight teeth could hardly be maintained and turned into twenty: "Hello, Miss Cheng."

Cheng Zhanxi is a well-mannered and thoughtful person. Even if he wanted to return the salute and say a few beautiful words, Yu Qingtang's eyes sank and he walked past her.

Cheng Zhanxi had to smile at the front desk without rudeness, and raised his feet to catch up.

There were other people at the elevator entrance, all of whom were tenants of this building. Seeing them coming over one after another, they settled on Yu Qingtang and greeted them one after another, "Miss Yu."

Yu Qingtang nodded.

Then he looked at Cheng Zhanxi, an unfamiliar face behind him.

There are not many residents in this building. Even if they don't usually interact with each other, they are familiar in the elevator for more than half a year, but this is the first time Cheng Zhanxi has seen her. She is young and beautiful, and she is outstanding. Naturally, she took a second look.

And Cheng Zhanxi was confused and thought: Why do they all say hello to Yu Qingtang? Yu Qingtang is not a person who likes to communicate.

Among these people were a well-dressed female white-collar worker, a man with a briefcase in a suit and leather shoes, who should be working in a nearby office building, and a middle-aged pair who seemed to be husband and wife. It all sounded with vague respect, not like chatting with friends.


The elevator has arrived.

Everyone entered in order.

The man with the briefcase saw Cheng Zhanxi press the 21st floor after swiping his card, and there was a little surprise in his eyes.

The female white-collar worker just glanced at it and withdrew her gaze.

The 22nd floor was in direct sunlight, and Yu Qingtang was not furnished, so he did not rent it out. Several of them got down in front, and when they went out, they nodded slightly to Yu Qingtang.

Cheng Zhanxi: "???"

With only the two of them left in the elevator, Cheng Zhanxi finally couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Yu, do you know them?"

"I don't know." Yu Qingtang said honestly.

Cheng Zhanxi looked at her.

Yu Qingtang said: "But they are all my tenants."

Cheng Zhanxi was speechless for a moment, and struggled to squeeze a word out of his throat: "all?"

Yu Qingtang hummed flatly, the elevator reached the 21st floor, she lifted her foot and walked out.

Cheng Zhanxi got on his heels.

After getting out of the elevator, Yu Qingtang turned to the left, and Cheng Zhanxi stopped her: "Mr. Yu."

Yu Qingtang stopped, with a slight indistinct stiffness in her figure.

She knew that Cheng Zhanxi probably wouldn't be surprised by a property, but she should be considered rich among ordinary people, and her material conditions were not too bad, so...

Why is there so?

Yu Qingtang didn't quite understand what he was expecting.

Cheng Zhanxi asked, "What time do you go to school at noon? Am I with you?" Yu Qingtang felt a hint of undetectable loss in her heart, turned her back to her, and said indifferently, "I'm going out at half past one."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Then I'll wait for you at the elevator?"

Yu Qingtang: "Okay."

She opened the door of 2101, and her back disappeared behind the door.

Cheng Zhanxi turned around and walked towards 2102. After closing the door, the surprise on his face was shown plainly.

one building!

Of course, what surprised her was not that someone owned a building. The property in her name was more than that. Although she didn't remember the exact number, she was surprised that Yu Qingtang's family background was far beyond what she expected. Those who can give their daughter a building casually are definitely not ordinary rich families.

There are more and more mysteries on Yu Qingtang. Cheng Zhanxi leaned on the sofa in the living room and pointed his finger on his chin for deep thought.

Her withdrawn character is mostly inseparable from her family. The key is that she can't ask directly, let alone go to her house, and she has no way to start.

Cheng Zhanxi sat for a while, always feeling that something was missing, her calf swayed in the air, looking up at the motionless white ceiling, she knew what was missing.

Yu Qingtang put on long-sleeved pajamas, and the phone vibrated.

She pulled her long black hair back from her neckline and walked over to pick up her phone.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Dear Teacher Yu, can I install a hanging chair in the living room?

[Yu Qingtang]: Yes.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Pretend to invite you to play

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Why does Teacher Cheng act like a child?

She put her phone on the bedside table on mute and lay down in the bed, but she couldn't help softening her expression.

Cheng Zhanxi just thought that her sweetheart lived between the two doors. The two of them took a nap together now, and they had to go to school together later. She was so excited that she couldn't sleep, she closed her eyes and laughed loudly, writhing on the bed. Rolling to and fro, from time to time a few screams leaked from the pillow.

The first opportunity to take a nap in bed was exhausted by Cheng Zhanxi's tumbling. At 1:15, her alarm clock rang, Cheng Zhanxi jumped up from the bed, and went to the bathroom full of energy to wash her face.

During this period, the alarm clock rang every minute. She came out and turned off the alarm clocks one by one. After finishing cleaning, Cheng Zhanxi didn't go out for a while, watching the movement in the corridor from the cat's eye.

Yu Qingtang also didn't sleep well today. She fell asleep or had a dream. When she woke up, her head was dizzy, and there were still vague and bizarre fragments in her mind.

She took two sips of the water on the bedside table, pinched her sore brows with two fingers, suddenly remembered something, and turned her head to look at the digital clock.

1:20. It was five minutes before her alarm went off.

Yu Qingtang breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately got up without delay to change clothes and wash his face, and it took only three minutes to take care of it.

She walked to the door, stopped hesitantly, and opened the cat's eye on the door.

The hallway was silent.


A figure of Cheng Zhanxi in a thin orange coat appeared on the opposite side, and Yu Qingtang breathed gently.

Cheng Zhanxi stood at the elevator entrance, raised his wrist to look at the sports bracelet in his hand, pursed his lips and stared at the opposite door, feeling a little unease in his heart.

Will Teacher Yu quietly leave early?



2101's door opened.

Cheng Zhanxi looked happy.

When Yu Qingtang went out to see her, she was slightly taken aback.

Cheng Zhanxi was full of energy and greeted with a smile: "Mr. Yu, good afternoon."

Yu Qingtang said calmly, "Good afternoon."

"Are you surprised to see me?" Cheng Zhanxi said with a smile.

"It's okay." Yu Qingtang cupped her ear and hair with her hands, her cheeks were warm, and she looked directly at the elevator in front of her.

Cheng Zhanxi's expression became more playful.

Yu Qingtang's acting skills have always been poor, so she pretended to be surprised just now. Cheng Zhanxi wondered why she pretended to be surprised, but it wasn't that she didn't tell her that she would wait outside.

The corridor was spacious, one of them was thoughtful, the other was absent-minded, the elevator was late, and Yu Qingtang realized that he didn't press the elevator at all.

At the same time as she stretched out her hand, Cheng Zhanxi also stretched out her hand, her fingertips accidentally touched in mid-air, and an invisible electric current jumped up where they touched.

The two looked at each other.

Cheng Zhanxi's eyes gradually deepened.

Yu Qingtang resisted the urge to avoid her gaze, and pretended to be nonchalant, "Come here."

She retracted her hand, hid it in her trench coat pocket, and involuntarily flexed her cold white knuckles.

Cheng Zhanxi's articulated hand continued to move forward, his fingernails were neatly trimmed and filled with light pink like pearls, and he pressed the elevator.

She stepped back and continued to stand side by side with Yu Qingtang, tilting her head inadvertently, her eyes falling on her slightly red ears.

Cheng Zhanxi curled the corners of his lips.

Yu Qingtang lowered her head, her long black hair fell down softly, covering Xuejing's ears.

Cheng Zhanxi felt a little regretful, and at the same time couldn't help recalling the scene when he kissed her ear, Yu Qingtang refused to kiss, so the flirting and prelude that night were concentrated on the neck of the ear. She was fine when she was not emotional, but was very sensitive when she was emotional. Incredible, a slight bite, or a kiss, will tremble all over, hook her hard, give the most honest response, and cry softly like a kitten.

It's both pitiful and cute, and it's extraordinarily tempting to bully.

The more I cry, the more I want to bully.

Almost made Cheng Zhanxi unable to maintain his demeanor and completely lost control.

Cheng Zhanxi will think in a few times that Yu Qingtang, who was so obedient that night—ignoring the unpleasantness of the previous period—is the same person now, Yu Qingtang, who is full of coldness and refuses everyone for a thousand miles?

Based on Cheng Zhanxi's understanding and judgment of her, Yu Qingtang's style is conservative, not like someone who can go to bars to have fun. Why would she ask someone to go to a hotel, and from her unfamiliar experience, it was her first time.


After she got close to her, the original puzzle was not answered, but more.


Cheng Zhanxi and Yu Qingtang walked into the elevator back and forth.

The wall of Guang Kejian's elevator car reflected Cheng Zhanxi's frowning and thoughtful look, Yu Qingtang looked at Cheng Zhanxi's face on the car wall and did not look away.

The elevator stopped in the middle, and a family of six came in, which suddenly made the spacious elevator a little crowded.

Yu Qingtang frowned inaudibly, and retreated to the corner, Cheng Zhanxi thoughtfully stood in front of her.

At this time, there were a lot of people going to work, and several people came in one after another on the way down, and it became more and more crowded. Cheng Zhanxi simply turned to face Yu Qingtang, resting one hand on the wall of the sedan chair, and firmly protected her in the corner.

The two were facing each other, Cheng Zhanxi was half a head taller than her, Yu Qingtang lowered her head slightly, and her lips just fell on Yu Qingtang's forehead.

The shallow breath brushed from the forehead to the eyebrows, the breath was warm and slightly itchy.

Yu Qingtang's knuckles were tight, and her limbs were also tense, and she didn't even dare to take a breath.

Cheng Zhanxi was not much better than her, the elevator stopped and went, her elbows on the car wall were sore, and even worse, she could see Yu Qingtang's curly and slender eyelashes, the bridge of her nose, and the lightness when she lowered her head. Lightly pursing her **** thin lips, they were all tempting her to fall.

Kiss her recklessly, occupy her.

The elevator down numbers stop at the 3rd floor.

There was a moan in the elevator.

"Can't you just walk down the stairs on the third floor?"

Anyway, the elevator door opened.

Cheng Zhanxi felt a force pushing towards her from behind, and her body leaned forward uncontrollably.

There was a warm, soft touch on his forehead.

The two were stunned at the same time.


Arrived on the first floor.

Everyone filed out.

Cheng Zhanxi and Yu Qingtang were at the end, Cheng Zhanxi's expression was a little unnatural, and his mind began to liven up, and gradually disappeared under Yu Qingtang's calm and unwavering gaze.

Adults will hide their thoughts, unlike when they were young, everything was written on their faces and it was clear at a glance.

The two walked into the school with a calm expression, delayed for a while on the way, almost "late", and stepped on the preparation bell to enter the office.

Ge Jing and Yang Li were about to go to class when they happened to bump into the two people who came in from the front and back, exchanged tacit glances, and went out with a smile.


Seven classes of physics.

Wen Zhihan came in with a physics textbook, his expression was still gentle, but the depths of his eyes were cold.

After finishing today's class, she asked the physics class representative to send today's exercises in class.

From the beginning to the end, the students in Class 7 looked relaxed and smiled when they first got the papers. When they looked down and saw the question, they were dumbfounded.

This question...isn't it too difficult?

Frowning frowns, biting pen biting pen, and some eye contact with classmates around.

--Do you know?

- I won't.

- You can't, so I can't!

Some of the expressions are in a trance: who am I and where am I? Did I really pay attention to the class just now?

After the physics class representative finished the first question, he frowned and fell into deep self-doubt.

Wen Zhihan looked at the students who were thinking and thinking, and even showed despair, and gave birth to Yu Qingtang's relief.

Wen Zhihan: "This mid-term exam, everyone did very well in physics, so I will train everyone to improve the problem. The difficulty of the questions has increased a little bit than before."

"Everyone do it seriously." She got off the podium and walked around the classroom slowly, smiling beyond her eyes.

The classmates grabbed their hair: is this called rising a little? ! ! I don't know a single question! ! !

Wen Zhihan left as soon as the get out of class bell rang.

The representatives of the physics class were picking up their homework in the classroom, only to hear one after another wailing. The class representatives glanced when they were picking up their homework. Many people only answered one question or handed in a blank paper.

Some students directly wrote in the blank: I'm sorry teacher, I can't do it.

The best part of the classmates wrote a few more steps than others, but they didn't fully answer them.

Physics class representative Tian Tian: "..."

She went to the office to hand in her homework, and looked at Wen Zhihan, who was looking down at a professional book in English, before he stopped.

Wen Zhihan raised his head and said calmly, "Is something wrong?"

I don't know if it was Tian Tian's illusion, but she felt that Wen Zhihan looked at her with a hint of coldness.

Tian Tian said: "Mr. Wen, I just looked at the homework, and many people can't answer them. These questions are too far beyond our ability. Do you think it's easier to reduce the difficulty?"

Wen Zhihan put his hand on the book and said calmly, "This is what you have learned."

Tian Tian's words were stagnant.

I have learned it, but these topics are just playing out what I have learned, deforming and becoming unrecognizable by my mother.

Wen Zhihan raised his fingers slightly, and said lightly: "I'll talk about it in the next class. It's very simple. The important thing is to find the right way to solve the problem. You can go back to the classroom first."

Tian Tian bowed his head: "Yes."