After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 45

Cheng Zhanxi was rejected unexpectedly.

Today, the foot that was testing Yu Qingtang's social distance boundary was retracted.

But Yu Qingtang accompanied her to the door of the supermarket, then separated from her, entered the community alone, and then went to Building 19.

The lady at the front desk saw that she was alone and looked behind her.

Yu Qingtang didn't miss her suspicious look, she tugged down on the shoulder strap of her bag, and quickened her pace.

More than half an hour later, Cheng Zhanxi also came in, with his hands full of vegetables.

"Hello, Miss Cheng."


"Does Miss Cheng buy so many dishes to cook by herself?"

"Yeah." Cheng Zhanxi smiled and went to the elevator to wait for the elevator.

The lady at the front desk looked at her back enviously, wondering whether she was envious of Cheng Zhanxi or Yu Qingtang, who had a girlfriend who washed her hands and made soup.

But she didn't know that only Cheng Zhanxi ate the meal alone.

Cheng Zhanxi likes to cook. While chatting with friends over a bluetooth headset, he methodically handles all kinds of ingredients, washing, draining, and chopping vegetables. After hanging up the phone, he switches to music playback, and quickly makes a table full of flavors and aromas. Home-cooked dishes, green vegetables, fried sugar-colored ribs, boiled shrimp with sauce, tomato and egg soup, decorated with various colors.

Cheng Zhanxi took a photo and sent it to the circle of friends without permission, and also sent a separate copy to Yu Qingtang.

She felt that Yu Qingtang was unlikely to see her circle of friends.

Yu Qingtang, who had finished eating boiled noodles, received news from Cheng Zhanxi in the study.

Cheng Zhanxi: [[Picture]]

Yu Qingtang: "..."

I said in my heart that I don't want to use my fingers, but I honestly opened the big picture.

Her stomach, which had not been filled for a long time, seemed to be wriggling, and saliva was secreted unconsciously.

Cheng Zhanxi: [Mr. Yu, would you like to eat more? 】

Yu Qingtang struggled with his own instincts.

Yu Qingtang: [No need, thank you Teacher Cheng]

Cheng Zhanxi: [Then I'll eat it myself, today's ribs are well done]

As he typed, Cheng Zhanxi took a bite of the sweet and sour short ribs made by himself.

Cheng Zhanxi ate a mouthful of rice with it, which was crystal clear and full, and the grains were distinct. She also strictly followed the standard for the amount of water for cooking to ensure that the cooked rice had an attractive aroma.

She didn't believe that Yu Qingtang could stay unmoved again and again. For her, there are three most irresistible things in the world, one is art, the second is love, and the third is food.

As long as Yu Qingtang stepped into her house once, there would be the second, third, and countless times, and in the end, she would even stay with her.

There are three free meals that don't need to be done by yourself, including a variety of night snacks, and beautiful women on the side, who can resist?

Yu Qingtang is also worried about this problem. Cheng Zhanxi invites her every three times and five times. She can't refuse every time. .

Unless... Cheng Zhanxi leaves Sicheng before the day comes.

Why did she come to Sicheng? If it is an art exhibition, you can leave as early as two months ago, and this temporary worker has been a physical education teacher for two months. Has it not lost its freshness yet?

Yu Qingtang absently typed the outline of the weekend parent-teacher meeting, and determined the students who need to be praised and reminded according to the student's report sheets and materials, as well as the parents of the students who were focusing on them. Suddenly, she heard a grunt. She paused with her fingers and glanced down. ——It came from her stomach.

Yu Qingtang: "..."

She went and poured herself a glass of milk, dug out a few slices of bread from the refrigerator, and kept it handy.

The bread had no filling and was dry in the mouth. She ate it one bite at a time with the milk. She couldn't help but opened the picture that Cheng Zhanxi sent her, and her expression showed a slight shake.

In the end, she decided to lock the screen of her phone out of sight and put it upside down on the desktop.


The doorbell rang in the living room.

Yu Qingtang paused slightly, put down the bread, and got up to open the door.

Cheng Zhanxi stood at the door with his left hand holding the heat preservation bucket that Yu Qingtang delivered porridge last night, and said with a smile, "Good evening, Mr. Yu, I'll return the heat preservation bucket."

Yu Qingtang took it and looked at her right hand.

Cheng Zhanxi is holding a plate of boiled shrimp that just appeared in the photo in his right hand. The shrimp shell has been removed to reveal the firm shrimp meat. There is also a sauce plate with a pair of bamboo chopsticks on the plate.

Yu Qingtang's eyes were glued to the plate, and only after a few seconds did it fall back to Cheng Zhanxi's face.

Reason told her that the best way now is to not listen to Cheng Zhanxi's words and close the door directly, but her throat rolled several times, but she couldn't say the refusal.

Cheng Zhanxi waited for her stage and said, "I cooked too much shrimp at night, and I still can't eat half of it. It won't be delicious if it's hot again tomorrow. I want to ask Teacher Yu for help."

Yu Qingtang said calmly, "I don't eat supper at night."

Cheng Zhanxi said silently, "It's only after eight o'clock. I don't think it's a midnight snack? Many people eat dinner at this time after get off work."

She changed the plate to her left hand, picked up the bamboo chopsticks in her right hand, grabbed a jiwei shrimp, dipped it in the sauce, and brought it to her lips with the bottom of the plate.

Yu Qingtang watched a series of her actions, but she could only watch, the delicious shrimp dripping with sauce came to her eyes.

Yu Qingtang resisted the urge to swallow and struggled: "Mr. Cheng..."

She raised her eyes and caught Cheng Zhanxi's eyes off guard. Those gentle brown eyes seemed to possess the magic power to deceive people. Yu Qingtang opened her red lips slightly, biting the shrimp meat on the tip of the chopsticks. , the garlic sauce wraps the original shrimp meat and melts on the tip of the tongue, bringing the ultimate enjoyment.

Before Yu Qingtang could react, he had already eaten one.

Cheng Zhanxi looked at her expectantly: "How does it taste?"

Yu Qingtang was in a complicated mood, sighed silently in her heart, and said honestly, "It's delicious."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "try another one?"

Yu Qingtang said, "No."

Cheng Zhanxi fed it to her mouth, hesitated for a few seconds, and then ate it obediently.

One raw, two cooked, three and four...

Cheng Zhanxi said softly, "the last one, ah."

Yu Qingtang opened her mouth obediently. When she ate, she didn't notice that Cheng Zhanxi swallowed with her, her eyes darkened.

She naturally eats seriously, and only she knows what Cheng Zhanxi wants to "eat" at this moment.

After feeding, Cheng Zhanxi put the chopsticks back on the plate and smiled sincerely, "Thank you, Teacher Yu, for your help."

Yu Qingtang had just put on a perfect show of being upright, and she didn't know what to answer.

Cheng Zhanxi called the curtain at the right time: "rest early, good night."

Yu Qingtang: "...Good night."

Cheng Zhanxi put one hand on his waist, lifted the hem of the skirt that didn't exist, gave a half princess ceremony, and said goodbye gracefully.

Yu Qingtang looked at her back, until she disappeared behind the door of 2102, Fang Rumeng woke up.

She turned around and closed the door.

There was half-eaten bread on the desk. Yu Qingtang packed the rest of the untouched bread back into a bag, and ate the remaining half with the thought of not wasting it. As a result, he was fed up with an appetite just a few minutes ago. With a strong protest, Yu Qingtang had to dig out the strawberry jam from the kitchen, smear a little on it, and reluctantly enter it.

... Teacher Cheng is really a scourge.

In the middle of the night, Yu Qingtang, who had to walk back and forth in the living room to digest food because she ate too much, sighed in her heart.

Maybe she should go for a walk in Swan Lake like Cheng Zhanxi?

Realizing that he was becoming less and less like himself, Yu Qingtang promptly dismissed the idea.

Yu Qingtang could predict that the food stored in her refrigerator might become less and less satisfying to her.

After Xiao Shi and took a bath, Yu Qingtang lay on the bed, tossing and turning, wondering if there was any way to get him out of the current situation. Later, she found out with regret that everything started when she let Cheng Zhanxi move in when she relented last week.

The initiative is in Cheng Zhanxi's hands, and he has no power to defend himself. She is not very good at dealing with such enthusiasm, and she can't help but get closer when she wants to stay away.

Yu Qingtang fell asleep unconsciously, clutching the quilt tightly with her fingers.

Yu Qingtang didn't sleep peacefully that night, and was full of chaotic dreams. When woken up by the alarm clock, he put the back of his hand on his forehead, groaned in pain, and woke up.

She sat on the head of the bed, her temples throbbing.

Yu Qingtang took the phone and saw that there was a message in the latest notification. After seeing the sender, her empty eyes opened completely.


[Cheng Zhanxi]: Sketching

Does she have to get up so early every day?

Yu Qingtang pinched her brows with two fingers, paused for a while, remembered something, and sent a message to Cheng Zhanxi: [Be careful of catching a cold]

Yu Qingtang came back after washing and found that Cheng Zhanxi had replied to her.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: I know, I wore a thick coat

Yu Qingtang didn't bother her anymore.

She dressed neatly and went out. She just walked out of the 19th building and glanced in the direction of the community's Swan Lake with a hesitant expression.

She walked to the exit of the community, and two young men in sportswear walked towards her. The moment they passed by, Yu Qingtang heard someone say, "Let's go for a run by the lake, I heard that a very beautiful girl will go there. Sketching, what if we meet by chance? I need a contact information or something.”

Yu Qingtang paused and followed the two in silence.

Cheng Zhanxi really was by the lake, because it was just dawn and it was still early, and there were only people who came out for morning jogging by the lake. These people went back and forth behind her, occasionally casting curious eyes.

Cheng Zhanxi tied a loose ponytail at the back of his head, two strands of long hair fell from his ears, the pale morning light reflected the soft contours of his face, the bridge of his nose was high when viewed from the side, and his thin lips were pursed unconsciously because of concentration. It's her habit.

The two young men stopped not far from Cheng Zhanxi, and after seeing her too beautiful appearance, they immediately felt inferior and gave up the heart to strike up a conversation.

They turned their faces again and saw Yu Qingtang with picturesque features at a safe distance behind them. The two exchanged glances, gave each other a sympathetic look, walked away silently, and jogged along the lake.

Before Yu Qingtang approached, Cheng Zhanxi left after watching for a while.

Today, Cheng Zhanxi ended early, and he arrived at school just after the second quarter's preparation bell.

Li Lan walked out of the office and said hello to her: "Mr. Cheng."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled and nodded.

Cheng Zhanxi noticed that she didn't have anything in her hand, and after entering the office, she asked Yu Qingtang, "Is there anything Li Lan is looking for from you?"

Yu Qingtang glanced at the empty seat opposite and said, "It's about Wen Zhihan." She added, "That's what you told me yesterday."

Cheng Zhanxi understood.

Yesterday, when we went home from school together, she conveyed to Yu Qingtang what she heard from Tong Feifei, such as "Mr. Wen is crazy". She felt that this matter needed to be taken seriously.

Cheng Zhanxi: "Where's Teacher Wen?"