After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 52

"I don't have parents."

After Yu Qingtang said this, he continued to walk forward without explaining any more.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't ask any further questions, and walked quietly beside her.

Yu Qingtang doesn't look like a person who is angry and speaks impulsive things. She said that without parents, either her parents died early, or it was a situation similar to Xiang Tianyou, but it was more serious than Xiang Tianyou. The family was so bad that she did not recognize the existence of her parents.

Cheng Zhanxi thought about it, and then asked in a natural tone as much as possible: "Then who do you live with now?"

It seemed that what she had just heard was just an ordinary thing, no big deal, and such an attitude undoubtedly reduced Yu Qingtang a lot of pressure from her heart - even if she didn't admit it herself.

Yu Qingtang's nerves were relieved, and she answered her in a calm tone: "With grandfather and grandma."

Then came the natural greetings.

"Is grandpa and grandma in good health?"


The wind blew through the leaves, rustling.

Yu Qingtang pinned her lower ear hair and pursed her lips lightly, and said, "Grandpa accidentally fell in the first half of the year."

"is it serious?"

"Fortunately, it's almost recuperating."

"My grandmother also fell before, and I won't remember much after waking up. Now the juniors in the family only recognize me." Cheng Zhanxi looked down at the ground under his feet, and there was a hint of sadness in his voice.

Yu Qingtang didn't know how to comfort her, recalled the content of the film and television dramas and books, and for a long time, bluntly squeezed out a chicken soup: "Cherish the moment you have, and spend more time with the elderly."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled, she raised her head, and said, "You too."

Yu Qingtang showed a slightly unnatural look on her face, she quickly lowered her eyes to cover it, and gave a low hum.

Cheng Zhanxi sighed in his heart.

... It seems that the relationship with the grandparents is not close.

Cheng Zhanxi almost gave birth to an angry mood. If such a well-behaved child was born in her home, her parents would not be able to spoil her to the sky, even a skin monkey like herself could be raised like this. After thinking about it, if Yu Qingtang was born in her family, it would be her sister, no, sister, sisters are not allowed to incest, she should be born in someone else's family, and then it will be the same as marrying in the door.

In the future, she will not only have parents, a brother, and most importantly, a wife.

Cheng Zhanxi tried again: "I'm not familiar with the old city, where does your family live?"

This time Yu Qingtang didn't answer her.

Go back to the entrance of Fenglin Green Capital Community.

Yu Qingtang took the initiative to ask, "Mr. Cheng, what would you like to eat?" Cheng Zhanxi didn't particularly want to eat, so she just said casually. Yu Qingtang took her into a nearby shopping mall, and the two walked and watched, and entered a grilled fish shop.

On the weekends, many people have to wait for a number. Yu Qingtang went to get a number as the host, and looked back at Cheng Zhanxi sitting in the corner of the waiting area, looking at her with a smile, peach blossom eyes flashing finely.

The surrounding voices suddenly fell silent for a short while.

Yu Qingtang suddenly remembered the words "Looking for her in the crowd", she paused for a while, and walked towards the dimly lit place step by step.

"There are more than a dozen tables ahead, do you want to eat anything else?" She showed Cheng Zhanxi the receipt.

"No need, there are a lot of people on weekends, so we have to wait for everything else." Cheng Zhanxi reached out and grabbed Yu Qingtang's hand, and his fingertips scratched her soft palm intimately. Yu Qingtang's white jade knuckles curled slightly, but did not break free from her. hand. Cheng Zhanxi looked up at the woman's obedient eyebrows. With this posture, as long as she gently pulled, Yu Qingtang could sit in her arms, warmly fragrant and nephrite, and intimately connected.

My heart beat a little faster.

Cheng Zhanxi's eyes were full of emotions, and he gently folded his hand, pressed her to the seat next to him and sat down side by side, and said, "Wait patiently, I'm not very hungry, how about you?"

"Not too hungry." Yu Qingtang said honestly.

Except for the meals cooked by Cheng Zhanxi, it is difficult for other foods to arouse her strong appetite.

There was one thought she didn't dare to think about: whether she wanted to eat the meals made by Teacher Cheng, or whether she wanted to meet her.

Cheng Zhanxi went to the reception desk to ask for a menu and pencils, and ordered first while waiting for a table. Yu Qingtang had no objection, but only leaned over to take a look when Cheng Zhanxi asked her, her ears just close to Cheng Zhanxi's red lips , the hot air in her breath spit on her ear, Yu Qingtang looked calm and did not avoid it.

After eating, Cheng Zhanxi asked Yu Qingtang to accompany him around the mall, bought a cup of hot milk tea, and asked for two straws.

Yu Qingtang took her first sip. Today was hot cocoa, and the rich chocolate flavor filled her mouth. She frowned indistinctly.

Cheng Zhanxi was keen and asked, "don't you like it?"

Yu Qingtang shook her head: "It's too sweet."

"Really?" Cheng Zhanxi held the straw and lowered his head to take a sip. After a while, he said, "It seems to be a little bit. Next time, put three-point sugar."

Yu Qingtang's eyes narrowed next to him, and he realized it later.

...Cheng Zhanxi used the straw she drank.

Cheng Zhanxi shook the milk tea cup in a small arc, looked up and saw her expression was different, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yu Qingtang pursed her lips crampedly and said, "No."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled, bit the straw again, and covered her rosy lips.

Yu Qingtang didn't open his eyes.

It was really sweet, but it was acceptable to Cheng Zhanxi, so she drank the cup of hot cocoa by herself and threw the empty cup into the trash, including the unused straw.

Yu Qingtang walked a few meters away and looked back at the trash can.

It was still Cheng Zhanxi's locomotive when I went back. Yu Qingtang had an experience. This time, once she was seated, she obediently tightened Cheng Zhanxi's flexible waist, and her upper body also pressed against her back without any gap, like a tree bag. baby bear.

Cheng Zhanxi put his feet on the ground, supported the body, and fiddled with the zipper of the jacket with one hand. After finishing the zipper, he got the helmet, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

After dawdling for a while, he felt that Yu Qingtang should be suspicious, Cheng Zhanxi restrained his smile and said, "Are you ready?"

Yu Qingtang felt a little sore when he hugged it, and said, "Hold it up."

Cheng Zhanxi twisted the accelerator, and the silver-white locomotive sped out.

Yu Qingtang, who was in the car for the second time, was no longer so scared, but she still closed her eyes from the beginning and pressed her profile face to Cheng Zhanxi's back.

His arms clasped a little tighter.

Speeding all the way, slow down at the entrance of the garage, and enter the underground garage through the slope.

When the light under his eyelids dimmed, Yu Qingtang opened his eyes and looked at the unfamiliar and familiar parking lot in front of him.

coming so soon?

Cheng Zhanxi stopped the car, Yu Qingtang came down with her shoulders, unfastened the safety buckle of the helmet, took it off, and shook her long hair.

Cheng Zhanxi sat in the car, took off his helmet first, handed it out, and Yu Qingtang took it subconsciously.

Cheng Zhanxi turned off the car, sat on the car, untied the head rope, and re-tied it with a five-finger comb, then pulled out the key, stepped out with his long legs, got off the car easily, and stepped on the ground with his feet firmly on the ground.

Yu Qingtang held her all-black helmet and watched her series of movements intently.

Cheng Zhanxi cast his eyes at her, the light from the underground garage reflected in her gentle brown eyes, the peach blossoms at the end of her eyes were a little blush, which made people feel more and more excited.

Yu Qingtang's fingertips touched the icy surface of the helmet, and she suddenly returned to her senses, only to find that Cheng Zhanxi was very close to her, and her eyelashes like crow feathers were distinct.

Yu Qingtang jolted, strode back, stepped on something, and fell back unsteadily.

Cheng Zhanxi shot in time, wrapped her long arms around her slender waist, and moved forward, Yu Qingtang fell into her arms, and accidentally bumped her forehead against her lips.

The soft flesh on the inside of the lips knocked against the hard teeth, Cheng Zhanxi immediately gasped, and physiological tears suddenly poured out.

Yu Qingtang heard her pain, looked up, and saw that blood slowly oozes from the center of Cheng Zhanxi's upper lip, smearing a bright color.

Yu Qingtang: "!!!"

She quickly asked, "Are you alright?"

With tears in his eyes, Cheng Zhanxi couldn't speak at all, and waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

Yu Qingtang said, "I'll take you to the hospital!"

Cheng Zhanxi grabbed her figure and rushed out, and said vaguely, "It's okay, it's not serious."

Yu Qingtang panicked.

Cheng Zhanxi sighed with a smile and led her to the elevator.

A little bit of skin and blood is exchanged for Yu Qingtang to be nervous for her, this business is so worth it.


The two motorcycle helmets were placed side by side on the cabinet at the entrance. The medicine box was opened and placed on the coffee table. Cheng Zhanxi endured the tingling of his lips and told Yu Qingtang, who was in a hurry, the position of the cotton swab.

Cheng Zhanxi is not a delicate and expensive eldest lady. It is common for her to bump and bump when she is playing extreme sports outside. She licks the blood from this small wound with her tongue and waits for it to recover on its own. Yu Qingtang looked like she was facing a big enemy, so she had to cooperate.

"Tell me if it hurts." Yu Qingtang, who had calmed down initially, held a cotton swab in his hand and carefully opened Cheng Zhanxi's upper lip.


Fang Cai Cheng Zhanxi spit out the blood and water when he rinsed his mouth. It was no longer scary to look at, only the blood was still oozing out of the broken place.

Cheng Zhanxi could feel it and wanted to stick out her tongue to lick it, but Yu Qingtang's fingers were there, she had to hold back.

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Cheng Zhanxi: "..."

"???" Cheng Zhanxi looked suspiciously at Yu Qingtang, who was motionless and strange, and opened and closed his red lips, "What's wrong?"

Yu Qingtang was silent for a while again, and asked sincerely, "How should such a wound be treated? What medicine should I apply?"

Cheng Zhanxi: "..."

With a serious expression, she took off the cotton swab in Yu Qingtang's hand and threw it into the trash can, pulled her down and sat beside her, held Yu Qingtang's face with both hands, and couldn't help rubbing it twice.

Yu Qingtang: "?"

Cheng Zhanxi thumped, her forehead rested on her shoulder, and she couldn't stop laughing.

Yu Qingtang looked at Cheng Zhanxi, who was lying on his shoulders, his body was shaking with laughter, and his mood rose inexplicably, with a slight smile in his tone, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Cheng Zhanxi wiped the wet corners of his eyes, straightened up, and said, "No need to deal with it, no need to apply medicine, it will be fine in two days."

Yu Qingtang realized what she was doing here and made a big joke, and immediately left embarrassedly: "Then I'll go back first."

She doesn't care if she is injured, and lacks basic common sense.

Her cheeks were slightly warm, and she went to clear the medicine cabinet on the coffee table.

Cheng Zhanxi took a sip of cold water, held it in his mouth for a while, swallowed it, and asked, "Does Teacher Yu have any plans for tomorrow?"

Yu Qingtang turned her back to her and said, "Home visit."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Or Xiangtianyou?"

Yu Qingtang: "No, go to Xiao Qing's house."

Cheng Zhanxi searched in his mind for a while, and said, "Her family doesn't seem to be in the city?" Xiao Qing is a dormitory student. There are many counties, towns and villages, and there are not a few students admitted from the townships, and these students from poorer backgrounds are usually very hardworking.

Yu Qingtang said, "It's from Baishui Township. I'll go by car tomorrow morning." After a pause, she added, "It's also a single-parent family. She lived with her father."

Cheng Zhanxi didn't think about it: "I go with you?"

Yu Qingtang asked her if she had anything else as usual, and after getting a negative answer, she answered naturally.

Cheng Zhanxi said with a smile: "I originally wanted to take you out tomorrow to relax in the village I went to before, but I didn't expect to be preempted by other things. Are you free next week?"

Yu Qingtang said, "I want to go back to my grandmother's house."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "then next week, okay?"

Yu Qingtang thought for a while and seemed to be fine, then nodded and said, "Yes."

Cheng Zhanxi showed a bright smile.

"I'm going back." Yu Qingtang stopped Cheng Zhanxi from sending her to 2101, and Cheng Zhanxi watched her at the door of his house and watched her enter the house.

Yu Qingtang was busy in the house for a while, then suddenly stood still and frowned: She didn't seem to have promised to go to that small village with Cheng Zhanxi?

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Forget it, just treat her as a reward for accompanying her home visit, a courtesy exchange.

Baishui Township, subordinate to Jiangning County, Sicheng City, spreads out the administrative division map of Sicheng City. Baishui Township is located in the southeast corner of Sicheng City. .

Cheng Zhanxi asked for the specific address from Yu Qingtang, entered the map for navigation, and went around the east and west.

Cheng Zhanxi checked the surrounding geographical environment again, thought about it, took out his travel backpack, filled it with water and food, commonly used drugs such as motion sickness medicine, power bank, charging cable, mosquito repellent toilet water...etc. , and finally put in a paper map.

Cheng Zhanxi often goes out, sketches or travels, and there are many places without signal coverage. He has the habit of buying a paper map every time he goes to a new place.

Sunday morning at six.

Cheng Zhanxi opened the door of 2102 on time, and Yu Qingtang just came out from the opposite side.

The two faced each other, both of them stunned.

What Yu Qingtang was stunned was that Cheng Zhanxi was dressed like a backpacker, with a red jacket, black pants, pure black hiking shoes, and a bulge on his back, as if he was going out for an adventure.

Cheng Zhanxi was stunned that Yu Qingtang didn't bring anything, just a windbreaker and trousers, his hands were empty, and he didn't even carry a satchel.

Cheng Zhanxi couldn't help but think: Has Teacher Yu traveled far?

Yu Qingtang thought suspiciously: Should I go back and get something?

After a brief period of astonishment, the two withdrew their gazes and greeted each other calmly.

"Mr. Yu, good morning."

"Mr. Cheng, morning."

Yu Qingtang calmly glanced at the bag on her back and looked at the elevator numbers rising in front of her.

Should she go back and get a bottle of water?

The thought lingered in her mind until she got up the elevator.

Cheng Zhanxi looked down and saw Yu Qingtang's canvas shoes, and said after deliberation: "Mr. Yu, do you have other shoes? It's better to change to a pair of sneakers that fit your feet. There is a long way to the place we are going, and we need to walk. ."

If it is Cheng Zhanxi, it's fine, but Yu Qingtang looks like a person who is not diligent and lacks exercise. If the road conditions there are not good, it is very important for her to have a pair of comfortable shoes, otherwise she will have a hard time.

Yu Qingtang was silent and said, "Yes, I'll go back and change."

The elevator opened, slowly closed again, and stopped on the 21st floor.

Yu Qingtang reopened the door of 2101, Cheng Zhanxi stood at the door to pick out shoes for her, and said softly, unhurriedly:

"Choose something that is more breathable, lighter, and has a loose toe... the upper is soft, the fabric inside is smooth, and the sole is stretchy, but not too stretchy..."

Yu Qingtang silently put back the pair of white sneakers she took out. She bit her lip and turned to face Cheng Zhanxi: "Can you help me pick a pair?"

Cheng Zhanxi said happily: "Okay."

She stepped into the hallway one step at a time, took out a pair of them, and chose a pair of light gray sneakers from the sneakers that only took up one floor of the shoe cabinet. They were breathable and soft, with a suitable heel, and the upper was neither soft nor hard.

"Just this pair."

"Thank you, Teacher Cheng."

Cheng Zhanxi suddenly became shorter, and only her bulging backpack was left in Yu Qingtang's half-low vision. Then she felt that her ankle was being held, and she gently lifted it up. She took off her original shoes and stepped on the soles of her feet. With a softer sole, the comfortable and smooth fabric wraps the instep of her foot.

Yu Qingtang looked further down, and saw the woman's soft top of hair, the long tied hair hanging down playfully around her ears.

My heart beat suddenly out of control.

Cheng Zhanxi squatted on one knee, put on Yu Qingtang's shoes, fastened her shoelaces flexibly, and straightened her waist.

"Okay, let's go."

Yu Qingtang stood on the spot.

Cheng Zhanxi turned back and said with a smile, "what's the matter?"

Yu Qingtang sighed without a trace, like waking up from a dream, and said, "Should I bring something more?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "No."

The two set off again.

Passing by the front desk on the first floor, Miss Xianyu at the front desk looked at the two people with completely different weights, and silently determined the attack and suffering of the two.

When the taxi arrived at the bus station, it was just dawn. The conductor at the bus station was yawning at the window. She propped her chin up, lowered her head, and had a mobile phone that was not on the desktop. Suddenly, a cold voice came from her ear.

"Two tickets to Jiangning County."

Across the window, the conductor saw a young woman in a black trench coat, with dark hair and dark pupils, and an outstanding appearance.

"Please show your ID."

"Do you want both?"


Yu Qingtang raised his hand towards Cheng Zhanxi, who was sitting in the blue seat in the waiting area not far away, and pointed to his ID card.

Cheng Zhanxi understood and brought his ID card over.

Yu Qingtang bought the ticket and handed it back to her, with the side with the photo printed facing up. Yu Qingtang inadvertently scanned the ID number column and saw several numbers: 19911202.

Cheng Zhanxi put the ID card back into the card bag.

Yu Qingtang didn't bring a bag, and put his ID card directly in his pocket. Cheng Zhanxi suggested, "Why don't you put it here first."

Yu Qingtang hesitated for a few seconds, then the national emblem was facing up and handed it over.

Cheng Zhanxi wisely avoided the side with detailed information and put it together with his ID card.

The car was parked outside, and the train departed on time. There were five minutes left for this train. After the two showed their tickets, they sat in the front two seats.

Cheng Zhanxi put the bag under his feet and asked casually, "Has Mr. Yu traveled far? It's not the kind that goes to the capital by plane and high-speed train to study, it's a trip."


"When will I take you out to play?" Cheng Zhanxi bent down and took out a bottle of water from his backpack, unscrewed the bottle cap and stuffed it into Yu Qingtang's hand.

"……talk later."

"Has Mr. Yu had breakfast?"


Cheng Zhanxi took out two rice **** from his bag and said with a smile, "I just didn't eat it either."

Yu Qingtang took the heavy rice ball and asked, "Did you make it yourself?"

Cheng Zhanxi sold off and said with a smile, "You can eat and see."

Yu Qingtang opened the triangular rice ball and tasted it. The taste was still warm. No shop opened in the morning. She said firmly, "You did it."

Cheng Zhanxi wowed exaggeratedly and said, "Congratulations, you got it right, this is a reward."

She conjured a small bottle of Yakult from behind her like magic.

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Happy weekend, start with feeding.

The bus departs from the bus station, from the bustling new district to the quaint old city, the sun gradually shows its face in the sky.

After that, even the green walls and black tiles of the old city could not be seen, and the scenery outside the window became vague green hills, low houses, and golden farmland.

Cheng Zhanxi retracted his gaze from the window and looked at Yu Qingtang, who was beside him, who was struggling to endure sleepiness, his head twitching little by little and his eyes soft.

The unchanging scenery and the wobbly body are the most suitable for supplementing sleep.

Yu Qingtang yawned, wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes, and raised his head, still groggy in his mind, trying not to close his eyelids.

A hand reached out and landed on the side of her face, gently supporting her head and making her rest on her shoulders.

With a soft whisper: "Go to sleep."

Yu Qingtang opened a gap, and dimly saw Cheng Zhanxi's superior chin line, unable to resist the drowsiness that came, his head tilted and fell asleep.

Cheng Zhanxi continued to watch the scenery for a while, folded his arms, lowered his head, breathed longer, and fell asleep.

The bus drove smoothly on the road to Jiangning County, and the scenery kept going backwards.

Yu Qingtang suddenly woke up in a breath.

She looked at the back of the chair in front and sat up slowly, but in a blink of an eye she saw Cheng Zhanxi sleeping with her head down.

The reddish warm sun poured into the carriage, outlining the woman's well-defined profile, and under the bridge of her high nose, there were red lips that were slightly parted.

It's dry in winter, but her lips still look hydrated and plump, a touch of peach pink, jelly-like and soft.

Yu Qingtang stared at her lips.

She turned her head to look at the other passengers on the bus who were slumbering, and then looked at Cheng Zhanxi, who was breathing evenly and long and her heart was slightly heaving, and boldly put her hand close to Cheng Zhanxi's lips.

He could feel the slightly burning breath on the back of his finger, Yu Qingtang held his breath and moved forward carefully, pressing the pulp of the index finger on the lip bead in the middle of the woman's upper lip.

Soft and soft, it feels better than she imagined.

She didn't dare to play for too long, and kept observing Cheng Zhanxi's expression. After a while, she retracted her hand and carefully wiped off the lipstick on her fingertips with a tissue. The tissue was folded and put into the pocket of the windbreaker, and she relaxed. tone.

Cheng Zhanxi still kept his arms folded with both hands, motionless.

She closed her eyes, the corners of her lips raised slightly.


A small theater in one sentence:

Cheng Chengzi: Sister Yu has already played with my top mouth, when will I play with the bottom one? (//▽//)